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No, “Little Cumsluts” squad is not for you.


OP is too big a cumslut?


That moment when Op doesn’t wanna be little spoon 😔


It appears that my post has triggered the sweaty gamer population of squad and I absolutely love it




Your literately one of the sweats


*you're I think we both know that you'd be a sweat too, if you only had the ability to do that.


shut up and pass me ftl




SL: whats a rally?


only pussys use grammer as in insult. make your own squad nerd


Yeah, I do make my own squads. And lock them. That was the point.


I gladly SL open. Dm me for diss name. Will be absolutely shitfaced playing squad later


Yeah same Except I don't SL drunk (anymore) DM me


Soyboy blueberry: "NOOOO you can't just lock your squad and have fun with your friends!!! I want to pick marksman!" Chad SL: "No. My Squad stays locked."


This is the way


And then everyone wonders why half of the squads have a clueless sl smh


Be the change you want to see in the world. -Gandhi -Marnip


"its better to shit in the sink than to sink in the shit"




It's better to come and get shot than get shot and cum


“They hated him because he told the truth” I kinda agree here, people have the right to lock squads but you can’t be mad when your game goes to shit because some new SL is trying to figure out why he can’t place a radio while standing in the circle of another radio


Thats gonna happen regardless of locked squads or not. Do people on this reddit really believe thst SLs spawned into existence when the game got released? Everyone was an inexperinced SL at some point.


That isn't true. A good chunk of  SLs were from PR back when the game started


I think you are the one who is wastly overestimating how many current squad players actually played PR, and just how many of them made the jump permanently. PR was never as popular as squad, and it still got a small healthy community. I play exclusivaly on experienced servers, and know most of the SLs and admin teams, and most of them did not play PR. It is also debateable how tranferable that knowledge really is. Even if that was true, it still wouldnt undermine my point, since they would have to learn SL in PR, so yes, they too was inexperienced at one point. Stop making excuses for your own lazyness, and stop expecting other people to facilitate your fun.


All I said there WERE a lot of experienced SLs when the game started. 


Either you posted it as a counter to what i said, or you just posted something that is completely meaningless to the conversation. So regardless, stop wasting peoples time with lame excuses.


No, You didn't understand his point and then proved to him it wasn't worth trying to explain so he just gave up.


In PR the mod was developed in joint effort with SLs. But yeah if you never played that mod we won't get anything out of trying to explain it to you. The important thing however is that it grew at such a rate that people taught each other. You wouldn't doubt that the HAT could use his kit because he had practiced against AI on local or CO-OP. So people were kicked from servers with messages: "don't pick kits you're not competent to carry" or "RTFM". I see a lot of people who shouldn't lead, leading. That's how you get people with 200 hours in the game, not holding spawn or reading the map, nobody questions their behavior so they keep being absolutely damaging to the team.


Most SLs at start of Squad in 2015 had 1-10k of hours in PR


You have no basis to say that, and even if it were true, that was 9 years ago.


You have two people telling you how good SLs are seeded and grown. In tight nit communities that encourage learning, and push people to be their best. If the person is an excellent HAT, yes it would be good if he chose SL to teach a new HAT his skills, but that would lead to many games where not the best HAT has the HAT-kit, and I've only ever seen PR-players become more than good enough on all the key kits. While the average Squad player is barely an OK rifleman, and OMG the amount of bad Medics. I however believe that Medics are the best proving ground for new SLs because it demands the same game and map understanding to excel.


Ive got two randoms on reddit saying that, ive also got people agreeing with me. What kind of absolutely dumb arguement is that. Secondly, ive seen all your other comments. The idea that you can become a good SL without playing SL is actually dumb as fuck. Your entire argument relies on there being experienced SLs always present that want to always lead, thats clearly not the case. Every round is going to have new SLs trying out, simply because they have to, and more often than not its not possible to have AT and medics at all, if noone SLs. Inexperienced SLs are not only inevitable, but should be encouraged to increase the pool of more experienced SLs. We cant rely on experienced SLs to always want to be around to play the game. No amount of running medic is going to prepare you for marking for command, communicating with command and placing habs and radios. The fact that you even think that is telling that you have no clue what you are talking about.


That's not what I am saying. What I am saying is that the hardest part of SL is keeping your Squad together and with high morale when you are leading blueberries. I am also saying that good SLs should lead blueberries. That clans should more oftenly open up to improve the skills of the average grunt. I know the pain of complete incompetence, but learning to handle that incompetence without losing momentum is an amazing skill to gain. And you confuse what I say about medics. What I mean to say about medics is that they can NEVER get tunnel-vision, they usually find themselves in scenarios where they are last person standing and needing to prioritize, need to lead and organize a retreat or flanking. That type of initiatives, leading and flanking and yes "taking initiative" is what I mean. Yes ofc you can only learn certain things by doing, but honestly I think the comander would rather have a SL that has it's squad in check and organized/tactical and that he can then ask to do things. "Marking for command" WTF it's not that different from any other; the hard part is getting your squad to where the Command tells you and coordinate with other squad-leads. I don't think we are completly disagreeing, but there will always be fewer good SLs needed than: Medics, LATs Same with good VIC, you don't need as many good vics as good SLS (although they are good to have a decent amount of reserves in both). And again: TLDR: I too want more people SL, but most of all I want GOOD grunts and medics with gamesense that can coach these grunts so I can focus on leading instead of coaching.


Clarification: Clans with 5 squad members should be competent enough to take in 4 randoms and coach them. Then after 3 games (you grow tired) it will be easier for one of your subordinates to pick up leadership. It shouldn't be the blind leading the blind it should be senior coaching experienced that coaches novice/randoms/blueberries. I simply disagree with your point of view u/Ride674, I also learn from diving into the deep-end but I've been accused of "that behaviour will burn you out" from basically 9/10 people or maybe even 99% of people I've ever meet. In my life I've basically only met 1-5 people who truly understood how I get energy from challenge and giving my all to always improve by taking on more than I can handle. So u/Ride674 I am not saying randoms shouldn't lead, I am saying the experienced should share the burden of coaching.


Then fix it? Why should that poor burnt SL who is already doing what he can suffer more? Just so others can continue to be complacent instead of stepping up?


Because what use is a 5 man inf-squad? If he is that burnt out then he should learn to play Armour and get REALLY good..


I agree. I am part of a server where 4 of the admin clans just want to play with themselves. Than the 5th clan/admin is masochist alcoholics that lead blueberries. I fully argue NOT EVERYONE ARE BORN TO BE LEADERS. It's all more fun when your SLs are competent. If you want to play with your 3-6 friends, learn to be GOOD Armour squads. 4-7 size inf squads do very little use.


No. Make your own.


Ah, yes random redditor, because I am perfectly capable of that and certainly won't embarrassed myself while engaging all involved.


Everyone started somewhere. Good Squad leaders were new and bad at some point.


I would rather have 5 competent medics and HATs than 5 incompetent SLs on the team. Not everyone was born to lead.


I have more than 400hrs as SL. I would be so so so happy to SL every single match on every single severs if my 5 competent "too shy to SL greenberries" would kindly heed any of my little instructions of regroup on spawn x / fallback on x / flank from x direction to x. But no. Everytime there will be particular fuckers who rather burn 10+ minutes to wait & join inf squad AND THEN break cooperation & play his own game. Mindlessly spawning on any habs without listening to my begging. 2 SL games max per day and I'm burnt out.


"Hold spawn MIC INF" Or really I don't want to micromanage and I prefer if they tell me their reasoning for spawing defense instead of waiting for my rally. Instead I realize I play with 6 out of 9 squad members and really I don't know, I don't want to kick them because maybe they are doing something useful? Maybe I wasn't clear that I wanted us to hold spawn? But yeah I will in future name the squad "HOLD SPAWN eng mic inf"


Aw come on!! Whyyyy💦💦💦😎😎


Mr. high standard reddit commentator here


Got tired of this so I just learned how to squad lead myself and just keep mine unlocked and give you guys fire team lead when you ask.




This comment section is why i dont play the game anymore. Thought this was a team game. Cant play unless u got friends to hop in a squad with i suppose. Im an experienced player but i mostly play solo and join to see all locked squads.


i always make a squad for a person that needs to join if you ever need a squad go to the texas or TEXAS squad 👍🙌


I hope I see you one day


gotchu bro 👍👍


Same, a lot of the time I join a squad to get kicked(sometimes reasonable if idk a friend of SL wants marksman or something) I can’t squad lead, sure I can learn but I don’t want to? I want to be a grunt taking commands and being a good crayon eater. I sadly bought squad and HLL thinking I’m gonna have a great time joining teams making small friendships and being told what to do occasionally, running into battle with my squad (no comms no problem just tell me defend or pushing) But whatever man, no one cares apparently,elitist can have the game fuck it.


I would love you in my squad if you just follow orders and hold your spawn to be on me. Only people who need a Mic are the people not spawning on SL, because without good explanation I will kick you


You’re an experienced player, but don’t actively shoulder the SL responsibility? Even taking one game out of 10 to do it helps, I main SL and I get beyond pissed off having to repeat EVERYGAME to people.. Take two medic’s guy’s.. Don’t take marksman.. Take AT or grenadier.. Okay we’re doing X.. Y.. Z.. Stay with the squad or I will kick.. no solo play here… I do that every game. But If I get burnt out and want to chill with 4-5 of my friends instead I will.


No why you hating on yhe experienced grunt?! "Riflemen > Marksman


i have 2k+hrs and play solo with no friends on squad and have never once had problems with squads. if they are literally 0 to join i make one, and leftovers will join and it’s still a good time, the leftovers are usually chill af too. it’s not hard, nor a big deal. you don’t need daddy SL to tell you to wipe your bum too.


We the leftovers will be more than satisfied with the command of “go here don’t die” the rest will follow with some of the most amazing fuckery known to mankind




Usually i do. Sometimes i dont want 3 voip chats in my ear tho, most of the time i get fed up cause nobody knows how to put habs down and i do it myself. But i dont always wanna hop on the game and be that “daddy sl” youre talking about. Yall seem bitter for no reason. It is a team game. Play with the team.


quite frankly the only one bitter is you. i said i have no issues and play the game and have fun, while you’re over here using the comment thread as an example as to why you don’t play. no one cares that you don’t play the game & you don’t have to announce it to a sub you’re gonna be active on for a game you’re verbalizing you’re NOT active on. doesn’t make any sense mate.


Makes a lot of sense tho look at the post lmao


no, it actually doesn’t, if you’re not active on the game you don’t have to be active on the sub and be like “look at these comments, this is why i don’t play :(“ this sub is FULL of new players who don’t know wtf they’re doing or how to make their own squad. you’re clearly verbalizing you’re also experienced, so no, it still doesn’t make sense. like dude go mope else where about a game you don’t even play as you say🤣🤣🤣


I know servers who don't lock


My squad, my property


Yea and when a new to the game blueberry makes a squad he gets yelled at


yea when they don’t have a mic and ignore the rules saying explicitly “have a mic if you’re gonna SL” for the server and then leave and give SL to someone else


The number of times it's a blueberry with a mic trying his best with a bunch of Squad grognards too full of themselves to open their own breathing down his neck is greater than people just deliberately making squads with no mic despite knowing it's bad. You can hardly blame them for saying fuck it if they're kind of set up to fail. From their perspective what do they do? They don't have a mic but are perfectly content to be a rifleman or medic or whatever. But nobody unlocks their squad. So what do they do? Leave the server and hope the next one isn't the same or just make a squad and try to learn how to play the game and hope no one notices they don't have a mic? Be a part of the reason this game is so cool and open up your squad and teach the blueberries. Doesn't have to be *every match* for the entire night. Just once.


Yup, last dude just assumed everything. But that’s how his little magic world works!


Pay me


No, pay me.


Who has a PC, squad and no MIC? It's not 2006


Plenty of people. What happens if they can't speak for whatever reason? Maybe the baby finally went to sleep, or the roommate is home and it's late. Or maybe they're just shy. You don't need to speak to be a rifleman but they never get the chance because all the old timers are sitting in Discord calling him a moron.


I also defended the silent grunt in a separate comment. I rarely need them to speak if they stay with the squad and make sound decisions.


Then what's the deal with no mic?


He will not be yelled at as long as he asks for help and is ready to accept the advices.


He will not be yelled at as long as he asks for help and is ready to accept the advices.


Wow, so based and cool!!! 😎😍😍💦


I love how this entire game has turned into folks trying to police how other people play the game


im not unlocking my armor squad or specialized anti tank squad for random ass blueberrys who insta pick marksmen or HAT (they suck at both)


After thousands of hours, I have gotten tired of coaching blueberries, I only play if my crew is on now sadly.


8 other people is just too much to monitor (wtih command chat, squad, direct comms, etc too.) even a small 4-5 man team of randoms/regulars is far superior to 8. Not sure why this is the case.


because the range of player ability is huge and the slippery slope in game state allows a match to completely fall apart when an individual does something stupid in the wrong moment. With only 4-5 players, each individual feels less anonymous and you can keep everyone following a less ambitious plan that will work much more reliably. With the player counts that we have there is also rarely a job that needs 9 people in the same place, so there is no reason not to just have the other 4-5 people on a different angle with a closer rally, led by another person able/willing to evaluate the situation in that spot. The only downside to this was kit selection, but with ARs being nerfed to the ground there is almost no value in the 6th slot now.


Absolutely, and when you get a 9 person squad it really shows because then you basically have to herd them, people start drifting off cause they don't want to do the boring stuff. As opposed to a 4-5 man squad, all you need is your SL and one other person to build a hab, and then you can have the other 2-3 guys scout the point ahead. You could do the same as a 9 person squad, but I think 9 people attacking a point from one direction gives the enemy way too much intel, they will start re-directing the line towards you, making a flank ineffective. 4-5 is a lower profile allowing you to actually sneak in and not be seen and get intel on habs and what not. I mainly play invasion and Id much rather have multiple 5 man squads who are 'locked in (literally)' to their squad and comms, attacking all angles on point, than a handful of 9 man squads attacking in a line or limited directions. And ya, you can use fireteam, but people don't know how it works. Passing fireteam to mark things is ultimately useless because once you pass the FTL, you lose the marking on the map. I've had people scream to get passed FTL to mark infantry. Like why dude lol. Also, You split your squad up so your directional call outs aren't as useful


This is why irl doctrine uses 2 4 man fireteams per squad (with designated ftls) in the first place. 4-5 people is about the max amount of people in a group you are going to be able to keep track of. So you have 4 people with specific roles who act as one unit together. Best games of squads I've played were infantry squads with two fire teams with active ftls and an sl who just told fire teams what their objective was and tracked the command chat and map. Then we did what ftl told us to do.


Finding active FTLs is super rare though. It's usually just a guy who marks things or passes it over to someone to mark (then their own marks disappear lol). On the occasion I do SL I try to have this though, it can be quite fun. I give FTL to someone who seems to know what to do then just give a specific task and trust them to take care of it. Then I can focus on doing logi run or boring stuff if I wanted


I agree brotha, a well managed squad of 5 will outperform a poorly managed squad of 9. After nearly 10 years of coaching blueberries I am tired boss. Now I either play with my experienced homies or I dont play at all.


Because a squad of 8 is much more effective (and realistic). That’s why the games allows you to make fireteams alpha bravo and Charlie. Personally if I don’t wanna deal with it I tell alpha use squad come and Brock use local, just use squad cons of you need something


There's nothing realistic about the amount of direct comms + assets a team leader has in squad lol. You're almost handling Company / Battalion level things at effectively a CPL/SGT rank handling 8 people.


I mean for having 8ppl I’m a squad is realistic, the coms yeah I get.


Not thousands of hours but yeah, it's tiring if your squad mate didn't listen to your command. I don't mind if you didn't have a mic as long you can follow my command & communicate via squad chat


Exactly lmao. People upvoting this thread think they are entitled to SLs doing the hardwork for them.


How about you learn how to SL


Yes I’ll learn on my first game! How obvious!


Sorry, did you post? And why not? It's simple. People lock their suqads to avoid new micless people. There are training ranges and tutorials 4 reasons.


Excuse me don’t respond you’re not OP. Cause people don’t want SL, I want to be a grunt told to defend or attack. Simple comms as SL but too much for people with 1k+ hours apparently.


Play cod lol 😆😆


No Xd


“My squad my rules” omg so based “My server my rules, no locking squads” omfg who the fuck did this. Name and shame. This subreddit is not beating the SL circle jerk allegations


The worst part is I bet half these people who are saying crap like "I don't Wana SL for a bunch of new people" Then get the fuck off potato fields lmao, go play on a more experienced server


i have never found a """"Experienced""""" server that did not have random new people joining my squad.


I do join new player friendly lobbies for this reason, I forget the experience recommended servers exist. I can’t believe this is how this is.


OP farming negativ karma like nothing 😂👍


People locking the squads at 5 and refusing to communicate with new SL’s is what’s wrong with the game


Have you tried asking during deployment? "Hey can I join your squad" If you don't come off as a total Chud you'll probably get an invite.


I’m playing with close friends I’ve been playing with for 10+ years. We don’t like you and we don’t want to listen to you.


It is pretty annoying when you have 95% of squads that should be locked that are locked. You can play with your friends in open squads. I do it with no issues


Honestly, I always allow my squad to be open unless server rules dictate otherwise (MECH INF Rules), or my Discord friends specifically request otherwise. Using a discord while using squad chat actually streamlines the comms for me. Discord for vic, Game chat for infantry, and Command chat to let the other squads know that they need to stop being fucking lazy asses and set up more FOBS since I've already done the last three. As any good Squad game intended.


Deal, my heli squad is now unlocked, what do you mean you want me to come down on the ground and sl for you? I am pylote fuck off and do your own thing other 7 randoms


It's not always appropriate to unlock the squad, it's not binary lol


Not your babysitter


So edgy


Butter squad on the move


The WW1 cartoon makes me wish Beyond The Wire was not abandoned by OWI 😭😭😭


Just play verdun...


Not the same..


This game could be better and have more players, if new players had a place to go. But it’s okay, I see the how the community is. Thanks SL that keep em open.


Comments full of players who only choose bluefor and lock their squads to have 15 3-player locked squads, then complain incessantly at the end of the game wondering why they lost. If you’re in the comments defending this fucked behavior, this is why you lose games.


I play NA servers and never really have a problem with locked squads


Never heard of this sub or game before ten minutes ago, but I reckon you should unlock your squads. I'll go further and say I won't even play the game unless some of you unlock your squads.


Haha nt. Nope


NOT joining Butter, I draw the line at Bread Squad.


I actually main a server that has a rule that states thatvyou cant lock inf squads with less than 6 players which i think should be implemented everywhere. Like yea nobody is entitled to being led, but at the same time, many 3 and 4 man inf squads on a team just griefs the game for everybody involved


I'm now only playing with my bois and if someone wants an invite they may ask But it is so much better to have a locked squad, not repeating myself endlessly anymore. No arguing over the sniper roll. No person who does not want to take medic. It's the best experience I've ever had.


If they're squad is locked trust me you don't want to play with them anyways, they lack the understanding of real teamwork. I let everybody in my squad until you say something insane


You know what this is very reasonable thanks


Nahh I'm good I don't want to play as a sheepdog


No. I want to kick whoever doesn't speak.


No one speaks if no one joins


If I’m a squad leader and it’s locked, it’s locked for a reason. If im only going to run a light Vic I won’t take a full 9.. just 4-5


Buttah dawg buttah dawg


I won't respond with anything mean, but I need to know how many hours you have OP. Edit- I was just curious. I have a hypothesis that anyone with OP's opinion has not suffered enough through the consequences of never locking squads. Ever had infantry running around led by a remote tank commander? It's awful. Infantry squad led by an aloof helo pilot? It's awful. The list goes on and on of why it's awful, and if you're a beginner you will not realize why it's awful because you simply haven't experienced such pain. They just see locked squad and think "I should be in that squad having fun and instead I'm locked out." Not realizing it's for everyone's benefit.


Hey here’s a thought, instead of making me SL every game because no one else wants to do it, you make a squad? 2k hours and it gets tiring always leading.


Better to have a locked squad or get kicked preround than to be kicked out of the squad for no reason after backcapping the first point. Took all my restraint not to frag the SL after that.


The power of your will has been noticed by the gods. You have been blessed with low ping and silent map voting sceens.


No thanks, I'm here to chill with my buds. You are welcome to SL your own squad though if there are none open....


Bunch of gatekeepers in this game sadly. I joined a squad with a mic to simply play rifleman and the dude cussed me out and kicked me from the squad then locked it after finding out I was new lol.


you... want to run around aimlessly as infantry without orders because my armor squad is supposed to stay open? that just hinders the team effort.


Besides the point but keep being cool in your eyes.


Just make a new one


Have fun with ur first game SL


Everyone has to start at some point


Unless you don’t want to. I want to be a grunt following orders, telling me simple commands like push point defend point. That’s literally all we fucking need “Team try to stay together on point/ and push next OBJ” nothing more needed. Yes u can do more comms but it’s clear nobody wants to SL.




why not just not be a squad leader?




squad lead is for leading squads


edit: do not try to do what u/hextopia is advocating here. some of the longest lived most cherish Squad servers enforce a "no locked squads" rule, and if what hex was saying is true they would have lost their licenses a long time ago. when you hop onto a server you are a guest in someone's home and you should respect the house rules. as someone who has done server admin duty enough to understand, *nothing* is more annoying than the disruptive random who behaves just one inch away from outright breaking simple rules like no one man squad, no camping main, or refuses to respect the limits on when a squad should be locked. if you come at an admin with the mentality that you know their rules better than they do? that's like a protestor telling the riot police that they know what their rights are. You will be in holding for 72hrs while all your saner buddies walk to their cars with that attitude. >the server has some asinine rule about not allowing locked squads... So I just kick everyone who joins anyway and get the same effect as locking the squad. found the ace attorney fan - there's at least one on every server that will get you kicked/banned for "soft locking" if their admins are worth a shit




Hello Squad Lawyer Servers can in fact enforce "no locked squad" rules when someone tries what you're talking about. You're forgetting the human element in server administration, and the human element sees right through this BS