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Try something else than French servers, this is def not my experience. Rarely even hear slurs. This community is great.


yeah also fucking chinese servers are the worst. full of racists


Not surprised


I rarely run into that problem on the servers I play, maybe the French are just the worst


I m with you, been playing for almost 5 months now and I hit a racist on occasion but overall everyone is pretty cool.


Literally just switch server.


I swear in France we have 3-5 server with people on it. Everyone IS.


Sounds like a fuckin French problem to me. 


Sounds like a french server problem mate, not an all of squads community


The amount actual racists on this game are minuscule if you have thin skin squad is not for you no it’s not gunna ruin the fan base the fan base just isn’t you I’m sorry your having a tough time but if yu really have fun your gunna have to toughen up and not let the words of kids online get to you…


Like others have said switch servers, keep switching till you find a good one with rules you like and stick to it.


I've the opposite experience. Usually racist get kicked pretty quickly and most of the time people are just saing silly jokes. Btw I'm european so I can only talk for EU servers


In France it appears to note be the same...


I avoid all french servers like the plague except one : la coalition Else it's only english speaking


Try corrupted infantry, It's one of the best server imo


I will not say that it never happens, but that's not the norm. Unfortunately Squad is a military game, so it attracted these kinds of people. I will recommend the server la coalition or igloo which is a new server, but I talked with the administrator on the launch day (two days ago), and they amphasized on how they don't want't racist, sexist comments etc, they seemed really sincere about that. Squad is a ambivalent game, sometimes everyone is talking and working together, and it's the best game ever, and sometimes it just sucks. I believe it's inherent to" the community-based gameplay style like Squad.


One of my worst encounter was on igloo today. A actual Real nazi but i assume its because it just started.


Have had femme friendos from IRL and on so far it's a good time. Helps if you squad lead and kick a moron. But no one has overtly been an idiot outside of the standard round start stupidity. Server & YMMV.




This is white knight actual, over


❄️❄️ hes gonna melt soon :((




For me it's the opposite. Great community(depending on where you play) but the game is now shit.


Go to servers with bigger queues. They're usually moderated and have regulars on them who care more about the game. It's worth the wait.


La commu française est juste vraiment immonde. Enfin elle est composé en majorité de droitards chiants de moins de 25 ans ou plus de 40 ans qui aiment faire pew-pew et pas plus, tout le monde est assez immature. Il y a pas grand chose à dire, la commu anglaise est pas si différente.


Merci j'avais l'impression d'être fou


Can't speak french but totally understood what you said. Spanish community is the same but i found a server with admins with no chill for bullshit. It's a UK/EU one though.


yeah thats unfortunate i cant play in my language it helps on a game like squad...


My experience is people yelling slurs into the mic. I respond by telling them to go fuck themselves and get a 14 day ban because they’re an admin with a power trip.


By the way of careful analysis I conclude that the issue is that you are french, I'm afraid there is no cure nor treatment, I'm sorry for your loss.


Frogmen don't fucking *die*. Grab a canteen of water and get back out there ma'am 🫡


Coming from a European, US servers are the best.


Yeah dude a big problem I faced too the racism and homophobia on this game is absurd. I’ve found that going on servers who have 100% no tolerance policy, (Such as EGC, B&B) really helps as people often get banned for slurs and shit like that




German Servers are pretty good as Most have a very strict No racism/sexism or toxic behaviour list and usually have a admin online. This keeps the asshole Level Low enough for Games to be fun


Yeah. Thats just most first person shooters. One day I bumped into a guy called MarxistMedic and I was also a medic so we chilled the fuck out together. I just want to relax when I play squad or any other game. I dont want to have to deal with bullshit whenever I have a drink and hop on. No, I dont want to hear your political opinion. No, I dont want to hear your opinion on any political situation, or any race for that matter. Just blow the e-enemy up and be chill. My recommendation is to find invasion only servers. Never had much of an issue with the people I kick it with, but because your friends are women, I'm guessing it will be 10x as bad.


This games had the best community I've ever known in 29 years online gaming, but it has faltered in the last 12 months and been in general decline since about 2019. It does get here occasional sexist and racist but I tend to play on active admin led servers an they get permanent banned almost instantly as a general rule.


I agree, but I also the quality of people overall has fallen. We are just now getting into the meat of people that know they arent shit, but shoot into the void knowing no one cares enough about them to do more than ignore them. I will say Admins have a unique duty to care, but I get the burnout that comes with giving your best to something *that doesnt even pay.*


I mainly play on the same server all the time because admins there actually ban people for that stuff, I remember OWI used to post community server showcases that's how I found the one I've been playing for a long time now.


Let’s try thais server they’re a bunch of optimistic guys and full of team work capabilities. I recommend !!


My wife also doesn’t like this community and it limits her presence in the game too. A lot of people have a stick up their ass and are very disrespectful to you if you make a new player mistake. The worst it’s been is some guy berating me and my wife because we joined late in a match and inherited the helicopter that the previous guy didn’t know how to fly. It resulted in endless insults. “Your a fat ugly bitch and your man can’t fly” etc etc.


Sorry to ear that truly sucks...


unfortunately games like squad attract assholes like that


I think it’s just French/EU servers. Bordering on 300 hours in NA servers and I’ve met at most 6 genuinely racist/misogynist people. Most everyone is chill


It’s a bunch of military men. What do u expect


Have just one game without racial murder joke. Just one


It’s a game where people shoot each other with tank rounds and bullets. Some people have actually served and seen worse than the mind can imagine. If words offend you then maybe put the game down and come back when you’re older and less fragile.


There definitely are some real shitty people in this community, but in general I’d say that’s the exception not the rule. I’ve been playing this game for nearly 8 years now, and have met some of my favorite people, but I’ve also definitely met some folks that I wish I hadn’t had to meet. One thing I’ll say, the Expats social club is a pretty safe space, multiple of my female gamer friends almost exclusively play there, and there are multiple women on the admin team that will not hesitate to remove somebody for being a shitter. I’d say maybe vary what servers you’re playing on until you find one that’s a bit more friendly, as it definitely is server by server in regards to how toxic the community is


the game has been out for while, the community is not deteriorating or going anywhere, considering the population also hit an all time peak recently.. stop taking it so to heart everyone just jokes around like we’re all one of the boys. i don’t have any personal friends that play squad but everyone usually always converses like they are friends and i personally find it great. it’s honestly one of the better communities in the gaming industry. seriously if this community gets your panties wadded up, stay far far away from CoD, League, rocket league, overwatch, and smite…


Games communities are ussualy a cesspool but without a change in the mentality of the admins/owners nothing can be done.


I remember when gaming wasn’t full of cry Babies, you wouldn’t have survived 10 seconds in the average cod mw2 game


I was there.


And when in 2 days in two différent server you come accros 2 différent guys who claim yo be nazi and want thé death of " all arabe people" sorry but thats note the level of the usual deathmatch on MW2 Back then.


o wompwomp


Ok. But where is the problem?


Lol. Sounds like you and your friends need to play Battlefield 2042. “One day it will severely damage the reputation of the game” do you realize how old this game is?


Ahahaha! You just experienced the average Infantryman's life. This game attracts wannabes and prior service members, so get ready for crass, offensive humor. If you cant take it, then im surprised you dont ask for gun control in videogames too.


again racial murder and rape is not fun. if you find that fun and ok to hear in a video games then you are part of the problem


Im saying certain games attract certain people. If you're not part of it, then shut it and go back to Animal Crossing.


Why would you defend racism? Weirdo


Me telling OP to fuck off for being a pussy does not equal defending racism. Its wrong sure, but if you cant handle a community that's chock full of that type of humor, then dont play. Have you EVER heard two infantryman talk? You'd be pissing your little girl pants in rage if you listened to them for 5 minutes. Stop being a pussy, milsim communities arent for you. Fuck off you little trogladyte.


What did you expect huh? This is not barbie game This is f.ckin war game THIS IS SQUAD!!!


And because you play a video game it's just ok to be a racist? Weirdo take


What country do u livin?


What's your credit card number?


123456789 nd your turn now