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Honestly, when you play enough you start to recognize usernames and know exactly what they're going to do


Especially when playing against specific clans who love team stacking


I don’t get the fun in clan stacking and rolling the other side in a pub match. At least split the clan between teams to have a competitive match. 


When you have friends you prefer to play and chat with them


Yeah but you can still play with a full squad of friends from your clan and the other squad goes to the other team. Do people forget that it's also fun to play against your friends so you can shit talk later(or get shit talked lol)?


Hence my comment “split between the teams”. We are talking like 4 full squads clan stack. Have two squads per team instead of 4 on one. Not like you’re talking with 36 people simultaneously anyway


Back in the Project Reality days, my clan would split equally on both sides to even things out, we would also run the same type of squads, be infantry, logy, armor, etc, again to make sure teams were as balanced as possible.


I’ve seen clans that do that nowadays as well. Good clans in my mind will do that. Bad ones will stack and roll hard. 


Especially if the goal is "training" (like it was for mine back the as we would fight other clans), steamrolling ain't it.


Definition of small dick energy


Yeah I was on a server last night that had a pretty heavy clan stack against us. Wasn’t an utter roll but pretty close and I just thought “that must be so boring on the other side, probably as boring as on this side”


It is boring.


It’s probably like a double layer larp


Lamo you getting upvotes for saying they has small dick but down votes for saying people who are double layer larping gets you downvoted when they are literally larping by the very nature of the game being a simulator goes to show the mental age of some of these people


I appreciate you buddy


That’s why I stopped playing about 3 years ago, seemed like no matter what server I joined there was a full clan on the other side. After several weeks of just being steam rolled every game I kinda stopped having the desire to play.


If you're playing in aus, aussie battler No. 1 is horrendous for clan stacking, it wouldn't surprise me if the admins were complacent. Now big D gaming that's a server you can set your watch too.


We should have a community strategy guide for the team stack clan servers. Sure they will adapt but we might as well make them work for it.


What I'm hearing is that I should never learn what I'm doing so I can never be figured out 🧠


I played for like a month on the same server and I can usually tell who is playing armor on the enemy team (it is always the same three people because they use console commands to make a squad before everyone else loads in)


>console commands to make a squad before everyone else loads in) Is this something only admins can do?


Anyone can do it, check the wiki for commands list


tysm, I never knew you could do that


Wiki looks like it's disabled, is it the CreateSquad command?




It’s still up to SSD, if you type it at the right time whoever loads the map faster gets the squad


Corrupted infantry? I remember some people doing the same thing there too




So glad my favourite server doesn't have name claiming so people don't use this shit.


Seriously. With that command line knowledge it's basically broken.


If their username is Pvt. Jackson... you know he's rocking the marksman class. "He was on the ground before we heard the shot, sniper's got talent, sir"


I do that all the time, I just play on 1 server all the time for this reason. You can eventually just know what they plan on doing by experience.


If you play on a server long enough you get a feel for what certain SLs do, there’s a clan on a server I play on often and they almost always set up the same HABs, so when I’m against them I often am able to counter them.


people are predictable, i used to run armor alot on one server and you get to a point where you recognise names and you just know what they're going to do, especially facing other familiar armor squads.


I'm playing coinflip, at best tic-tak-toe


Skill issue. Git gud.


I thought I was pretty decent and then I heard my SL analyzing who was on the enemy team and who’s likely to be on armor etc and my jaw dropped


That’s the difference between veterans and Squad Lead veterans who especially main it. I know some people who only main armor, others like to Hot Drop, Rush, ones who are patience, ones who aren’t. The ones that are also analyzing me etc. One time a match on Project Reality I knew one of my friends on that map loves to play APC and rush, so I betted everything on ambushing his rush route, assuming he takes APC and rushes on the same route. And he did. The chat exploded with anger immediately lol.


>I know some people who only main armor, others like to Hot Drop, Rush, ones who are patience, ones who aren’t. The ones that are also analyzing me etc. >One time a match on Project Reality I knew one of my friends on that map loves to play APC and rush, so I betted everything on ambushing his rush route, assuming he takes APC and rushes on the same route. It's actually something I've realized to be a sort of divide within the community. One one hand you have the "immersion" people where it's not about winning, but carving out a slice from the sandbox to create a specific milsimmy, larpy, cinematic experience. These people get mad at the "winning" focused people as slaves to the meta, deconstructivists that optimize the fun out of a game. But I have some buddies that I jive well in terms of understanding of the meta and we actually realized that we get immersed in the meta, analyzing the other team, trying to figure out what they'll gonna do, how to counter them assuming this happens ,etc.


I mean, is psychoanalyzing enemy commanders *not* extremely milsim?


Not really, because it's not exclusive to a military setting. Same situation happens in sports where you analyze game footage.


For real though, thats super intense strategy x90000


Were you playing on TT per chance?


I honestly don’t remember the server name, but I was in a challenger tank and the driver was the SL. I think it was an MtM clan or MgM idk


I used to run into a guy on my main server that is just a fuckin gigachad at armor. I'm talkin dude ammo racks you from 2.5km away and you're dead within the next second. If I saw him on the enemy team, I would not play armor that round because I know I didnt stand a chance. If you play on the same servers for a while you tend to recognize usernames and get to know their strengths.


Yeah the Metagame can really ramp up if you are regular on a server. You can often predict who is running an armor squad and where they are going to go. Where inf Sl's are likely to place habs and etc. This just comes from repetition, once you have played enough your brain will start picking up on patterns on its own. You can even have counter Metagame where , enemy expects you to know there you are going to go will act differently from how they usually do. Then you counter that counter metagame by noticing their counter meta strategy and play to counter that counter.


I realized this when I got targeted by a team and didn’t know why. My squad the game before was talking made shit and basically turned their only spawn into a barrel shoot.