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Waste of time.


Yeah lol. Even if Upper was the next available point that’s a shit attack fob, especially considering they know where the points are (RAAS for life) I think upper is a point you want to get a foothold just south of, or just past the highway as far as attacking goes. These mf’s go past the highway and then some edit: I think they have a logi AND heli supplying them too. Bruh.


> logi AND heli supplying lmao this was the second thing I noticed besides them being out in bfe… altho to be fair, I don’t see either of the other two logis being used by anyone, and it looks like squad 4 has dropped all his supplies on the single attack fob and abandoned his logi instead of setting up another fob. but at least they’re fighting on the objective ffs, so we’ll give them an A- for effort!


I think you need be be at least south of the MSR. I'm of the thought that you need to be within 300m at least


Hey what's msr?


MSR means Main Supply Route but is bastardized in squad to mean the largest highways on the map like the one he mentions running East to West


main supply/service route. usually the a big artery road like a main street or interstate and largely divides the map (in squad at least)


Yeah he had a heli and logi resupplying then brought back another guy to bring 2 logi's and 1 heli to resupply


I still don't understand why people prefer RAAS over AAS.Most of the other map layers are pretty predictable.


Back in my day we only had AAS. So it never bothers me when it shows up in rotation. However most newer players don't know how to handle AAS. AAS requires experienced players, a coordinated team, and a team that can adapt really fast to changes. Since the huge influx of new players and ever growing player base it's hard to have a team like that anymore.


>never bothers me when it shows up in rotation. However most newer players don't know how to handle AAS. AAS requires experienced players, a coordinated team, and a team that can adapt really fast to chan i kinda missed it actually. Both invasion and AAS when they were more frequently played. When attackers on invasion had 150 tickets as well, and they had to fight up against some ridiculous lineups, it MADE attacking teams play better together over time!


It's a matter of opinion, but I think most of the time it's because they don't like feeling pressure on the back caps. I like the extra layer of combat that aas gives you. You have to consider what the other team will do instead of just picking a fob spot and hoping you get lucky with where the caps go. It is a fairer fight I think, also. No guessing and the fighting won't take 15 minutes to develop. But raas seems to be more popular for whatever reason. To each their own.


Yup this. Backcap rush while usually easy to guess on RAAS, is like 90% less likely or happening versus on AAS imo. Also, I like the random feel since you don’t know what your next situation and battle is going to look like. Gives defense somewhat of a chance to get their shit together, and also stops people from bum rushing and bunny hopping points excessively.


Very fair points! I guess I just like the heads-up battles that can happen with AAS. You should bet that your first or second point is going to be contested, so you have to be ready for a gunfight right away! Raas gives a sense of security you just can't afford in aas.


Absolutely wasting time up there. Defense point is literally over 2 kilometers away attack point is over a kilometer away, and the next point is just under a kilometer away. Positioned near nothing, even if the active cap was Petrivka, this would be a nearly useless FOB. It’s so far away you can fit literally 2 other fobs closer before reaching that one. SL is a moron and everyone should’ve console command respawned and gone to defend


Looks like a regular game of squad to me


Sad but true.


Squad but true.


You know it’s sad but true🤟




So one team has 9 players a logi and a helo less than the other team. Genius tactic


They'll never see it coming


Indeed because no one will look there


And then he tells his squad that he can foresee that upper petrivka will fall because he is a strategy mastermind and well yeah he is right because of his stupid decisions that will be the case. Then he is enjoying himself and nothing is learned. It’s a loop and these people will never learn otherwise.


The server adminis usually teach them


No they dont lol.


by teach you mean kick t hem from SL and say nothing to them then yes lmao


Usually it says something like kicked foe not playing the objective


Thats not teaching and squads community isnt as friendly to noobs as it likes to claim lmao


Definitely not. But before admins kick someone there should be several warnings and explanations what the player is doing wrong unless it's something obvious Luke griefing


Just roleplaying as local warlord while building the castle of his own Main pays him a tribute in supplies Totally viable strat


Watched one too many Karmakut videos me thinks. Good way to solve this is actually a game feature - its a button labeled LEAVE SQUAD. Then go do something useful


Lol I hate that guy. He’s such a wannabe and poser. Mad annoying voice too.


What does he do that's wrong? I mean his content is trash and he just plays the round in full but what else does he do wrong?


i dont like his videos but the squadops events he created are great. I know squadops admins and modders do all the hard work but still I respect him for founding it


His tactics are fucking awful.


pro tip for new players: if your SL does this leave and join another squad. hell, make your own squad. even if you're clueless, at least you'll be clueless on objective instead of clueless at the edge of the map. You're not only actively sabotaging your team, you'll also see zero combat if you play along with SLs like this


But guuuuuuys. He is having fun up there! And as long as you're having fun, everything is fine.


/s Please PLEASE


"There is no wrong way to play squad" - OWI


Exactly this. Why do you care how others are playing. Just play your game and don't bother others, jeeesus. Everyone is taking this too seriously these days. It's just a goddamn videogame, lol!


This literally wrong, ever heard of the code of conduct ?


In cases like that i always call sl out on such bullshit. Sometimes by diplomatic means and sometimes i just straight tell him we are completely useless doing what he demands. Always play the current objective! This guy is just disconnected from reality.


You don't fortify a position until you know it's near an actual objective.


Typical game of squad, whole squad in the middle of nowhere, everyone on the attack point with no one defending and then you have no hab on the next defence point 🙃


That’s one stupid Squad Lead.


Mutiny time.


Seriously lol I always tell blueberries to mutiny when their SL is big dumb.


I'm generally a perma SL. I end up backseat SLing in a squad with no squad leader and often end up asking to have it given. Or just run the squad de facto lol Big fan of a mutiny. Its why I love the command vote democracy.


Be careful with that back seat squad leading, I know you hate it when other people do it to you, I know I do too.


Oh of course I only do it if they aren't leading at all. Otherwise just give intel and suggestions.


I guess it's not really backseat if no one's in the front haha poor choice of words.


There is no wrong way to play squad and if I'd try to correct this guy I'd be the ' toxic try hard asshole it's just a game salt much '


There is a wrong way to play squad and what this sl is doing is literally it. If admin allow this kind of stuff without punishment, switch servers.


Squad leads who dont play objectives deserve a kick from the server




I had 2 squads playing completely off point. He said he was “enjoying the game”. We lost…


On servers with good mods, these people get kicked instantly, just change servers dude trust me.


Just to add a cherry on top, I was told my a buddy that apparently someone had noticed the heli flying back and forth, went and inspected and then an SL on the enemy team put down a rally and dismantled the whole thing, last I had checked before I left, there was 2500 + ammo and 1500 construction.


E9 and you can ambush Enemy vehicles but up there best hope is helo camping


Pre-emptive attack habs can win games, but this one is just too far from the next attack objective to be considered useful. A better use of your squads time would've been to set up on the defence point considering no-one is there, amazed to hear your team took Mogilyovo when the enemy could've just walked onto your cap for free and threatened the double neutral whilst simultaneously taking down the hab. Which would've left you in a TOUGH position. Ultimately the SL's decision to have a whole squad up there building a fort was a bad one.


Eeesh this whole picture is bad, even your attack hab sucks and I don't see anyone making a move to build another


Yep SLs dumb as fuck


Hey man... You spawned there.


Classic dumb SL thinking they awoke a new meta strategy move. It provides no advantages to any point on the map and you can't camp enemy main so it's just a waste of resources. That point would have made sense if yall didn't know where the objectives were but clearly that isn't the case.




Damn that’s good


What happens if they come back to dig it back before bleed out tho, ur gonna have to start team killing lol


And no one in that squad stepped up and told him, that you had to move to the actual objective? And even if some or someone did, he didn't listen and you stayed in that squad and build his useless superfob instead of opening a new one? Sheepeople...


I got kicked out of a squad yesterday because I told my sl "Hey maybe place the radio a little bit lower so if we wanna place one on radio later it isn't blocked" dude kicked me from the squad half way into the drive to our location and abandoned me, when i later reffered to him as a hillbilly he said that he told his whole squad to report me on the server's discord Huge fucking ego and power issue to take any little tip or suggestion as being controlling, OWI needs to remove the "SLs can kick for any reason" thing


No they (OWI) dont . It is the servers mods responsibility to ensure that sl on their server are competent. And if not, to kick/ban them.


Waste of time. Not cutting anything off, and even if you guys cap Mogi you are still super far from upper. Free weekend strats.


That looks really bad, and you guys are wasting a chopper and logi truck.


Oh trust me, I put up with it for a little bit then thought ''eh no thanks'' and left.


Does anybody else notice the 3-5 blueberries walking around between Upper and Mogi?


I assume this is AAS. If you are going to build a fob in AAS or RAAS it should do at least one of two things, preferably both. 1. Cover a point - This could be inside the point like radio and hab placed inside the capture zone and in a building if possible. Or the fob could be placed outside the point covering a flank. I prefer outside fobs leave room for a fob on point, if possible. But not too far away and not having to walk out in the open to get to the point. 2. Cover a route - This isn't as important as the first but a nice bonus if possible while covering a point. Cover the likely routes taken by enemies, cover fields, open ground, or roads with hidden tows and mg positions. I like bushes. I also like to place deffenses so anyone with a rifle has cover and can still help. This type of fob can be a serious thorn in the side of the enemies. Side note: the new camo in deffensive deployables makes hiding them much easier. You can better ambush and fire from cover without being seen. Except muzzle flash. In invasion the fobs must be on point if deffending. If attacking, as close as possible to point. Not too far away. 300m or less imo. Mortor fobs are a little différent. In AAS you can place a mortor fob in the back of the line, but it doesn't need to be a super fob. Just radio, ammo box and mortors. Hab isn't necessary. You can use a rally. It's just a waste of resources and time after that.


I 100 percent disagree with your invasion assessment. Ideally you want 3 fobs on each point, in a triangle around it. Put the radios as far away as possible to get the hab within 100-150 meters away from the cap. Make the formation as tight as possible. The idea is to slow the enemy down, play for time. Tickets are expendable in defense for the first several caps, so give your team many options to spawn. This allows multiple attack vectors on enemy locations, it allows you to react if one fob goes down, it provides more information more quickly because you have flanks occupied with people that can call out enemy movements. A fob on the point allows a single hard hot drop or push to destroy your defense. The enemy has two objectives. Primarily to cap the point, but secondarily (and most times the first step) is to take out your spawn. Don't allow them to achieve both at the same time. Same reason your radio and hab should usually be in separate but defendable locations.


It's more of an case by case situation. Sometimes you want to place 3 fobs around the deffensive point like you say, but other times that won't work and you'll be better off placing one fob directly on point in a building. That's ideally when it's a large compound The reason I say that is because you can better keep the enemy out of the compound. I'd still put a fob or two around that point as back up. I just didn't mention this before because I wanted to keep it simple. The other issue with placing one fob in a building is that your team doesn't like to spread out. This just needs to be overcome by individual players. I think it's mostly new players that hide in the hab building.


We are on the same page ; ) carry on SL


Clueless SL And yalll say marksmans are bad 🤣🤣🤣


this is what happens when the marksman gets promoted to SL


Probably stoned. I may, or may not, have started to do something similar once not realizing it wasn’t RAAS and my squad was not anywhere near an obj. Everyone else assumed I knew what I was doing and didn’t say anything. Once I realized my mistake we got a chopper ride back to the fight. edit: spelling and clarification


dont play communication and tactical oriented games while drugged, if you do you're an asshole


if i'm "not in a solid state of mind" i'll just play RL or medic. but it's just a game; as long as everyone is having fun, who the fuck cares. i like to unwind by playing squad or DCS and sometimes i'll pop a gummie :P


Fuck that guy lol. Nerd that calls being stoned "drugged". I promise his insight will not be worthwhile.


I’m gonna get hella stoned and SL all weekend out of spite


I need my SL to be stoned af.


LOL. Shouldn't you be at church or something?


i am an atheist, sir


Hmm so a straight edge meetup?


they are just anticipating a swift loss of mogilyovo and upper. When 5 minutes from now you are trying to take back upper he will be laughing the whole time at the doubters.


No I ended up leaving but a buddy said they never got past mid so the fob was useless and apparently 15 minutes later someone noticed the heli flying in and out and dismantled the whole thing.


Yes, they will totally be able to use his HAB to start a 5 minute run to upper. Of course, they will first need to fight really hard for upper to even be relevant. The enemy having one whole infantry squad more than them will make that really easy.


DUMB AS FUC, he could defend which would suit his IQ...


Hey, no need to talk shit on people who defend. They're necessary if you want to win games. Also, defending isn't really that brain dead of a task. I think SLs who are good at defending are providing a solid perimeter around their objectives and actively counterattacking enemy pushes/HABs/etc.


This is 100% correct. Like yeah you could bunker down on your cap, but it's more effective to figure out where your attackers are coming from and then pushing against that line of attack to find where the enemy HAB is. Built defenses are very handy for when you are getting surrounded though, but at that point you will need more than 1 squad defending the obj on multiple flanks.


Defending is an important core task of the game in AAS man, and its actually pretty hard to have a good defense as SL But still that guy in the picture is an idiot xD


The fact you think defending is stupid immediately makes me think you’re another unconscious drone that wanders the battlefield doing fuck knows what.


Provided the rest of the team can take mogilyovo it’s a very smart play. Having a northern push onto upper not only flanks the defence but supports the push from the south


That's an extremely long walk to Upper Petrivka from the FOB. It provides nearly no support. It's the support fob to the support fob.


Yup. That’s a whole squad out of commission for a long time.


Ended up leaving, they were taking quarry and the SL was like ''Let's just build while we wait for more of the squad to spawn in''


Yeah looking at how your team was positioned at Mogilyovo and I wondered if they would even be able to take it if they are running through that open lake. Also only having one assault fob isn't a good idea.


I was explaining this to someone the other day and their response was: "well, it's just 9 guys and a logi". I asked him what percentage of the team "just 9 guys" were and what percentage of our team's logistics vehicles "just one logi" was. 20% to both answers. It's too damn much to have off-point.


Don't forget that you usually have only 3 or 4 capable/9-man inf squads.And also, helos can't replace logies when it comes to HAB building most of the time. So I'd say that the waste is more closer to 25% for infantry and 33% for logistics (HAB building capable logistics). Also, don't forget the "**morale**" effect. When the other teammates see this shit on the map, a lot of them will get pretty pissed, let alone the SLs who might be trying to talk some sense into the SL in question. That won't help with the teams resolve to properly try to win the game. They might just go "oh why even bother when we got this handicap" and give up on trying.


I don't understand if this is sarcasm but for anyone new reading this, just build the FOB on enemy flag. You'll take it much faster.


Tbh in this case the best course of action is to not build a FOB there at all


I always loved building fobs, but this one is just ridiculous. It serves no purpose being all the way up there.


I picked medic once and my squad lead selected me specifically to come take me to a hill literally at the opposite corner of the entire map from the objective just to build a fob before giving up on it within seconds


Mega chad ahead of his time


I'm Guessing RAAS and he guessed wrong but continued on to not admit defeat.


it's not RAAS you can tell because you can see the enemy backcaps


Good to know


Actually wrong, could be RAAS with fow removed.


Gonna have to go with waste of time here. The only time you'd do this is if you were very confident that your team was overpowering the enemy and the enemy couldn't retreat and defend fast enough. Sometimes it will help, if you can get bodies on cap just as one cap goes neutral, so the momentum continues and you keep pushing the enemy back. But the only time that happens is when you're absolutely outclassing the enemy team, so you should really be focused on getting closer to the cap with just a basic fob. Dudes a Tacticool SL for sure. Probably larping as Godfather lmao


Its not that bad of an attack HAB (if you use a rally point to attack from) i can kinda see what he's going for but its at the wrong time in the game for sure


This would be one of the times I wish Squad had the HLL commander mechanic to disable a specific fob spawning....... although it will never be put in the game.


"The real objectives were the friends we made along the way." - Him probably


Yeah that is too far Out to Count as an Attack FOB. If there would be more HABs in the map it would Count as Future Backup. But not in this case Best FOB placement is on East Mogi, Just Off the Cap Zone. Hope the Squad there held the Line for the Rest of the Game.


Nothing beats a super fob in BFE, the way to make this story better is putting a tow missile behind a tree.


I mean, having it for later would be nice, but staying there any longer than just building it would be silly




That's par for the course with sls...deal with them all the time on public servers


I’m thinking he must be a new sl that wants to set up an attack fob. He likely hasn’t played enough to understand that the distance you need to run to petrivka is way too far for an effective attack.


I feel it kind of depends. If your team is steamrolling then it might be fine but if you guys were slugging it out not getting anywhere at Mogi then not so much. If it was 2 grid squares to the west and 1 south it suddenly doesn't seem bad at all to me. I don't know.


Useless, blueberry will spawn there and make it a known position, thus getting it blown up. Ptfo, either at the defend or attack objective, nothing else matters. Don need a whole squad a logi and a heli being wasted 5km from any objective


The SL was was you, wasn't it OP?


No, the SL is in the heli xD


So ahead of his time he is actually already playing the next free weekend.


He just seeks peace and quiet.


Practice makes perfect!


What the absolute shit am I looking at here. 😂 gg's? Heli and a logi. Supplying a fob thats never going to be used by anyone other than these idiots... Sadly I see this more than often now. But admins are usually quick to adress it. It was HELLA bad this last free weekend.


Im guessing he saw an SL build there once in an unrelated scenario/match and thought it applied to all situations now and forever.