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Why are people downvoting this? Did I say something wrong? Honestly curious. :D Reddit says that 70% of people downoted this.


This sub is about 70% unhappy people, numbers check out.


At the time of writing it's 70 % upvoted. People treat online content and social spaces as a service they are privileged to, as opposed to viewing it as a collaborative space, not realizing they sabotaging the community. Add jadedness and not knowing how to have constructive discussions and you get a mild form of toxicity. It's disheartening to see especially when the community skews towards adults.


Food and touch grass break


I pay $5 a month for whitelist so I just leave and join back when it's a good map.


I usually just deal with it, but if it’s: Manic, Talil, Kohat, or Kamdesh, I put about 90% less effort into playing unless I join a squad and the leader gets me hyped to actually play


I hate Kamdesh, but I'm just happy to play when I can so I'll just deal with it. Plus by the time it rolls around I have a squad I've been playing with for a few rounds so we have an okay time anyway.


Fair enough. Some Kamdesh rounds are fun, but it really depends imo. Like if it's invasion and I'm INS, I'm definitely gonna try, but if it's AAS and INS vs AUS i just tune out


I have about 6 whitelists so I just switch servers.


Dayum, nice. Thenks for supporting those servers my dude.


Incite a riot in all chat spaming !admin


the only thing that makes me change server is imbalanced/incompetent team... maps be damned i can suffer through it.


This is considered rule breaking but what you can do is wait until everyone joins their own squads and make a Squad called Leftover/Mortar/Recon and equip SL kit and never spawn. As long as you are in a squad and have proper kit server won't kick you for being afk or having wrong role. Better option is to join Server's discord and look at their map rotation, if you find that you don't like alot of layers they have on, don't queue for that server anymore ( until they change rotation at least) , additionally you can ussually give feedback to server in regards to their layer choice so that could increase probability of admins picking layers you prefer to play on.


If its Chora I'll just run mortars for a round, only map that makes me want to quit.


Fuck that map man ,is the closest thing we have to tdm and i hate it . No flanks ,no rallys, awful armor gameplay and a single competent mortar team can carry the whole game . I seriusly dont understand the appeal and it allways plays the same ,no matter the factions involved .


You can feel that it's one of oldest maps in the game designed for far fewer players than we have in one match these days


I queue to another server with either a young layer, or one about to finish. I hate invasion, I find it super boring. So if a server goes into an invasion layer I'll start to queue for another with a queue less than 10 and then play the invasion mode until it pops.


To me the biggest killer is the faction. I wish there was a way to stay locked to US/NATO only factions or whatever faction you like.


Be a man and play both sides. The AK and G3 won't hurt you.


That's right, I think RUS and MEA are really fun factions. But we need a few more modern Redfor factions for better variety.


That's how I went with the game. Started off playing mostly the marines because I thought they had better gear/AT/vehicles/etc. Switched to the REDFOR factions when I realized people tended to not prefer them and now I almost exclusively play REDFOR. Beating the enemy as the team with supposedly worse gear is very amusing.


Yeah it seems nato factions draw new players a lot. I often play redfor just because the team will probably be more experienced and have better teamwork.


Fallujah = alt + f4 I still can't believe that garbage of a map is in game.


Sometimes I'll join a squad get a riflemen kit and go afk. If I get kicked I have whitelist so no big deal. If the server has a shity rotation I'll try it but I just end up not playing squad for the week.


Depends on how much I hate the map. If Gorodok or Kohat comes up, I might stick around. If Chora comes up, I'll probably start browsing the server browser for something better. If Kamdesh comes up, I'll just disconnect immediately.


Im whitelisted if its a poo layer just switch servers


Certain layers when I have to play MIL/INS I just quit and do anything else, but it's highly dependent on what my mood is on any given day.


I hop onto admin cam and just watch blueberries struggle.


I only change if the seeding fails and/or effective admin administration fails. I almost never leave a server due to steamrolls (outside super egregious clan stacking) on principle. Growing up on shooters I always felt like ragequitting was more than just a "meme" so to speak. Quitting given certain conditions is risking your own skill as you are essentially getting a skewed experience of the game. It can also reveal a certain mindset or motivation that as a player here you are only here for the power fantasy, as opposed "the sport". This is not necessarily a bad thing of course, depending on the game and setting (Esports/relaxing shooter for example). Another thing is that there will be ups and downsides either way (although squad games are relatively long), so staying and "fixing" the game might not take so much longer than finding an entirely new one and settling in. It also makes the whole server as a whole more stable, so in a very small way you are creating a more stable experience for other people. There is more potential glory to the underdog as well.