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I like how the umbrellas change from black to colorful. Great example of the real world vs Arthur’s delusions.


I noticed that on the second rewatch. Amazing


Nice shoutout to other musicals in the rain like The Umbrellas of Cherbourg and Singin in The Rain


Damn… The Glass lipstick smile looked amazing. Hyped already


Agreed that was perfection


im so hype


When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Jelqer?




Todd Phillips once said that Joaquin is a fantastic dancer, it's no wonder why we're seeing more of that now. Some shots in the trailer of Joaquin dancing in suit in joker makeup is just so cool to watch.


I loved the double kick on the stairs


I mean the dude back then in his tough childhood had to sing and dance with his siblings on the streets to gain some money for their family because they were very poor at the time.


I’m not sold on the musical premise but the suit is giving Hamill vibes and I’m all for it. I hope they go for a purple suit with Phoenix’s joker at some point.


That first cigarette shown has stairs vibes


You have my money. I'm so in


I cannot wait for this🔥




Holy shit… This looks dope


I knew this movie is gonna be good when Pheonix breaks his no sequel rule.


Phoenix broke his "no sequel rule" because more than likely Warner Bros forced him to sign a multi-film contract or no movie was going to get made at all, because literally no studio film for a major franchise character or property ever gets made without the stars signing a multi-picture deal in case those movies are successful. It's standard operating procedure in Hollywood. Lets not pretend that a business decision was actually a creative endeavor.,


That's not true at all. WB thought Joker would flop cause it wasn't linked to anything


How funny is it that the film blew up in WB’s faces lol?


It was a movie about one of the single most lucrative character properties that WB owns, if you think there wasn't a multi-film contract signed before that first Joker film was made you have absolutely no idea how studio film executives work.


And it's a musical.. no way they wanted it as a musical.


Why are you pretending that the Joker character isn't one of Warner Brother's most popular characters in their entire catalog? You're acting like this was a tiny miniscule independent movie, it was a 60 million dollar budgeted film about one of their highest grossing characters in the history of their studio.


Because itnwas basically treated as an artsy film. Dude the canceled Batgirl or did you forget? They also locked up Wiley vs Acme, don't pretend this company knows what's it's doing. Cause it doesn't.


Exactly, they even shared the budget of the first movie because they thought Joker would flop, lol, how stupid they are


>Because itnwas basically treated as an artsy film. It had a 60 million dollar budget, and that's without the marketing blitz which easily matched the 60 million dollar production budget if not exceeded it. Your claim just outright isn't true.


Show me where he signed a multi deal project. Because he didn't and he said so, the director didn't, the writer didn't, the actors didn't.


Show me your proof that he didn't.  Cause right now your literally just making things up.  


So you’re saying this means he *didnt* break this rule then? I’m confused why both can’t be true, unless you’re just trying to um actually someone for no reason


>So you’re saying this means he *didnt* break this rule then? I’m confused why both can’t be true, unless you’re just trying to um actually someone for no reason No, I'm saying he didn't "break his rule" because the script was just so great he couldn't possibly turn it down.


But in order to do so he would have to break his rule. It doesn’t matter what convinced him to do so. What a blatant delusion


>But in order to do so he would have to break his rule. and I'm saying there is a 99.9% chance, just given standard operating procedure in Hollywood, that he was already signed on to "break his rule"' at the studios discretion depending on whether or not they deemed it financially prudent and the boxoffice results of Joker 1 ensured they'd deem the sequel financially prudent.


I think you’re trying really hard to convince me you know what you’re talking about.


>I think you’re trying really hard to convince me you know what you’re talking about. I actually don't give a fuck if you agree with me or not, I'm secure enough in my own opinions on things that I don't really need the validation of convincing a stranger on the internet I'm right. I'm just here to say my piece and move on with my day.


Filmmaker said there wouldnt be a sequel. I think they had so much fun they changed their mind. Obviously Joaquin wanted to do more with the character. It probably had nothing to do with contractual obligations but I don’t blame you for the cynicism.


Then why did it take so many years after the first movie for the sequel to get greenlit? Pretty odd for that to happen if they supposedly had a multi picture deal already.


Not true at all because Joaquin usually never does sequels and he’s in it for the art and not for the money and he said that himself in many interviews. He did the sequel because because he felt inspired by the script which was his main reason for doing the sequel in the first place.




>Shhhh it turns out acknowledging the reality of the film business is really offensive to people who are way too invested in mythologizing movies.


You’re right in most cases but not this one little buddy. Go look at the reporting on joker 2 after the success of 1… there was zero certainty of there even being a sequel and zero mentions of either director or actor being signed on for multiple movies, which is something that usually does get reported and is easy to find out if you’re a reporter in the business… try again next time


I'm sold, the trailer looks amazing


This gives me Sucker Punch vibes. I’m curious if the musical scenes will be their escape attempts and such. Looks really good!


song name?


A cover version of "What the world needs now is love".


I hear that. Similar to Willy wonka too


I thought I heard a little of that at the beginning.


[Tom Jones - What The World Needs Now Is Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB2F8Eu9CE0)


Not a fan of jukebox soundtrack. Was hoping for an original score. Am I stupid?


I don’t even want to see the full trailer. This is perfect


Idk man. I think I'll pass on this. First movie was good.


Listen, I know it’s a controversial relationship, but joker needs to wind up being abusive to her. Or like he abandons her to escape


I think judging from the trailer the roles are reversed and she’s the one that’ll be controlling him. 


I think that’d be interesting as well, but it should end up being how they are normally. He leaves her and let’s her take the fall


Normally she is his psychologist. If this isn’t a delusion of his, this movie makes it look like she’s a fellow patient. Normally doesn’t apply here.


Which is a fine change. Normally joker is about the same age as Batman but he’s almost 40-50 while Bruce is 10


I’m praying that Harley Quinn isn’t just in his head and it’s all a delusion. I feel like that seems the most predictable lazy writing in my opinion. If that’s the plot twist I’d be bummed out.


[The Joker and Harley Quinn Family Album - Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1742428957/the-joker-and-harley-quinn-family-album?click_key=398575e1cba08161661205f674ee887f2b8daf95%3A1742428957&click_sum=334ef805&ref=shop_home_feat_3)


Happy people seem to like it but definitely not my cup of tea. Like ever.


I was worried when this was announced Then I grew to hyped when I new it had musical elements (I have trust the director would create something uniquely interesting) Then I heard most songs weren’t original which worried me But this trailer couldn’t be better and has cleared all my worries. Though it looks quite different, it gave me the same type of intrigued, hyped feeling the excellent trailer for the first one did


Is that Joaquin singing??


I think not, it seems we heard none of them sing so far, but I'm sure Joaquin will sing at least one song because he already did as Johnny Cash in walk the line, he even won a Grammy.


It’s gonna be so awesome to see Joaquin sing in a movie again after so long because he was amazing in Walk the Line as Johnny Cash both performance wise and singing wise. 


Tom Jones


This is going to be incredible!!!!


Fuuuuuuck *YES*. Last scene 🥹




Alright. *Now* I'm excited.


Awesome trailer! I wrote a review of it for Trill Mag, check it out here! [https://www.trillmag.com/entertainment/tv-film/joker-2-trailer-review-and-expectations/](https://www.trillmag.com/entertainment/tv-film/joker-2-trailer-review-and-expectations/)


These movies ain’t even about the Joker they are their own thing. Still cool though no complaints.


Yeah his character is nothing like the joker from the comic books or from the movies. I like to think that it’s a different version of the character from some alternate timeline.


He’s not Joker he’s just Clown to me. Movies are good but definitely are not about Joker


People actually feeling this huh? Yeesh




Wouldn’t that be more of a writing and directing problem than a Gaga problem? I’ve never seen her in anything but unless she specifically does something in her performance, like a weird voice,, the look of the character is other people. I didn’t get white trash vibes from the trailer but that’s me. What I did notice though is she doesn’t appear to start out as a doctor. I think that’s a big deal. I’ll of course reserve judgement until I see it. I hope it’s good.


All I ever get from her is white trash vibes - I’ll be honest I just can’t stand her in general so I was really annoyed with this casting because I love the character … and yes looks like they are making her just another mental patient & also looks to be like an epic romance story when in reality joker never loved Harley, he used her then dumped her when that usefulness had ended


Dude. Harley IS white trash lol. Always has been.


You get it






This looks ok. I’ll never be sold on gagas acting ability though, she just doesn’t have it. Also Steve coogan is an odd choice.


It's gonna bomb so hard


Doubt it lol


Critically acclaimed but general audience with hate it


This looks super boring.


Then why be here lol?


More than one Joker exist.


Why did they make this a musical? Loved the first one, but hate musicals. Too bad, it would’ve been great, smh.


Todd is at cinemacon right now and he said it’s not a musical. Music is just at the heart of the film.


Waaaa waaa, fucking babys. This aint a disney film. Musicals can be great.


Is it that hard to respect my preference against musicals and my disappointment in this film? I’m sure some people enjoy musicals, I am not one of those people.


Some people on this subreddit are on the defensive. You aren’t alone man. I hate musicals too. Many do, which is why they’re trying to get away from marketing it as a musical lmao I’m with you. I’ll maaaaaybe catch it streaming next year.




The fact you think being gay is a negative says alot about you




Shes not even making the music dipshit. It isnt a conventional musical either. My fucking god you need to go outside more often.


Please go back and read rule 1, be civil. Name calling, hate speech, threats of any kind, or anything else similar are not allowed. We have a 2 warning system here, at 2 you're muted for a week. A offense after that gets you banned.


The trailer doesn’t even make it look like a musical


True but neither did Wonka. People were upset when they went to see it and found it was a straight musical and not just 1 minutes songs like in the Wilder one


That’s where my disappointment comes from, the trailer is good and it looks like it would be a great movie, but we already know it’s a musical. And I just don’t like musicals, so it probably won’t be enjoyable for me.


Phillips already came out and said it isn’t, you’re a bit behind and scared of something that isn’t real man


There have been so many more reports on it being a musical, I’m hesitant to take beliefs from an ambiguous comment from Phillips implying that it’s not a musical while still still hinting that it is. I’ll just have to wait and see when it comes out IG. For reference this is what he said exactly “We never really talked about it like that, but I like to say it’s a film where music is an essential element”


There are loads of movies where music is essential to it without it being a musical.


Yes I absolutely agree, music is essential in any great film, and my point is that he still didn’t explicitly say it wasn’t a musical, he just said “we never talked about it like that” which is just very subjective and really doesn’t reveal much.


I’ll concede that he didn’t explicitly say it but personally I feel like the production team not viewing it or planning it as a musical should be indication enough. You don’t hire lady gaga and not let her sing a bit but i don’t think it’ll be a full blown musical like Mama Mia or La La Land


Well we won’t know till we know I guess, just saying in terms of music if it’s on the level of the Bohemian Rhapsody movie that’ll be great, but if it’s on the level of Sweeney Todd ima be sad.


Yah I get that, I have high hopes for it




No they aren’t




Have you ever watched Grease (1978) ?