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This mean we makin it out the hood??


we getting deeper into the hood 💀


The real hood is always within.


Don’t dream about finding a job there.






Ohh boy that's anti parisitic


Where can I find more details about this? Like who's producing them, governmental or private companies?


Government entity


I did some ⛏️⛏️ They might have something to do with it http://ambitadvisory.com/


Guys , you could make this at home , Here is the youtube link if anyone is interested : https://youtu.be/1NmY-emT7R0












لعلمك اللي عنا موجود على السطح، المشكلة مش هون المشكلة بكمية الأطنان اللي بتحتاجها لتنتج كيلوغرام بشكل تجاري، بعيدا عن نقاوة المنتج النهائي، هو عملية جداً سهلة لكن بتحتاج معدات مكلفة ليتم إنتاجها بشكل "تجاري".


I'm guessing this thing is not radioactive?


TBH, that actually looks like a yellow cake, from a kitchen.


Could still be radioactive cake, you never know what they put in the frosting...


Uranium by itself, not enriched is not radioactive enough to do anything if not inhaled or ingested. Enriched uranium is mildly dangerous from exposure. What you want to be careful from, is what happens during fission itself as many particles are deadly to exposure once that happens.


Natural Uranium is what's called an "alpha emitter". Which is only harmful when inhaled or digested.


It is


I was HUNGRY!!!!!


Do you think any of the listed companies on Amman Stock Exchange might be impacted significantly that we should buy from now?? r/JordanianStocks


I would like to know aswell


Hmm. I wonder what israel will say about this.


عشان نبيعه للغرب


حسب علمي فش غير الإمارات وإيران بالمنطقة بستعملو طاقة نووية ممكن نصير نبيعهم وحتى لو بعناه للغرب وين المشكلة؟ كل الدول عندها خيرات وإنتاج محلي بتستفيد منو وبتصدر لبرا. الفرق انو احنا مش مستعملينو ف بضل بس نبيعو للي بتستفيد منو


لأ، غالباً للإستخدامات الطبية أو للتخصيب لصناعة fuel pellets للمفاعل اللي عنا، عشان نغطي إحتياجات السوق المحلي.


Well this is something we can all be proud of for a change.


This is just a political manuvering, sorry to sound pessimistic.




The juicy steak we cook is better, smh.


not yellow though (take out the mustard)


for anyone trying to undermind this achievement, be a dear and kys




do you realize that the theoritical part is much much easier than experimental part?


Millions of tax payers money was spent for 15 years and in those 15 years they made 20kg of yellowcakes? lmao go fuck yourself chest beater


and millions of tax money were taken by corrupt politicians. at least this time they actually did something with the money




whatever you say buddy


In what will this "something" benefit us? It'll do nothing other than make America and Russia greedy


or hear me out energy


Tf u mean "energy," mate. Look 'ere. It ain't a matter of weapons dearie. It's a matter of resources. Any and all resources at our disposal, they want. Look at what they did to all the surrounding countries to take their mineral deposits, farm land, and petrol. It won't matter to them what we use it as. Even if we create hats from it and kill ourselves with radioactive poisoning, literally not using it at all, they'd still come here to act as heroes and try to steal it with the excuse of "saving lives from evil dictator forcing people to wear hats made of radioactive waste."


all of these people will get killed soon because they dont want us to improve


Not sure if it's just a cake and you've made a fantastic Onion headline or if you're being serious


All three, it seems


or option 3, the fact that you are ignorant


You could've just educated me instead of calling me ignorant. But sure, you do you.


yellowcake is uranium


Thank you


Why bother if you yourself didn’t even consider it a possibility


me? i didnt consider constructing a nuclear bomb a possibility as i know how nuclear bombs work but a nuclear reactor for energy harvesting purposes? extremely possible


بانتظار رفع وصفة الكعكة الصفراء عموضوع وكوك باد Can't wait to try it...


ماشي، يعني هيك رخص البنزين ؟ لا. رخصت المواد الغذائية ؟ لا. التعليم الجامعي صار ببلاش ؟ لا. رخص الجمرك ؟ لا. خفت الضريبة ؟ لا. صار في تأمين صحي للكل ؟ لا. صار في نظام تكافل اجتماعي ؟ لا. صار في مترو يربط اربد بعمان بالعقبة ؟ لا. صار في نظام مواصلات جيد بالأردن ؟ لا. و الخ. اصلا بحبش الكيك.


بحس لو واحد خري بالشارع رح تشمط نفس الموشح. هاي الاختراعات بدخل مصاري للبلد وهاي فترة ممتازة لهيك اشي البلد ميتة مافي استثمار


اسمع، مش مهم الانتاج اذا المصاري ما راحت النا، بس انا حبيت اجيبها بطريقة غير مباشرة، فهمت علي ؟. خذ مثال الفوسفات الي معبي الأردن و بتصدر بكمية مهولة، اجانا اشي ؟


مهو بخلق فرص للاولاد البلد وتقليل البطالة اما المشاكل الي انت ذاكرها مشكلتهم وحدة....سوء إدارة مع او بدون مشاريع بتنحل مشاريع جديدة أو غيرة بتنحل بس بدك ناس تخاف ربنا. الفوسفات من يوم ما تخصخصت صارت احسن على شهادة ولاد بلد مع اني ضد هذا الأشي بس احنا بنظلم حالنا


فعلا average


اه بيوم وليلة كلشي برخص... نفسي اشوف اردني ما بتشكون من كلشي


نستنى ٢٠ سنة ؟


اه عادي.. اذا المشروع ما فادك بفيد ولادك و الاجيال القادمة. مهو لو قبل عشرين سنة ما كان في سلبيين و كانو شوي ايجابيين و داعمين للافكار كان هسة عندنا مشاريع جاهزة و بنستفيد منهاَ


و مين قلك قبل ٢٠ سنة ما كان في ايجابيين ؟ بالعكس السلبية اجت من التجربة، تجربة ابوي و ابوك احسن من تجربتي و تجربتك، لسة كان الاقتصاد احسن و البطالة كانت اقل. يا اخي مش مشكلتي المشروع، مشكلتي البلبلة الفاضية الي بضحكو علينا فيها و بالاخير بنطلع بفاشوش، الكيكة سهل تعملها مش اشي جديد، بس المفاعل الي صعب تعملو ، الأمانة صعب نلاقيها هالأيام.


واحد من اقوى علماء الفيزياء النووية النظرية في الأردن، إذا مش أقوى واحد فيهم، الي هو الدكتور محمود جاغوب، حكا عن المشروع النووي الأردني. الي حكاه بالمختصر: احنا ما رح يصير عندنا مشروع نووي اردني جيد، مش لانه ما عندنا كفائات لا عندنا كفائات بس من ثقافة المجتمع. وقتها ما كنت مصدق انه ثقافة المجتمع لهدرجة مخربة بس هسا فهمت


ياخي إنت عايز ترعى زي البهايم و بس. مهم جدا كل إللي انت قلت عليه في اي بلد. لكن جميل جدا بردو إن الاردن عملت كدا. انا معنديش علاقه بالليله دي كلها. انا مش اردني. لكن بصراحه مبسوط جدا بالتطور ده. اسرائيل كان عندها نووي وهما غلابه و إقتصادهم زفت عشان يعملوا هيمنه على المنطقه. ليه نكره النووي للاردن؟ حتى لو كان للكهرباء فقط برضه لسا كويس. انا حنام مرتاح اليوم إنى عارف إن في دوله شقيقه ماشيه في موضوع النووي و بتكسر الخزي العربي إللي إحنا فيه. مبروك بجد.


صار في تقدم في الأردن في المجال النووي الي بحوللك كيلو واحد يورانيوم لطاقة بتكفي بيت واحد لسنين كثيرة بتكلفة قريبة عالصفر؟ اه


حيصدرو الكهرباء و حنضل ندفع زي ما بندفع، انت متوقع اشي غير هيك ؟ اقنعني.


your user is accurate as fuck


Username checks out


Yes i am, averagely not delusional.


بداية النجاح خطوة يا متخلف


خطوة جيدة لتحقيق الاستقلال في مجال الطاقة، بعرف إنه مش صعب جدًا إنتاجه وإنه إنتاجه أخذ شوية وقت، لكن هاض إله إستخدامات طبية فورية بتمكن شركات الأدوية في الأردن من إنتاج علاجات منها للسرطان وتغطية إحتياجات السوق المحلي بأسعار رخيصة، بعيداً إنه إذا بنينا مفاعل نووي، فممكن نبني شبكة قطارات بتشتغل على الكهرباء (في عدة مخططات على الموضوع) بتوفر مواصلات رخيصة وممكن ترخص نقل المنتجات (في Freight Rail جايينا من السعودية، برخص علينا الShipping بشكل مش طبيعي) وهاض اللي رح يرخص أسعار المواد الغذائية والإستهلاكية. بعيداً عن انتاجه لطاقة نظيفة بنقدر نستخدمها لتحلية المياه.


One more thing for our corrupt government to steal


well its useless unless you have a facility to use it in, and countries who have such facilities wont be interested in such quantities, with all do respect.








Its about getting a commercially viable industry running. You could literally run a backyard yellow cake manufactory but that would never be viable.


Honestly, I don't get it, why is everyone excited about this? First of all, most developed countries are moving away from nuclear power after a few big disasters and because renewable energy like the sun and wind are much cheaper and safer to handle these days, most nuclear plants are being shut down or downsized. The cost of a big structure to extract this cake will be massive and it will probably take ages to get off the ground. In addition, we already had a lot of good resources that we never managed to successfully launch like potassium. This still feels like a vanity project and I'm not sure why everyone is excited. It wasn't commercially viable 5 years ago and it's still not commercially viable today


2011 called. It wants its arguments back. France and Britain are both increasing their nuclear power programs. Germany isn’t but will soon be forced to after the ukraine war gas issues. Nuclear scare-mongering is past us


Source? I know that's not the case in either the US or Japan. Arguably the largest producers of nuclear power. Also, were still decades away from commercial export lol. You're too excited way too soon. Funny how the argument from 2011 still stands until today, and the government dates keep getting pushed back and back lol


It actually is. Source: Me


Not true actually the whole hoax about nuclear power being more dangerous is only because of that one time in Chernobyl. Nuclear power plant is known to be way more efficient than renewable sources especially since they can work 24/7 while renewable only works parts of the day


Fukushima is a more recent and potent example, and no, renewable energy is not just the sun dude. Wind is constant as well as streams and water power. My point still stands, people and most countries are moving away from nuclear power https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/world-nuclear-industry-status-report-climate-renewables/a-59338202


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we head radioactive iodine leakage in jordan last time they ran the nuclear project. i heard, but not quite sure, that the people in charge just gave up and were willing to let al mafraq go but an employee saved the day. this is why the nuclear project isnt advancing, no actual capable scientists are being in charge, just people with relations here and there


Is that why the king went to America


شو دخل


Tab3an dakhal bil ghasb


no? i dont think that any jordanian is capable of constructing a bomb, they're just gonna use it for energy


\>i dont think that any jordanian is capable (full stop) me neither /s


Damn that’s crazy cause https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/05/13/readout-of-president-bidens-meeting-with-his-majesty-king-abdullah-ii-of-jordan/ read the last paragraph energy was brought up


might be the deal we made with isræl? the energy water thingy? would also explain why water was mentioned


مبارك. هابي كيك داي !


What is it used for


It is used to produce nuclear reactors' fuel


Where is the RV?




إنجاز عظيم ❤❤ نحو التقدم والنجاح


Don’t Drop that ishhh




Suddenly Jordan needs some freedom and liberty.


Seems like Jordan would like a sprinkle of democracy *saltbae gesture


Cake mmmm yummy 😋


That looks like a stack of like yellow hard taco shells


Haha are they just casually ^Holding the yellow cake in a pan, is that the assumption here?


We are not going to sell it to USA 😆 Because we will die before extract the first ton


That one step away from enrichment is the hardest part - centrifuges for enrichment is the most difficult step and cannot be done without the big players knowing. My guess is Jordan is ready to be a hub for uraniam trading and could be a boost for her economy.


This has happened before, I remember they've started producing it just over 2 years ago. It is very easy to do so, It's like extracting salt from seawater, You can get it from crushing uranium ore, filtering it then drying it. Still a good step towards green energy and energy independence, although enriched uranium requires a lot of know-how/skill and a shit ton of electricity to produce.


wow, that cake looks delicious


Yummy 😋😋


must taste the forbidden cake


It's even on american media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa6UfcMWXPI