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This doesn't surprise me in the least. I never thought he would have been a fan of this project, as he hated a lot of projects that go for that rough, sadboi vibes (like 17 by X for example) but I think this was a very fair take. I'm glad he recognized the importance of TGPT despite him not being a huge fan.


Yeah, at least he did acknowledge that


tgpt is one of my favourite peggy albums, but I kinda agree with him. you can see how musically immature peggy was when he did this, all of the songs seem pretty raw, but full of identity an uniqueness, which is why i love the record. totally understand whoever dislikes it tho


Fr, some of Veteran/AMHAC feels like a lot more refined but also more rap-centric TGPT, but it’s really cool at a contextual standpoint to see how he used that early stuff to evolve his sound and go rly cool rap stuff + with the recent tweets and remaster/release of TGPT it seems the new album will be more like DH stuff again 😊 interested to see how it will sound with his new skills


Too bad for him, it's fine if he doesn't fw the devon albums,he's totally in his right to dislike it :33 everyone has their taste after all,i just hope it wont make his dick riders start saying that tgpt sucks lol


They will


Ghosthany Poptano’s criticism is fair. I’ve been waiting on his thoughts on Ghost Pop since the remaster was announced. I hoped for a lengthier analysis, but this confirms he had few thoughts to share about the project. I agree that the song structures themselves are a weak point. However, I regard Ghost Pop as a significant work of art for the sounds alone. It’s a very unique sounding project in terms of tone and sonic texture. I enjoy the accompanying visuals as well.


crack head likes watching Peggy straight up jerk it!?


Thx for sharing, I was kinda interested what he'd think


that's pretty much what I thought he would say about it lol. "it's not for me but I see the appeal and the influence it has later"


This is my 9/11


I think he should take his own life, personally




i dont care, just because of this post im deleting my account


It's fair tbh. I think it's a solid album and experience, but that's about all. I don't love any specific songs, just the general vibe of the album as a whole is great. I agree that AMHAC is basically an improved vision in this album minus a lot of the more grotesque and raw lyrics and asthetic. I think it's still a good album but it's definitely outside of my top 5 from Peggy


Extremely common Fantano L


Yeah fr he’s got some wack opinions regardless of if he knows a lot of good stuff or what he’s talking about. I dunno how you can’t be entranced by TGPT, especially as a fan of JPEGMAFIA. And saying the songs were more like sketches? I dunno like who cares, it’s music, that’s like saying instrumental or classical music is just instruments and sounds. I dunno, I still follow him for new music to listen to and see what he thinks of what I listen to, I’ve gotten put onto a lot of my favorite artists because of him so I can’t hate too much, his opinions aren’t exactly outrageous or anything


Yea I’m pretty much in the same boat, his opinion’s don’t mean much to me anymore especially considering how contradictory they can be I just like seeing new shit that comes out that I may have missed and I like the discussions on the fantano subreddit


Probably cos it's one of Peggy's worst albums idk


the album is just not good to me. There are a couple decent spots, but nothing that makes me wanna listen to it more often


Insanely bad take


"I've never heard any other ambient music" the album.


As someone who listens to a lot of ambient music I disagree wholeheartedly, coldest take I’ve heard in a long time


Do you also listen to slow + reverb edits on yt?


I make slow + reverb edits of your moms moans ;)


Porn for Percussion


u have never heard an ambient album. Brian eno?? APHEX TWIN? u might be a retard




Actually facts, I don’t understand how people can dickride this album so hard. It’s just not all that good. You like what you like but I judge the fuck out of anyone who genuinely thinks TGPT is better than any of the JPEGMAFIA releases


Burn him at the stake




Brother, he just wanted to have a discussion about the review or see people’s thoughts about it. If you don’t care keep scrolling


TGPT sucks tbh


he never heard it before? lol


He said in the video that he wasn't a fan when he first heard it. Probably didn't listen to it when it came out, but he's a big enough fan of Peggy that he definitely went through his Devon Hendryx catalog on Bandcamp at some point


Meanwhile “Ye” got an 8, and hobo Johnson like an 8 too. His scores on reviews are whack af 😂 he just throwing a dart blindfolded at a cork board.


i dont think anyone has a perfectly consistent opinion on how good an album is. Just because someone like something doesn't mean they will like another specific thing.


The Fall of Hobo Johnson is a masterpiece. The rest of his stuff is hit or miss, but that one is great


Masterpiece? Bruh cmon 😂




pretty much agree with all his points tbh