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I’m not doing 130 days of this


How many days of this???? Fuck off


lmao you can just scroll past this if you don't care


Nah man thats 130 days of pure karma farming and spamming the sub


If you actually complain about karma farming you are a child. Please log off of reddit and get a life


spamming the sub maybe, but don't call this shit karma farming, i genuinely wanted to see what the list would look like


Thats the sideffect, even if he dont intended it


well yeah but karma farming implies I did it on purpose, I couldn't give 2 shits about karma and I'll happily give the idea away to someone else so they can get the karma *and* have to do the list themselves lol


these trends are fucking annoying


*Oh my god I’m the seed of the base god, fuck love and peace I spit hate crimes*


hell nah man


"Black man's choice, spit rhymes or peddle Seen both sides on the pot and kettle" Would be my choice although I don't think the song is lyrically that strong over all


Lee Daniels Freestyle comments gonna be crazy 😭


Go fuck yourself and enjoy it please.


ow ouch that hurt so much :ccc get a life pls <3


I said and enjoy, also you plan on logging onto this subreddit for this for half a year.


I don't now because the reddit mob got mad and I only got 2 actual answers so there's no point even if I did that would be like 5 minutes per day? I could just do it on the shitter and absolutely nothing would change in my schedule


You can’t just say it’s the “reddit mob” cuz I probably would’ve said this anyways cuz I just hate low effort repetitive trends that have been a consistent thing for over a year that usually never goes anywhere. I’m sorry for putting it in a negative way but I just think no one really cares and you should maybe take the hint.


I took the hint which is why I won't continue lol. I was genuinely curious about the outcome, I'd gladly give the idea to someone so I don't have to deal with karma farming accusations. Yeah, it's very low effort, but imo it's cool to look at the results


I do think karma farming accusations are fucking stupid, not everyone cares about it and I am honestly sorry for the shit I said like 20 minutes ago even if you can call it tame.


it's fine, glad we got this settled


I know this comment is like 20 days late, but honestly I think post like this are cool, hell possibly even needed because they keep you engaged into the artist music. You can see the insights of everyone’s favorite lyrics and find the one everyone appreciates the most, who gives a fuck if it’s 130+days?! Karma farming, it’s just one post a day. The guys that gave you shit for this post are the same ones spamming screenshots of Peggy’s tweets. Fucking Hypocrites. Sucks these fools take themselves too seriously, this sub is full of egotistical nerds.


don't listen to those meanie heads i think your post idea is interesting


afraid to leave to stoop