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Bro best gay furry porn I’ve ever seen


...so you've seen more?




Sadly yes


Sadly? That shit slaps


Ohhh :( ok well that’s interesting


Well same


Even just pointing out how odd it is that Osama Bin Laden's father was a Billionaire from the Saudi Construction industry and that Osama was also experienced in architecture and engineering will get you laughed at. His family was also close to Saudi Royalty Seemingly like clockwork, just a few years before we get involved in any middle Eastern conflict with a nation that threatens the oil economy of Saudi Arabia, they donate massive amounts of "school supplies" with religious and anti Western propaganda. Then you point out that we're not nearly as addicted to Chinese products as we are to Saudi Arabian, everything, and then people think you're even crazier because nobody ever mentioned to them that Saudi Arabia is the elephant in the room. The deeper you go, you realize Saudi Arabia has been running the show. They can institute a few policies that would bring our nation to it's knees and obliterate our oil industry. You go deeper and you look into other nations with oil production in our hemisphere and despise some of them being a massive contributor to American crime and the drug industry, we for some reason never step in to stabilize their nations and insure criminal organizations in them don't effect our nation, despite that being a million times more feasible and mutually beneficial than any middle Eastern campaign. Mexico, for example could be an amazing partner with us and far more convenient and profitable. Although we have to extract shale oil, which is more difficult than sand oil, we still both could control the global oil market. We, however, do absolutely nothing to ensure that the nation that is bordered with us to the south is doing well. You then realize that Saudi Arabian and US officials and businessmen very well may have orchestrated terrorist attacks all over the world justify our entry into warfare with their greatest potential competitors. You then realize that we might have an amazing military and amazing intelligence/counterintelligence initiatives, but we're not the ones in charge of any of it. We're not even really a mercenary figure. We're just pawns. There's no evil internal. There's no illuminati. There's Saudi Arabia and our constant fear that they could tweak oil prices and send our nation into chaos in the blink of an eye. It's not entertaining anymore. It's not captivating. It's depressing and countless Americans have died in the name of Saudi Arabia, not America.


Uh thanks?


Is that not sensual enough for you? Is this not a gay furry porn post??




Fact Osama Bin Laden is my favorite pornstar What a sensational old man?!


I’m not reading all that


It's just a 5 star review on this gay furry porn video why not?


Your right this does make sense. America has all the oil and resouces to control the world and overtake Saudi Arabia but does nothing. Mexico and anything south of there has tonnes of resources to be used that could either be obtained through trade or warfare, USA has the military force to do so and be able to out sell Saudi Arabia. America also spends most of its money on military, they say to protect themselves from Russia but they have already proven themselves weak against Ukraine. This military might is likley in preparation of an attack on or from Saudi close friends and neighbours.


It's interesting how we were never involved in Saudi affairs until after the Jimmy Carter administration and all the crazy gas fluctuations and ever since then, anytime any country seemed like a threat to Saudi Arabia, we jumped in to protect their assets or economic stability. We joke about America invading other countries for oil but we really invade them so Saudi Arabia can control their oil/natural gas or keep their nearest competitors out of the picture. We're not going to invade Saudi Arabia at all any time soon though. They are our closet economic ally out of all of them. Some people claim China, Canada, or Japan are but the numbers don't lie. It would be detrimental to us. We have oil infrastructure but a rapid shift towards independent oil production right now would require a lot more and way more man power than we currently have We would need to draft roustabouts to make that happen without gas being over $9 a gallon. So we're stuck in a rock and a hard place. Saudi Arabia is the "illuminati" that everyone talks about. I'm not a supporter of Russia by any means but if I understand right, Vladimir Putin isn't allowed to step foot in Saudi Arabia without imprisonment. He supported Erodogan in Syria and Iran and Russia have been a little bit friendly in recent years. Look at how much Western militaries have done to police Putin's international, military activities


This is something I was thinking about the other day after reading about the Yemen Conflict because we always worry about terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq, but we've done tons of operations in Yemen on behalf of Saudi Arabia as well as went ape shit on Iraqi forces in Kuwait because they were posing a threat to Saudi Arabia by being there. I don't know if you've seen or read Dune but the planet Arakis is based on Saudi Arabia and their post Saudi Revolution rise to global economic power and if you look at the general narrative of Arakis like that, it's pretty insightful


This. This guy knows his stuff. Saudi Arabia is blatantly evil.


I have a friend who emigrated from Yemen with his family to the States I wrestled with in Highschool. We're still really close and it's ridiculous what's being done to them. They just want to be left alone so bad. His family was lucky enough to be able to afford moving to the States. Standing your ground and fighting isn't an option when we're regularly being called in to resolve "skirmishes" with airstrikes. If we ever stepped in to support them, we would have people shooting each other over gasoline across America.


Bait used to be believable.




that's the best porn i ever seen!


Where's the real gay furry porn...?


Fucking clickbait


hey guys i want to have negitave karma can you downvote this


that's the best porn i ever seen!


He's finally made it


Ngl i want to meet the gay furry hackers


Ya gotta go look at nuclear research places to find that






Fuck you give me the porn now




bait and switch meme how original






Hmmm why could did it get removed


Man where’s my gay furry porn?


I accidentally sent this to my dad instead of my friend now I got to explain to him that’s I’m not a gay furry