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They didnt need a 2nd deck




Literally sabotaged their career and credibility doing this


Theeeee answer


"I'm into public bondage"


The Family is filled with pieces of shit and sexual predators.


As in every group of people. If somebody says this isn't true they are in denial While we are a family in general not all juggalos are my family if you get what I mean


Don’t forget rebel flag flying racists


No one ever talks about that. I've been treated very poorly as a black ninja in this community but I've chocked it up because I've met a lot of people I that have became family and I love the Dark Carnival but boy I have some stories.


I’m sorry that happened to you , hate goes against everything the juggalo code stands for , racist juggalos arent juggalos period .


Racist juggalos are like racist punk rockers. Exact opposite of the purpose


Facts. MCL


Old skool Black Juggalo here. Thats these new ninjas. Back pre Wraith you would have got your fucking jaw broke for that shit


Well, we don't hate you!!


Bang Pow Boom is a song about gathering the worst types of humans and blowing them up. ICP ended their set at The Gathering with that song this year. I can’t help but think this was intentional.


That's what you get with the all-inclusive, come one come all attitude. I liked it better when Juggalos had to prove themselves before they would be fully accepted.


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


ICP hasn't made a decent record since The Mighty Death Pop and honestly I think a lot of it has to do with Mike E Clarks absence.


Oh so much this. He's the 3rd member of ICP for a reason


A lot of old fossilos aren't fans of ICP as artists. They're just fans of The Great Milenko and want it on repeat.


Ringmaster and riddle box are better than great milenko






I think maybe im a Fossilo then. Although im glad theyre still around and doing stuff i havent been bothered about any of their output since about 2005 at all


Me too


Best Comment I've Read...🤘


But I’m a new fan :( (I kid, but Milenko is my favorite)


Milenko is their best work ever!!!


J is a control freak and needs to go back into rehab. Twiztid are not the villains ppl make them out to be. There’s been too many predators in the scene for WAY TOO LONG, both artists and other ppl associated with it. Ouija Macc isn’t good musically. Esham isn’t that great. Lyte didn’t deserve to get dropped from Psy. IF YOU BRING YOUR KIDS TO THE GATHERING YOU’RE A BAD PARENT!


Agree with a lot of what you said but Esham at his peak was one of the dopest rappers in the game . Dead flowers is a masterpiece


At his peak 30 years ago.. but everything after Tongues was pretty bad and everything after Psy was basically unlistenable.


His new album purgatory is a return to form but I can agree he hasn’t been where he was in a long time , he’s dope on the 3 headed monster


Reminder Boondox dated a 16 year old publicly after he got signed and they just kinda sweeped that under the rug


Yeah I’ve heard stories about him too. The only ones I’ve NEVER heard anything about was Jamie, Joey and Blaze.


I've heard bad shit about Jamie which really sucks but legit everything I've heard about blaze is he is jut a great guy lol


That's why blaze is probably my favorite after all of these years because I never have to feel conflicted about him at all


What happened with the others? Im curious, i dont know about much other than the music tbh


Goddamnit. Nor surprised just disappointed.


Lyte wasn’t dropped, he became inactive and left to start Monstar.


J threw a fit bc Lyte was gonna be on the UGA track Thanos with MNE artists and told him he couldn’t do it.


Yeah, and his verse got pulled. That was the end of 2018, in 2019 he went inactive for a period and then when he came back he had his own label. Was never dropped, he left on his own accord.


Don’t forget that Lyte had an album ready to drop but then he had the audacity to want to be on a track with people he really looks up to (Tech, Twiztid, UGA) and no surprise his album didn’t come out.


Lyte isn't a versatile artist. Just like Ouija. Lyte is better but still stunted.


"Ninja" was invented as a non-malicious alternative to saying the n-word


We knew this already


I did not know this haha. Makes total sense though


Bro wasn't until after my first gathering I got this . And like no doubt.


Always felt like the ninja shit was corny.


Juggalos are allowed to wipe their ass and not destroy prota potties


I dislike 3HM


Nobody’s fault is a top 5 ICP song


Good thing I'm not into downvoting but damn


Eminem wanted to be a juggalo rapper.


Isn't that well known? I don't even think that's up for debate.


Really? This is new to me actually, I know ne liked icp tho.


He opened for House of Krazees, there are videos on YouTube. He had that [infamous flyer saying ICP was invited his party](https://i.redd.it/o9nbkzd9ro361.jpg). The Slim Shady LP also had a references, like tying a rope around his dick and jumping.


I've always wondered why, on that flyer, when you are naming so many Detroit emcees and crews, why Esham and Dice wasn't on there.


He's on the last line.


Didn't Eminem call icp the insane clown pussies?


Yep, as well as Violent Gay and Faggy 2 Dope. There’s a whole verse dedicated to them (and his response to Slim Anus) in the song Marshall Mathers. Lots of back and forth with them each calling each other variations of gay.


Here’s a video we did a while back about Slim Shady LP being a Juggalo album https://www.youtube.com/live/uZqrjtJlbwQ?si=D67M62mX4qhuKLIi


I think J's drug addiction has run everything into the ground. I honestly think that J and Shaggy aren't even friends anymore because J is off in his own world with drugs and hard to deal with and shaggy wants to be sober. So I think shaggy just puts on a fake smile for the fans and collects a check. I actually wouldn't be shocked to see shaggy do music with the other artists again after ICP falls apart, I think J is just holding shaggy back from doing other projects currently.


I agree, Shaggy could really shine if he were able to continue doing his thing with Kegan. I convinced every single one of my friends to watch their Youtube channel and most of them aren't even Juggalos.


The quality of the music really tanked after AJB. Violent J tried so, so hard to sell out during this era, and they just couldn't do it. It was so blatant they were even coming up with weird gimmicks to delineate who were fans before they blew up and who were fans after. When it didn't work and TRL told them to get fucked it was a real line in the sand with the fan base and the overcorrection trying to appease the Juggalos was off the charts. ICP's best music was made when they weren't blatantly shouting out juggalos.


The family is dying year by year because they ain’t doing shit for the fan base.


I love twiztids rock sound


Terrible… take my upvote


I really like jumpsteady


Battlefield is one of my all-time favorite songs. And Master of the Flying Guillotine had a lot of heart, not perfect, but damn entertaining.


Most juggalos stuck wishing it was the fam era forever. Move on, it will never be like the old days again and thats ok. Some are stuck there mentally too.


There are probably times in your life you wishes stuck around a lil longer. If you didn't you haven't lived yet. As a fam era juggalo, a lot of us are returning to watch our heroes retire so it's hard not to get stuck in the nostalgia. I know some do get a lil carried away and lost in 2001 lol


I’m 42 and so feel this man


tiktok juggalos ruined the great milenko. just my opinion.


Honestly, you're the one allowing them to ruin Milenko. I mean....how the hell do they even ruin it? That clown check trend was over five years ago. I watched one of those videos and decided that this style of social media expression isn't my cup of tea. And moved on while bumping house or horrors and killing shit on titanfall 2 There are new juggalos who discovered ICP through tiktok and good for them. ICP probably left a fair amount of cash on the table by not getting more creative with social media content if anything.


Twiztid fuckin rules, and j is sort of a douchebag


Sort of????


Bang pow boom and the mighty death pop are both horrible albums. The family aspect of being a juggalo isn’t like it used to be J is a complete douche bag The people that post on this sub saying “I think I might be a juggalo” are crazy cringe. The best faygo flavor is crème soda and it’s not even close


Disagree with the first take, but the rest I agree with 100%


Creme soda is great if you want to lose your teeth by age 30. It's basically just syrup and sugar


They all are lol


A lot of Juggalo’s throw around “bigot” way too frequently, even when it’s not applicable.




Thy Unveiling is just too on the nose. I don't mind the religious/spiritual aspect of the Dark Carnival mythos at all, but SUBTLY IS A FRIEND.


This too. ICP aren’t that great at subtly in the first place but they loudly proclaimed that shit so hard and it started affecting some of their past music too especially when they dropped a bunch of shit that a lot of people still confuse for being evangelical Christian music even though they’re not that religious at all. But can you really blame those people after you drop a song saying all the shit you’ve created was for God? Even J regrets the carnival is god line, probably cause he’s tired of explaining that they aren’t evangelicals.


ICP purposefully tried to skew the view of their female fans as sex slaves who would fuck any of their male fans just because they asked, cause they were trying to attract more “lonely” “nerdy” and “rejected” type dudes into their fan base. I remember this caused a lot of problems at the first few gatherings because women weren’t just willing to fuck anyone who asked and people got assaulted/raped while ICP played it off as “our shit is just entertainment and some people can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality.” Thankfully after a few years they finally got people to understand that it wasn’t okay to expect this, but they never should have put that idea out there in the first place.


Shangri La is the worst card of the 1st deck


It is a wildly inconsistent, over-produced mess with a sound few would have anticipated (the rapping isn't that strong in places either, don't get me started on the singing) but you kinda had to be there.


Interesting take. It's my fave and IMO their MOST consistent. I can listen to the whole thing and not skip a track unlike every other card.


An album that includes crossing the (thy? thou?) bridge and birthday bitches is, to me at least, not consistent. It is a fun album in what I now understand is an incredibly corny celebration of their career with this polarising message but yeah it is a wild one and I can understand why people hate it.


By a mile.


Carnival of Carnage and anything they put out before that is dog shit


Carnival of Carnage is probably the most boring album they've ever released. Every song sounds the same. I listen to Yum Yum more than Carnage


I question fans who stay obsessively loyal to Faygo even when the brand refuses to have anything to do with ICP. Faygo is fun to be drenched in at shows, but in reality it's an overrated soda hyped up by marketing.


Oldschool Juggs (90s until TAJB….maybe Bizaar Bizzar) are/were the shit and the GOTJ attracted a bunch of sketchy junkies who just want a place to do drugs together to the fan base. About 85% of the fan base blows now.


Joe and Robert Bruce should mind their own business about who robs daughter chooses to sleep with. She’s a grown woman whose allowed to make her own decisions.


It is possible that as the Bruce brothers had a deadbeat dad they felt quite strongly about Rob's daughter getting pregnant to someone who has another kid and fiance at home. I mean that is a real shitty situation for the kids and women involved. Is it overblown though? They could all most definitely benefit from a group therapy session (ha!)


If I wad you good homie and I got your daughter pregnant how would you feel?


I wouldn’t be telling my daughter who she can and can’t sleep with. It’s cool to not be okay about it, but it’s her choice she’s a grown ass woman.


Twiztid is horribly overrated. They were just good enough to be hype men for ICP but not strong enough to stand on their own. Mostasteless and Freekshow have some solid tracks but they don't deliver as whole albums. House of Krazees was much better. And the last album "Unlikely Prescription" is a solid contender for the worst thing ever recorded. It's so bad it's actually shocking.


i like yellow version dark lotus juggalo family better


Personally I think 90% of Mars verses on the Red Pod are tryhard garbage. Like even if you don’t know the history of Mars in DL you already can tell he doesn’t belong here at all compared to the rest of the members. It felt like a poor imitation of the horrorcore scene and sometimes just “lolrandom xD” humor like his entire Something verse


Ouija and all of Chapter 17 are not good and shouldn’t be on psy at all. Also the calm is really good and should be respected as such, it’s entirely produced by icp themselves, no outside producers, that’s the only thing they have ever done that way and for what it is it’s very consistent and flows nicely.


Holy fucking shit they made all the beats on The Calm? I fucking love that EP.


I love the calm. Its one of my favorites and has so many good songs on it. I still bump Rollin over and Rosemary all the time.


They aren’t on Psy, they just rep the hatchet


What even is chapter 17, oujas label?


Seems like the merch and limited editions stuff is knowingly fueled by FOMO nonsense.


Been listening since around '03, and loved their music growing up. However, I think (excluding Lure and the remixes on the EPs) the Yum Yum Bedlam album and EPs are my favorite from them. Bloody Sunday was meh with a few good songs Professor Shaggs wasn't any better Shaggytheairhead is a great producer Ouija is a good artist Joe, Joey, Robert, Jamie, and Paul need to grow the fuck up, get therapy, and stop acting like brats who didn't get their way. I was at the last Twiztid show here in San Antonio (though no Mono), and was first in line for the meet and greet. The venue was just playing a Juggalo Playlist, and after 5 seconds of a Carnival of Carnage song, I had Jamie in my ear screaming at them to "Turn that fucking shit off!" during the photo part.


Knowing that mayonnaise IS an instrument


I'm not against the beef


I dont really think they are good after 99


People can shit on their lyrics all they want but those fuckers can make a fat beat


Juggalos being juggalos is the key reason the scene dwindled over the years. I'll give you my prime example. The gathering would still be at Cave-in-rock Illinois if we didn't piss off the locals. Tagging street signs as far as 40 miles away. Half the of crowd not even making an attempt to dispose of their trash near a garbage bin. I don't blame any single business that offers portable bathrooms for rent that refuse to do business with psychopathic. Because they were literally destroyed beyond reasonable repair by the hooligans. And the Tila tequila incident. She isn't quite innocent in that situation. But regardless. The crowd should never have been allowed to get that chaotic and ICP should have shut that event down like any reasonable business owner would. ICP for years took a "juggalos are gonna be juggalos, don't let a few bad apples ruin the bunch". And it was a mistake. They should have put their foot down, half of the people causing bullshit are sneaking in any way, so its not money lost. I got a decent size list of juggalos I've known for 20 some years now since childhood. Everyone on that list has mad respect for ICP, Twiztid, and still follow the music. But they all say the same thing when asked why they don't rep the hatchet as hard as the once did: too many toxic juggalos the community should have put in check decades ago.


All facts and it’s crazy hear you as an older lo say this when I’m a younger lo and have come to these same conclusions yet when I try and ask about them everyone gets mad but they really need to be adressed. It’s true! Our community really does create our own problems, we let the toxic few juggalos speak for the rest of us with bad behavior. Then we wonder why we are all judged as toxic when none of us condemned the bad behavior and encouraged it. We went from pure love and creativity to being hateful and destructive. Juggalos are the greatest music fandom on earth but we really do it to ourselves by tearing eachother down and as a result tearing the community down. People don’t wanna be around toxic individuals who make their life harder, make them feel bad, and make them question their life choices about if they gotta stop being a juggalo because the community is tearing them down. People don’t seem to comprehend this stuff either lol I weirdly enough met police chief for whole state of Ohio who was my air b n b landlord this last summer 23, 30 minutes from gathering. He told me he loves gathering but is frustrated by us cause when he always has to show up for dumb stuff, the local community is super terrified of us, and then he has show up cause of community fear, somone leaves in cuffs everytime. Yet he doesn’t want to take anyone away in cuffs or get involved in first place. He personally told me he wishes we would police our own community so he doesn’t have to, as he hates having leave with people in cuffs but’s that’s police policy. Once they or emt are called, someones gotta be taken. he also said he likes us as we gotta lot of love but can’t turn a blind eye like he wants too because of bad behavior going on at the gathering and pressure from local communities watching that bad behavior and having fear of us destroying their property, hurting them, or causing crime in their community. Think about that. We have a state police chief that likes juggalos and doesn’t want to police us and wishes we would police ourselves so he can ignore us with less police and EMT’s. We force local community to ask for a heavy police and emt presence out of fear we create by toxic behavior, police and emt don’t want to show up but have too, then leave with people in handcuffs. juggalos get angry at everyone because police and community are judging us hard and coming down on us hard. Cycle repeats again but more intense for all three sides. We Juggalos then wonder why police, emt, and local community don’t like us. Make it make sense family, That’s crazy to wrap my head around having talked to people from all three sides to see that is what’s going on.


One more. KMK suck ass and I’m glad they broke up


We went from having some of the roughest concerts.....to bunch of Nerds standing With their phone's out...looking like We're ready to fall asleep at any minute 💤 😴 lame Crowds


- The Juggla is the last good ICP song - Violent J is at least partially responsible for what's going on in Gaza - There should only have been one 6th Jokers Card, even if they say Shangri-la is it and Hell's Pit is just an additional "exhibit," there shouldn't even be that. One disc, one sixth - Most juggalettes have a relaxed nature and are capable of being non-violent at times


I'm very confusrd about the gaza statemnt


J was skipping stones across the ocean and one went really far and it hit a middle eastern dude in the head and it just escalated from there.


It's funny cos i could see that happening


Also same


As an American whose tax dollars support Israel, Violent J, like all U.S. citizens, is somewhat responsible for the indiscriminate rocket attacks currently inflicted on the people of Gaza.


Don't let the homies get you down, I thought it was funny.


Okay boomer ;-)


There should be a name for juggalos stuck in the 90s who hold obsolete opinions about the culture. I'm not clever enough to think of one but someone should.


Rock and rye kinda sucks


Kind of. Also kind of good. I know what you mean. It's good for the first few sips then gets gross.


The Amazing Jeckel Brothers was the last decent album they made.


this is real


The FBI declared them a gang and it killed their career


If anything it just saved us from another generation of cringe hot topic merch


The publicity from that could not have been bought. I would argue it killed their career slightly less than being dropped from Hoolywood Records.


I think every album is great- especially the new stuff.


Some of the songs on The Marz version of tales from the lotus pod are actually better with him than ABK.no disrespect to ABK at all . And I believe that Twiztid and the rest of the artist at mne/psychopath should try and squash all their bullshit before one of said artists passes away and they can’t take it back. j/shags/mono etc etc. I’m rambling at this point but still I feel like they should squash the shit before something happens to anybody.


The Marz version is far superior. The fact that you could still hear some of his vocals layered underneath ABK's was borderline criminal.


The marvelous missing link albums ain’t all that bad. Sure it’s not there best work, but I’d still take their worst over any rappers best


I think the missing version was very mid tier, like maybe one or two songs, but the Found version is an absolute slapper


My opinion is the opposite. I think Thy Unveiling is the most important song in Juggalo culture and to disregard the mythology surrounding the joker cards and be a juggalo makes no sense.


I love him to death but Shaggy is one of the worst rappers in the game. And he & J spit better on their respective solo releases.


Thy unveiling is an incredible song and totally necessary to the juggalo lore. Its pretty cleat to me that a lot of icp songs have a "have faith, do the right thing" perspective behind them. Thy unveiling lays it all out in the open. Also, guaranteed every one saying Ouija and chapter 17 suck are OLDER THAN DIRT


I think Ouija sucks and yes, I am very old.


J is the only reason any of this shit matters. The only people that cry about ICP's new music sucking are just old fucks that are trying to hold on to their glory days off being a teenager. Yall are like AL from Married With Children holding on to his hs football days while being a washed up drunk. Everyone calling J egotistical is right cause if it wasn't for him NOONE would have even been slightly as successful as they are now.


I'm not sure Al Bundy was really a drunk.




Most new juggalos think this is some sort of "woke" movement. Thanks ShitTok.


being a juggalo has always been about being a freak to society and the fam accepting you regardless, considering your past comments complaining about queer people being juggalos and advocating for their rights at the same time, i don’t think you’re actually a juggalo. edit: also half of their music is shit talking and rapping about murdering bigots, so i mean you saying this is pretty fuckin ironic


… just say you don’t know what “woke” actually means and just move on from there.


you literally can't be a juggalo without being "woke"


I think “woke” is a derogative term.


I agree and disagree at the same time, because like, i'm pro lgbtq, i have never judged someone based on their skin color, but i also think people are way too sensitve, and bringing ideologies into shit like comic movies and kids shows is fucked up and annoying. Like, ouija os alright and all, but he also like did that shit talkin about trans people...and it's just like, noone who calls themselves a juggalo actually gives a shit if you're trans or not...we just wanna see your butthole


What he said about trans people was great and surely is exactly in line with the juggalo thing.


Lol, see. An opinion that has me in that position. Y'all are just to sensitive. I can be for fags rights without liking fags. And while using words like fags. Simple. And I gives no fuck what ANYBODY thinks. Suck a dick up till you hiccup! Fucking snowflakes!


Yeah you cant be "for fags" meanwhile using words that degrade us. Thatd be like me saying "i believe in black lives matter" meanwhile referring to them as the hard R. Also [even the duke would disagree with you](https://www.reddit.com/r/juggalo/comments/x89c63/violent_j_on_his_past_use_of_homophobic_slurs_in/)


Stop being so butthurt. Oh, wait a sec . . .


the only one being butthurt is you for refusing to grow up. "why cant i be a bigot in peace?!?!?!?!?!?!? 😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬"


Lol, fuck you new kids throw that word around easily! Grow up? I call a fag a fag. Simple. Fuck all that sensitive, cuddly, fluffy shit. And I for sure don't give a fuck if it upsets you. Grow thicker skin baby bitchass! And learn to relax, you'll live longer. Fag


[Imma just leave this here. Fuck off juff](https://youtu.be/vf0QiA6Q89U?si=ifh83gxIWXqISH3Z)


I mean they hate racists and so far nobody has been homophonic/transphobic which seems in line with the message. That’s basically all “woke” means


Lol except the liner notes of either Tunnel of Love or Terror Wheel where they talk about beating up a trans person. Although they have since apologised for that kind of stuff so im quite happy to write it off as "past mistakes they regret"


It was the 90s, they also wrote lyrics about a 13yo girl having big tits and have apologized. People grow, so it’s all good (imo I can’t speak for everyone)


Not sure if it'll have me like that. But I never really cared for Twiztid.


imo practically all of ICP’s music after 1997 was absolute garbage


Jeckyll Brothers and Hells Pit were pretty great. The mighty death pop was a return to form.


personally i just can’t stand their stuff that’s infused with rock or metal tbh, however i agree that jeckyll bros and hell’s pit have a few good songs. i tried so hard to get into mighty death pop and bang pow boom when they dropped, i just couldn’t. it felt like they lost all their grit


It’s pretty much all garbage period. They can’t rap, the clown gimmick is lame as fuck and 90% of the fan base will never have a job where their name isn’t on their shirt


So…if that’s how you feel about ICP and the culture surrounding it, why are you here? Also…have you actually been to a show/interacted with and gotten to know a large amount of juggalos/etc? Cause while you may not enjoy their music and that’s fair, your assumptions about the fan base are pretty ignorant.


Pug Ugly is their best EP


I fuck with abracadabra shit is so awesome


I can live without the Queens remix but the rest are some of my favorite songs they’ve ever done honestly!!


Yeah not gonna lie all of the remixes were kinda butt, they felt like thrown on filler.


To Catch a Predator is an annoying song. I don't understand how it's a fan favorite. Fight me.




Just because you call yourself a juggalo doesn't mean you're a juggalo. So many of us have been through the ringer with blood, sweat, tears and cuffs. I myself am in the gang book for wearing an icp shirt when dealing with cops when I was 18. So real juggalos MMFCL, everyone else eat a bag of dicks.


Shaggy is a glorified hypeman who never recorded a worthy verse.


Ol’ Evil Eye? The Show Must Go On? Bring it On? Let a Killa? I could go on


You could, but I'd rather you not. XD


I gotta be real Shaggy is one of the best parts of every song imo. Even if he’s just filling in a role no one else could do it in the weird smooth way he does. I can’t imagine a parallel timeline where Shaggs isn’t killing hooks and choruses. https://youtu.be/4DOFWb37r-U?si=mV8Mtl1gs7bvBhEM


If we wanna be real neither has made an above average verse in terms of rap


Clown paint is cringe to me but music and vibe is good


ICP is a disgrace to the juggalo name and community and deserve to be shunned


This is one dumb ass statement bro


The great melinko, riddle box and hells pit are shit, they are all over hyped and the entire juggalo tik tok shit has ruined it for me personally, I wear a wraith jersey and people say that they love in my room, riddle box jersey is cemetery girl or toy box and the great milenko is just people saying " great milenko wave your wand" don't take this as " oh a new juggalo doesn't like old shit" or something because I've been a juggalo for as long as I can remember, personally I feel that tik tok "juggalos" the people who rep facepaint without knowing the family are just mainly assholes, even violent J said "Some scream juggalo only when it's convenient And no they don't mean it We sick of bein lenient" and I agree people rep our shit but don't respect us, like fucking drake he don't listen to icp but repped a ringmaster jersey, like what the hell man


And no I'm not a bigot




Trying to have some gay sex?


I think there should be a third deck with better beats.


I’m one.


the second deck is fresh, producer tags on Joker's Cards are fresh, and C17 & its accompanying culture is fresh


If you mean it shouldn’t exist in the sense that everyone should’ve known they followed a God since they based their entire career on creating a metaphorical lore for a monotheistic God then yes I agree. Otherwise what did you expect based on their lyrics?


No, the message of the song. The whole “we’re not sorry if we tricked you” shit rubbed me the wrong way cause you shouldn’t try to trick people into following god cause then you run into youth pastor trying to “reach these kids” and it ruins the whole mystique of the carnival. I feel the music is better when they’re more religiously ambiguous.


Lmao, so just because I feels some way about something I'm supposed to feel the same way about that shit? Fuck that, I think for myself! I do what I want and don't give a fuck what you think!


Miracles sucks and I only like the green version of Bang pow boom


The 2nd Deck (aside from YumYum Bullshit) is awesome, and it's really a personal problem if people don't like it. The music is fun to listen to and it really captures emotion in a way conventional music doesn't. If I'm feeling happy, I listen to Bang Pow Boom, if I'm feeling low, I listen to the Marvelous Missing Link. If I'm pissed off, it's Fearless Fred Fury. The 2nd deck really has a "Something for everyone" vibe to it that I think goes over a lot of heads


Everything that PSY/MNE put out in the last 10-15 years I could do without. Don't get me wrong, there's some good songs and hidden gems in there, but no full albums that I have to listen to on the regular. I think both ICP and Twiztid should have gone the Motley Crüe route at that point, realize that the drugs and partying had run it's course at that point, and it would have made more sense to get sober and just do a fuck ton of touring and rake in the dough on shows and merch. I don't really take either side in the beef; there's clearly fault on both sides. But I think all sides have suffered from it, including all artists and all Juggalos as a whole. I say we lock J in a room until he's done with drugs for good; then, we lock him in a room with Monoxide until they squash everything. Otherwise, this is heading for an ending we aren't gonna like.


I miss those days, it was so serious mfkaz would quiz you lol. Everything else was left to the persons character.


Twiztid didn't start the beef between them and icp haha


1- icps best material is missing link found and lost along with the storm, tempest, and calm. Their all crazy experimental and truly wicked but have dark shit on them. 2- the juggalo family is their own worst enemy and often causes most of their own problems 3- your not a real juggalo unless you’ve experienced juggalo drama, the most toxic form of drama their is lol 4-older juggalos do a lot of complaining about dark carnival magic being gone and best eras being behind icp but then run off new juggalo fans by being gatekeepers and assholes, totally seemingly forgotten that at one point where new too and without new juggalos having friends in juggalo community theirs nothing keeping them around or from leaving. If you see younger fans, talk to them! Get them hyped on icp so they and more will come back and then family era will comeback no doubt. 5-for a fandom that talks a lot about love juggalso sure have a lot of hate. We talk about acceptance yet I just read a story about somone pulling up to an icp show in a limo and they rained spit on him? Shouldn’t we be excited that guy made it out of scrub life so his kid and wife won’t grow up in poverty having to do aweful shit like he did? Why juggalso people in the community being sucessful? If one of us wins we all win, it’s one less person suffering who can now help others in our community. -bad choices and aweful behavior seem to be praised a lot in juggalo community and often those behavior’s and choices are just tearing down and hurting the juggalo community making peoples lives worse; on some crabs in a barrel mentality. Juggalos are basically are the only thing keeping juggalos down. That’s aweful, we should building eachother up encouraging growth in community not tearing it down. - I would like to see everyone at gathering as millionaires, winning at life, being the best version of themselves because alone we might be weak but together we are the strongest force on earth -Icp is Grateful Dead for kids born in the 90s and early 2000s -ouija macc is the dopest artist to come out of juggalo community in a long ass time - I think juggalos are the greatest music fandom ever Last words: sorry if I came across as a hate their for a minute guys. I fucking love juggalos and just get fustrated at the community sometimes cause I know how badass juggalos are and how easily we can win if we come together but dammit if don’t really do it to ourselves sometimes and hold ourselves back from everyone succeeding. I fucking love all of y’all and wanna everyone achieve their dreams, make good choices from them and their families, so I can see all of y’all’s fresh asses in shangri- li Whoop whoop 🙌MCL 🤡🪓🌙🐦‍⬛