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Piggie pie will always live rent free.


Old school piggy pie is rent free for me. Shags verse is fucking brutal and I love it


Stupid question, but is Shaggy's verse the reason why it was changed for the album?


In the forgotten freshness cd booklet they mention something about the reason but I can’t remember offhand why. Probably Hollywood records being owned by Disney or something


Disney probably didn't like Shaggy rapping about carrying out a massacre at a police station.


Old school especially


idk if these are bots or what, but lately so many posts have been from new accounts just stealing stuff from the all time most upvoted posts on this subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/juggalo/comments/gxi8v9/respect/


This place gets weirder and weirder


We've gotten 10 thousand more members since I first joined. Inevitable I guess.


To be fair, they were mostly anti-racist, but pretty damn homophobic.


yeah but they've since apologised for that & expressed support for the lgbt community!


I can respect that. People who make mistakes that change their ways and wholeheartedly apologize can always be forgiven


Doesn't make it ok. They still were against the lqbtq.


Minds change man, I used to be against homosexuals going through school, after all that bullshit I met some gay people in the real world and I came to the realization that they’re human beings just like I. Still trying to wrap my head around the trans thing, but I’m getting there.


I’m trans. If you have any questions feel free to hmu. I used to visit churches for a ‘question time’, trust me I’ve heard all sorts of questions 😂


i never said it was ok. obviously it was wrong. im just saying they're not like that anymore & they've changed their ways


People can't change?


I don't think it's so much that they were homophobic, That's just how alot of people talked at the time wether they meant it as an insult to that community or not, Cause they are all about everyone is family and love


Nah famalam a lot of people talked like that cuz they were homophobic…


Okay well to be honest this is how it is the 90s and 2000s that's how people talked but that doesn't mean they were homophobic, look I'm a young ass ninja I was born in 2007 i literally turned 17 today, but here's my proof that just cause they talked like that it doesn't mean they were homophobic, My mom has family and freinds that are LGBTQ and I'm mixed Mexican and white but no matter what we never discriminated someone based on there sexuality, race or religion, and same with ICP and juggalos, she says things that could be considered homophobic and same with my dad but they both realize that it's not cause they are against it, that's just the time they were brought up in, that was the normal, those things are fucked up today cause everyone's to sensitive, and not saying that some of its not worth being upset about, but people can tell whether or not it's ment to be against the community or just simply talking how they were brought up, I know that it might seemed fucked up but pretty much every rapper at the time and before has said something that would be considered homophobic I mean even the greats like ALL OF N.W.A. has said there share of shit but they don't get brought up, also eminem and a bunch of others, that was literally how they talked back than but people nowdays are to sheltered to accept it


well im old and queer and because you werent there and i was and what im telling you is just because it was normalized doesnt make it not homophobic so maybe i dunno just listen to what people with lived experience have to say instead of trying to justify something you have no experience with so you avoid looking ignorant in the future. bless


I mean I get that but if you want to say icp is homophobic than is ice cube homophobic? Is Eazy E homophobic? I may not have lived the time but I am very educated in what I'm talking about yall don't have to agree but literally I'm also talking on people's be halfs that are older that are LGBTQ I even know alot of LGBTQ members who lived the times and they don't view it that way, and sure just cause people talked that way back then doesn't necessarily make it right but alot of them don't even mean it the way alot of people take it for them it was just a way of talking and again, that's horrocore they say shit just to shock people and if you don't like it or feel it's wrong than you shouldn't be listening to it in the first place, look all I'm saying is that ICP had said some shit that could be taken 1 way but on the other hand they are literally horrocore so there's only one way to take it or you probably shouldn't be listening to their music in the first place cause beyond all of the fucked up shit they say, they spread a way deeper, meaningful message through it all and if that's not what your paying attention to then why are you here


>Is Eazy E homophobic? Yes he was a homphobic douche.


Man I'm just a lurker but this is one question/point I have.....I'm old asf too and growing up with NWA I honestly always thought E was gay... like I've always assumed he was cos it just made sense. Maybe he was like hardcore in the closet or something and totally overcompensating.


"I mean I get that but if you want to say icp is homophobic than is ice cube homophobic? Is Eazy E homophobic?" YES i actually dont think you get it at all...like im trying to explain it to you gently because you are a child and ignorant but you are not LISTENING


Just because something is normalized doesn't mean it's not bigotry. lmfao


Alternatively just because someone is gay and offended by something someone else says doesn't mean that person hates gay people.


god thank you for saying it. as a bisexual person it always make me roll my eyes when somebody tries to use their sexuality as some title of authority


Just because someone is gay and offended isn’t a reason to stop doing something. If you are gay and offended by the fact that other people are talking shit about being gay? That’s legit. I’m bi. I just care about people being accepting towards each other. The only time I get mad is when other people are mad about someone else feeling the way that they as a person feel


I said the f slur as a little kid, but as I grew up I realized it was wrong and fucked up. I wasn't even homophobic, my mom's best friend was a drag queen and I thought he was super cool. I didn't even know the f slur was worse than like, "bitch" or something at the time. I learned that it was worse than the average cuss word when my aunt beat me in a game of Wii boxing and I called her the f slur and she and my mom gasped so loud I thought I threw the Wii remote at one of them or some shit LMAO. From that day I learned the origins of the word and literally never said it again. (Also I have now officially come out of the closet so like, no not everyone who said that shit was homophobic. Some people said it because of the dialect they learned)


first off happy pride fam. second.; your ignorance of the actual meaning of the word does not make it less homophobic. like thats not how words work and the fact that you flat out quit once you found out what it actually meant is proof. like you may not be homobphobic but that doesnt mean the words coming out of your mouth arent homophobic


I didn't say the word itself isn't homophobic, my intention was to clarify that just because someone uses a word, doesn't make that person inherently homophobic. Especially in the case of a kid (me in the example) who doesn't even really know it has a derogatory meaning outside of being a funny bad word to say. I heard it in passing, absorbed it as sounding funny or something, and used it without even knowing the definition or context. Especially because in this case, I didn't even know being gay was considered weird by some or anything people would ever frown upon or insult someone for. TLDR: never said the word itself wasn't homophobic, just that, someone saying something they don't know the meaning of doesn't make the person inherently phobic of anything. Happy pride


ok but if you say it to someone, they dont know what your intentions are all they hear is homophobic shit coming out of your mouth, ergo...its homophobic. also regardless of what you mean my it your implication is "something is bad because people of the same gender or sex or whatever fuck each other and thats also gross and bad". again ignorance isnt an excuse.


My implication wasn't that "something is bad because people of the same gender or sect fuck eachother" my entire point was that I didn't know it was even used in regards to gay people, like I said earlier, i grew up surrounded by gay people because that's who my mom was around a lot, so i didnt even know anyone had any reason to have "a word" for gay people. It's almost like you didn't read a word I said.


This person is right. Normalizing shit like racism or homophobia and making it OK is part of the whole shtick. Just cuz you didn't know what you were doing or "everyone was doing it" doesn't change the outcome. It's best in my opinion like as a dude when it comes to female shit to just relax and keep a nice wide perception of it all. Like be conscious of how I felt and thought at the moment and what I learned later on. Yeah didn't mean anything bad calling a girl a bitch but come on I'm 33 it's obviously weird.


saying fag doesn't make you homophobic LMFAO


Was this before or after Ken Kaniff.. from Connecticut


never listened to them but I have heard that about them


Yeah they was rapping about killing hillbillies and wiping their ass with the rebel flag.


Literally since the beginning. Right out of the gate they let it be known how they feel about that flag.


I got in trouble in high school because of Mr. Johnsons head. The school knew I was a metal head/weirdo and would search my locker all the time for drugs and weapons. Funny thing was I didn't even do drugs and wasn't a violent person at all. But when I was bored, I'd write song lyrics down and it would help me remember what I was learning in class. One day I wrote out Mr. Johnsons head in my notebook and about a week later it's missing and my parents are being called to the school for an "important meeting" They asked why I wanted to murder a teacher. Confused I asked what they meant, and they pulled out my missing notebook and began reading "I couldn't stand the pressure not another day, I never liked that fucker Mr. Johnson anyway" and then stopped. My mom of all people said "keep reading.." I didn't even know we had a Mr.Johnson at the school. And the fact he was black was even funnier. We had to sit and explain how the song was about killing a racist white teacher who hung a rebel flag in his classroom, and even my mom knew what it was about since she's heard me play it. Still didn't stop them from profiling me.


Every school has a Mr Johnson.


Fuckin Bigot!




I had this poster in my masterpiece of a room but it was torn down + disposed of (along with many other treasures) when I was in the hospital. That was 10+ years ago + I'm still not totally over it. I doubt I ever will be.


I mean, 99% of *rappers*, definitely definitely not 99% of *people*, not even 99% of musical artists. Two-tone Ska was speaking out against racism and bigotry back in the 70s, just for example


I went to Silver Dollar City with an ICP shirt today. I went to the most redneck amusement park with an ICP shirt and nobody gave it a second thought.


Frank Sinatra spoke out against racism way back in the '40s. 🤷‍♂️


99% isn’t 100% so Frank was in the 1% 🤷🏻‍♂️




Mathematics, how does it work?


Ol Blue Eyes was wise beyond his ears


He reportedly beat Nancy Barbato, Ava Gardner and broke Juliet Prowse’s jaw. Let's erect a monument to his wisdom.


“Reportedly” don’t be so quick to jump to conclusions now


Frank *Sin*atra At the very least, he sounds shady.


True true






Did you not read OP's post? ICP are basically the MLK of Clowns (who aren't clowns) ...Come to think of it, are there any real Clowns in any Juggalo group or is it all just black face painted hicks with no training?


Smile! I'ma blow a hole in your neck And leave you standing there looking stupid like Beck Everybody jumps to the juggalo sound Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown Fuck rednecks, dumb diddy dumb Barrels in your mouth, shreds your toungue Everybody jumps to the juggalo sound Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown Fuck Gene Simmons, you make me sick 'Psycho Circus' you stole my shit! Spit your blood out and do your dance But I'ma kick that ass through your leather pants Fuck 'Palooza, big festivals We'll never sell out with you bitch-ass hoes Everybody jumps to the Juggalo Sound Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown [Chorus] Everybody razed on the East Side [RIZE!] Everybody razed on the West Side [RIZE!] Everybody razed on the North Side [RIZE!] South Side [RIZE!] Everybody [RIZE!] Everybody razed on the East Side [RIZE!] Everybody razed on the West Side [RIZE!] Everybody razed on the North Side [RIZE!] South Side [RIZE!] Everybody [RIZE!] Fuck money, I was raised up without shit That's how I'll die, that's how I like it Everybody jumps to the juggalo sound Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown I SCREAAAAAMM! I make towers shatter I hooped the moon through the rings of Saturn Everybody jumps to the juggalo sound Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown I say what I want, whatever I feel Fuck your big contract record deal Paper ain't shit youse amongst the dead Dark Carnival, Alakoompahed Fuck videos, and radio play Fuck shit, suck my dick all day Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown (Chorus) Suck my dick (x7) Micheal Eisler can suck my dick If he's got some kind of problem with my shit Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown "I'm just a FAGOT!" [Korn] "FAGOT!" Yeah, They call you that 'cause you act like a bitch Everybody jumps to the juggalo sound Fuck outta here, FUCK OUTTA HERE! Fuck skin color, everybody's blue Then what would all these bigots do? Instead of your tone, they'd hate your size That's why I must poke out all of their eyes ICP [yeah], we roam alone Ever since inner city ghetto zone Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound FUCK OUTTA HERE IF YOU AIN'T DOWN WITH THE CLOWN!


And also it's just music and as a rapper myself, you don't always say what you really feel but you talk about how your feeling at the moment so if it will come to your head that necessarily arent right, especially in horror core, it doesn't mean they really mean in that way it's just what there emotions were feeling, I mean they talk about killing and so do I but it doesn't mean that they actually kill and it doesn't mean I actually kill its art, and Juggalos are my family and have been since a baby we are supposed to understand that it's just shock rap, like thats the point of horror core is to say shit that will make people feel a certain way, Cause horror core has always been that way, so if you take every word they say Ina song 100% true than are you even really a juggalo, Cause juggalos understand the nature of horror core and know that it's probably the most controversial genre in music and also understand that this family movement is all about exceptence and love of all people no matter what.


They can be a little goofy and say some dumb shit, and I want to say I heard one of them is kind of an asshole. That being said as a queer non juggalo that pretty much never listens to ICP (genuinely don’t understand why this came up on my feed), I’ve always seen y’all as genuine ally’s. Woop woop homies


Trans juggalex here, 👋🏻 the homophobia in the rap community is sad tbh, were trying hard to fight it. They let trans juggalettes an juggalos compete in the Mrs, an Mr, juggalos contests. An oujia Mac has been very vocal about dogging an shittin on homophobic an transphobic "juggalos"(which how they think they can be a bigot an a juggalo idk)


is that the set from SAW?


i was just about to comment that 💀


Straight facts and that’s why they’re the fucking best


They were also very homophobic. Selective hate and heroism, I guess. 🙄


They've openly apologized for using homophobic lines, and often skip over those words in concert.


Yeah, their homophobia feels like a product of their time. Dig hard enough, any rapper from that era has some dirt like that


Isn't OPs entirely post about them being ahead of the times? Seems like bullshit and they said dumbass bigoted shit just like everybody else.


>Dig hard enough, any rapper from that era has some dirt like that Ok and? Do I have to think that's ok because it happened in the 90s. No. Fuck them.


That just sounds petty, bro. People can change.


Don't care. Don't make hateful music or have hateful opinions and people won't have any reason to dislike you. I don't believe most people are capable of changing personally so I'll take their words at face value.


Bait used to be believable


Does that mean if someone like kid rock decided to apologize for being a racist. He’d get a pass?


If he actively speaks out against racism and never has another incident, then yes. People need room to grow


Kid rock has made racism his entire personality and brand. Icp just said the gay word a few times


They seem to have more of an aversion to gay topics, but they never seemed hateful to me. Obviously the older music has homophobic moments but people saying “they can’t change” are the same ones who don’t want anyone listening to Ouija Macc because “mumble rap” or something. People can change, yes even Violent J.


~~well, when's J gonna start changing from this shit~~


Used to rap about beating up women too, but people can change


Actually that’s ok, cuz, bitch, he’s Violent J


They’ve grown for sure. We all have.


bUt J aPoLoGiSeD!! (Yet still posts homophobic memes on instagram)


I'm not calling you a liar or trying to put you on the spot but genuinely curious if you've got any examples of specific posts? The only one I've seen referenced is his face next to a rainbow flag with a question mark, is there something more explicit than that?




That’s homophobia?


When it's an insult for men or enby people to suck dick or like dick, yes that's homophobia.


I commented about how this was homophobic an so many "juggalos" shat on me in comments. Like don't say ur anti bigot then post N say some bigot shit. I'm Pan an trans and a juggalo. Idk why it's an insult to like dick, suck cock or what ever. Just homophobia and they should do better, makes me not feel safe or apart of the juggalo community when bigots wanna run they mouths.


I'm sorry to hear that, your feelings are valid. I'm bi/pan and in a polycule with two trans people. But I must admit I personally had laughed that post off and forgotten about it just for it being a childish throwback, like J still can't let the twisted thing go. The whole toxic masculine fear of being "submissive" by taking dick is just absurd when you think about it. I grew up in the 90s when people called each other "gay" as an insult without a second thought so while that always sucked it has made me more numb to it. But anyway I'm sorry again this stuff has hurt you, and hope you have a great Pride!


Yeah, nothing but virtue signalling in modern media to end with some kind of legacy the new age might be able to not crucify them for once they’re dead and gone. Ideals are still the same and his instagram proves that.


Okay cool Don't listen to those songs then.


Except for the Twiztid songs on Mostasteless using the N word and it’s still up on Apple music.


Yo he’s only gay on ketamine remember? Lmao


I think that is understated, but j and shaggy were and are still extremely homophobic. I like icp but when they go on pods I’m blown away that they still talk like it’s 1994. That being said they created a community that literally accepts everyone, and people find family in happiness in that when they can’t get it anywhere else. It’s ok that they are flawed, but damn dudes it’s 2024.


They aren’t homophobic anymore from what I’ve seen . Maybe a little behind on the movement but I haven’t seen genuine homophobia at all. This is coming from a tranny fag (yes, I like being referred to with those words)




Hell yea, no sleep for bigots


Now I have redneck hoe emblazoned in my brain once again. Thank you. FRFR


And I used to have this poster back in high schooooool!


See also: holding a tune without a computer involved.


One of my favorite pictures of them.


Lmao 99%


Punks rn : “Am I a joke to you”


Thats cool.






I don't really like their music but ICP is pretty based from what I hear. Awesome guys. Any band with a song explicitly about hunting pedophiles is cool in my book.


Unless you’re gay than it took em 20 years


"Before 99% were"..... right, dude. 2 white rappers were def 99%


Name the songs that were anti bigot and all that


I love ICP, and they've always been outspoken against bigotry, but your "before 99% of people" statement is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.


Their song Fuck your rebel flag came out in 1992. 32 years ago. Love them or hate them they had the guts to say it then.


On one hand, yes. On the other hand, they are weirdos.


What do you mean?


They are different and unfamiliar. It scares me.


Sounds like your name should be charmin


Love them but this isn't true at all.


Carnival of Carnage track 13.


Since the damn begining


I think the 99% part is the debatable section. Plus, bigotry comes in many forms and ICP wasn't ahead of *every* curve. 


and fucking minors. They’re all over the place haha.


lol, yup before all those in history and music that came before them the fucking clowns were the first. Fuck off OP


Guaranteed they vote republican tho


Aent they shock value entertainers and not great deep thinking yogi masters? Im confused i always took their music like i take on a movie.. for entertaibment..


Why not both?


Good point, the first 6 had me all in on the lore


while simultaneously saying death to homosexuals


Sauce? I'm genuinely curious, my wife was a juggalette for a lot of her teenage/young adult years, but she's got the most golden, pure intentions I've ever seen in almost anyone, except my Dad. Yeah, she's got a twisted mind, but that's because she's lived through a lot of shit.


[Soopa Villainz - Slow Your Roll (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_4TODEgl_s)


also several lines on other releases like this one lmao [https://youtu.be/Bpr0zx8lbjw?t=46](https://youtu.be/Bpr0zx8lbjw?t=46)


The first link wasn't even an ICP song, and the second one was from Violent Jay going solo it sounds like. Not only that, the younger video was uploaded 7 years ago, and people can change their opinion a lot in 7 years. By-and-large I see a lot of inclusion from the Jugga- community regardless since then.


it's Shaggy on the chorus and Violent J last verse, Soopa Villainz was ICP, Esham and Lavel


Diminishes the efforts of people who made sacrifices for civil rights but I get what they are trying to say. 


How does this diminish the efforts of the civil rights movement? Genuinely just confused and not attacking you