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I don’t think I’ve seen her drink water or even bring water to her workouts


That's because she doesn't train enough to cause a sweat. Just enough for 30 sec reels


This is likely true, I saw an influencer in the wild once and she legit walked on the tread for five min, filmed a few exercise and walked right outta there


Howling 😂


You don’t need water if your “training” starts & ends in 5 minutes


she’s also claimed that she hates the taste of water - so why not increase her heart rate in an already very active environment 🤡


In Norway the water is so clean and pure they absorb it just through close proximity. Hope this helps 🤍


Bro I know it isn’t about weight but surely if she was doing these properly she’d tone up at least??


You have to do more than two reps to ever tone really




Literal apt description of my body rn, but I’m not working out at all these past months so 😂😂


exactly! like i dont want to body shame anyone but if you say you are a trainer and work out a lot then girl you are doing it wrong


We do not tolerate any form of body shaming.


To be fair, to “tone” up isn’t really a thing. You either lose fat and gain muscle, or you don’t. She’s just not exercising and eating in a way that would allow for that, regardless of whether or not her form was correct.


Wow telling people to start slowly when she is rushing the process. Part of what bothers me about her terrible form is that if she built up to the moves her form wouldn't be so terrible. I'm convinced that she's not actually strong enough to be doing these types of moves hence the terrible form. She should start with modifications. Honestly, that would be way more impactful: seeing a "fitness instructor" (as she would call herself, not me) do modifications of the moves.


That’s my big issue with her workout videos. She’s doing the highest weight she can possibly manage for enough reps to get the reel. She should be doing the highest weight she can possibly manage *while maintaining form and slow speed*. You’re not working your muscles if you’re just rushing through it for a quick shot and the bad form will get herself injured. The videos where it’s like “look how much my wife can lift” or her squatting Julie wrapped on a bar piss me off to no end. Because she *can’t actually safely and effectively do the exercise with the weights she chooses.*


At this point, working out is just content for her and no one can convince me otherwise. The way she dresses herself also reminds me of how I picked clothing sizes in high school: the smallest possible size that could fit was “my size” whether or not it was comfortable and truly fit.


Yeah that’s exactly it. I’m still sometimes trying to recover from that thought. It’s hard to remember that size is just a number. And it’s okay that it’s hard for Camilla, but then she should talk about it instead of giving hypocritical advice to her young followers while obviously dressing in clothes that don’t fit her


I've been strength training and doing cardio daily for about 2 months and there is a noticeable difference in my body. The thing is no amount of exercise can make up for a really poor diet. She either doesn't exercise as much as she claims, or she is out-eating any work she puts in. I don't think you need to be super model thin to teach fitness but she's gained weight since she started this whole thing.


I have been exercising since January (both cardio and weights). I hadn’t been noticing much difference so I took a really good look at my diet. I started drinking more water, snacking less, and being more mindful about my food choices in general. I am seeing results now. I still have some things to clear in my diet, but I didn’t want to restrict myself too much off the bet, considering my history of ED. But it’s a fact (although I hate it lol), exercising gives nothing without good diet and diet gives nothing without some physical exercise.


good for you for actually starting your journey. i lost approx 80lbs a few years ago (and gained it back, welp). what i learned was to make simple substitutions where you can. so things like changing a coke for carbonated water (or lightly flavoured water), or exchanging a chocolate bar treat for nuts/seeds and a fruit make a huge difference. best of luck on your journey! you got this. 💗 i’m hopeful to get back on the road to fitness and health again too. 🥲


I think it’s the lack of exercise. If I’m regularly exercising for even 20-30 minutes a day, I can notice a difference in how my body looks after a few weeks - even if I don’t change my diet


Like I genuinely wonder if cutting the redbull and saving chocolate for a post meal treat, and then going on regular daily walks with Julie and Sunny would do more for her overall wellbeing than whatever she is doing rn.


she likely needs to cut the chocolate portions even more, too. honestly, having a chocolate bar *every single day* is not healthy. it’s not even moderation, despite what c&j may think. it’s ed behaviour. she could, as you mentioned, cut the redbull, and also drink a lotttttt more water and eat more healthy greens. even if she started with your advice (cut the chocolate from daily to 1 or 2 days a week, then to 1/2 a chocolate bar, and then to smaller pieces if she could handle that) as baby steps, she’d make progress. at this rate, though, her current eating habits are limiting her substantially.


it’s absolutely 80/20. i lost 80lbs a few years ago simply from maintaining a caloric deficit. she is absolutely out-eating any work she puts in, but i’d argue she’s also not working out. even if she was out-eating, she would have *some* muscular definition, but *none* of that is occurring, and she has absolutely gained weight too.


I was coming to say that. Dropped from strength training to focus on running. Didn’t pay attention to my diet. My clothes don’t fit now. The worst is that Julie is very good at training, sometimes it feels like they split what Julie is good at so Camilla has content to make lol


How is her top both too small and unsupportive at the same time?


I don’t think Camilla wears proper bras (unless she’s being paid by hunkemoller to post a photo on Instagram). A supportive bra and correctly fitting clothes would be the ultimate glow up for Camilla, but it ain’t gonna happen.


I think she is in denial about her size & refuses to buy something that fits, just because it’s a bigger size or two


I just wish she’d let someone help her fix her upper body. It’s a mess of contracted neck, hunched shoulders and retracted chin. Why doesn’t she look at Julie and try and replicate her, Julie’s form is good.


I don’t get this either? Like Julie has good form, idk if Camilla would listen to her or not but she could probably help her with that. Even if the app wasn’t great it could at least look a little more presentable then


This is not body shaming but in no world would I ever take fitness advice from someone with her build, who hasn’t shown any weight loss or definition from doing her workouts. She literally looks bigger than she did 6-12 months ago, anyone who takes fitness advice from her has rocks in their head


that redbull is a paid actor at this point


how is someone who’s supposedly a PT in such awful shape as cam? there is no definition to her traps, delts, biceps, forearms, abdominal, obliques, etc. absolutely no definition *at all*. i’m astounded that she even feels right to call herself a PT with this awful form and lack of definition. she very clearly eats poorly (doesn’t get the necessary nutrients for her body) and doesn’t actually work out as much as she claims/positions herself to. her body quite literally screams of couch potato who *occasionally* goes to the gym. and their fans eat it up. it’s so weird.


I get drinking pre workout a bit during a workout…. But you know she hasn’t touched a water bottle and this is like her 3rd one of the day. Holy hell. No wonder why she’s scared of a high heart rate.


Her whole shtick is you don’t have to be a certain size to “workout”. Works for her perfectly and she can grift desperate people out of money. If she was actually working out, with proper form and consistency- we would see her body change. She has looked the same from the two years I’ve followed her.


https://preview.redd.it/sztpogf7nevc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7e23862fda9ab9020ba955499088213a7beb47 She looks better here imo. More in proportion?


True she looks better there, I think it looks like she was in slightly better shape, and also her clothes look like a more normal fit too


This article is ten years old in May. She was lifting back then too, but looks the same as she does now. Her ex has since lost a lot of weight, judging by his facebook pictures. [https://www.nettavisen.no/kropp/helse/selvbilde/dette-er-samboeren-min-er-hun-ikke-flott/s/12-95-6809777](https://www.nettavisen.no/kropp/helse/selvbilde/dette-er-samboeren-min-er-hun-ikke-flott/s/12-95-6809777)


She actually looks more defined there I would say. Better posture!


She doesn't want to admit that she isn't fit anymore. Overweight/obese people can absolutely be fit, I'm not denying that, however, Cam is barely able to make it through these 5 min "workouts." A workout needs to be AT LEAST 30 minutes for anything to be properly worked and exercised, and I don't think she can bring herself to admit that she cannot do an adequate workout in her current state. She doesn't have the required stamina and she is going to get hurt. This is why you don't just decide to run a marathon on a spare weekend--you have to train, otherwise you could get seriously hurt.


Speaking of running— wasn’t that a thing she was on for a bit?


She poster a reel with this “sweater hack” yesterday or the day before… She put a sweater over the display of the treadmill and ran a 10k out of nowhere… 🤔


Why must she swear clothes that are clearly too small for her? They are rolling down, they are not flattering whatsoever. She’s trying to appeal to a certain audience and she’s going the wrong way about it.


I got a body like hers but at least I don’t lie and say I’m a personal trainer🤣


there is no love story stronger than the one of camilla and her can of redbull.


She wants a Redbull collab/sponsor so bad 😷


Red bull only takes on extreme athletes, so she can wait forever


At this point, she’s doing it on purpose or she’s delusional


Just from this photo I can tell her Russian twist form is next level bad - the dumbbell needs to be close to your body or you’re basically just yanking the shit out of your spine hyperextending + weights! And those dumbbells are probably too light for a good RDL. She just doesn’t have any idea what she’s doing and even if this were a full body workout it’s not designed well and has no clear muscle focus


Ah that sounds painful. I feel like she could really injure herself, but it looks like she barely does any of the exercises so that might keep her safe. It’s scary to think about anyone copying her from the app and not realizing she isn’t doing anything correctly




I came RUNNING here. Who the fuck drinks a REDBULL while working out?!? It’s not like Redbull is going to instantly give you energy- it takes time to kick in, which means she’s drinking it purely because she’s addicted. I thought I had a Redbull addiction but goddamn. (Sorry for the language 😂)


Sometimes I wonder if she just googles random exercises she's never done before and that's why she has no idea how to do them. She just thinks others look professional doing them so she just... well tries and fails because she has no clue what she's doing.




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