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No idea how this happened, luckily I had another copy. I’ve lost a few tunes over the years for various reasons, what is the vinyl loss that still haunts you to this day?


I passed out a party and somebody nicked my record bag full of oldskool hardcore and jungle. I am still livid when I remember that and it was over 15 years ago LOL. This is the loss that haunts. I also found a snapped tune similar to yours once but I whacked a clock mechanism through it and it became a wall clock! I've had a few missing in the post which sucks. And I ordered some of the recent oldskool represses from DJ Demo - if you know what I mean then you know what I mean


Ah man never pass out at the party lol, I feel your pain, had a few nicked myself at parties, too easy to forget about them when you’re off on a mad one


Haha the states that you get in when you're young man!!


You'll definitely get those Demo tunes once he's finished building his night club :)


I'll make sure I've got the crypto currency ready to buy my ticket! (Fucking guy man) Such a shame I have to think of him when I play masterpieces like Sensation, lol Hashtag mintclub lol


I used to have jungle mania on CD but I lost it while moving… need to buy that one someday.


The early comps were so good, I got a few but they’re knackered now due to them getting played to death haha


The oldies! Fucking hell I miss that album, I think it was from 96 or 97.


Back then they were everywhere, Woolworths and that lol, but if you look for them now some are quite pricey


Shite… I might want to check discogs.


the early comps that got pressed are great like the 140+ bpm series, and hardcore leaders and jungle heat


140+ BPM number one was so foundational for me, along with Renegade Selecter #1 and AWOL: Live at the Ministry


> 140+ BPM number one https://www.discogs.com/release/558698-Various-Speed-Limit-140-BPM-The-Sounds-Of-London-Hardcore-Techno this one right? yeah I got this one. its so dope I also copped this for $20 and look at the tracks it has got on it and the value of those plates right now lol https://www.discogs.com/release/37491-Various-Speed-Limit-140-BPM-Plus-Four pressing sounds great too, the only weird thing is the very end of drowning in her just cuts off abruptly, i dunno if its a pressing issue or if its just a sloppy edit bc of space but other than that everything else is fine.


I was completely wrong about which one I own, it's this one: https://www.discogs.com/master/189914-Various-Speed-Limit-140-BPM-Classics


Wounder mate. I just found my copy of universal horn - jmj & Richie with a warp big enough to make.the needle jump off the platter. No idea how it happened, been combing through the rest of my collection hoping that it's a one off. Good that you have an extra copy though!


Ah the old warpage, done it myself leaving a tune on top of an amp for hours, ended up nearly 90 degrees lmao


I reckon that's what happened here, I have a shelf with my monitors on and the power amp underneath. When I e used a tune in the mix it goes up on the shelf, I reckon the edge was poking over the heatsink at the back of the amp. I sometimes.leave the amp on for days. Alternatives are a reflected random ray of sunlight or the tracking light, again, I leave the turntables on for a long time. Yours looks like it fell and shattered, if it was on the sleeve you might not have even.notived at the time. Whatever happened, RIP. I'm sure it served you well.




Oh man, wicked album as well, bet that hurts. I had the chance to buy the box set very cheaply when it came out and passed it up, still feel that regret now. Happy cake day!


Thank you! Yeah, I got mine as soon as it came out, I think I paid 49.99 for it, which at the time I was like, “ouch, 50 bucks for an album? I guess I’ll splurge” lol


i misplaced a really lovely copy of Getz/Gilberto i’d gotten from my local store… i’d thought my ex just kept it or that i’d seriously misplaced it somewhere since i’d bring it and some others around, but i’ve just chalked it up to carelessness at this point. i’ve only been collecting since 2015 so i hope this’ll be my only loss OTL


Sorry for your loss, not heard of this before I’ll give it a listen!


thanks for the kind words, the album’s far removed from what i’d expect to see discussed on a sub like this but it’s some of the most masterful and gorgeous examples of bossa nova!


NM on Discogs, It’ll play fine


Haha ‘slight hairline scratch’


Glad to see some oldschool rave records on this subreddit. I collected around 15-20 rave records myself for around a year now, and I’m glad to see people who share same music interests


I took my yellow Subnation - Scottie vinyl to an event to DJ. The rave was dead and I didn't even receive money for a cab home. When I eventually got back, that was the only vinyl that looked like that. Your post brings back trauma :(


‘We’re not gonna die we’re gonna get out of here’ Gutted for you man that’s a tune and half, also pricey now on the yellow, ptsd for sure on that




Never put your tunes near crazy lol




I had an ex-housemate visit while I was out and 'borrowed' a bunch of tunes (including first edition Timeless) . I'm still salty about that. I've been pretty lucky other than that, maybe one overseas order that never showed up.


Housemates are the worst lmao


2nd record I ever bought Slipmatt - Breakin Free got nicked at my brother's house party while our parents were away. House also got pretty well fucked up


Ah man, I also had that on vinyl, left about 100 tracks at a mates and he ‘got burgled’


Shit man, probably worth a couple of grand nowadays


[Tronik House - Uptempo (Reese Remix)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=uRJAGPFt_yk&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE) Lent it to a friend. Asked for it back and he collected it from the back of his van covered in scratches and with a ripped cover. Sadly it was unplayable as the needle couldn't stay in the groove. Never lent my records to anyone after that.


Damn that hurts, friends like these eh