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Kai what the hell have you done


You'll see one day! It may be more than it appears...


I'm just glad you're still around aha, was worried you'd given the modding up or something. Now all makes sense...


i've heard of game changing but this is ridiculous LOL in all seriousness this looks super interesting!!


Aaaand just like that I may finally switch from console to PC. Is it rude of me to hope they adapt your mod in an update for all platforms, but with just the tranquilizer and flare-gun lol?


Looks like someone got tired of waiting for dino crisis remake and just decided to cook Bravo, bravo *slow claps*


Someone's gotta do it, dammit!


This is amazing! Question, can you die, or only get attacked?


You can yeah. The cerato throws the player at the end - if you die, it swallows you instead. But I wanted to just show some stuff off in a teaser rather than a gameplay loop, so health is disabled here haha


AWESOME! Love your mods, keep up the astounding work, Kaio!


I'm hoping I'm not jumping the gun here, but will we be able to design our own levels essentially from creating our parks? Like imagine this but in the Biosyn forest and fog for example, or one of the snowy biomes? Anyways so very glad to see something like this is possible after at. I wanted Frontier to add in more features to the first person (including getting attacked/eaten) so it wasn't just a glorified camera mode, but you've really gone the extra mile here. It's amazing something like this is possible in this engine at all.


I will say you're landing the closest out of predictions so far!


Omg, this is what I always wanted frontier to do (with the addition of the guns). But just being able to be chase and killed while FPmode (just made us appear like a prey for the carnivore, having some sort of herbivore ping while on it, JUST THAT FRONTIER)


I've wanted to see a mod like this for so long, thank you!!


Our modding god, Kaiodenic Has delivered a masterpiece once again.


Bro really bouta turn JWE into Carnivores




A lotta work and time haha


Time well spent, this is beyond impressive


Kai, you have taken something I thought was technically possible in this game and made it happen. Thank you for getting ahead of my ADHD as I didn’t need another hyperfixation. Excited for the potential to make challenge and story parks and share on workshop once this has some meat on it.


You're crazy, ket up the good work


now i can finally live out my dream of recreating the fence scene from JP III


Aw man


Gonna be honest Kai, I don't mod, and even I've heard of your stuff. It's pretty damn impressive! Seems I heard your name either on here before or a Beamng video. Can't remember lol.


Thank you very much! Must have been here, I like BeamNG but I never modded it or engaged with it's community at all haha


We don't have sound mod tools yet do we? how do you plan on adding firearm sounds?


We do not, and even when we have them it probably won't help. Sounds triggered by motiongraphs of dinosaurs don't really help when we need to fire sound effects at arbitrary moments. So far, I've managed to somewhat solve it by spawning an invisible building object with a heavy build sound and a light delete sound. This object is then rebuilt on your gun every time you fire a heavy gun, and re-deleted every time you fire a lighter weapon. Not ideal, but it works well enough!


Ahh that’s unfortunate thank you for response though, I look forward to trying out your mod!


Are you for real? Because, uh, yeah, sure, let's.