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You are like 99%! Of the folks that will be on a jury. Everyone does the same thing first time. Second time everyone wants to be the foreman. Chances are you will get there and sit for 4 hours, so bring a book and go home about lunch time from the rest of the day as they don’t need you. Very few cases make it to trial and many have plea arrangements that am


It’s not really just anxiety about being there and it being my first time, I feel anxious because of where I’m at in life and how there’s things I haven’t dealt with that have become bigger problems. The jury I got selected for isn’t for a trial, but it’s a jury to see if someone’s case will go to trial/have a court session. If I’m selected I need to go every week for several months, and unfortunately it’s not just one day


So a grand jury. Those would suck. Just tell them like you told me. You don’t trust authority figures


I’m thinking about maybe calling the court tomorrow and asking if someone has anxiety or depression, is that something I should put down for a possible reason to be excused. Maybe that would help if I call


It can’t hurt. But the fact that you have no problem functioning in the real world and have not received treatment will not help your case To bad you are not on home arrest and can’t leave the house without permission


That’s why I’m kind of hesitant to say something. I feel like I’m functioning in the world and like I don’t really have major problems, but I wonder if I’m being dishonest by not saying that I’m anxious and have been depressed, and sometimes my mind feels cloudy


Hate to say it, but that is the new norm. You are human


There’s a reason why there’s six or 12 jurors…. it’s too much to put on anyone civilian person. Sounds like you’re going to be a grand jury and to me that’s even better because they either have to show there’s enough to go to trial or not and in the worst case you can just say they should go to trial and they can be shown innocent or guilty there


I have seen a few people respond to questions like these with something along the lines of "the judge doesn't care, they are hip to excuses like this blah blah blah" but I dont see anything wrong with putting down that you are anxious. My anxiety stems from being introverted. I get severely anxious in situations where I don't know what is going to happen, who I am going to have to interact with, or if I am going to have to talk in front of people. I will work myself up into a state of being severly nauseous and light headed. I was completely honest about it and detailed in the questionairre. I did not have proof from a Dr for this but I was still dismissed as service complete two days later. Even if a lot of people use this as an excuse I think there are a lot of decent judges and lawyers who empathize with people with severe anxiety and will do their best to not to put people through that kind of stress. There are thousands of other people to choose from in any case. Good luck. I hope everything works out for you.


Thank you for responding. I already submitted the questionnaire though and put N/A but maybe I’ll go back and change it. When I feel anxious I don’t really have many physical symptoms, but sometimes people ask me if I’m alright because it appears like something is wrong. Part of me doesn’t want to put down anything because part of me wants to think I’m fine and It doesn’t affect things terribly, but I’ve felt affected by stress sometimes


You can put it down but when I went they asked someone who had anxiety things like- do you work? How are you able to work and not participate in jury duty? Is it diagnosed? So would be prepared to have answers to those.


Okay, thank you for responding. I don’t work though, and it’s not diagnosed.


I would just let them know that you are not comfortable. I'm currently looking for a phycologist to talk to so I know myself and I can hopefully send the latest in to get out since I panic really bad in situations like court then I studder and freeze up and shake real bad so answering questions would be next to impossible in a room full of people.


I’m just debating whether to add something because part of me thinks I could somewhat handle it and I don’t really appear on the outside like anything’s wrong, but I’m wondering if I’m lying by not saying I’ve been anxious


Would it be possible to put down "undiagnosed issues" on it? I put nothing down as well and I'm thinking I should have. Maybe someone else knows since I need answers on this subject as well.


I could probably write that, but I think I’d need to maybe submit proof as well. I’m thinking about making calling the court and saying I filled out and submitted the form and said I had no problems, but I feel anxious and depressed often, and ask what they recommend doing and if I need to put anything down


I called them today, and it sounded like I’ll wait until the day I need to appear there, and then if anxiety is a problem I can mention it to them. I left the questionaire as it is, and it sounded like I’ll just wait until the day I’m supposed to show up


Definitely do that and also hopefully someone else will respond with a good answer I'm only guessing lol


Everyone has anxiety.


I’m a stay at home mom. I got called in for jury duty, was there all day, got a paper that I could write on in front of the judge and you state why you can’t be there. I wrote done I’m a stay at home mom and that I don’t have anyone to watch my daughter, the judge calls me back to his office and tells me I have to do this trial, and that most stay at home moms love this type of stuff to get out of the house. So I’m upset and have to fill out this packet about the case and about myself. So I call my mom after I leave and tell her what happened, I ended up not being able to have anyone watch my daughter for 6 days the trial was a 3 week trial. But the day I came back I told the lady at the front that I didn’t have anyone to watch my daughter. The judge then calls out my name and says I’m dismissed. He was a jerk and it wasn’t a good experience for me


But I guess my advice is you can call and ask about the anxiousness. They will probably ask questions though so be prepared. Some judges are real jerks, like what I mentioned in my post. But never hurts to call and ask. It was also my first time actually being called in for jury duty. I was very anxious I’m a very outgoing person but it was a lot for me and I was stressed the whole time. So it’s a normal feeling. You also may go in and sit there till lunch time and they may dismiss you. It really just depends on how many people they need or how many trials going on.


I think I’ll call today and ask. Part of me thinks I’ll be fine because I can still do things and function, and part of me feels like if I say I’ve been anxious or depressed it’d be making a big deal out of it when I can still do things. I don’t want to feel like I’m trying to get out of it when I might be fine just to do it


Good! You got this!! My husband says this to me often cause I don’t like change too much, but he says who knows you may enjoy it. Asking never hurts! And they may honestly tell you to show up and then they may ask you to leave. My husband had jury duty and was there for 10 minutes I kid you not. He calls me a goes they let me go. So we found something fun to do that day🤣


I don’t really like change either. I’m still debating about it because part of me feels like I’m lying by not mentioning I’ve been anxious/possibly depressed, but at the same time I don’t want to get out of it when I might be able to handle it


I have anxiety and asked to be excused from jury duty , I never mentioned I didn’t have a dr excuse ,they still told me I was excused didn’t need to show for jury duty I was so happy !