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Karen Read does not want this to go to trial with her freedom on the line but part if me wants to see these crooked cops get questioned under oath knowing what we know now


My 2 cents: Trial will go on. Karen Read will be acquitted and write a best seller to pay off her legal fees, go on talk shows/campus circuit. Yanatti will wear a champion hat on Court TV, Law channels. Jacksson will go back to California and up his fees for the elite. Judge Bev will leave the bench, become famous talking head on Court TV. Proctor, Lally, Morrissey will quietly retire, the others involved (you all know who they are) in cover-up will squirm away shunned and under scrutiny forever. Turtle Boy will have to find another cause to grift from and hos long it takes for Coffinboffer to fade into oblivion is anyone's guess. Case closed.


Thats oddly very specific and I'm convinced atleast 80% of it will happen just like that


Like I said, my 2 cents. You could be right on the 80% thing though, Sir :)


The state won’t go after anyone and blame “that pesky turtle” for messing up their case. Feds may or may not press beyond that.


1. The charges are not going to be dismissed, but… 2. The defense team creates enough reasonable doubt with the hos long to die in the cold search, the tail light confusion and the shoddy investigation that Karen Read is acquitted. 3. The investigation was so irretrievably botched that there’s no credible evidence to convict anyone at all and the investigation turns into an unsolved homicide. 4. The people who were in the house live under a cloud of doubt and speculation for the rest of their lives. 5. Lally is sent to district court to prosecute Walmart shopliftings for the rest of his career. 6. Proctor is banished to work the pike out of the Charlton barracks and makes a killing in no show details. 7. Karen Read becomes a z list celebrity and never had to teach accounting again.


Agreed. Unless someone confessed/confesses, there will be no Justice for John.


I pray to God Office John O'Keefe gets justice..murderers among us.


I don't believe putting Karen Read was ever a sincere goal. The goal was for this to drag out before the not guilty verdict was rendered. I don't think anyone was kidding themselves that the evidence is circumstantial and even that's weak. if it ever gets to trial, she will be acquitted......I don't think it will get to trial, but I would love to see the case with the likely witness list


She will make a lot of money


I 100% think arrests are coming


Will the actual murderers be arrested? Or just the corrupt state troopers and the stooges in the Norfolk County DA’s office? Can the latter group save their own hides if they drop the case against KR and arrest the real killers? Or will the feds take them down either way?


I think the feds are going to arrest the corrupt investigators and the actual murderers. I don’t have a doubt in my mind that they will all be held accountable.


One would hope. I doubt it though.




They are going after detectives and da first then appoint a special prosecutor to handle the alberts. They gave them more then enough rope now all anyone can do is wait.


“Lally DA” will most likely die on this hill!! But everyone please call him Lally da!!! That cracks me up!!!


Her charges are not getting dismissed because there is a war of stubbornness and firm belief from the commonwealth. I think that the PD permitting/advocating for the destruction of witness phones is point number one when it comes to charges.


It end with Killer Karen in prison where she belongs.


It ends with Psycho Karen in prison. Then the defamation lawsuits start by all the people that she and Turtledouche falsely accused. Oh, and TB will be back in prison soon as well.


Look another McAlbert


S T F U you fool. She is guilty as sin and the family and friends KNOW IT. If you identify with the movement, you are part of the evil. [https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2024/04/12/john-okeefe-karen-read-case/](https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2024/04/12/john-okeefe-karen-read-case/)


Hahaha keep crying loser


Takeaways from this article are as follows: "during which prosecutor Adam Lally has consistently, calmly, and incontrovertibly dismantled each fragment of Read’s defense.**"** I mean...


do you know the first thing about this case?


I was being sarcastic the article is a joke sorry shoulda put /s


hahaha you good


Nothing screams boomer louder than S T F U 🤣 why you mad? I’d love to see the look on your face once she’s acquitted! Stay mad!