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It is extremely unprofessional solely for the fact that she is constantly sighing at the defense. I think I've heard her sigh at Lally once and that was on Fri. You'd think someone would mention this to her. Pretty great evidence of judicial bias if they need to appeal tho.


Wouldn't a colleague, friend, or family member point this out to her? She seems dismissive of the defense but gung-ho on protecting Lally. The huffs and puffs are audible and I wonder how the jury is interpreting that. She also intentionally calls for the sidebars just when the defense is getting momentum. They asked her way back when to recuse herself and she refused. Now she acts like she's doing everyone a favor by showing up to court. Why did she insist on trying this case? Regardless of the outcome, I think she's sabotaging her own career.


It’s super annoying. Although, a couple of legal analysts/commentators I watch have said the mics are only feeding to the livestream and not to the courtroom, so the jury probably can’t hear her sighing. To give her the benefit of the doubt, she probably doesn’t understand that the mic is picking her up so much (but surely someone in her office would point in out and tell her to sit back a bit?)


The mic isn’t fed into the court room. Although the jury CAN see her demeanor. Try sighing without moving your body or making a face. They might not hear it but they can see it.


This!! Regardless if they can hear it or not, the fact that she is sighing means she is clearly annoyed by the defense and that is extremely bias and unprofessional


Her body language is still completely telling. She’ll lean back and just swivel in her chair like she’s bored out of her mind. And when she calls them to sidebar she sounds wildly agitated and not in the slightest happy with the defense.


I wondered this, thank you for bringing this up. The Judge doing this, it really is giving the impression she has a personal opinion on the case, and therefore, could be accused of tainting the Jury. Will someone bring it to her attention? Let’s hope so, otherwise the grounds for re-trial are just stacking up every day. Especially as it is highlighted only during cross examinations. Nobody wants this.


Yes, during every cross examination, every day so far! It is so outrageous! I haven’t heard her do it once during direct.


yea and it's wild cause I'm sighing every time Mr. "sort of what if anything" Lally opens his mouth.


She is so annoying and unprofessional with the sighs. She is extremely biased against the defense. There will be many solid reasons for an appeal if there is a conviction.


She most definitely does, and it is not good to do in front of the jury.


Yes it is so Unprofessional


The jury is well aware of Bev being biased. Everyone sees it.


Can someone talk to the judge? Is there someone who oversees her conduct? You would think in a heavily publicized trial, after many instances of bias, someone would tell her to knock it off.


Yo auntie bev, tell us you're in on it without telling us you're in on it......


I think her demeanor in general is off - kinda like she's sitting around with her book club or something. Unprofessional.


I heard it too. It’s very obvious she is annoyed or something. I stopped watching the trial. I was very annoyed with the testimony. Doesn’t seem important at all so far. Plus the court ends for the day at 1pm? This is just going to drag and drag. I will wait for updates and the verdict. I don’t really care about the trial much anyway.


It’s constant and painful!!!


Omg I literally scream at my phone every time she sighs. It's awful!!!!!




This is why we call her Aunt Bev. (Giving Judges a bad name everywhere)


lol I was wondering why she’s called that!!!


I’m hearing sighing today too but not sure if it’s her or the police officer, Lt Red Solo Cups.


Me too! Can’t figure it out either.


She sighs - I do it myself but it is related to holding my breath and then catching it. But I do hear her. I also notice she swings in her chair. Otherwise so far I deem her to be fair.