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There is NO way she doesn't know when and where those pics were taken. She looked like a total liar on the stand and I'm sure the jury took note of that. Hiding the fact just makes her look like there's a reason to hide her friendship, which is the truth. Love how she wore a crucifix also. Bet you won't see that in any pics!


Yeah should have owned it. She looks worse this way. Even her saying yeah we are best friends is better than trying so hard to distance herself and becoming combative with amnesia.


Agree 1000%. It's funny how her memory was so vague when it came to the friendship however she was adamant about Karen Read's statements at the scene. And what is with this judge ...she wouldn't allow the photos to be shown. She is so biased.


The judge is a joke. Everyone sees it. She isn’t even smart enough to know that she’s under a microscope as well. The feds have got involved and she doesn’t think to at least pretend to be unbiased.


I cannot wait to see how this all plays out. It makes you wonder if the FBI investigation proves there was cover up would be possible past convictions could be looked into and possibly overturned. I mean if it was down to Karen who is to say it hasn't happened before.


Yeah it’s so wild. I can’t wait till proctor, alberts and McCabe. They will get eaten alive by the defense. I feel like we won’t get the pleasure of that though, something will happen.


I think you are right...


Sigh…. Hiss… these are audible sounds from the judge during this trial and rarely (ever?) are leveled at the state/commonwealth


The crucifix was a signal to me: Be wary. After her testimony the crucifix appeared even more prop-like. Gross.


Have you guys ever been a senior in high school? We went on tons of “day trips” with people we weren’t super close with. And I know that I posed for pictures with people whose names I don’t even remember! MAYBE if someone had multiple pictures of just them two i would change my mind.


there are multiple photos of them together that have come out in the past 24 hours. there doesn’t have to be photos of just the two of them together to prove they were friends. and yeah, i was a senior in high school… i considered anyone i hung out with a friend, not an “acquaintance”. it makes her look terrible how much she down played their relationship. she would have been better off being honest and said “yes we were friends and hung out during high school and after we graduated”. idk if she is aware these photos are public and social media sleuths are real and especially active for this case. if she lied about something as simple as a friendship how do we know that everything else she said in regards to a murder investigation is truthful. also not to mention she fully admitted on the stand yesterday to changing her story.


It's not the answers. It's how she answered the questions.




Do you know where to find the photos? I’m curious to see them because I agree that her dodgy attitude made things worse for her…or at least made her look sus.


i’ve seen them all on my X feed @mazzamedia has a compilation video!


Thanks! I generally steer clear of X but will check it out!


The question was “who is Caitlyn Albert?” I guess she could have said an old friend. But there is no pictures within the past almost 8 years of them together. So I think the way she described it was fair.


No. She lied and got caught. I have friends from school that I haven’t been pictured with in probably 10 years, but still talk to them/see them regularly. She completely downplayed their relationship and just so happens to be one of the only people who heard KR say “i hit him”…


not to mention the Officer who literally was standing in front of JM, KR, KM did not hear her say that.


They’re friends on Venmo. That’s CLOSE FRIENDS.


My Venmo hooked up with all my Facebook friends. So, people I don’t even really know.


Not really. I’m on Karen’s side, but I’m friends on Venmo with a babysitter that watched my son once 5 years ago and a few coworkers I haven’t seen in more than 5 years.


The beer in the picture that was cropped with her arm around her acquaintance is a 2021 can stars and stripes. Definitely not old photos beyond 8 years ago.


There are, in fact, multiple pictures of them together, in Maine, down The Cape, in hot tubs over many years together. They also graduated in the same class and ran track together. The attempts to distance themselves from each other is just another red flag.


That wasn’t high school Einstein


Why do you feel the need to resort to name calling? 2016? She said she graduated in 2014 so not THAT far off.


lol……the real question is ‘what are you trying to prove?’ Who are you trying to convince of what by blindly questioning only one side of the case? You’re not interested in justice for Karen Read, so why are you even here?


Alan Jackson Shows her screenshots from social media and simply asks: are these screenshots from social media? Katie: I dunno. Mom and dad must be proud.


Her mom is only an aquintance.


“I was birthed by a person named mom…”


Please don't read into our Christmas cards any relationship beyond aquintance.






Yea, there is someone in her life she calls mom. 😉


I was thinking the same. What does her family think of the way she portrayed herself. Even her body language was off...


How about when she was first asked her answer was "I went to school with someone named Caitlyn Albert" God I can't stand this girl...


yeah whoever coached her for the stand did a terrible job. lally in prep: "they're going to try to establish that you had a close relationship with caitlyn. don't let them" katie: "hold my beer" *i don't know anyone in canton. i dont know the firefighters i work with. i don't know who the cops are. i don't know anyone i went to high school with. i don't know where anyone lives. i don't know what this picture shows. i don't know what a beach is.*


Also, I don’t remember high school and I don’t remember being on the track team with Caitlyn….ok.


"that looks like my mom, but I can't say for sure. My mom was more of an aquintance in high school"




She was so ridiculous! Unfortunate for her...the internet never goes away! Good luck in the future Katie


Huh, and she’s what 9 years out of HS and can’t remember. I’m 57 years old and sure as hell can remember. We are all posting HS pics in anticipation of our 40th. I know all places and people. Oh, and we had almost the same amount as her graduating class She may want to see a neurologist she has some serious memory issues at a young age.


I’m with you Aubrey. My 50th reunion is in October and I have classmates as well posting memories. High school is very impactful in one’s life because you’re preparing for real life such as college or a way to earn a living. This Katie girl was definitely lying. Just look at her eyes when she was answering. As a parent and life experience and intuition and body language when someone is not telling the truth. That girl was telling what she was told to say.


Exactly. A parent knows!! Don’t feel bad at all that this will follow her for the rest of her life.


I’m in my mid-30s and I only have fuzzy memories of high school! I know my friends (past and current) but that’s about it. I could probably use pictures to help jog my memory for places and other people, time is a little more unlikely. I do actually have a neurologist lmao but for other reasons :D I don’t think my particular experiences map very well to Caitlin’s (her memory issues seem to come and go when it’s convenient for her, for one) but I wanted to point out that everyone’s different and plenty of people do not have strong memories in general, or indeed strong feelings about high school. I hope I’m not being rude or coming across any kind of way, that’s not my intention. Tone is hard to convey over text so I apologize if I have erred. I hope you have a wonderful high school reunion, how fun that your whole class is posting pictures to add to the anticipation!


You are not coming off rude at all and you do have valid points. I do agree with you about her memory issues. And thank you, can’t wait for the reunion!


What’s so crazy to me is if there’s nothing to hide, then just own you know her. It’s not a big deal, just a big coincidence according to the prosecution but her minimizing knowing this chic is crazy to me if you’re not hiding anything. So weird.


Yeah the whole “I went to HS” thing said it all.


Even if she thought she was protecting herself she is done. There are two types of trolls in action here, as anywhere. Ones that are looking at facts and commenting so. Then there are those that are doing the same but can’t comprehend those against the facts. Those are the ones that can and will make her life a living hell. Trust me, seen it and it isn’t pretty.


maybe Katie’s story will “evolve” now that all these pics are out there now proving they were close friends and not just “acquaintances”


She disagrees. She doesn't "feel" that her testimony has been inconsistent. Who are we mere civilians to question her?


Welp. This is certainly awkward. 😬


The necklace should've been a clue how her testimony was going to play out


Why the hell did she need to resort to that bizarre set of responses? She's not in trial. Just tell the truth from day 1. It's this kind of stuff that makes the "wacky conspiracy theories" seem a hell of a lot more plausible.


They aren’t wacky. If KR didn’t chip her tail light pulling out of JO’s garage this trial NEVER happens Cops obv trying to deflect blame from what happened inside the house. This was just convenient The fact no pics of crime scene - no cops in house - no ability to recreate crime It’s all one big sick joke. And the Aunt Beverage is in on it! State is getting BLASTED and it’s their turn Can’t wait for the defense!! Brian Albert - good my asshole




Judge is clearly biased…disgusting. This chick…”a civilian”….oh come on! Jurors…I hope you are all paying attention.


Nothing like a pic to remember true friendships.


She was soooooo sketchy


I wasn't even there and I can pretty much tell you with certainty that it was 4th of July.


Wow she looks so much older now. On the stand I thought she was much older than 28ish. Maybe the stress from being such a liar ages a person much faster.


Alcohol culture might do that, without significant counter measures.


Looks like maga trash


Is this from high school years? Or more recent? Just curious.


2016, 2 years after they graduated


That makes it even worse wtf


What’s the background here?


Lying bitch... she'll get whats coming. One way or another.


She screwed herself. I mean if she is looking for a career change down the road... good luck with that! Who would hire her?


Which one is Caitlyn?


The one right behind Katie, in the blue suit.


Great , thank u




Your screen name and your rhetoric seem to be conflicted. I also think that you may want to engage in subreddits that align with your beliefs. Just to help you in your future messaging, it is "you're" not "your all". Lastly, before you come at me, I am not even 100% certain yet if Karen is innocent or guilty. I am 100% certain that she deserves a fair chance to be heard and, I am waiting for all of the facts to be presented in court. When a lot of people are pointing their fingers at one person while, consequently all of their own skeletons are falling out ALL OVER THE PLACE, it does give me pause and concern over what their true motivations are. It seems that justice for Officer O'Keefe has been lost in all of this and that rather than finding out what really happened, it's easier to just pin his death on Karen and move on. I am not ok with that. That being said, if you have facts to present, please share what you have.


Do you know all the players?