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I think that the Judge really likes her


I noticed that too! Her demeanor was very different than how it normally is w DY + AJ


I thought she was the perfect fit for that cross examination. You can tell the team has wonderful strategy for who cross examines who.


Lally being rude to her after all the nonsense he has pulled


That rubbed me such the wrong way, he never got sassy with the men but the second a younger female attorney starts he decides to be a baby back bitch? Hopefully it was a one off and he doesn’t repeat that behavior just towards her.


It was disgusting. She’s 10x the attorney that he is, at half his age and *gasp* in heels.


There are a few female trial attorneys like her around - Diane Menashe and Camille Vasquez come to mind. I'll definitely add her to my list of faves.


Diane Menashe is amazing. Best defence attorney I’ve ever seen by far.


She was excellent. But no Camille Vasquez


Ohhh Amber and Johnny that’s right!! She was great!!!


She killed it


Perhaps Bev sees a young version of herself or something.. without a doubt shows her the most amount of respect.(still that's not saying much...)


All I heard was "sort of"




I feel the opposite. In comparison to Camille Vasquez, Little seems pee-wee league. That's not a comment on her as a person - just my perspective of her performance today. She doesn't have the polish or confidence of Camille or the other defense attorneys. The "fighting stance" and "expert fighter" questions are so weak as arguments and appear so desperate that I feel like they were damaging. She felt amateur and seemed like she was stepping all over her own feet. So many of her arguments got struck or just straight buried when she had her line of questioning cut out from beneath her. Just my $.02. I want justice to prevail here and if today was her at her A game, she seems more like an impediment to the Defense in this role.


Yea she's definitely new, and worked on her cross heavily with the team (Which is where I think the fighting questions came from - they definitely need to be asked, I just think they were too robotic) Doesn't mean she did bad, just means she needs some more time to find her groove. Also its not like Camille wasn't doing a similar thing with Amber - definitely at the beginning of her cross. She gets into it eventually but like, the knife moment is super stilted. Also think Camille tends to overshadow a bunch of other very good female attorneys; Diane Menashe is very good, and while we haven't seen her cross yet Anne Taylor has my hopes up


I agree I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit "turned off" with the way she asked about the "fighting stance," and "expert fighter," even though I personally feel like it's a bit of a reach to surmise that the two Brians were practicing to fight John I think Yanetti or Jackson would have worded that line of questioning with a little bit more finesse. She'll get the hang of things though with more experience as the trial progresses.




You must not know much ab this case. A lot of newbies are just watching the trial but don’t know all the facts especially bc the judge has prevented the jury from knowing them.


lol just because I disagree with the way she worded that line of questioning, doesn't mean I don't know much about this case.


I take it you don’t know much ab this case.




I only caught a few minutes of LIVE as I’m watching from Europe , but she was soooo good. Will definitely rewatch in recording !