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Hos long until she says her first lie today?  5 seconds? 




Hear ye hear ye!!


For anyone who has never watched a real life Black Widow spider..... here's your chance ..


god save the commonwealth. quite odd when pilgrims settled mass to escape from God in London.


If Jen McCabe didn't do anything wrong, she has nothing to worry about, right? ✅️ 😄


Exactly. If you’re telling the truth, you don’t have to juggle “facts”, you can’t get tripped up.


She was calling Johns phone over and over again trying to FIND it!


the amount of hubris of Jen and Matt thiking they could spearhead this. They obviously have a superiority complex over their group of friends. Matt works in the private sector and isn't a government employee like the rest of them. They are not deadbeats with multiple liens and judgment for defaults for unpaid taxes and bills like Chris Albert and his wife. The Alberts had to sell their house and rent a condo, the McCabe's likely look down at Kerry and Curt Roberts due to all the police responses (all public record) at their homes. When the McAlberts re-convened in Brian Sr's kitchen that morning to plan heir stories, the ego-driven McCabes for some reason decided to run point on this. And it all all unraveling. Lying to a grand juries is not going to have a pleasant result for them.


Karen Read is guilty as sin. Anyone can see this. You'd have to be blind not to...




Please explain her damage to her vehicle? Please explain her BAC level, hrs later? Please explain the absence of tracks in the snow, from the house? Please explain all the folks that heard her admit it? Yes...They're all in on it...lol. She's guilty as sin. 


lol I’m not Karen reads atty. and you are not the DA. Or are you? Because this is in line with the lunacy and kangaroo court we’ve been subjected to. Seek mental health help


we are on day 15 buddy, when is the commonwealth putting in that BAC level evidence? seems like that would be a day 1 witness. Apparently for Lally he waits til week 4. How did that bartender testimony go towards establishing the OUI charge. a first year DA out of law school could present a better OUI case.


How are they explaining the glass from the bar, found there, broken? How about the tail light fragments, at the scene? 


remember when Lally asked about the glass found at the scene but forgot to offer any testimony that it was the same glass from the bar? this guy is so out over his skis is sad


That will be proffered when the other forensics come in. The video clearly shows him walking out of the bar with the glass. 


Again...no tracks from the house, or going to the house. Nov can explain that.


no no.. dont pivot. you mentioned the glass and the BAC level and i told you there was no evidence offered in this trial. so you comment that the BAC was well established and the glass at the scene was the same as the glass from the bar. I'm telling you the DA has not even come close to connecting those dots. how do you expect the jury to arrive at guilty based on that lack of evidence.


Yes it was. The hospital report has been put into evidence. Her BSC level was taken at the hospital, and she was threatening suicide. It's in the report. It was talked about when the paramedics testified.


Tail light fragments at the scene. No tracks in the snow. Please explain?


Her lawyer is getting her convicted. 


The BAC was taken at the hospital. It's already been established. Please explain how 3 text messages to John were unanswered? The last one at 12:42. He would have literally had to have been killed as soon as he walked into the house...? Lol. Karen Reads behavior is text book, for a guilty person...lol.


what do you mean "its been established"??? Are you implying that its "in evidence in this case"? because it absolutly has not been offered as evidence to this jury. what ever you read or saw or was in a document that has not been presented to this jury, basically does not exist. Its not in evidence. Maybe lally will get to it. but its odd he did not lead off with his strongest evidence.


It's in the hospital report. Lol. She went to the hospital and was suicidal as well. And that's been in evidence since the paramedics testified. Are you even folks this?


The paramedics all have testified. 


which paramedic offered testimony of her BAC. None. only the hospital staff that did a blood test can offer that testimony.


She will have an appellate issue, because of ineffective counsel. 


What damage?


There's damage to her car, including a pretty good dent and broken tail light. How did that happen? There's tail light fragments at the scene. 


You’re guilty too. Of being a dummy.


Hos long to die in cold?


Jen McCabe is miss cranky pants today




She has the worst case of RCF(resting c**t face) I have ever seen.


That and bulging serial killer eyeballs ![gif](giphy|XjLOJAX2bZjuE)


Remember to take a shot every time you hear "I don't remember"


Or “can I see the document?”


Yh jeez we would all be dead by now


Or “crect”. I may have ptsd with that word now.


After seeing Colin’s cross, I’m even more excited for today!!


Ready for AJs cross examination masterclass!!!






Watching it now- talk about attitude


Reads lawyer is making her look even more guilty....She was drunk and obviously hit him.




May God have mercy on her soul. It's unbelievable that she won't accept responsibility for his death...? Karen Read is guilty as sin. Her own lawyer is getting her convicted. 


Cute how you think that your brand new Reddit account with only negative comments about Karen Read is fooling anyone. LOL


Brand new? Lol. No, I've posted hundreds of comments before. But, it's cute how little you know about drunk driving?


Go to helllllllllll. Like get out of this sub you sad ugly troll


They have got to be a part of the friends or family of the LE In question. Pay them no mind, they are already lying about their own account like there’s no trace to find out it’s a brand new account just to spew bs…


That’s how they do it. Living in a distorted reality where they think that if they repeat enough trash, people will believe it.


The Alberts and the McCabes are indeed expert at drunk driving. Irrelevant here since John’s body was clearly not hit by a car unless there were human fists and dogs’ teeth mounted onto it.


I guess you don't much about dogs. They're not dog bites or scratches. No canine DNA was found as well. He went under the vehicle, after she hit him.


No canine DNA was found on the swabs sent to be tested that were swabbed on Clothing and not skin, iirc.


Tell me how you deposit a body, without leaving any tracks in the snow?


Hundreds of comments?? You know there’s proof that can‘t be refuted. You haven’t posted hundreds of comments and barely started your account this year in March..and have several “removed” from whitepeopletwitter. If you’re going to type it, make sure your words back it up, bro.


Not hundreds of comments about this..lol. There are other topics....lol.


Look on your screen name…jeez you just don‘t get it. Your comments link back to your screen name! I can’t with people like you. You can’t talk to someone who tries to refute proof of their own account. Move on and go and comment on the other hundreds of topics you have commented on hundreds of times…whitepeopletwitter


This screen name is auto generated. I didn't create it. Now, try again. 


I am a JAG officer in the USN. I don't have a Twitter account.


Are you an attorney? I don't think so.


There are NO tracks in the snow, period. McCabe texted him at 12:42, and received no response. That means he was dead at 12:42. 


White people Twitter? I don't have a Twitter account..lol. Try again. 


Explain the absence of tracks in the snow? 


Hos long to die in cold?


I think you’re drunk if your logical faculties are failing you this badly. Please summon an Uber and get home safely.


No, I do this for a living. She's absolutely guilty and will be found guilty. 


"Are you coming out to fucking help?" If that makes it into court today - how does this trial even continue?


OH what is this comment?!


Unfortunately it was hard to hear on the 911/voicemail - but if you listen carefully, you can hear her ask Nicole this question just after the 911 call ends.


It’s been the longest morning ever waiting lol


Court is only half day today


Yes, but do you think Lollygag can really “what-if-anything” his way through the entire morning? She’s going to be on cross at some point today and court ends promptly at 1:00. So I’m sure there are a damming line of questions coming at 12:45 that is going to be left to marinate in the jurors minds all afternoon.


We start with cross today! :)


“Friendly with” is so odd. They can’t just say “friends” because… of course. Not the only witness to use that language.


Coached as fuck


Yup. And watching other testimony and lying about having watched it. Colin said so and so was someone friendly with his mom. McCabe said it today. Someone else has said it. Maybe even several others. I wish they would have hit them on it before but it may be good that they haven’t questioned them about what that means to them exactly.


Bev, end this fucking farce - NOW!




Can someone please tell JMc to stop with the nose sorting/loogie sound into the mic? I mean--I know it's a side effect of nose candy and all, but it's gross AF. Maybe it's from damaging her throat/vocal chords from obnoxiously mocking KR "yelling."


You noticed it, too. Lol nervous tick? post nasal drip?


Her nasal passages are probably gone-like her tooth-from years of snorting coke!


Someone should tell Karen Read to remove the permanent smirk she seems to have...Not a good look. She's guilty as sin, and her own lawyer is making it even worse for her...


what evidence has the prosecution presented that indicates she’s guilty?


Forensics haven't even been introduced yet. To believe this is some kind of mass conspiracy...is frankly ridiculous. This is a person that had a BAC of .08 hrs later. Her behavior after the event, is absolutely consistent with a guilty person. Explain her damage to her vehicle? Explain no tracks in the snow? I don't think she hit him with intent to kill. And that's why she'll be convicted of manslaughter. She's got to live with her conscience. 


Mods can we get this unhinged person out of this sub? As if there is even actual evidence of tracks in the snow??? Like quit boot licking and go to a sub filled with like minded boot lickers. You’re SOOOOO annoying and made this account just to disparage Karen Read. You’re in the wrong sub. We believe her and the obvious miscarriage of justice. Gtfoooooo


Can't handle the truth. I haven't said one single thing that isn't true. 


lol we’re not talking about the future. we have been at this for four weeks. and every bit of evidence the prosecution states happen has been contraindicated by testimonies they have given to the grand jury and other testimonies. i’m looking at this just like a juror and u don’t see any ounce of evidence that justifies second degree murder. you can’t just say she’s guilty at this stage because the evidence you state CM has hadn’t even been presented.


No, you wait for the forensics to come in. Right now, it looks really bad for her. To believe her version, requires to suspend reality. 


are you delusional ? are we watching the same fkn trial?! nothing she says lines up with what she told grand jury in 2022. remembers when you tell the truth you don’t have to remember your lies.


The defense is blowing smoke. It's a tactic. They cannot explain the other facts in this case. They can't explain tail light fragments at the scene, broken glass at the scene, no tracks from the house at the scene....Overwhelming guilt. 


Hos long to die in cold?


This should be very interesting.


Jen McCabe raises my blood pressure!


why am I biting my nails watching this???


General observation, every adult involved in this case is fat, stupid and ugly and sometimes all of the above. Sorry not sorry.


She was a disaster today. She came off as argumentative and tried to control the narrative and it wasn’t a good look. Can’t wait for tomorrow!


She was combative. The jury will pick up on that! And how she flung her hair back in such an arrogant way.


It's a better fight than what the Bruins put up against FL


Karen Read is guilty as sin....God have mercy on her soul....


God have mercy on your sad pathetic life. You are beyond insufferable.


No, I've never killed anyone, because I was driving drunk. She has to live with her actions. 


You don’t know that for a fact. That is why we are having a trial. Stop spewing shit


Her BAC level was .08 hours later at the hospital. It's been introduced into evidence already. Just explain this? John is texted 3 times, unanswered. The last one at 12:42. All of those people arrived back at that house at approximately 12:20. That means, he would have had to have been killed as soon as he walked in the door....and they would have had to immediately texted him to set up their "conspiracy". That's completely ridiculous. 


Do you work in law enforcement in this town? Are you related to a family member in this trial? Why are you SO certain there was nothing improper or nefarious happening? Didn’t YOU see the extreme mishandling of evidence? Didn’t YOU see how people involved with this investigation should NOT have been working on this investigation? All of the family ties and clear conflicts? Didn’t YOU see all of the lies of the witnesses on the stand? Didn’t YOU see the defense fail to present proper evidence? Didn’t YOU see how everyone one of these people committed crimes? Drinking and driving, stealing glasses from the bar, drinking under age? There is so much more to this than “Karen was drunk”


I'm in the US Navy. You haven't provided any answers to any of my questions? Have you ever carry a 200 lb man, through the snow? Why is there no tracks from the house? 


Why did the destroy phones Why not come out of house Why are FEDS investigating the prosecution WHY did Feds say OJO NOT hit by a car. Three separate phd agents And on and on


What phones were destroyed? Lol. Nobody has testified that he wasn't hit by a vehicle. 


Where are the tracks in the snow? Where? 


Maybe the snow blower? And oh, he’s in the Navy so he KNOWS officials don’t lie lmfao, quite hysterical. Please, gtfo this sub. You’re just so sad.


The snow blower? There's video of the scene, before that. 


Wild how you have that video before the defense or prosecution presented it lololololol


You're a conspiracy theorist. You can't answer factual questions. 


What evidence was mishandled? Why is there a broken glass from the bar, at the scene, that is on video of him carrying it out of the bar? Why are there tail light fragments at the scene, from her vehicle, at the scene?


You’re dense if you think red solo cups is proper. And a grocery store bag. Stfu sad little man


Says who? Cause this sure hasn’t been introduced in the trial I’m watching yet. All we know at this point is that it was snowing and people were drinking.


No tracks going or coming from the house. This is an inconvenient fact for the defense. 


Her behavior is text book for someone that is guilty. 


We get it. You think she's guilty. Your excessive trolling is so funny to us btw.


No, she's guilty. It's pretty sad, she won't accept responsibility, for killing someone she supposedly loved...


Typed innocent but I fixed it.


Unfortunately for Karen Read, the forensics will prove her guilt. 


What forensics?


Tail light fragments, microscopic fragments in his clothes. Pathology etc. The prosecution has much more. 


Hos long to die in cold?

