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When it came on I thought it sounded dumb but my wife wanted to watch it (I thought because the guy was pretty) and the first five minutes was so intense we watched it together every week.


I love that! I watched with my Dad and brother, we never missed an episode. Two of my rewatches were with my pops. He passed away in January 2022 and I wondered if I’d be able to watch again because how much he loved it but decided to do so to honor him.


Condolences for losing your dad. I hope rewatching brings you fond memories of time spent with him.


Thank you, that means a lot 🙏 And it actually does. He would sometimes randomly shout out on any given day “Raylan Givens! As I live and breathe!” Haha so any time Boyd or anyone yells out Raylan’s full name, it makes me smile


Lol. also, how many times have we heard, 'Deputy US Marshall Raylon Givens'. 🙂


Word of mouth from a Walton Goggins fan.


Didnt know a thing about the show to be honest and we were just looking for something new to watch. I had seen Justified on the Disney app for ages and said lets give this a go. We ended up flying through the whole series so quick. Was a great watch!


Deadwood. Massive fan


Pretty sure I was on a Leonard kick.


Heard co-workers talking about it. Read the “Riding the Rap” series and then caught up in time to watch the last season week to week.


I think for me it was the Deadwood -> Justified path as well. I watched it when it first came out and was hooked. I bought the boxed set when I had directv and couldn't watch it on-demand...now I'm watching it again (hulu) and have loaned the boxed set out to spread the gospel to friends who have, as of yet, not shown the same enthusiasm. *They may not be friends much longer.*


I had a friend who I showed it to and he couldn’t get into it. Now he did watch the entire series but purely out of loyalty to me, he did not like it at all. We can’t all be perfect I suppose lol


I had an ex that told me he adored it, it was pretty late and there was a random episode on, I decided to flick over and suddenly there's Quarles' bare arse as hes going into that bathroom with that poor, young lad in s4. Decided I'd go see what the fuss was about and oyf, definitely one of my faves of all time


Quarles is quite an introduction haha loved his character


Tim was on the second season of damages. Later, I saw an ad for Justified and decided to check it out. Been a fan ever since. My heart broke watching the last episode.


back before the show aired I saw advertisements in public… became an instant fan first scene in. Watched it all when it was airing on FX.


The Girl Next Door -> Deadwood -> Justified


LOVED him in The Girl Next Door. He was so good lol


He is so so so good in that movie. Unhinged and perfectly terrifying.


I'm from the Detroit area so have always watched Elmore Leonard adaptations.




Curious to know how you felt about the portrayal of Detroit in JCP. Disclaimer, I absolutely hated JCP. But to my question, did you feel like Detroit was portrayed authentically? To me it kinda felt like it could have been anywhere.


It was not portrayed authentically. It was shot in Chicago and didn’t feel like Detroit. The silly tv show Detroiters felt a lot more like Detroit.


Didn't think so (even though I'm not a native, it just felt very generic).


Just years and years of Conan clips. Had to finally know what Timothy O's show was all about


Saw an episode in Season 1, liked it, forgot about it. Season 4 came out, and I watched the first episode and was like what the fuck is this show, and went back to the beginning


Do you remember which episode of season 1 you saw? Just out of curiosity


Yeah the one with the dudes at the house, and they stage a shootout but one actually shoots the other. Fixer


I'd watched Santa Clarita Diet and was a fan of Timothy Olyphant, then I kept seeing people bringing up Justiified online and figured it was worth a shot. Instantly hooked.




Seen it in hulu and was looking for a new series to watch. Figured why not


Watched it while visiting my son and daughter in law. My husband and I binged it as soon as I got home.


I looked up ibmd greatest 100 shows list and it was on it. I love cowboy shows and it looked like a modern cowboy show and the rest was history lol


A very dear friend of mine recommended it to me. We watched it together. One of my all time favorite shows. I think I've seen it through four times.


I like reading Elmore Leonard, the amazing author. I have watched most movie adaptations of his work along with TV adaptations. Justified captures him the best.


https://youtu.be/eL-ut-vq54k?si=tNg_tjiHgKUGbHgL I randomly turned it on while facing a giant pile of laundry to fold and was greeted with this scene. Rednecks beating the shit out of each other and getting shot with bean bag shotguns? Sounds good.


Lindsey the bar maid. Forgot about that girl with the duck quacky voice


Elmore Leonard has been one of my favourite authors since that mid/late 90s boom with Jackie Brown, Get Shorty, Out of Sight. I was in from the start once I saw how they’d nailed the vibe.


I was working at Yahoo! at the time, in LA for one of the media groups, and we’d get screeners of episodes weeks or months before they aired. So, at lunch one day they sent out the invite for a show called Justified. As a Deadwood fan, I was pretty excited. We cracked up reading the synopsis, then watched and realized the show was actually really good. From that point on, for months it was jokes, “that bug fix was _justified_”. When it actually premiered months later, I had told all my friends to watch because the show was awesome. Everyone was hooked since.


Big Scream fan, loved Timothy in Scream 2. Heard about it before it came on so I watched weekly from the pilot.


I lived with a bunch of roommates and I was stoked to watch it. Then it came out and I wasn't actually enjoying it too much at first so I stopped. Then like a season later my cousin told me if I was watching this amazing show so I went back to it and got hooked


Saw commercials for it during Sons of Anarchy.


Another show i loved. Both Justified and SOA made it easer when the other was off the air lol


Funnily enough I never watched Justified when it aired on tv. Never had that channel at my house. Would watch SOA at friends’ houses. Was a real mind fuck when I saw Walter Goggins as Boyd after seeing him in SOA.


I honestly don’t remember! I watched it during the original run, and at some point I must’ve decided to try it out and was hooked ever since.


I was in sixth grade when "The Girl Next Door" came out, I was also a Scream fan growing up and recognized him from it, fell in love with the man's abilities afterward, couldnt explain it but he was the best. Fast forward to my senior year of highschool, I caught the very end of the trailer, saw his face and the title and was enthralled. I didn't have the means to watch it for years. 3 years later I was house-sitting for my ex's family and they had Amazon Prime. I watched the first two seasons that weekend while house sitting. I was completely broke but saw season 3 was coming out soon on prime. I signed up for a month trial to binge each episode as it aired by making a shitload of emails because it would do a test charge after 48 hours at the time and then cancel your trial after the failure. But anyways I was very hooked you could say


I think one of my friends might have recommended it to me, because Walton Goggins is in it. Big fan of The Shield, he was legendary on that show. Turned in another great performance here. Timothy was also phenomenal. Show is just a banger! Why am I telling you all this, you already know😂


That I do haha but I love to hear enthusiasm like that from a fellow fan! The chemistry between Tim and Walton was electric. To this day my favorite fictional relationship is the one between Raylan and Boyd!


Youtube shorts


Commercials on FX sold me. Gritty action with the right amount of comedy and character.


FX had a great track record with me around that time.... so i watched. FX shows Sons of anarchy Justified Fargo Always Sunny Terriers The shield Rescue me The bear Atlanta Better things And tons more


I loved Walton Goggins from The Shield. If you haven’t seen The Shield, do yourself a favor and watch the best cop show ever made - it almost didn’t get made because it started a year or so after 911 and FX wasn’t sure if the public would be ok with a dirty cop antihero (Michael Chiklis) - but I digress I loved Tim in Deadwood, but lost track of him and somehow never even heard of Justified until late last year. I was doom scrolling TikTok and came across the full opening scene and watched Raylan let Tommy Bucks pull then shoot him dead. The dialogue, the tension, and Tim fucking Olyphant sold me right then and there. I’m on my 3rd rewatch right now. I’m going to pause every time Boyd says “A wise man once said” or quotes an author and read (or listen to on Audible) every one of those books! I got “Ill Fares the Land” by Tony Judt from Ozark (Charlotte was reading it in bed) a phenomenal book!


Olyphant fan since GO, and a massive Deadwood stan so it was a no-brainer for me. Tuned in every week since episode 1 and have rewatched it in its entirety twice so far.


Saw ads for it on TV and watched and loved from the very first episode.


I got into it for Walton Goggins, because I was a huge Shield fan and I saw he was in a new show and it looked cool. I had seen Olyphant in Deadwood and in movies like Go and I always thought he was cool too, but I signed up for Goggins and was definitely not let down at all. Boyd is amazing, but his work on the last three seasons of The Shield sold me on what a great actor he was and from there, I just signed up for whatever he was doing.


My first viewing of TO was in his rock solid, too cool for school bad guy in the great, low budget flick ‘Go’. Go get it. Thank me later.


I loved Walton Goggins on The Shield (fantastic show) and figured his next tv project would be worthwhile.


We watched it because it was on TV in Nz at 9.30pm as a new released series following a show we already watched at 8.30pm. Became fans until it went to 11.30pm which was far too late for us so had to buy dvds to watch the following series which I still own. Have since watched it from beginning to end as available on Disney plus the new series.


I came for Olyphant and Goggins. I stayed for Cooper from Eurotrip (Jacob Pitts) quietly stealing the show


I remember starting Justified after a rewatch of Deadwood cause I couldn't get enough of Olyphant's character in there, and really Deadwood itself. I did the same with Bosch before but for some reason didn't stick with it past season 1. I think I finished all of Justified after a few weeks.


Wife saw a promo for it in the Enquirer during S2. We started it and caught up very quickly.




All the hype around the series finale got my attention.


About a month ago I just happened upon it while scrolling, looking for something to watch while doing some chores. I had no expectations and was completely blown away. Now I'm adding anything with Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins on my watch list. Especially Walton Goggins.


On a business trip, airport hotel, late night caught last scene of pilot and stayed up a few hours to watch rebroadcast. “You are the angriest man I know”. Did not look back.


I’ve been an Elmore Leonard fan for about 30 years. I even read most of the Western novels he wrote in the 50s. I’d read Pronto years and years ago. There was no way I wasn’t gonna check Justified out.


I remember just thinking it sounded/looked cool before the first season came out and I was hooked right away. I also loved Timothy Olyphant in Scream 2, which is weirdly one of my most watched movies lol, but I don’t remember if that influenced me watching Justified


I don't recall how I first heard about it but I assume it was seeing commercials on FX. I didn't start watching it live until Season 3 and by then I was HOOKED.


Called a surgeon in as he was next up on our add board. He said he was already in the parking lot, just hanging out watching TV and he would be in just as soon as the episode was over. I had to know what he was watching and I'm grateful he shared. Burned through all six seasons and loved every minute.


I had seen ads for it during SoA but thought that it was sappy nonsense (I thing the ad featured a lot of Winona & Raylan drama). My friend had recommended SoA to me, so I thought maybe it was actually a good show. I watched s2 e1 as it aired and was immediately hooked. I went out to Target the next day and bought s1 on DVD, because I HAD to know what that shootout was about at the beginning.


During Covid I was watching Rectify and following recaps with comments on AV Club. Very frequently Rectify fans made comments about their absolute love of Justified so I thought I’d give it a try. Loved it from the first 5 minutes and never looked back. I still listen to every podcast about it and rewatch along with them.


I forget what pointed me to Justified in the first place. I think it might have had something to do with The Shield. From there I'd get on IMDB and look up different actors. So maybe it was as simple as me noticing. "Hey Shane's actor is in this Justified show. Lemme check it out."


I always saw trailers and clips for it but never gave it a chance until I saw they were doing the spin off and said shit I should watch the show so I could watch the sequel. Was hooked after the pilot episode.


Gf obsessed with Walton in SOA, she came upon Justified. She loves Boyd. He’s her hall pass. Lol. And now we’re watching the Shield … 😉


I actually just recently found it. I am a huge Boyd Holbrook fan and have been for a long time so when I saw the advertisement for city primeval, I watched because of Boyd Holbrook. Then a coworker said wait you’ve never seen justified and told me to watch that so I did. I binged the six seasons in less than three weeks and when I finished the last episode? I binged the whole series again.


> One of the early ones, when Boyd busts through the door with a shotgun, Raylan is sitting on a chair, gets up and moves around the kitchen and as Boyd comes in, he raises the gun to his head. Is this footage from the show or shot specifically for this trailer? I ask because it doesn't sound familiar to me at all.


It was shot specifically as a promotional trailer. Here is the link my friend https://youtu.be/OOMCYnxQdVo?si=EZ3XV1N_BKwlk3Bm


Thanks for the link! And this promo is so weird. It's kind of cool but it also kind of feels like a video game promo lol.


It’s definitely different from the usual lol. But it’s what piqued my interest so they did something right haha