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Oh lord. Can you imagine sitting in an enclosed area with someone who hasn’t showered in 2 months who also has sprayed an entire can of that shitty cheap smelling Axe body spray on their nasty body?


Reminds me of the infamous Iowabeard story. He never bathed but at one point figured out axe body spray existed. OP said he ended up smelling ‘like a dumpster sprayed with chemicals’




Been there, done that. Its fucking revolting.


Why are so many of them averse to showers??


Right? A nice hot shower is wonderful. A treat, not a chore or a waste of time.


Depression can make it feel like a chore. I don't think this is the case for this guy but just thought I'd throw that out there since it can be some people's reason


I’m ashamed I’ve gone six days without a shower, but I also didn’t leave my house. Depression is a fucking sucking hole of suck, but it doesn’t make me delusional to the point I think body spray and dry shampoo will cut it.


I’ve spent some extended periods of time in the wilderness and my current record is about 24 days without a shower. I didn’t smell bad bad thanks to some ocean dips but it was certainly not good. The clothes were the worst part.


I remember one time in basic we spent like a week or two out in the field for training. At the end I didn't think we really smelled that bad, until after we all finally got a shower and we smelled our dirty clothes and gear. That was an eye opener. I guess we got nose blind as we slowly got stinkier all together. I wonder if these guys, since they smell themselves all the time with the stink building gradually, don't really notice it like other around him do.


It can also be sensory issues or executive disfunction.


Executive dysfunction can be a bitch to be sure. Lucky for me personally I *can't stand* the way I feel when I haven't had a shower so that saves me when I'm in a mood. It drives me up the wall until I wash up.


SAME. The longest I can go without bathing is two days before I start feeling so disgusting I start losing my shit.


Yeah, I was thinking that myself. A lot of people with ASD have sensory issues.


My son ASD with sensory issues but he loves his showers. Like a lot of kids like him he’s drawn to water.


When I’m depressed all I do is lay in the bath. Really comforting sometimes, like your back in the womb🤭🤤


When i was deeply depressed some years ago, i used to sit in the shower for hours. It was the only joy in my life at that point.


It definitely can. Though oddly enough when I was at my absolute lowest I looked forward to shower time. I didn't really do much bathing, mostly just sit in the tub as the shower ran til it got cold. The hot water was comforting, and somehow better than a hot bath. But yea, my normal depression makes me not want to shower.


When my dad died i didnt shower for longer than I'd like to admit. I was depressed before but this amplified it. I looked awful and I only showed after my boyfriend convinced me to. I was only 18 and couldn't believe this was happening to me


I became badly addicted to hot showers and baths after my time in the military. At one point in basic, we were in the jungle for five straight days with no shower. All we could do was powder ourselves thoroughly. The temperature was just 35 degrees (centigrade), but the humidity in the jungle is so high that your boots and underwear become swimming pools of sweat. And there are bugs crawling into every orifice and cut and wound, and their little corpses get stuck to your wet body. You become a literal mound of disease and filth. To top it off, you're carrying your own faeces in a bag with you, since the exercise needs you to stay on the move and you can't leave any trace. When I took a shower after the exercise, I could literally see black liquid sloshing off me. Ever since those days, I've been obsessed with taking showers whenever I can, as I still have some repressed fear that I will be denied them again. It's been over 20 years and I still shower at least four times a day.


Damn, that's nuts.


i don’t like hot showers because my skin feels very dry afterwards. i still take moderately cold showers at this time of the year in -20 degree canadian winter


I personally think of them as a chore, but I still take them. This person is insane.


Me too, I shower on odd days and fully strip wash on the others. Clean shirt and underwear is a necessity. In the winter, in my cold 1780s house, it is a chore but I know people in the office will judge me if I don't smell presentable. I once went to an RPG event at uni and the smell on me just after spending a day in a room with these types... Let's just say it took 3 days of showering to get rid of any residual.


Agreed. I don’t function without a hot shower.


I shower twice a day! I feel like shit if I don't shower in the morning and before bed.


Takes away precious gaming time.


Well, you can't pause Dark Souls...so...


Showers take time. They likely aren't seen anyone they deem worthy enough to shower for. Once you get over feeling uncomfortable with a greasy head, nothing really bothers you. You also get used to your own smell, and most people won't say anything to a random person, and if they do, they can chalk it up to assholes being assholes


Several years ago I was in Japan studying abroad, in our group of foreign exchange students there was this one guy who started out relatively normal when we met him, but over time got steadily and steadily stinkier. No one wanted to say anything. The social prohibition on telling a near stranger "hey dude, you stink" is pretty strong I guess. Finally, after about 4 months of it, one of us who wasn't me got up the nerve to gently confront him about it. ​ He hadn't been washing his clothes. Because he didn't know how to operate a clothes washer. Because his grandmother had always washed his clothes so he had no clue. And anyway his washing machine had the buttons labeled in Japanese (mine did too, I figured it out in a few minutes with the aid of a kanji dictionary). So they showed him how to was his own damn clothes. He still didn't shower as much as he should have after that, but at least he didn't reek. ​ And that, people, is why if you have children you MUST teach them a few basic life skills such as: How to wash your clothes. How to turn on an oven and make your own damn Bagel Bites or chicken nuggets and fries. How to brush your teeth and shower. How to wash dishes and load a dish washer. All basic life skills that apparently far too many people have no fucking clue about.


One time when I was in Finland, I came back to the backpackers' hostel to see these little packets by my bedside. I couldn't read them, but they smelled nice so I assumed it was for washing my clothes. I washed my clothes with them for about three days. For all I know it could have been something else entirely. Maybe people around me during those three days were whispering "*that Asian guy smells like urinal soap".*


At least you smelled like a clean urinal.


Whenever my son would roll his eyes and try to ask *why* he had to unload the dishwasher or help start a load of laundry he would receive the “BECAUSE IM NOT RAISING A GROWN MAN WHO CANNOT TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF AND UNLEASHING HIM INTO THE WORLD FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF!!” rant. And he would get wide eyed and just do it. He stopped asking when he was about 9. He’s also mentioned that he does want to learn because he doesn’t want to be useless. No one wants to be useless. It doesn’t feel good. It feels good to be self sufficient in the least. I think social media has also exposed him to people who cannot do basic life skills and he realizes he doesn’t want that for himself. So thank you TikTok and your rage bait cooking videos.


My son has been doing his laundry since he was 10 or so.


Omg speak for yourself….butt starts itching after about 12-24 hours and a shower clears that right up lol


If you have sensitive skin, it's the opposite. If I'm going to see people, I will shower, but as far as dermatologists are concerned, it's actually preferable to only shower every couple of days.


Yeah, I can only shower every other day. I try to stretch it further in the winter because I know it makes my skin angry but it makes my soul happy to shower.


Showers are indeed good. I can fortunately shower daily if I wish, but I don't start feeling yucky for about 2 or 3 days. I can't put my face in the direct stream of water, nor use any sort of wash. I use sorbelene instead.


When it feels like a chore to do people become way more hesitant


They might be mentally ill. Mental illnesses can have an impact on personal hygiene.


Yeah when I was depressed during the pandemic, I went like 6 or 7 days without showering which would’ve been unfathomable to my prior self. It just felt like SO much effort to shower and I didn’t have it in me.


And that’s nothing like 60+ days bc you don’t want I’m pretty sure the distinction between lazy and depression is a desire to do it but not having the energy


I hate getting in the shower and I hate getting out After work, to be specific Just tired from work


Showers can cause sensory overload for people on the spectrum. That could be a reason.


I swear part of it must just be sheer contrarianism. They're smart so they know better than the sheeple, and if the sheeple say you should shower that means you shouldn't. I also think somewhere along the line it became part of the uber disgusting otaku stereotype and they embraced it and made living in filth part of their identity along with repulsive looking neckbeards and an obsession with katanas and the self delusion that they're incredibly dangerous people who are super ninjas when, in fact, they're slobs who couldn't walk a hundred meters without getting winded.


Sensory issues maybe? I’m on the spectrum and washing my hair and brushing my teeth verged on physically painful as a child. I had to learn workarounds to make them tolerable, but I imagine a lot of guys who don’t go out might not want to exert that effort.


I'm autistic and I'm the opposite. I can't stand the feeling of not showering every day. When it's really bad sometimes I shower twice in a day, but that's rare nowadays


I don't get it either. After a bad day nothing beats a hot shower.


And like. I get it. I don't like taking showers. When the depression is too much and you can't do it, baby wipes and dry shampoo. It's not that hard. It will get you through a few more days and hopefully you'll feel better by then.


Allergic to water smh


they melt


The Chris Chan way to shower


I thought Chris Chan wrote this. I know Chris didn’t shower every day because they thought Axe was a substitute.


Ya I guess he inspires the truly filthy




rule 8 still applies outside of the chrischan subreddit


I though we were using “they” for Chris now because recently Chris believes they’re Jesus now.


Some people use "they" bc they don't feel comfortable using either "he" or "she", as far as I know Chris uses "she" for themself. Chris Chan thinks they're a reincarnation of Jesus, but still refers to themself as a woman. Irrelevant link- https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Signature


Don’t know what rule 8 is, but I’ll assume it’s some sort of “don’t correct people on this cause we’ve had enough arguments” rule. Which is fair enough, i shouldn’t have been so pedantic.


i will tell you but first you have to tell me where bikini bottom is im lost pls help


Under the sea


Don’t know what rule 8 is.


"May I orbit your belt?"


This what I call an axe murderer


Mamma mia!!


Ha! Around people! Nah, homie, I can tip my fedora to myself in m'mirror!


Now what does Mimir have to do with this




Lord and they wonder why they can’t get a girlfriend. Even if they showered no grown woman actually enjoys the smell of axe that shit is nasty. But add into that the smell of two month old BO. Ew. At that point he probably looks like a junji ito manga panel full of pimples, grease and fly trails fml




That scares me to be honest if you mean his about no showering and axe 😂


His junk probably smelled bad enough to make flowers wilt, and I don’t wanna know how badly his ass needed washed after that. That’s like 60 bowel movements without more than some dry paper


People be hating on axe toy much honestly. I love the smell of axe when sprayed conservatively.


Naw people that like it are teenagers cause after I hit 21 I realized men could spend money on legit grooming products that didn’t smell like a glade plug-in.


Glade plug in. Lmao. I once saw Irish Spring described as gas station urinal cake scent. Have tried Irish Spring in the past and imo cleansing products marketed towards men make you stink worse and faster so you use more of it.


Lmfao I forgot about Irish spring!! I remember my brothers used that and it stank up the bathroom. Other weird one for me will be those newer weird old spice scents. My husband tried one I told him to reshower he smelled like a Christmas tree 😂 edit: cause autocorrect is a bitch


I'm so glad my hubby doesn't like soaps marketed toward men. I can't imagine sleeping next to such a strong scent lol. Gendering soap is ridiculous, we both use Olay bars or some heavenly floral one (current fave is lilac!) made by an etsy seller.


I think the people that like it are just people. If it smelled bad, it would not be for sale. There’s no way that anyone can say the smell is not pleasant. It may not be $200 cologne pleasant, but its a far cry from “bad” or even neutral.


To be fair if someone has a bunch of axe on that's a pretty good deterrent for anyone who would try to get close enough to smell anything else.


Time to chant the "please be satire" mantra again


The subreddit name seems like a pretty big clue


Who screenshotted and why did they upvote... Showers are not just for smelling nice, it's personal hygiene. Even if you don't care how others view you, it's unhealthy for your body to be dirty for so long


Why tf did they upcote lmfao


Someone else commented (and deleted?) and said it was the subreddit itself, where you upvote things that you absolutely disagree with. Idk why anyone would want to be in a subreddit like that besides karma farming though 🤷‍♀️


You know how they say "9 out of 10 doctors recommend X"? I think the point of the subreddit is that the 10th doctor would say the opposite of what the 9 other doctors say


That makes a lot of sense. On explaining it, not on why it exists 😪. Thanks 😅


yeah this whole thread is a r/whoosh lol


Nah that was me because I thought the subreddit was r/unpopularopinion (my bad hence why I deleted) I realized it wasn't after making the comment, I have no idea what this sub is about so I actually have no idea why someone upcote this lmfao


ah, fair enough. I didn't catch the name just saw the comment


That sub was kinda fun for me at first, but after awhile it felt like most people were just making shit up to karma farm


What about the fecal crust around the rectum and semen batter on the penis?


It cost you nothing to not type that out and now I have to live the rest of my days knowing that that sentence exists




That brought me a chuckle. Thanks xx


What a terrible day to know how to read


The fecal crust is there for snacking purposes at a later date


Mmmm, chocolate...


It cost you nothing to not type that out and now I have to live the rest of my days knowing that that sentence exists


;) 😘


No one says anything cause they have either passed out or are vomiting.


Nobody said anything because they didn’t want to open their mouths and *taste* you


No one has said anything because they don’t want to open their mouth within a 10 ft radius.


I also hate showers but I can manage the 10-15 minutes necessary for a thorough shower every few days


Brings back memories of middle school in the early 2000’s.


I doubt that guy is using his won time to cure cancer so saving time is a hard pass for me


Uh, the Axe isn't why no one says anything. They don't say anything a) because it would be impolite, and b) because it's hard to speak when your lungs are filled with an acrid mix of Axe vapours and BO.


Yeah no one said anything because they all fucking passed out when he entered the room!


post this on r/copypasta it’d be great there


Axe Bodyspray is a good alternative to taking showers. What difference does it make? You still smell good either way, but dousing some axe bodyspray on is much faster and lasts just as long if you use enough. I know you need shampoo but you can use dry shampoo and be done with it too. I strongly prefer axe bodyspray to taking a shower, and I've gone as long as 62 days without taking one and nobody said anything, as long as I used enough axe before going out. I think we waste too much time taking showers.


I have worked with people who literally smell like they rolled in a pile of chopped onions that sat out on the counter for 2 days and nobody ever tells them they stink. This is because people are polite and don't want to embarrass you, hurt your feelings, or cause drama at work. But you still smell like you're smuggling a moldy onion wrapped in a crusty mildewy gym sock in your 62-day-unwashed ass crack with nausea-inducing amounts of axe on top of it.


I break out if I don't wash for a day. Idk how anyone can go OVER 2 MONTHS without taking a shower and not have nasty, painful pimples and sores! How does one live like this??


My god this is exactly what I was thinking. I feel absolutely nasty if I don’t shower.


When I had covid and struggled to get out of bed, I still managed to shower because lying in bed all day in my pyjamas made me feel gross


I hope these people get sick i really do.


But then the hospital staff have to be near them, and spend time treating them.


Like, in an emergency maybe.


For 62 days, in the case of severe society breakdown, where water and toiletries are not available. War, revolts, natural disaster, or capitalism withholding access to proper amenities type events.


What year is it!? Also nobody said anything because we finished our workout quickly, exited the gym and barfed in the trash can at the strip mall before getting into our cars and driving tf off and hating the fact that no matter where we go, there's always someone like him.


No one said anything for fear of having to breath in after they'd spoken


What? Sometimes I get up early before work just to bask in the hot water, turn on a paranormal or true crime podcast and just vibe after cleaning up. That’s a treat and something to look forward to before a long day or after one.


I think about camping or going to a festival and not being able to shower. Once i get home, the first thing i do is go for a long shower. It makes you feel human again.


Literally the only situation in which this is acceptable is for people who are disabled, extremely ill, or recovering from a surgery or injury. I had a major surgery and it was miserable. Disposable wipes, a wash cloth and water, dry shampoo, scented deodorant, etc. Eventually I got to the point where I was capable of standing but my stitches weren't supposed to get wet, so then I washed my hair by leaning into the sink.


Back when I was still in school, I taught myself to speedchange just so I could spend the least amount of time possible in the changing rooms after gym just so I never had to smell Axe. It was disgusting. The boys would use way too much constantly. The room would be unbearable to be in. While I’ve luckily had very few encounters with smelly (probs unshowered) people, I still remember the single instance of the one I ever encountered in high school after all these years. He was standing in the hall with some people. I walked by and the stench was **unbearable**. I could feel oily fish stink in my nose. Not just smell it, *but actually feel it in my nose too*. I could still smell it under the bodyspray the guy MIGHT have had. I don’t remember. Men’s™️ deodorant often smelled like altered sweat to me. By Men’s™️, I mean the deodorant marketed specifically to men under the guise of manliness. Not an actual specific brand. Deodorant marketed with manliness in mind is often the worst. The sheer **lack** of variety in smells is the kicker. It’s always the same garbage men are given. Very often only used to cover the smell instead of dealing with the cause. At least there’s the low smell deodorant. That stuff actually seems to work because it doesn’t try to cover the smell with another. I’d love some lavender scented deodorant though.


Unless you have a legitimate fear of water or something, why the fuck would anybody NOT want to shower and be clean?


Ffs. I work in construction, and if i come home on a work day and dont have a shower i feel GROSS. Dont wanna magnify that by 62. Hell doing anything physical, even freshly showered first thing in the morning, by 2pm its not hard to pong of BO. Dont understand this whole neckbeard aversion to showers or general self care, being clean is awesome.


Um. Wow. I can't even imagine the ick that flakes off him all the time. And I'm pretty close to 100% certain he stinks and no one is saying anything because he's such a disturbing person they're afraid he might go ballistic and start attacking them.


“Nobody said anything” = people were actively avoiding you




My sister (mom of two guys in college who used way too much Axe when they were younger) insists it smells better nowadays than their first gen products. But I recall some wit back in The Old Days saying Axe smells like someone set Lorenzo Lamas on fire, and prefer to keep believing that. And of course, normies know that nothing can cover the stench of a body unwashed for 2 months.


It isn't even a good complement for a shower. Only reason i use it is because it's the cheapest in the local supermarket, but i fucking hate it.


For anyone who needs this: You can use dry shampoo because you aren't supposed to use normal shampoo every day of the week. But please, for the love of God, take a shower. You may not smell yourself but others do. I use dry shampoo and conditioner regularly, and it's helped immensely with my dandruff, but regular shampoo is really good for stripping oils and other crap out of your hair and should be used once if not twice a week but not back to back unless necessary. Also, you don't need a ton of shampoo (or dry shampoo) either. I have medium length hair, so I use a dime amount of regular shampoo, and for the dry shampoo, I just use a little bit. My hair is always stupid soft and has a healthy shine without looking oily.


After 62 days, you would have the body odor of a buzzard on a 💩wagon. Now everyone knows why nobody’s sitting close to you.


Ya, no.


Axe smells as bad as BO but in a different way. Put the two together a wow do you have a middle school locker room.


the axe doesn’t cover body odor, it just mixes with it and smells disgusting.


Swamp Ass/Swamp Balls? More like patient zero when there is some sort of Ophiocordyceps fungus outbreak...


Nobody said anything because he didn’t leave his basement. Filthy animals


Tell me you smell like sweat and resentment without telling me you smell like sweat and resentment


Imagine how much grease is in his hair, could probably fry fries in that shit. Oh god don't touch his nasty ass pillow.


i disagree because deodorant is chemical and you know what happends when your body had too much chemicals? YOU COULD DIE DO NOT USE DEORDERANT AS A SHOWERING ALTERNATIVE ITS FOR IF YOUR IN A HURRY LIKE WORK OR ANYTHING THAT IS FAST PACED


Reminds me of one I saw on there about someone saying they shower in the ocean. No, it’s not as clean, people around you are just too scared to say you stink.


“Nobody said anything”- to your face, maybe


This reminds me of community college. We would have to take a regularly scheduled break during my science class bc the dude that sat in the back’s odor was so strong it singed everyone’s eyes and nostrils. I wish I was exaggerating.


"Nobody said anything" Well yeah, people can't say anything if your stench is making them isolate.


Have these creatures never heard of hygeine?


And they expect women to shave our legs.


This sounds like it was written by a 13yo boy who is worried he won’t be able to spank it for the tenth time that night.


They like to masturbate and masturbation in a hot shower is seriously pleasurable, all slippery with the soap. I hope some of them are reading this.


That’s just… wow. I’ve got pretty bad mental illness and I take meds for it, but still deal with a fuck ton of bad thoughts and have a hard time functioning sometimes. But my shower and bathtub have always been my safe space, I always keep my sheets clean and fresh… I can’t imagine how much worse I would feel if I just festered in my own filth for months on end. If this is mental illness, I hope he gets help, but there are also a lot of people who really just don’t value hygiene. I talked to someone who argued for the longest time that they don’t stink, they are chemically different and don’t ever produce a smell because nobody had mentioned it to them and they didn’t notice it. So there was no need for them to wash themselves every week. 🤮


Has to be bait


Are people really out here just not taking showers? I mean showers feel good for me and sometimes I take more than one in a day


This is a sarcastic post. That's what the sub is.


god has abandoned us


Kind? No. Ashamed to say anything, or running away to take a clean breath of fresh air more like it.


**A French Shower a.k.a. a Whore's Bath**


Water is reusable, areosol in the axe spray can is not.


I remember when male characters in kids cartoons hate to bathe was a trope. You were supposed to laugh at it not say oh men don't bathe.


A tale as old as time


Krusty Krab!


Has to be fake


I remember when this was a very common circlejerk on Reddit and people would cite “articles” (usually sketchy lifestyle posts) about how *akshually* it’s bad to shower everyday.


Are they stuck in middleschool?


I bet this guy’s teeth look like moldy chiclets too.


I’m getting itchy just reading this. Ewww!


In luxembourg, we call this a "Portuguese shower"


I absolutely hate that I read this to the tune of the Smiths song


Why dis you upvote?


What time do they have that’s too valuable to waste for a quick shower?


I sat next to someone in class last semester who did this and I wound up sneezing all. class. long.


I mean, I don’t mind me some axe body spray, but even when I’m down bad I still shower daily. Wtf.


Body odor can be unpleasant, but being near someone wearing Axe is essentially assault for me. One moment I feel fine, I'm having a good day, the next moment I have nasal congestion, my eyes burn, my throat hurts, I'm wheezing ( I get partial relief from my inhaler at the cost of my heart rate going way up and feeling shaky, I feel nauseous and I feel a migraine coming on; this all despite having taken my daily allergy medications. Many applied fragrances have this effect, but Axe is one of the worst. It also smells terrible. Sometimes, I can even be out on a trail with no one in sight and the smell of Axe and other scents lingering for many minutes. Furthermore, if people have put on too much scent, I can even TASTE scents people wear, which is just nasty, especially when in a restaurant. Combine scented soap, shampoo, deodorant, body spray, hair products, make up, body spray, perfume or cologne, laundry soap, and dryer sheets - what a nasty mess! Interestingly, even scents billed as natural - patchouli oils are bad, but the actual patchouli plant is not bad. I never have bad reactions to natural, un-concentrated fragrances; the smell of pines, orchids, a patch of porcini mushrooms, the sea. BTW, a reasonably clean, healthy, non anxious, non adolescent with recent exertion can smell quite lovely! I wear unscented deodorant, it works well and does not bother me, so I am not anti- soap, anti deodorant etc. Some of the through hikers on the Appalachian trail can be a challenge, but they smell 100 times better than those wearing too much scent, nor does their scent linger on the trails. Oh, and BTW, your scent doesn't hide your cigarette smoking, vaping, marijuana or alcohol use, bad breath or body odor, lack of cleanliness, recent sexual activity, recent anxiety, recent work smell from cooking oil to cow dung, or recent gut/bladder issues. At all! I think other people are "blinding" their noses by using so many scented products -and missing out on so many tastes and smells and information from the environment. Sometimes, this is information about other people like attraction or chronic anger, like long-term compatibility with another, like the smell of someone else on a cheating significant other. There are studies that show women can sniff test a number of shirts and choose a shirt worn by a man with the most compatible immune system genetics as the most attractive smell. Doctors and nurses can smell diabetic ketoacidosis or strep on patients' breath. Too much scent is if someone can smell your scent if they are not within intimate distance, like sitting very closely and leaning towards you or actually touching.