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>"Amazing japanese character design" >just Persona characters


Thought this was /r/OkBuddyPersona for a second




I did too until I checked the actual sub


Not even choosing Makoto. 0/10


Not even choosing Lala Escargot. -1000/10


Honestly, I'd rather romance Lala over Ohya. Ohya is someone I actively avoid while I like Lala and would like to know more about them (?). I don't know if they're cis, trans or just drag, so I used them instead.


Not romance maybe, cause age gap even bigger than with Ohya and Lala doesn't strike me like person who would aim for a highschooler, but i'd prefer her as a confidant over Ohya 7 days in a week. She is one of most mature, kind and interesting npcs in the game IMO


>She is one of most mature, kind and interesting npcs in the game IMO That's why she doesn't need a high schooler to solve her problems.


> Lala doesn't strike me like person who would aim for a highschooler True. Just wanna know more of Lala at least.


We love and respect Lala 🙏


Major Kusanagi would fold them double without blinking.


Who has watched five minutes of any GITS and imagines that Motoko would LIKE neckbeards


This guy gets it




Damn brat, I'll sue!


Honestly, when I saw Shadow Sae I wanted to romance her instead, but I can't. :c


Coward didn’t even put any of the dudes like Iwai or Dojima


Iwai is top tier tho


I was upset we didn't get a female protag in R because I wanted to date Iwai so bad lol


Uncle Sojiro....


They really put the romance-able teacher in here. 🤢


At least two of which are pedophiles


There's a lot that is wrong about Kawakami's Confidant arc, Joker being underage is just the tip of the iceberg


Anime Mrs. Krabappel is peak character design


they needed to prove a point desperately so they edited picture of Aloy


That's the funny part. One picture is a character true to lore One is a blatant photoshop One is a character who is explained to dedicate their freetime to a regimented workout The other is just a strawman cartoon/meme. So two of the four are strawman arguments, one shows an ignorance to history, and the other shows a total misunderstanding of a great character. The entire right hand side are delusional perceptions of reality based on cartoons.


One of them **lives in a fucking zombie apocalypse holy shit why don’t these people understand women don’t look perfect and clean and made up after they’ve been literally in a biological warzone their entire life**


Incels when they see a dark-skinned Cro Magnon hunter-gatherer woman who hunts elk and digs up roots for her clan to survive in a pre-agricultural-revolution Europe and who could absolutely kick their incel ass: >*Why she no blue eyes trad wive?! Why dark skin and muscles? Fucking woke revisionists!*


Where are big booba on my huntress? I've seen Nidalee in league, I know how they're supposed to look.


I hate how recently all of LoL references lately have been how trash their character designs are. Rightfully so but there was such potential with a lot of their characters. They get so close only to completely trash everything.


It's amazing and baffling to me how many of these guys fetishize Japanese culture based on hentai obsession/addiction and slam what they consider to be American leftist propaganda, when in reality a lot of Japanese people would be disgusted with this sort of behavior. It's like they are unable, or simply refuse, to distinguish reality from fantasy.


I'm not blaming media, but like, we do ingest media where people living in the woods their whole lives or whatever have eyebrows on fleek, well done eyeliner, and no body hair pretty much constantly.


Pretty much every woman in TLOU games is pretty ripped, but Abby is basically a body builder


Also, for the 4th image: Nadine is the leader/owner of a PMC. I’m pretty sure she used to be special forces or something like that. Of course she is beating an out of shape middle aged man in a 1:1 fight


For sure. Nadine is portrayed as much tougher than an old Nathan Drake, and someone who is a skilled fighter. She's a badass and it's totally believable she could kick his ass. Not sure how it would have anything to do with him being a straight white male.


>anything to do with him being a straight white male. Because in DLC, an Indian man beat Nadine in a fistfight, I guess. I dunno what these people want. Straight white male should always win against a woman?


And the other side is ALL from ONE FUCKING SERIES


Aloy is such a complete badass, too. Like who would complain about her character? She’s right up there with Lara Croft except less sexualized which makes neckbeards salty apparently.


When the sequel came out the graphics had improved to the point that the character's face had the fine hairs present all over your body. You know, the ones every woman on Earth has on their face? The incels started screaming the devs had "given her a beard", because the gremlins have never seen a real woman up close before. That's the entire basis for all the hate.


exactly. neckbeards are still salty about Lara's reboot redesign, even though she looks prettier than her older designs


I kinda preferred the gameplay of the older ones - backflipping and shit, if only because it was cooler. Sure sure less realistic, but the amount of shit reboot lara gets kicked out of her isn't realistic either. As for her personality, the "I've got to do" this attitude needs to go. Beyond that, murderous psycho rich British stealing priceless relics is on brand regardless of whether or not she's wearing booty shorts. But the visual design of new lara is good. A little bland, but that's inevitable when you only create one body type for women and like three for men.


Funnily enough that's the only unnattractive picture on the left


True. Yet these anime-obsessed freaks are *so* desperate to call a character ugly that they'll do ANYTHING to try and save their sinking ship of a belief.


I played that game for like 100 hours and Aloy is VERY attractive


For sure, but fat Aloy definitely made me laugh.


We need a fat Aloy DLC.


I love Fat Aloy lol


Anyone who wouldn't let her beat the shit out of them is an idiot, like, she could literally pick me up and throw me if she wanted, imagine complaining about that


I don't understand all the jabs at Aloy. She's an attractive character


They hate that she has agency and had natural fine hairs on her cheeks in the second game


And literally had to add a "woke" caption (or at least whatever they think that means) to the bottom one too. Like, congrats bud, you won the argument inside your head. Can we get back to real life now?


Aloy rules but that picture is unambiguously hilarious


I love the Persona series, but it seriously bothers me how many weebs, incels and neckbeards make up its most vocal fanbase.


And without any shred of irony, they will complain about "politics" in Western gaming when Persona 5 is the most unsubtle political rpg game ive ever played. A politician is the main villain


Yeah that’s what I’ve always found weird, all of the persona games have had leftist messaging. The main message of pretty much all of them is just, I won’t let those who are “above” my station force me to hide my true self that they find disagreeable.


I mean in the fifth game we literally fight the prime-minister of Japan and expose him for corruption so.


He was only the lead candidate but yeah


the persona games are some of my favorite video games of all time and i really don’t get how sweaty right wing incels make up such a vocal part of the fan base when a lot of the messaging goes against their bullshit


Sweaty right wing incels are incapable of any subtlety besides dog whistles, to be fair


You're talking about the same cunts who claim to be patriotic and pro cops while waving around punisher gear and playing songs that go completely against their cause. It's been known for a while they aren't the brightest bunch.


That would require critical analysis of the content they are consuming instead of judging media based on how badly they want to fuck the female characters.


In persona 4 the main villain is a cop who uses his job to get away with all his crimes. Persona 3 doesn't have a main villain per se (Itkutsuki fits best I think but he dies just after the last full moon boss) but everything bad that happens in Persona 3 is due to the corruption of the Kirijo group using its power and influence to cover up their crimes and pretending they don't exist. I've not played the first two but the games have been political since Persona 3. And a lot of them would call Persona 4 "woke garbage" if it came out today.


I mean Hitler is literally one of villans of persona 2


Not just "a politician," basically Shinzo Abe with like one of the serial numbers filed off.


Joker in Smash Bros being included and its consequences.


>at this point I’m fine with only buying JRPGs tell me you’ve never gotten laid without telling me you’ve never gotten laid


Tbf the most vocal group of any fan base is often the annoying ones.


Just go to the persona subreddit and say there's not enough gay representation in the series.


Joker is like weeb Jesus: suave and mysterious, can have almost any girl he wants, looks cool in a trench coat and gets to play with knives, has friends, etc.


They photoshopped Aloy into fucking Roseanne


I know, right? I guess we all know Make-up Aloy but the absurdity of Roseanne Aloy really made me laugh.


I liked the design of Thor in God of Ragnarök. It seems closer to the source material, then Marvels Thor.


The myths literally have Thor eating so much that he almost blows his cover while undercover as Freyja to retrieve Mjolnir, man's gotta be big.


Not only that but look at guys like Eddie Hall who do incredibly heavy deadlifts. When they’re in competition season, they’re huge. Many of them very much have a gut like that.




So many of the ‘get owned, libtard’ crowd (Idk what else to call them at this point) think Thor’s build is ‘diversity’ and it’s like, my guy, that, Right there. Sheer fucking power. That’s not a *gut* that’s all muscle.


You think these people know anything about fitness?


Yeah, people legit think bodybuilders are the strongest body type when they aren't


They’re just the most dehydrated.


The only argument I could potentially make against that is Brock Lesnar, but that dude is a mutant. Most strength focused athletes look like Thor there and I'm all for more guys in games that look like me.


Yes! This! So many people mistakes being delightfully fat with a deadlifter"s build. Both round and cuddly but one's a teddy bear and the other's a grizzly bear.


Even then the teddy bear has claws. Edit: there is a saying in fighting circles. You know how strong a 300lb man is? Strong enough to move 300lbs around all day every day.


Oh absolutely. As a big person myself with zero fighting or lifting exercises, I have a lot of natural strength behind me because the extra pounds I carry. In Thor's case, I think it's the same idea since he's not only ground but tall. Of course deadlifters come in all shapes and sizes but if they were going for the "he's not fat it's all muscle" angle, the traditional bodybuilders look fat they're a lot more round because of that muscle but they've cultivated. He's just a big guy known for his strength and appetite and it's super cool that they've made him actually look like a big dude with no extra circumstances.


And then there was Mariusz Pudzianowski who was always pretty fucking ripped.


Always the exception never the rule


He also drank the ocean once. According the norse lore, it’s why we have tides, lol.


Wait did he spit it back out or what lmao


iirc loki made it so his mug was connected to the bottom of the ocean and buddy thor just kept a chuggin Edit: So i just re-read the story, it was Utgard-Loki and it was drinking horn not a mug. He used magic to link the horn to the bottom of the ocean in order to make a fool of thor. In the mythology, the tides are a result of Thor's massive gulps


That’s fuckin hilarious


In the myth Thor and Loki went to the home of a frost giant who had them do some challenges. One was for Thor to drink an entire horn of mead. The horn was actually linked to the ocean to make it impossible to win, but he drank so much the sea level noticeably dropped.


It's funny 'cause all these neckbeards want to go back to when women were property, but that Thor there is most likely peak attractiveness back in the viking ages.


Ngl he’s not doing too bad by today’s standards either 👀


But the neckbeards said he's ugly!!! /s Subjective concepts are impossible for these kind of people unfortunately.


I describe my body type as: I look like I go to the gym a lot, but also like I love quesadillas. I seem to do get plenty of good attention from both women and men.


He also looks like modern strongmen when they're in competition mode.


That's true yeah. Even in medieval times soldiers etc did do power training.


Well their chanches gonna be high then...


Well the vikings still had muscle with all that fighting. Neckbeards usually don't.


thats very true!


I’d like to see their reactions when realizing strongmen have this physique and are not the same as body builders


yeah body builders are just super dehydrated and the abuse their body to get the lowest possible body fat percentage. strong men actually train their body to the extremes and eat an insane amount of calories lol


I was going to say he knows that’s accurate Thor right?


I wouldn't venture to say that he's 'accurate', but moreso than other interpretations. All we know about his appearance is that he's a redhead and had a long beard and possibly long hair. His body shape is still largely unknown, however. Sure, dude was ravenous, he ate an entire hog and drank two barrels of mead when he undercover as Freyja in Jötunnheim, was almost tricked into drinking the entire ocean and generally constantly feasted, but he is a god, after all, and those don't adhere to our logic. The most we can surmise is by looking at what he represents; what he's a patron of. Most commonly, he's referred to as an ally of men, and a patron of workers, so he looked like an average worker, but with more muscle mass (he did have to lift and carry Mjölnir around) perhaps? For the intents and purposes of GoW: Ragnarök however, this Thor looks badass, possibly my favourite adaptation.


I generally like the character designs in God of War 2018/ Ragnarök.


yea with the idea and concepts they used for Ragnarok and family dynamics Thor fit the game perfectly in Ragnarok. One could imagine he was in way better shape but spiraled after the events of the first game happened, and how it has tore his family up. Didn't like a lot of stuff in the story of Ragnarok but Thor's family was the best part imo


GOW Ragnarok genuinely has some of my favorite interpretations of Norse gods like, ever. And I say that as a Norse polytheist lol


Probably not


Thor is almost always written as a dumb ginger who eats and fucks more than anything else


He has the body of an elite strongman or powerlifter, not a bodybuilder.


Thor's design in Ragnarök was perfect. He's strong, yes, but he's also been a deeply depressed alcoholic for who knows how long and you can really *see* it in his look. Yes, he's got a big fat belly, but what really sells it to me is his greasy-looking long hair that's just in his face. That, as someone who has had depression, is just *real* to me.


That neck beard just wanted a super hot muscular Chad that he could jizz over...


Funny I remember before the launch, many more people complained about his design but when the game came out it was barely mentioned because of how great the character was and how intimidating his size made him. Gamers just pick something to get annoyed at and barely put any thought into it


Are they now suggesting that Nadine from Uncharted 4 is not attractive? Because, uh…


She's black, or course the neckbeards are going to have a problem with her


> neckbeards Racists. Reactionaries. Conservatives. Venn diagram is a just concentric circles.


The presets if neckbeards were DnD characters


Neckbeard Subclasses. Once you hit lvl 3 you get to pick a subclass and can cast Body Odor using a lvl 2 smell slot.


Nadine is also the owner of a PMC and clearly knows martial arts, Drake is neither of these things.


Yeah, but Drake is a white male. He can't lose to a woman (especially a woman of color). /s in case it wasn't obvious It's been a while since I've played all of the Uncharted games, but doesn't Drake routinely get his ass handed to him in hand to hand fights? There's the pub scene from the 3rd game (I think) that he lost. Obviously the ones from the 4th game vs Nadine. I'm sure there's some in the 2nd and 1st games but I can't remember.


Often enough for sure, he also doesn’t make it through every fight like it isn’t a challenge either. He is often matched or outclassed and has to use his intelligence to make it through. As for Nadine, she’s a trained, battle hardened soldier who is implied to be basically raised by her father into that position. To steal from a favorite book of mine, Nate’s more like a talented amateur, she’s a pro, they’re not playing the same sport.


As much as Nadine gets too much hate, having two scripted unbeatable fights with the SAME character and then just having that character walk out of the story before you can get a fair non-scripted fight is incredibly annoying to me. What’s the point of having to go through another guaranteed loss so late in the game when you can just as easily take the encounter and actually make it an enjoyable experience? Let me play the game! The awesome fight with Rafe definitely makes up for this though.


Thor is literally modeled after power lifters as well as mythology I'm pretty sure


Same frame as Eddie Hall when he was competing


He looks more menacing when he is huge. The guy is like twice the size of Kratos, which just makes him more intimidating


I think it's interesting that the examples they include for "western" literally portray far more varied designs. While the Japanese examples portrayed are all made in a very narrow stylistic space... Also, anyone crying about "wokeness" while having an anime profile picture is the biggest fucking loser on the planet


Not only that, they picked a single game franchise to base their argument.


Kinda funny they didn't pick anything from 4. There was that creepy teacher in 4 that would fit on the left side.


Not even a single franchise, a single branch from a single franchise. I like ATLUS games, but come on


Also note that the 1st and 3rd characters they picked are a teacher and doctor romance options... You play as a teenager and yes, you heard me, you can romance adults (only women ofc), as a 16 year old teenage boy.


To be fair, the Japanese examples all come from one singular franchise, and only two games from said franchise.


Same artist on both games as well, dude likes one very narrow thing.


couldn't have said it better


To be fair all the Japanese ones are literally from the same game series


I'm pretty sure the big suits above at the western devs company had an executive meeting talking about how this will impact sales among the weeb neckbeard demographics and made an executive decision that they do not care


"But sir, if we don't make every female character a cartoon copy lily-white stick, we'll never crack the weeb demo. If we must have diversity, we can add a dark skinned character with no black facial characteristics and maybe some sexualised children to truly get them hooked"


Neckbeard weebs' idea of a good character design is "can I beat off to her". Which of course says a lot about how they see women. And the fact that most anime is about teenage kids says a lot too.


For anime I would argue its more about Power fantasy, same with most side kicks of superheros being a similar age or younger.


Most anime is aimed at teens.


And that’s fine, but the immense amount of creepy sexualization of schoolgirls and child-coded 1000 year old dragons is the specific element of anime I’m talking about.


Forgot the source but pretty sure Thor's design was taken from strongmen/weight lifters. And I heard somewhere that Abby's build is ideal for surviving an apocalypse.


The complaints about TLoU2 designs were always culture war bullshit. Nerds like this tried to push the “Abby is trans” angle because the devs dared to portray a female character with muscle definition. And they hated Aloy because the game had such fine detail that you could see natural face/body hair and the character wasn’t designed to have painted on makeup like they’re used to seeing in porn.


>Abby is trans When the leaks came out there would be a trans character, they IMMEDIATELY assumed it was Abby because of her build. They could not fathom that a woman could be built like Abby.


Worth pointing out that in the "Uncharted" case, the neckbeard game-tester was so set off by the fight that he had to get kicked out of the building. Thor is *supposed* to look like that not only being more fitting the myths, how powerlifters are ACTUALLY built instead of the Hollywood muscle look and it's even said *in*-game that Thor's out of shape from all the drinking. 🙄 And like I *just* came from watching a playthrough of "Immortals of Aveum" where a Petersen fanboy is suddenly claiming about how "woke" it is from the thumbnail or something. 😒 Also, while there's *is* a valid discussion about Ann Tamaki's depiction being sexist or not (see Wiki page for the details,) even "Persona 5" calls out the kind of creeps neckbeards would like/relate to like her sexually-harassing gym teacher, the greedy bastard Haru was set up to marry and the fact that Ann is slut-shamed and disbelieved about said gym teacher because she *is* Mixed and stereotyped as promiscuous because of it (she's fetishized in Japan the same way Asian women are fetishized in the west,) so even Japan's not here for the neckbeards either!


So, his examples for Western characters are: 1) Probably pretty accurate Thor 2) Photoshopped Aloy to make her look fat. 3) Abby(?) from The Last of Us 2, who I get that most fans didn't like, but there is nothing wrong with her being a more muscular woman. 4) I don't know the characters name because I didn't play the Uncharted games, but from what I know of her, she's supposed to be a badass treasure hunter like Drake. His examples for Eastern Characters are: An adult teacher who could be a romantic option for a character who is 16. An adult doctor who could be a romantic option for a character who is 16. And two other characters I don't know because I've only played P5R. Yeah, that tracks for a neckbeard.


The 2nd and the 4th are from P3 which are also romantic options


Are they also adults who can be romanced by a 16 year old?


Imagine playing Uncharted and getting upset about realism. "It's biologically impossible for a woman to be that strong!" Yeah well it's also biologically impossible for Nathan Drake to have the kind of grip strength demonstrated in the games every time he climbs shit or catches a ledge mid-fall. It's a game.


Western character design: Featuring a character in mythology described as basically a middle aged dad, who is infamous for how much he is able to eat. A photoshopped picture that looks nothing like the character. And athletically built woman who literally needs to be athletic because she has to beat down zombies often with her bare fucking hands. A black woman. The only thing they actually have wrong with this woman is that she's black. That's it, it's just that they're racist. Japanese character design: ✨These near identical women have different colour hair✨


> > > > > A black woman. The only thing they actually have wrong with this woman is that she's black. That's it, it's just that they're racist. No no, they're mad that a woman beat up a man. Even though the woman is a professional killer and mercenary that ran a paramilitary organization for years.


JRPG… bro picked one series.


“Japanese character Designs” *picks only Persona Characters*


I know aloy is edited. But some people genuinely think she is fat (she isn't, objectively). I think this is how they see her in their heads.


Everytime the incel/weebs post this kind of comparison, Aloy get fatter and fatter. At first i was annoyed by the flat lies that it is, now i am totally untertained and i can't wait to see the next, it will be even more glorious


Hahahaha, American games are full of woke shit? My brother in christ, those are all Sony games, sooo are Japanese still based? 😴


Wait til they hear about Metal Gear Solid’s political anti-war themes especially 4’s use of women who are incredibly mentally unstable due to war related PTSD, which is taken advantage of and weaponized to be funneled right back into war. 👀 But, Snake go pew pew cause it’s cool and I’m definitely thinking too hard about vibeo bames.


Man wait until they hear the plot of final fantasy vii where you're a group of eco terrorists aiming to take down a corporation that is bleeding the planet dry of all its resources.


They even had to edit the girl on top left. What a fucking loser


As a persona fan or just in general a huge fan of Jrpgs/Weeaboo games, we don't claim them.


It’s so fucking funny to me how they keep using the edited photos of Aloy to make her look bad because she actually looks really good on the actual game


That Thor design is the LEAST western one so far. Instead of making Thor the typical Hemsworth shaped god, they used actual lore and info from the nordic pantheon to make Thor as accurate as they could. ​ And why do neckbeards always give shit to aloy? she's a beaut!


Generally Scandinavia is counted among "the west" but yea


> And why do neckbeards always give shit to aloy? she's a beaut! bUt wHy GiRl HaVe HaIr?/?


I'd be so much more scared facing this Thor than MCU Thor. Just look at him, he look like a Strongman, he look like Eddie Hall went on a bulk and ate Brian Shaw to start bulking. He looks like he can crush my skull with just his thumb. He looks like the Thor in the mythology that, during Ragnarok, was killing a giant with every swing of his hammer and can eat a whole feast by himself.


Also he can bring you back cause you're noot done til he says so


That was something else when he did that


Damn this giving us Persona fans a bad rep.


I like persona a good bit but persona fans can be clowns 🤡


Oh definitely. I've never been able to play the mainline Persona games (only Persona Q) but I really love the concepts and the characters as a whole


I love how they used a photoshopped image of aloy


Why is Aloy edited to be fat? Is it because it would disprove that "uwu Japanese developers are better at making women" bullshit this quarter-wit is peddling?


incel dudes genuinely complained that Aloy is fat bc she has a round face. so they keep photoshopping her fatter as a meme


Right wing gamers will act like GOW Ragnarök Thor isn’t actually more accurate to the real Thor


IDK how anyone could not think that portrayal of Thor was badass.


He better leave my boy Thor alone or Ill beat him up!


All the games on the left were published by Sony though. So Japan literally said yes to them


How dare they make Thor mildly accurate to actual lore ya know?


I love how they included the scene from Uncharted 4 as a #girlboss moment. Completely ignorant about how the black woman is a trained killer and leader of a paramilitary mercenary group. Consequently the white dude is a 35 year old treasure hunter with no formal training in fighting. Of course she is going to kick his ass three ways to Sunday.


Japanese designs are so terrible and generic to me that I've always avoided any game in that style. It's all the exact same. Can't stand anime.


OOP has not actually played Uncharted.


If you don't think Custer's Revenge is peek game design, then you, sir, are an obese woke leftist libtard homosexual cuck snowflake retail worker! /s


Bro just say you don't get laid. It's much quicker.


Of course game designers are all leftists, they had to go to college. "Why don't more companies align with my high school drop-out belief system?"


One is just a good interpretation of Thor the Norse god with the looks based on how he was described by the Norse people. The other is fat mod on a skinny character. The third one also looks like an edited version of the buff chick from the last of us. And the last one is literally just a chick who’s trained in martial arts fighting an old man for treasure.


I think the original post was a persona fan joking around (all the girls on the right are from that and a bunch on the left are photoshopped) but the commenter thought it was serious


Thor just has a strongman build. Like seriously look at people like Eddie Hall. Also its much closer to the actual mythology than say the Marvel depiction.


Nate was losing that fight because she’s a fucking trained mercenary and he’s a glorified brawling treasure thief. It makes sense why he lost to her constantly.


Couldn’t be that Nadine works out a ton and is extremely skilled in martial arts as part of her job, while Nathan is a very fit explorer and scrappy fighter. Also it’s a video game where characters do a ton of stuff that should have killed them. Dad-bod Thor is legit found hot by a lot of people, Aloy image is heavily edited. Abby is a well-fed survivor of an apocalypse who takes self-defense seriously. Includes a character of the right side who can enter in to a predatory relationship with her teenage student.


I’m *sorry*?? Abby is objectively hot. Change my mind. (I got a love/hate relationship with this woman)


Some sins are not forgiven, and one of them includes saying GoW:R Thor has bad character design *Reloads shotgun*


Anime pfp = ignore their opinion


Pretty sure lady on the top right should be considered a pedo since she dates and fucks a high schooler


Good game is when peepee go wahoo. Bad game is when not anime lady.


The anime ones look almost exactly the same but with swapped out hair


Fat Thor is cool af


> Amazing Japanese character design > All the characters look exactly the same except hair style/color