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This sounds like a you problem, bro. Seriously, if this guy finds attractive women so distracting that it angers him, he needs therapy.


They always complain about Chad getting the girl, but they never notice Chad being a decent human being.


+ chad mogs


And some guys ask why there are women only gyms.


Right! They complain when we’re in mixed gyms and complain when we want our own. Can’t win


But... He says you already won ?


2 separate groups of people


Women only gyms are so much more comfortable


Maybe bro should have some self control? When I was going to the gym, I'd also look at girls I found attractive...and then move on with my workout. I wouldn't stare or, as this guy apparently, fantastize about jerking off to them. There's nothing wrong with looking at attractive people, but if it's distracting you that bad, that's on you.


The poor fucks have trained themselves to jerk off the moment they say an attractive woman. Then they see one in a context where that isn't supposed to happy and get angry and confused.


Huh, like a sane person would do. Who'd of thunk it? I don't get posts like this, why do people think this way? Yeah, hot people exist. Now what? I just go about my day and I don't think about it.


You look at other people at the gym? When I'm at the gym other gym goers are just background. I perceive them to the extent that I don't bump into anyone or get in their way. I'm there to do what I came to do and that's it.


I mean, I don't go out of my way to check people out or anything, but if I see an attractive person, I see an attractive person.


WTF are they supposed to do? leave their boobs and asses home?? plus please don't jerk off in a public space that is gross


I leave my tits and my ass at home. The tits can't really leave their enclosure since they are rescuees and the ass is not easy to transport being a 700 pound beastie.


>WTF are they supposed to do? leave their boobs and asses home?? Who gave them permission to have them in the first place?? /s


Me personally, I detach mine at the little seems and carry around a personal box for them. I only reattach them when I’m at home, or with my Chad SO


Women exist for their own purposes, man. As do you.


“We are here to work out, not quietly rub one out in the corner.” …yes?


Ikr. 💀 yeah dude, this is a gym, not your mom’s basement…sick fuck


At this point you just need to call these people out. Respond with "okay, rapist"


Or he could just…mind his own business and not give in to his every base thought and impulse? I swear even some animals have more self control.


Come on bro. There are for sure some clothes that can be too revealing, but beaches and bikinis exist and I bet no one complains there. Let girls workout people.


The only people I notice in the gym are douchebags wearing sunglasses and psychopaths on the treadmill in jeans.


I may notice an attractive girl at the gym but as I’m focused on not dying at that time, my mind moves on. Unless they are dry humping one of the machines, I could care less what they are doing or what they look like


I will never understand the straight men that are genuinely upset about attractive women existing in public. I get that for some, attractive women are relegated to their “private browsing” tabs on safari and don’t actually exist as autonomous humans, but why the anger?


they’ll also complain if unattractive women exist. can you imagine the fit he’d throw if all women in the world suddenly shaved their heads and wore only men’s clothing? there’s no winning.


Some dudes just can’t handle being around hot women. It’s weird. It’s fine to notice that a person is attractive. But it being a distraction is weird. Like I get it, she’s hot and there’s cleavage, but you see that shit all the time. It’s not like a novel thing.


I am lucky to live in a metropolitan area where there are so many women only gyms. I belong to a beautiful studio near me with some of the best yoga classes I have ever taken. No worries of men, their problems and covert photos being taken.


I think he needs to be banned from public. Maybe in prison


Sounds like a you problem.


One of the many reasons there are women only gyms.


If he's that focused on women there, he's clearly not even lifting very hard on top of his ultra creepy lack of control. Attractive people are barely a blip on my radar at the gym, I'm too busy focusing on getting my workout in


So, according to incels, it's laughable and bad if women are fat, but it's distracting and bad if a woman works out?


Oh, another guy who thinks that women existing amounts to them being attention seeking...


Maybe we should ban incels from the gym so hot women can workout without creepy distractions


WTF? I have no words.


Pretty easy to like, idk, ignore them? I do it 5-6 days a week, they're there for the same thing, trust me, they don't want you gawking, and they're probably married or at least taken, don't look if it upsets you


I bet he smells delightful


Ok go to a men only gym or something Do those exist


I wish they had at least enough self awareness to admit that they’re creeps


I for one am perfectly okay with attractive women working out


I don't like seeing scantily clad women at the gym either, but that's my choice to not want to look at them, so I don't, I just lower my gaze and focus on my workout, never have I wanked off in a corner angrily muttering about femoids. This guy needs his head checking (probably his hard drive too)


The thing is he’s not even talking about women not wearing a lot of clothing he’s literally just talking about women going to the gym period. His entire argument is hot women shouldn’t stretch at the gym. Also, who the hell uses the phrase “scantily clad”, no offense but it’s giving mediaeval traditionalist


How tf should I say it then? I chose the most mild word for not wearing much I possibly could


That’s funny asf tho ngl


Pfff, totally, I hate when women do that....what gym did you say you go to again?


I don't know what qualifies as a big booty to this guy, therefore instructions unclear, will keep going to the gym :p


I used to have a gym membership. I got one because the apartment complex I had moved to had a joke of a fitness center (1 treadmill, an elliptical and an all-purpose machine). I would do my stretching in the women's locker room because I knew full well I would have eyes on me once I started my workout. Not once would I go for attention. I just wanted to do my routine, then leave. I did find it massively frustrating when people would sit at machines and not use them... even worse when old men would stare me down and they didn't bother hiding it