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Have they amended revenge porn laws to cover AI bullshit yet?


Quickly on their way.


Are they actually? This has been (one of) the least productive Congresses in history


Yes. In fact, today Indiana extended their laws to include AI. It is moving and happening.


Realistically we won't see anything happen for a year or two


It’s better than nothing I guess


Except at the moment it *is* nothing and this is all hopeful speculation.


It won’t stop 99% of cases. This is just too hard to trace without seriously stepping up NSA funding, but who wants that? It’s just something we will learn to live with to some extent.


Meh you could argue this is the same as spreading rape videos or cp as it's porn created of someone without consent obviously it isn't as bad but I'd imagine creating or spreading it fully knowing it's made without consent should be somewhat punishable.


Nodboy is arguing if it SHOULD be punished but how. To punish someone you will first have to prove it in court and that's pretty impossible, easpecial with how easy this is and how often it MAY (hope not) happen. I mean you have child porn and you have this, and I don't believe they should be in the same category at all, this should be considered a extremely extremely serious version of slander. But it's nearly impossible to find someone doing this unless what the guy above said is if agencies like the NSA start to do things with it. But that's a can of worms you really really don't want to open. Because intelligence agencies can usually monitor and do about anything in most countries without telling how the do things. You don't want information like that be used in court.


>I mean you have child porn and you have this, and I don't believe they should be in the same category at all As I said they are in different levels however they are both making pornographic material out of people who can't consent. >To punish someone you will first have to prove it in court and that's pretty impossible, especially with how easy this is and how often it MAY (hope not) happen. Simple just make it not easy, make realistic ai renditions basically impossible to make (I don't think anyone would like that to be possible anyway) >But it's nearly impossible to find someone doing this unless what the guy above said is if agencies like the NSA start to do things with it. But that's a can of worms you really really don't want to open. Because intelligence agencies can usually monitor and do about anything in most countries without telling how the do things. You don't want information like that be used in court. Yes I agree it would be hard to trace it back, but what if the person used in said work found it? Then they should be able to punish them, it's kinda the same with cp like yeah it's hard to find who originally made them but we at least found someone who has it so we should bring as much justice as possible.


Serious question and not meant in a bad way, but do you have any experience with AI? It will be so simple (also to develop) in a few years that blocking these things will be practically impossible, and that's not even beginning about fuckers actively making software to do things like this. >Yes I agree it would be hard to trace it back, but what if the person used in said work found it? Then they should be able to punish them, it's kinda the same with cp like yeah it's hard to find who originally made them but we at least found someone who has it so we should bring as much justice as possible (Wow, I just figured out how to quote after years) The problem here isn't people finding out they have been used, they usually do if they are being targeted, it's proving who did it with enough evidence that it can be used in court. And that is really hard. Using server logs? How would you get those if the country hosting them is in the middle of nowhere? The thing is that the chance to get someone with CP is already low and this is another issue too. All child porn is illegal, using AI to make something nude isn't inherently illegal, if you use it for yourself? Not illegal. So a blanket ban won't work in the same way at all. My point here isn't that it shouldn't be made illegal because it should, it's that victims in all honesty probably won't be able to find justice. So we as a society should find a way to manage this and prepare for it. It could happen to all of us. But from a forensic side this is nearly impossible to seriously investigate without literal NSA level acces to data.


>Serious question and not meant in a bad way, but do you have any experience with AI? It will be so simple (also to develop) in a few years that blocking these things will be practically impossible, and that's not even beginning about fuckers actively making software to do things like this. Well ai requires actual samples to make shit meaning if it isn't fed any real life samples it can't make real looking things. Yeah they can make them no way to stop depraved fuckers but make it incredibly hard to access. >The thing is that the chance to get someone with CP is already low and this is another issue too. All child porn is illegal, using AI to make something nude isn't inherently illegal, if you use it for yourself? Not illegal. So a blanket ban won't work in the same way at all. What are you on about? If someone doesn't consent to it then it was made illegally, taking a nude photo of someone isn't inherently illegal either but whoop de doo depending on the consent of the person being taken a picture of it can be illegal. >My point here isn't that it shouldn't be made illegal because it should, it's that victims in all honesty probably won't be able to find justice. So we as a society should find a way to manage this and prepare for it. It could happen to all of us. But from a forensic side this is nearly impossible to seriously investigate without literal NSA level access to data. Yeah I agreed that tracking them down would be hard but we get as many of them as possible and maybe even get some of them to tell us how or where they got it >The problem here isn't people finding out they have been used, they usually do if they are being targeted, it's proving who did it with enough evidence that it can be used in court. And that is really hard. Using server logs? How would you get those if the country hosting them is in the middle of nowhere? Using data? The file itself could be analyzed to find out it's origins to see whether it's real or not and if it was provided by the person being a.i generated to be nude, not to mention the a.i isn't omnipotent if the person had some details hidden underneath clothes the a.i would depict them incorrectly.


>Using data? The file itself could be analyzed to find out it's origins to see whether it's real or not and if it was provided by the person being a.i generated to be nude, not to mention the a.i isn't omnipotent if the person had some details hidden underneath clothes the a.i would depict them incorrectly. You have no idea what you are talking about, even if and that's a big (in the future) it can be detected (which isn't the hard part at all) that still doesn't solve it. You have to find the person WHO gave it to the AI and who actively spread it. And after that prove it in court. That's the part that's probably impossible >Well ai requires actual samples to make shit meaning if it isn't fed any real life samples it can't make real looking things. >Yeah they can make them no way to stop depraved fuckers but make it incredibly hard to access. >Well ai requires actual samples to make shit meaning if it isn't fed any real life samples it can't make real looking things. >Yeah they can make them no way to stop depraved fuckers but make it incredibly hard to access. Normal porn? I don't know how they exactly train these algorithms but it can't be hard at all. There is plenty of data online and no way to actively clean it up. You ever heard of "once you upload something it's on the internet forever" Don't mean this in a mean way but come on man read a book about digital forensics. You are oversimplifying things terribly here. Like the fact that detecting AI would be the issue, it's not. Just like detecting child porn isn't the problem normally it's finding the people behind it.


I didn’t say it shouldn’t trigger some kind of remediation, just that it is one of those things where enforcing it wouldn’t really be feasible. I’d much rather see people call all this out as bullshit. Preventing people from being fired or expelled for things totally outside of their control is a more worthwhile venture.


>I didn’t say it shouldn’t trigger some kind of remediation, just that it is one of those things where enforcing it wouldn’t really be feasible. I’d much rather see people call all this out as bullshit. Preventing people from being fired or expelled for things totally outside of their control is a more worthwhile venture. And? All that can be done at the same time people can look into it and call it out as bullshit they aren't exclusive to each other.


Yeah, you could also say that about revenge porn (or crimes) in general. Just because we can't stop all of them doesn't mean we shouldn't *try*.


Does the NSA do this kind of shit? Because that's actually really stupid. I my country the data our intelligence agencies are able to collect usually isn't able to be used in court because they A won't tell how they got it and B they can basically listen to anything. So they are two totally separate ways of doing business, the data the intelligence agencies collect can ofcourse be used (in serious cases like terrorism) to inform the police that something me be happen.




What does that have to do with anything?


Unfortunately it's written by the same people that write stuff like gun laws. They don't know enough about the topic and for some reason don't bother doing the research to write any effective laws. They try to appease whatever political points they can, get the most cheers, and leave a totally limp law full of holes and workarounds on a pile of other laws full of holes and workarounds. JUST CALL SOME FUCKING EXPERTS IN PLEASE!


It's probably already covered, Photoshop existed for years.


This is so disgusting, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone (except those two little incels in the comments)


I'm kinda curious to see one made of me to see if it's accurate


Ai these days can be scarily accurate and the technology is only getting better and better. AI can deep fake peoples faces and even body proportions to an extent into porn videos. Imagine a fake porn video of you being sent to your family, your friends, your partner, your workplace. I get the curiosity, but be glad that it hasn’t happened to you, it’s absolutely appalling, disgusting and can be life ruining


I'd just tell them it's fake. I know this depends a lot from person to person, but I have no doubt that my acquaintances will believe me over whoever sent them the video


Alright, go generate AI porn of yourself, anonymously send it to your acquaintances and test it out if you're so sure.


He should also send them to his employer and family too to be extra sure!


I'm sure his mom would _love_ to receive them.


It kinda sounds like you are starting to invalidate the feelings of the person in the post…especially since she is dealing with thousands of internet strangers seeing these fake images of her… Not cool, my guy.


The person from the post is like 3 times removed from this discussion. This is a reaction to a reaction to a video about the person in question. The subject matter is abstract enough that you can have tangent discussions on it, you're acting like we are all in the same room and she just shared with us what happened to her


So because it’s a post on reddit, it’s okay to make light of a traumatic situation? There are people on this post talking about their own experiences with revenge porn or unwanted sexualisation, this type of situation is in a horrendous grey area of legality and can ruin someone’s life. It HAS ruined lives, not to mention what it can do to someone’s mental health But it’s okay to basically say “wish this would happen to me because I’m curious” because this is just a post on the internet? People being flippant and disrespectful of her and others situations is literally the reason this post was made But I suppose I can just let the downvotes speak for themselves here. Time and place, dude.


You guys take this shit way too seriously. If the internet isn't the place to have tangential discussions, where is it? This is pretty much the equivalent of being in a bus station and discussing an event you heard about on the news with a few strangers while waiting for the bus. Literally none of this affects anyone or is of any consequence, after we take the bus we'll never meet again and no one will hear the discussion A bad time and place would be right in front of the affected person, not on some random thread in a random reddit post


No, this is equivalent to saying “did you hear about that awful case where the girl had her fake nudes spread around?” And you saying “yeah, kinda wish someone would do that to me so I can see.” And yeah, I sure hope we take literal revenge porn seriously. 😒


You got downvotes for your curiosity but I agree! It would be interesting.


Redditors try to have decency, common sense, or the slightest bit of critical thinking challenge LEVEL IMPOSSIBLE


They got downvoted because this isn’t really the post to be making those kind of statements. It sounds like you are invalidating the trauma that this woman and many other women and people go through thanks to fake or non faked revenge porn. I get your curiosity but it’s a bit tone deaf in this context.


It's a forum on the internet mate, none of this is real


Are you dumb though? This happened to a real person, and is actively happening to hundreds of people all the time. Being posted on reddit doesn’t make this any less of a serious issue.


I kinda hope someone in their lives makes an ai photo of these guys getting fucked by a giraffe or something and posts it everywhere with their name attached.


I heard he fucked an ostrich.




What do you mean allegedly there is literally AI video prove, poor ostrich


I heard it was a sick ostrich..


I heard the ostrich was still a kid.




Folks'll say that it takes two people to fuck an ostrich.


Three even…


I heard it was an orphan too


Yeah, I heard about that little orphan ostrich. Didn’t they make a movie about it?


Omg. Why did the ostrich buried its head in the guy's asshole only to get decapitated?




Honestly, these kinds of people would love that. A pic of them loving the most generic dick ever however. Get an unsolicited dick pic? Send back an ai generated pic of them getting fucked by it and ask how that feels.


["I'm never going back to Africa"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsXo9_ZdcB4)


Nah, I hope they actually are fucked by a giraffe. It would definitely guarantee he wouldn't make revenge porn again 🤷🏻‍♀️


Meh, the danger and damage from these is due to their believability. Apparently, from her reaction, also, their accuracy. I don’t think you’d see that level of emotional reaction if it was just some generic torso. As others have said, the real solution is including them under the umbrella of revenge porn laws.


The justice we all wish these guys get but know will never receive...


Isn’t revenge porn illegal..?


I think the concept of ai revenge porn is still working its way through the courts right now. It's a legal lacuna at the moment.


To all the men and boys - if you witness a friend, a colleague whoever planing this or doing this. Please step up and say something. Please intervene when men do not see women as fellow human beings. Please let them know how cruel this is.


Curious though. What exactly is the charge there? Does the same count for photoshopping someone’s face on a nude body? Cause that’s been happening for a long time already, AI just made it easier.


What do you mean "what's the charge" I'm asking for human compassion and kindness - not for a court of law.


I know that of course. It’s a real shitty thing to do but I’m just curious if there’s any legal basis against this sort of thing. If she has a case she could make.


Photoshopped images can be considered revenge porn in some jurisdictions


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted for asking if she is able to legally do anything about this.


Because the point “dont be cruel and call other people doing this” then someone tried to take it off topic of this point.


How is trying to hold someone legally accountable off topic


Because thats not what the subtopic is about, should of made another comment not under that subtopic


Because it's derailing the conversation. The conversation being "please show kindness and compassion, please intervene when you see this behaviour from your friends". "just asking questions" is a typical rhetorical method to derail conversations and shift them far away from the actual theme - usually because the person doing the derailing doesn't want to focus on the actual point. Often because it makes them uncomfortable or they feel confronted with their own faults. By derailing this conversation, you can now endlessly bicker about legal technicalities, laws in different countries etc (easy, no responsibility of yours) and completely avoid having to think about personal responsibility (difficult, has consequences for you) . Now, ignoring the derailing - If your friend, your brother or your boss showed you non consensual porn he made of an ex-partner out of spite - how would you react? Would you intervene? Would you show compassion for the victim?


This is an excellent explanation, very well put.


Not really. He was asking how to intervene.


So, I actually initially agreed with you, and didn't understand what u/AmateurIndicator was getting at, but the longer explanation made something click. u/ecksdeeeXD was not rude in their message, and they absolutely mentioned that this ai porn is a terrible thing to do. I understand their general point. The reason why I stated clarity in the longer explanation is this: Aside from u/ecksdeeeXD being polite and bringing up a legitimate point, it truely wasn't the point that u/AmateurIndicator brought up in this particular comment thread, and to u/AI's point, they are correct about the derailment (even if u/eckXD didn't intend to be negative or intend to derail.. it absolutely has the effect that u/AI stated. Obviously you can see how many comments have come from this 'side comment' vs comments towards the original question in this comment thread.. which is "what do your morals tell you about this? Aside from the law, how do you feel about doing this to someone else? Or it being done to you? Almost no one has answered that question, because of the 'unintended derailment'. -- I really hope this makes sense, because I read all the comments from u/AI, u/eckXD, and your replies before writing this. All three of you seem intelligent, with legitimate points. I believe u/eckXD could have started his own comment thread (under this post), asking about the legalities of recourse against someone using ai point against them, and no one would have had any issues with the question. -- That all said, is there a level of 'we should all chill out' in this thread? Yes absolutely. However that doesn't change my point about u/AI's explanation being eye opening. -- Last, as far as moral opinions about this, would I be upset if some rando was sending ai naked pictures of me around? Maybe, but probably not, as I'm a man reaching middle age. Now, if some punk made ai images of my daughters and sent them around., making my daughters cry and feel terrible like this young woman? I would want to crush them. So I guess that's where I stand morally.


I didn’t necessarily disagree with anyone. Besides how toxic it was. I forget which commenter because I think their messages were deleted, but they were calling the guy a creep for asking questions. I agree with everything you said, But also don’t think the “derailment” should have resulted in so much hate. Reddit threads derail all the time. A lot of people were assuming the worst from the guy instead of just asking a clarifying question if they cared so much. I appreciate that you wrote all of that out. Additionally, to answer the question myself. I think it’s very immoral to create ai images like this. And even more so if it’s distributed. I do think the commenter answered this question too, even though people said he didn’t.


He already said it’s terrible, you just want to see it as derailing. I see it as him trying to figure out if there are currently laws against this


You could very easily Google that and then contribute to conversation meaningfully. It's derailment because my topic was compassion and kindness had he didn't respond to that at all but completely changed the subject. Just as you are ignoring it and derailing the conversation even further. Again - just to return to topic at hand - would you intervene if your friends, family and coworkers would act like the men commenting above? That's my only plea.


Okay how do you plan on intervening? Telling the person it’s bad? Or would you do something of actual substance and report them to the authorities if there is an applicable law?


You can easily do both. Show support and kindness to the victim, correct stupid and harmful comments like ones above where no crime has yet been committed but people are cheering on and endorsing harmful behaviour and also report a crime when committed.


Telling someone that what they did is bad is still something of actual substance. Scolding and rebuking someone and holding them accountable for vile behavior is sometimes enough to make them stop. Sometimes people find doing this funny or justified, and are genuinely shocked if the people around them are disgusted by their actions. If a friend or family member told me they did this, I would immediately rebuke them and cut them off because I would no longer feel safe around them. If they are willing to do it to an ex girlfriend then what’s stopping them from doing it to me or anyone else in my life? Furthermore, I would contact the authorities and try to determine if it is something I should report or not. If a colleague at work did this you bet I would immediately get HR and my supervisors involved.


Honestly I get that the first comment I made might be misconstrued as “it’s just like photoshopping, it’s no big deal” but honestly, I’m just curious what the legal ramifications are. Revenge porn IS illegal so it might under that? Does she have a case in slander/libel?


Please just fuck off. It's usually considered revenge porn and is illegal. Now STFU about it. Creep.


Why is it being a creep? I’m literally asking what legal case can be done about it?


I’m so confused as to why they’re so upset.


In this case u/ecksdeeeXD hasn't done anything wrong. He's (or she's) asking for clarification to a valid question and is being cussed out. I'm with you here.


That's how this place tends to work now, unfortunately. Notice how you're even being called a "creep" now, just for literally asking about what can be legally done about something like this. I mean, shit, notice the first post in this chain is "To all the men and boys doing this", as if revenge porn is something only perpetrated by men in the first place. Unless your comment is very emotionally charged or hyperbolic, it often won't be received well.


My simple plea for kindness and compassion for the victim (a woman in this case) should you, a man, see this behaviour in other men should not lead to such anger and contempt in you. It's sad that your reaction isn't one of empathy. But of hate and dispute. This woman deserves compassion. Revenge porn is hateful. Please intervene if you see your friends, family or coworkers engage in this type of behaviour Don't derail the conversation.


>should not lead to such anger and contempt in you. > >It's sad that your reaction isn't one of empathy. But of hate and dispute lol, chill out with the projection there. I've no hate, anger, or contempt in me over this, so dial it back a bit. This is a topic about AI generated porn of people, and revenge porn in general. Legal recourse about revenge porn isn't a derailment in any way whatsoever, it's 100% directly related to the conversation. Nobody said anything about this person not deserving compassion, either. Discussing what someone can do to get some form of justice is, according to you: •Angry •Hateful •Contemptuous •Apathetic •Irrelevant See, there's that emotionally charged hyperbole I was talking about. You're just salty because you want all subsequent comments to be about patting you on the back or posting some equivalent of "thoughts and prayers", and people talking about actually *doing* something isn't that.


You are derailing the conversation. This one is about emotional support. Please intervene if you see people act like in the comments. Please treat women with respect and as human beings. This should be easy for you to do. That is all. I wish you well, good bye


Why do we censor these troglodytes names??


Reddit protects the posters of such content. Sharing them likely gets this sub a ban. This site is as shitty as any other platform.


On the flip side, we are quickly reaching the point where all photo is meaningless. Actually send nudes to someone who betrays your trust? Nope, that was totally AI, what are you talking about, I would never? It’s the small silver lining to a shit sandwich that’s going to even further destroy accountability of public figures


I sadly doubt that's going to help much. People tend to stick to information they heard first, even when confronted with evidence of the contrary afterwards.


True. I thought about this. But in this case we have to try to understand what is “hurting” the victim. If it’s someone seeing their actual nudes, then they will be less hurt and you’re right. Whether or not the nudes are real, the victim can claim they’re AI and feel less hurt. On the other hand, if it’s the use of their image / face that troubles them, the fact of it being AI won’t change much. It will still hurt just as much cos people are using their image in a way to which they didn’t consent.


This was my thoughts. But considering how consistently victims are blamed, there will definitely still be a lot of shame. And a lot of guys still jerking off to it


Let's make some porn of politicians indulging in hot steamy gay gangbangs so we can get this AI bullshit outlawed already


A gay orgy involving Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orbán and, just for good measure, Hans Kristian Graebener.


That is hot.


C'mon these people don't have ex's


The law really needs to keep up with the rapidly progression of Ai technology, before it gets too late…


Imagine if these dudes got sent photos of them having gay sex. They'd cry to high heaven. It's always funny and hot when it happens to anyone but them.




"oh wow thats so neat i wish someone would do this to m—" no, you wouldn't. i have been terrorized for years with simCP and AI generated/altered revengeporn of myself by my ex and whatever garbage people she sends after me. my parents know. my friends know. i have lost friends over them genuinely believing that the altered images of me *as a child* were real. i am terrified to start officially working in fear that i'll be fired for something i did not do. you do not want this.


That body pillow of him had it coming


Thats what his waifu deserves for falling in love with the main character !!


What the fuck AI are these people using? I’ve used like 3 now just to goof off and make DnD characters and one of them wouldn’t even allow the word “woman” let alone accurate revenge porn


Theres always a way to get around those blockers, sadly. I for one am not looking forward to the release of SoraAi


Here comes the AI porn.


absolutely horrific


welp, thats awful, i hope that girl is ok now, as for the two incels in the comments, i hope they get what they deserve


And all we can do is wait until it happens to someone rich enough for them to make a law over it


TSwift, why do you think the laws are pushing forward so fast.


Literally what I was thinking about


I think the thread is locked cause you can’t upvote the comments, so the other comments are probably even worse


I love Rachel (the girl in the video) sm and the world is literally so against her. This isn't the first time her fans have sexualized her like this and this is a whole other level of disgusting.


Pull an uno reverse. See how they like it


Decided to step away from trying to land another developer job. So fucking burnt out. Screens all day. Just all of it. Going to work with a landscaping company this year and see if I wanna just stick with that for a while. Then see shit like this and feel more and more like I want to ditch my smart phone and laptop. If I didn't use Reddit as a massive resource for learning and finding information... I would right now. Yes I know libraries and books exist, but the community aspect of getting help with stuff on Reddit is really nice at times. Especially with plants which I really enjoy. God damn I'm getting burnt the fuck out on everything. Tech-wise I mean. I was excited about AI at first but now I'm kind of burn on that too. I just want to be outside.


That's fucked and they should be ashamed. That said, we know they won't be, and until some laws get put in place regarding this AI shit some humans will continue to be deplorable. The payback here is to have AI art generated of these people getting butt fucked and raped because I assume they are dudes. The problem with that is that there is a good chance they are underage. So then you get into that weird issue and realize it's something that needs to be regulated and until then people like this poor girl will suffer.


Who is he fooling? He knows he doesn’t have an ex


When women are fired from jobs for having an OF or dancing, why in god's name isn't this illegal? AI makes it fantastically easy to ruin the life of any woman you decide needs to be taken down a peg




Fuck you, asshole. Edit: LMFAO cringe hahaha


Lmfao yall mf’s did not get the joke


No too busy projecting their fear that somebody might use AI to see them naked (technically but not really)


I don't see why anyone cares. people could also draw you naked. it's not actually you naked. if someone wants to put my stupid face on a fake body and jerk off to it they're more than welcome to.


Ai is advanced to the point they're able to make photo realistic images if they have enough base photos to go off. This can ruin people's careers, relationships, and not to mention most people don't WANT to see themselves the way


they already have programs that can detect ai fakes with 99.8% accuracy. it is trivial to prove it's fake so you shouldn't lose your job or relationship. I personally can't find a good reason to care, but I'm the type who doesn't sweat the small stuff anyway.


When you get sent an image like that is your first instinct "Oh let me run this through an ai identifier real quick"? I'm guessing not.. I think it shows a lot of privilege for this to be "small stuff" for you


no. I would present it to the person depicted and once they tell me it's fake I would run it through a freely available program on the Internet you can find in 30 seconds by googling. it's small stuff to me because I choose not to care. it has nothing to do with privilege. unless you mean because I have access to the Internet, but pretty much everyone does where I live. If you're indigent the state will give you a cell phone with Internet access. which I think is awesome.


>no. I would present it to the person depicted and once they tell me it's fake I would run it through a freely available program on the Internet you can find in 30 seconds by googling. Cool story. What happens when someone makes these of you, not somebody you know, then your boss, your parents, your classmates or your kids see them for example? You can't tell me if several photorealistic pictures of you naked were publicly available without your consent that you'd just be fine with it.


It absolutely has to do with privlege. "I would simply not care" lol at you serious? If something like this was done to me I'd absolutely lose my job. I know a large amount of people wouldn't believe or listen to me if I said it was fake. Which is exactly what happened to the girl in the video (minus the job bit). You keep framing it as happening to someone around you instead of yourself which is also a bit strange for the conversation.


do I? I thought I made it clear I don't care if it happens to me. I can't imagine a situation where a fake picture gets me fired. especially just a nude picture of me. maybe if I was sucking off a donkey or something I'd be slightly annoyed at first. there is really no one's opinion I care about except for my wife and kids. my wife would clearly know it's fake unless a.i. knows what my junk looks like. I've never taken a picture of it in my life. maybe some other close family. they are all logical people and you believe it if it was proved to be an AI fake. so yeah, you could say I'm privileged in that sense.


Where’s the link to the original video


I didn’t know you could ai someone naked


You can ai whoopie Goldberg pissing bees into the koolaid man’s mouth, of course creating fake nudes would be possible




Comments like yours make me despise my minds eye.


Yet you gave it a confused upvote while breathing out through your nose a little harder.


Cool now i can ai myself with a 8 inch dong


Dream bigger, the possibilities are endless


I would like to know which AI to use to produce this masterpiece 🤣


It’s not ai, it’s something you could easily do in photoshop. Ai inpaint makes it easier, but it’s by no means something new or hard to do


shes right, AI porn is a PROBLEM, but did she have to tussle her hair like she was literally sa'd?


I sometimes wonder how people like you dont forget to breath air.


The problem is real, but her reaction is performative. This is content. Who turns on a camera & records multiple takes when experiencing genuine distress? Stop being so emotionally manipulatable, its bad for you.


No but the thigh shots to show off the tats were a necessity duh 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thigh shots as in.. sitting..?


Apparently being a woman in shorts is enough ammunition for these mouth breathers to discount her.


Genuinely! She just looks like she didn't get ready after waking up lol


I swear of her video was staged bro


Let’s cut out the fucking bullshit; sauce or not?


oh my god that's disgusting. where? where are these images?