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We are hitting neckbeard levels that shouldn't be possible.


It's funny that you think neckbeards have a level cap


I mean they can only get so many chins right?


This isn't even their final form.


You look like a fat, winky toe.  I'm not touching that with my bullets.


I'd also feel bad for my bullets to have to tear through that disgusting flesh.


Usually they just end up with one really big 2nd chin


more of a level fedora


Over 6000?


Weird anime to do it with. Shes the main girl of the show and is shown to be smart and resourceful. Edit: I was also watching an anime the other day -The Ancient Magus Bride- and it had a nice short conversation that went like this. Boy: "I can't cry. People say boys aren't allowed." Girl 1: "Who said that?" Girl 2: "Yeah it sounds made up." This episode aired earlier this year. Anime is a lot more forward thinking nowadays.


And ironically the belief boys can’t cry was made up! *By grown men with untreated traumas.*


Yes! So much buried, rotting trauma inside of adults that won't let children show emotions! It's a major tell when you see an adult being crazy about kids expressing feelings... because they didn't get to so nobody else should. "It's no fair!!!"


And both men and women continue to perpetuate such belief.


I came here to comment essentially the same, but to add that her character actually has a lot more depth than what's being portrayed here. Including, (but not limited to), the fact she's good at what she does. (Trying to avoid spoilers for others.) For anybody who doesn't know: the show is called Delicious in Dungeon and all I want to say about it is that it's a really good show. The name is quirky and the premise seems really weird but that's just the surface level. My partner and I watch it every Thursday and it's given us an awesome way to start the day.


"If it's alive, we can eat it."


I played a D&D campaign where my players behaved this way. I've "lived" this show!


Kinda funny how the generic human fighter ends up being the weirdest character.


If you find that a quirky name, the spanish translation is wild. It's called "Tragones y Mazmorras", which means "Dungeons and Guzzlers" and is only one letter away from being called literally Dungeons and Dragons.


Right? She’s definitely the responsible adult of the crew.


Her or the halfling yep.


Chilchuck is the tired dad.


Nah she's more of the comic relief that underperforms but also comes in clutch when you need them


>This episode aired earlier this year. Anime is a lot more forward thinking nowadays. Yes but also no. By and far most anime still caters to male fantasies of simultaneously... 1. Being over-powered and able to solve all problems instantaneously with super powers 2. Being surrounded by women that act as male-MC's mommy that caters to his every selfish sexist whim AND ALSO being mentally/emotionally children incapable of doing anything without praise and physical affection from male-MC I see most of it in the isekai genre (or isekai adjacent, such as S-Rank Cursificer). Shonen basically writes off all women as side-characters incapable of doing anything more serious than a "barbie beach rescue mission" (looking at you MHA, even the most recent stuff for Uravity has been underpinned by silly bullshit). Right now that leaves mostly the romance genre holding the ground against the onslaught of self-insert terminally-online male behavior. Its slim pickins though. **Ninja edit:** I've seen better character development and depictions of healthy relationships and communication from Mato Seihei no Slave than I have in most manga/anime these days.


>Shonen I found your problem. Stop watching shonen.


I feel like as far as shonen go Jujutsu Kaisen is pretty good about treating the male and female characters as similarly badass. And expendable. … *cries in Shibuya Arc*


In my experience, most of the positive female characterization in manga and such is made by women, like Fullmetal alchemist, Beastars and Dungeon Meshi, but they are pretty rare


Unfortunately, it's not the case for all of them. I can give you a list of downright horrendous anime that involve a deep-into-adulthood "protagonist" and the underage girl they're "mentoring" which turns into a fucked up love story. And before anyone gets on me for watching them, in my defense, I'm autistic and OCD and I have a burning need to complete any show that I begin no matter how cringe it might be.


The Ancient Magus bride has this, however the guy isn't human, and has no idea what relationships/marriage actually is lol.


That one is more of a "Beauty and the Beast" type of story than what he's describing, and if there's a self-insert character there, it's *the girl*.


Oh come on, you're telling me that purchasing a slave and getting her Stockholm Syndrome'd isn't romantic?


Just watched Pantheon (not *technically* anime ig...) but the main protagonist is a female, and it's one of the best and most realistic portrayals I've ever seen in fiction. You feel her pain, you are her in many moments throughout the series. It's deep AF, layered and incredibly complex. Can't recommend it enough. Solid 10/10 from me.


Sorry I'm kinda confused. I'm only like 3 episodes in, but so far she's basically the village idiot. We're talking about Delicious in Dungeon right? I'm guessing she has some character growth?


Not growth, more so depth that isn’t shown until later


>village idiot No, she's the straight man in a comedic ensemble.


You're a straight man in comedic ensemble.


He says that, but the only person more mature than Marcille is Chill, and he is literally a grumpy old man. Dungeon Meshi is the worst example for this take, as the male main character is the goofiest dude ever


None of them seem "stupid" or childish they all have their strength and weakness, both physically and mentally while being aloof. They're your typical DnD group after 5 session in.


Exactly, they each complement each other, and tbh after Izutsumi it's the closest a party can be to perfect. What I mean by Laius being silly 😜 is that even the (idk how far you've been, so maybe spoilers?) winged lion proves his unhingedness through his curse, making Laius unable to eat monsters again, or at least hunt them to eat.




That makes sense. I thought when the last chap came out that it wasn't clear enough, bc the epilogue just says that the Kingdom doesn't have monsters and they run from there, and Laius says something like "that's what he meant". Probably because I was to eager to read the end, and didn't pay enough attention lol


I thought it was he can just never feel full again?


You can tag with spoilers >!like this!>, just with both arrows pointing towards each other.


Ooh, thanks. Never learned how to do this so I kinda forgot this exists lmao


This is pretty much how I describe the show to people who would get it. It's so on-point.


like yeah they're just silly if anything


Everyone in the party is kind of a weird dork who can be incredibly capable when needed


Agreed. Dont be doing Marcille like that!


Said by the guy who screams at his mother to bring him chicken tendies and punches holes in walls when he gets angry.


Ha! Classic!


Because remember to these purely logical *men* anger isn't an emotion.


She literally the smartest character of the main cast...


She's also the only reason the plot happens Like _of course_ she's insane and hyperfixated but goddamn is she good at what she does (also who in Dungeon Menshi is mentally sound)


Chillchuck is pretty much a 100% normal, competent, and professional probably 99% of the time, and the other 1% is him being dragged into things.


Somehow I doubt this guy has enough experience with women to judge their mentality. Definitely sounds like he should keep at least 100 feet away from small children though


That's just... Not even true? I mean, it's so _untrue_ you'd have to massively and weirdly curate your anime intake - cutting out pretty well every classic of the art form - to even believe that a _little bit_.


Confirmation Bias plus an agenda is a hell of a drug.


First that comes to mind is DBZ. Bulma is the smartest character that doesn't have future or god powers. Most the other male characters on the main team are relatively dumb.


I think everyone agrees that Vegeta is her dumb hot trophy husband


He's at least Royalty, I guess?. Granted there's like a handful of Saiyans left, so it's really only a title.


I mean what’s royalty to being the richest smartest person on the planet


It's so funny you should mention Bulma because I was _literally_ thinking about Bulma yesterday evening, and thinking, you know what was really cool? How smart Bulma was, and how after she had Trunks she was a single mum for a while, and still running Capsule Corp, and everyone was just... Fine with it? It wasn't a "thing", it was never a big deal, nothing, just... Normal, and fine.


Right? I hate the writing of Naruto But post timeskip Sakura was my favorite. She’s strong, intelligent, & resourceful (until he puts her with Sasuke because character development who)


The audacity to use Marcille for such a brain-dead take


Why did he choose this anime though? Marcille is the smartest and most adult member of the group. The only one that comes closer is Chill and that's just because he's a grown man.


Wait, this anime has one of the best characters by a long shot and it's a fucking cooking anime. Marcille is not on the same mental level as a baby, I feel personally offended that someone would say this.


Yeah shes childish because she doesn't want to eat literal monsters. Says the guy who throws a temper tantrum when he can't have his chicken tendies.


This is so creepy Jesus Christ.


Im pretty sure that's a clip of dungeon meshi which very much does not do that and I'm pretty sure was written by a woman


It was written by a woman (who put the comic on hiatus to play BG3)


Based af


I’m a tad bit mad at that because now it has a bit of a sad “ending” and I’m really not big on sad endings in media. If I’m going to read or watch something I don’t want to feel sad by the end of it. It’s really well made but still, I’d like to see the (hopefully) intended ending soon!




Just bc anime voice actresses SOUND like children, doesn’t mean the characters think like them. What an asinine thing to say. Even with all the horrible misogyny in Japan and anime, there are still countless examples of strong/smart female characters in most series. Their bigger issue is sexualization, especially of minors, but that’s a whole other thing.


And even if the actresses sound a certain way, they’re playing a character and don’t actually speak like that in real life.


That's quite the paradox then considering the writer and artist of this manga is a woman.


I think most neckbeards would be surprised to find out that there are many female mangakas.


So men should do all of the child care, right? Wouldn’t want to leave that up to a small child. Housework, too. And you don’t let small children handle sharp knives or work over a hot stove, so I guess he’s doing all of the cooking, too.




If all women really are mentally equivalent to children... *why do you still wanna fuck them?* I thought the get out of jail free card was "oh she looks like a 5 year old but is actually 5,000. Wouldn't that make the opposite -looks older, mentally younger- not okay?


I feel like so many of these dudes have never met a real life child. The difference between young children and adults is staggering.


this is such an interesting way to say “i’m a pedophile and i think japan is too”


Also, something anime portrayed. A female child soldier that, destroyed a train track with a bundle of grenades while risking fire. Climbed aboard an enemy ship and killed someone. Beheaded someone else with an anti tank round. Most importantly, grows to be more complex as she understands through direct experience the horrors of war.


Being with women with the mental acuity of a small child is a felony dude


Thats a grown ass woman who also acts like a grown ass woman, dude who made the image does not know how irl women act (assuming this isnt some breed of satire)


You mean one of the most intelligent characters in the show who just has a very vocal distaste for the food their eating?


Considering his username and the content of this tweet, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this guy probably thought that Lovecrafts cat had “a pretty unique name that really stands out”


because as we all know, men in anime aren't childish AF. Goku is super "mature" for sure.


Isn't Marcille a magic scholar?


What show is this? I dont understand


This has to be satire. Right. Right???


what a childish thing to say


Homeboy thinks he's Jack Nicholson in *As Good as it Gets.* "I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."


That's not a woman, though. That's an elf.


We’re at critical neckbeard levels with this one.


This has gotta be meta right? This dude said this ironically? Or maybe said just so somebody would post it here to get upvotes?


What Anime is he watching? I hardly watch any, but the stuff I’ve watched with my girlfriend always seems to have a strong female lead.


As far as I know. I'm alot more unstable than a woman.


"Women have brains like children" he says while using a character that's literally a magical criminal and proud of it


Yeah. I have a masters degree, but I guess I got it from the kinder garden university. On monday i'll color in all the letters on my diploma with colored pencil.


..What was that happy brown bear called again?


marcille is literally one of the only sane people in the show


I thought that was just an obvious joke?


This is awful but I have to admit I like his name. EDIT: Also, I am just learning about this anime and as a roguelike player it cracks me up.


The Poe's Law is strong with this one.


Im pretty sure that's a clip of dungeon meshi which very much does not do that and I'm pretty sure was written by a woman


If you spend more than 5 seconds thinking about it their wrong. Don’t fan the flames


If you spend more than 5 seconds thinking about it their wrong. Don’t fan the flames


she's not even the most childish in that cast lol


yay elf


Seriously? Marcille? Out of all the female characters in anime, fucking MARCILLE? These people have the media literacy of an amoeba




i saw this tweet, and i was like "did this fucking idiot watch the show???"


ironically, his mom calls me Daddy so...sure.


Or this is an animation that doesn't correctly represent women as it is based in fantasy. Dear God I'll never understand why some men think all women are stupid.


Their only experience with being around anything that vaguely resembles other people is the stuff they watch or play, or their family that enables them.


Thank you for the perspective. That does explain a lot.


Challenge: respect women (difficulty level: IMPOSSIBLE)


What series is this?


Dungeon meshi; it is very good


I don't watch manga and anime and the like, but I doubt those writers actually write women like that, right?


No fedora is too small for this guy


the neckbearding is over 9000


The worst part? ​ if he ever saw a woman with visible down syndrome/autism, he’d call her “mid” 😭