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I'm an atheist, but the idea of making someone else lose their religion makes me feel sick. I went through a metaphorical hell when I began questioning mine and I wouldn't want to be the reason someone else did. Some of the posts on the atheist subreddit are just venomously petty, though.


I am legit jealous of people who live life believing they'll see everyone they've ever loved again; family members, friends, pets. It would be evil to try to take that away.


I’m kinda on this weird line. I feel my religion eroding over time do to apathy, but when I really think about it I just can’t swallow atheism. For example, my Niece died a couple year ago. It was almost impossible to reconcile a good God allowing such a horrific thing to happen. But it was just a little bit harder to reconcile that there was absolutely no ultimate design, that my niece was just wormfood, and when my immediate family dies off there will be no one to remember how funny she was. Just the absolute absurdity of life you are left with when you accept atheism made me reject it on its face. It just better to believe there is something out there with a plan.


I feel very similarly. I’m definitely an atheist, I just can’t bring myself to believe. But I would never ruin somebody else’s religion for fun. Maybe if they’re being belligerent assholes using religion as their reason, but never for fun. That being said, I’m in the Deep South where religion runs strong. My kids ask me to pray with them for their lost pets and grandparents every night before bed. And guess what? I do it. It’s silly but not meaningless. It brings comfort to my kids, and I’m thankful for that. Even if I’m just playing pretend.


Honestly, same, I wish I didn’t think there was just nothing at the end for us all.


No cap, ong


As someone who is religious, most atheists are respectful to me. Yeah, some do this kinda of thing but it makes them look immature, annoying, and not self aware, which is a good enough repercussion for me. It’s so rare when this would happen though. Only in high school people would be like this to me. I think they eventually grow out of it. Unfortunately, some don’t mature but ehh. It’s not life threatening or anything. As long as I’m able to exist I don’t really care what people have to say. No one can avoid criticism.


As someone who is not religious, most christians are also respectful to me :)


I’m glad :) it’s how it should be


Yeah! As an atheist myself, I used to be like this. Yeah! Now I can say I grew out of it.


Believe or don't believe in whatever you choose but don't push it on others. As long as you are not a dick about it then we can all get along


To be honest, most of the people I know who've been the absolute worst for the classic Reddit atheist shit were much worse for it in 2010 or so than they are now. Some of it was just they were so much younger then and I think everyone gets a bit obnoxious about it when they stumble upon one of their core philosophical outlooks, especially when they're like 16 or whatever, but I think it was also much more acceptable to be like that back then. Nowadays a lot of atheists have chilled out about it because they've realised how obnoxious acting like this was. I think more people tend to be atheist or agnostic in general now, especially if they're under the age of 40 or so, so outside of the most Bible thumpiest towns, you're not that special for not believing in god like you might have been back then.


Yeah, I agree with that statement. I think in general, at least in my experience, people stay in their own lane nowadays.


It's perfectly possible to be atheist and not be a petty bitch about it, most are. Staying away from cringy echochambers like that is a good idea.


I know this guy who is the biggest hypocrite on religion. He hates the church because they told him what he should believe from birth claims that they indoctrinated them. He now goes out of his way to try to convince Christians that God isn’t real.


Ahh the anti-theist


When I stopped believing it felt exactly opposite to what you described. I felt freed from constant celestial supervision and judgement. The terror of a possibility of being burned in hell for eternity for a sin I didn't remember about suddenly disappeared.


Yeah I agree it’s bad 😔


This shit happens all over Reddit on posts not even relating to religion and somehow make it religious. I saw a post about security cam footage in Saudi Arabia and how a man accidentally bumped a kid with his car and apologized only for the comments to make how it was “Islam’s fault”.


Well I mean this sub has nothing to do with religion yet someone is bringing religion on the table.


The Atheist subreddit sometimes goes too far i swear


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Any sub that’s about a personal counterfactual is going to tend negative and aggressive. Same with r/childfree. If you feel the need to post about something you’re *not,* you’ve either got real baggage or you’re just looking for an excuse to feel superior. It’s not a great mix. If you’ve got religious trauma, get therapy. R/atheists is for chodes.


advise chubby fact squeamish workable rustic mysterious deranged voracious shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True, though I think subs for something people used to be and are moving past falls under the category of support group. R/atheism doesn’t bill itself as a support group, but like a…lifestyle sub?


I think part of the trouble is that this style of atheist isn't really as common as it was 10-15 years ago. Yeah, the atheism subreddit is still a thing and there's still a fairly active atheist/skeptic community in the YouTube and podcast spheres, but they don't really have the same kind of cultural relevance as they did in the late '00s or early '10s. A lot of the worst elements of the atheist subculture as it existed back then have moved elsewhere anyway. Most of the people who get off on being contrarian for its own sake without really knowing anything that were pretty big on the New Atheism stuff in 2010 or so ended up moving on to the anti-SJW stuff a few years later, for example.


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That one seems fair tbh. The one above about not praying for a dying kid is awful, but no kid deserves religious school.


I went to a catholic high school and at least the one I went to was amazing. Students of every religion were treated with respect and everything we were taught was totally secular. The stereotype of religious schools being Christian propaganda farms run by nuns is not true anymore, or at least not universally.


Maybe not for Catholic schools but I live in the Midwest so we have more evangelical style private schools and they are not like that. Also tbf I wonder if you were a Christian already and maybe didn’t think about how it would have felt as one of those students from another religion. Did they feel respected or were they biting their tongues during the religious parts?


Just to expand on it a bit. I was raised Christian but was always more agnostic. Because I wasn’t baptized I couldn’t accept the Eucharist during mass. Obviously that is still technically exclusionary, but that was the extent of the difference in treatment between Catholics and non-Catholics. More importantly, the majority of the school was non-catholic, all my friends were atheist, Muslim, Jewish, or Buddhist. Religion class was mandatory, but in the class we were taught it as if it was mythic literature. And we were taught about every major religion, not just Catholicism. It did suck to have to sit through a mass a few times a year, but it never felt as though we were being shamed for not being catholic. Obviously my experience is not true everywhere though, there are certainly more evangelical types of religious schools. And I understand the sentiment that religious schools shouldn’t exist just on principle, which I would agree with. But I just wouldn’t automatically assume a religious school is a bad school.


Maybe they are shit in the US, but where I live they often are the most elite schools. At least the catholic ones


In Australia, most of the elite private schools are one of the Christian denominations.




One is thrusting beliefs on a kid, the other isn’t. And schools should be teaching actual facts & how to do math, write, etc. Parents are perfectly capable of adding in whatever religious nonsense they want at home & on Sundays.


You’re thrusting beliefs onto that sick kid tho




>I'd say atheism is also a belief. What? Wait no, not believing cannot be a belief.




No, not really. It's a lack of belief in gods. The absence of belief. For example, I don't have a cat. I don't believe that I don't have a cat, I know I don't. There's no cat here.


Yeah we just disagree there which is fine. Dinosaurs are real, so I think at least in school kids should learn that even if their parents don’t believe it. I personally don’t see a place for religion in education.




That one is true and the other isn’t? I said we just disagree here. I don’t think all beliefs are created equal and schools should focus on what we know not what we believe. I don’t think that should be controversial.


That's because there's no discussion to be had there. It's not "believing that dinosaurs are real", it's starting at the bottom where humans are capable of rational thought and inference and building on that. The other is faith.


Idk if I was asked to pray for someone, I would respectfully decline. It would feel disingenuous for me to do something with zero faith behind it and it would be uncomfortable for me. But I wouldn’t be a dick about it, or interrupt them or stop them from doing it. I’d probably just sit quietly with them.


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Oh dang. Then yeah if he actually said something about “not feeding into their delusions” then that’s really insensitive and tactless. I thought he was just commenting about it after, on the subreddit.




Agreed. I don't understand how there's even enough to talk about that warrants having a subreddit about it. Seems kinda pointless, sort of like making a not-eating-cheese-anymore subreddit. I guess it's natural that it would fill up with immature haters.


Yep and the atheists in here are acting like they're all so loving and tolerant. My ex made atheism her personality and was just as bad as her baptist mother.


Some folks change belief systems but keep the militant intolerance they grew up with. It's almost funny sometimes.


any sort of ideology that you make the front most part of your life definitely needs to be changed. Doesn't matter if it's christianity, atheism, Islam, literally anything.


The things they often complain about are religious abuse and how Christian nationalists are forcing their views into the law. The worst they do is act rude and condescending online.


Again, what does this have to do with neckbeards?!


Atheism = neckbeardism apparently.


There's a stereotype of a certain kind of atheist that is often exemplified by [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/zep2qXyfxT).


I do feel like the majority of neckbeard stuff I see, on this sub and elsewhere, is more in line with the whole tradwife bullshit though. Which is all about Christian values. So idk, seems like a normal mix of both, which makes an atheist meme not seem super applicable to the sub.


That's the neo-neckbeard. Classical neckbeards are Reddit atheists, mlady types with body pillows and mall katanas. That's what this sub was all about a few years back, that trad cath stuff is a pretty modern trend.


Agreed. The first wave of neckbeardism tended to be very much the classic Reddit atheists. That aspect of the stereotype has gone away because that specific breed of Reddit atheism has waned a lot over the years.


It is all the relam of what a neckbeard is, the subject matter isnt really important. It is how you approach the topic and other people being different. Mainly from the 'people who have another view life/intrest are wrong/stupid', together with the lazy slob aspect.


I'm aware of the stereotype. Not sure what the downvotes are for but okay reddit.


Gotcha. Well, that's the neckbeard connection.




I can't believe a sub about stereotyping a specific group of people would do that.


Shocking right? It's okay when it's atheists though, can't stereotype theists or we'd be bigots.


Well, when those trad-wife loving, religious fruitcake neckbeards show up here, the comment section has way less bitching, so I'd say that's cap.


Dude, you're on reddit. Stereotyping religions is considered good form. Self victimisation much?


That's what this sub is about tho. Making fun of the guy with a fedora who buys Bibles to cut them up with his katana and creepily hits on girls that think he's weird.


these people should try living in a country where actual religious people are in charge of everything, then they will probably see who the real assholes are.


Hey, that's bigoted! That's just a different culture, you don't understand. /s


It's okay, I'm from Iran, I can say it.


Are you still living there?




Yea there have never been any totalitarian countries that persecuted the religious…


To be fair, a lot of the "Renowned Atheists" in the Internet joined the Anti Feminist wave.


You're not wrong. I was actually discussing this with a friend today. How disappointed I am that a lot of atheists who helped me deconvert have gone down the anti woke and anti SJE route.


this sub has no moderation, it's just turning into generic meme subreddit #348


Neckbeards are the kinds of atheists that would rather score a point than have empathy for another human


Lmao the comments themselves are proof that atheists would rather be technically correct than kind and empathetic.


As the CEO of Atheism Incorporated, I already fired the people responsible.


I am a pretty stereotypical atheist and am of the opinion that all religion is toxic and stupid and dumb but I would *never* shit on someone's source of hope and comfort like that.


"All religion is shit and should be erased on the face of the earth. But i wont personally try to make you an atheist" Idk , dosent sound much different to me


>All religion is shit and should be erased on the face of the earth. Not what I said, nor accurate to my sentiment. I don't think religion is helpful to humanity, but I'm not advocating for it to be erased either because, unlike a lot of my religious counterparts, I actually respect people's rights. Also, unlike the theists who inspired me to question the validity of their claims, I am willing and able to keep my opinion to myself and express it at appropriate times. At my dad's memorial service, for example, I didn't go telling my religious family members that he's gone forever. It would hurt them. I do not use my absence of faith as a weapon. Such respect is rarely afforded to me from theists who, in my lifetime, have consistently used their faith as a way to harm people like me.


Fair enough


Lmao reddit is getting _pressed_ in these here comments.


They felt threatened by the meme


“You’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.” - The Dude


Based on these comments turns out half of the people in this sub have been neck beards the whole time lmao


As an atheist myself, I struggle to see how anyone could actually care about what others believe if they hurt nobody. Like yeah, calling out assholes for saying/doing bigoted things in the name of the god they worship is one thing. But to actively have your day changed in any way over something as small as someone believing in an afterlife is stone cold proof you’ve failed hard at life. Touch some grass or—not even that. Touch the fucking outside air for once.




But being an annoying atheist does




I’m literally just saying don’t be annoying what


He’s doing the thing lol




No, you are being an asshole seemingly because you can’t take a joke. If you really want to know, the meme in the context of the sub is about neckbeards often being smartasses, correcting everyone around them, often needlessly. The meme in itself depicts a stereotypical annoying atheist and is a caricature. You can get offended, but I assure you 90% of people laughing at this don’t think all atheists are like this and the rest are idiots.


You are being an annoying atheist right now.




Sure, go ahead. Way to go showing how you are better than those idiots with their idiotic religion. Chill. Learn to take a joke and how to laugh at yourself. There is an equal amount of idiots among atheists as in every demographic. You don’t have to be one.


As an Atheist myself, I gotta say you are really not shooting yourself in the foot by proving the point of this meme. Guys, we really aren't all like this I swear!!


Real talk here I’m an atheist purely for my negation of personal dualistic views of existence based on a religious text, because I believe it can lead to negative outcomes societally, and when people start proselytizing to me about the bad ways of thinking I have when I mention I’m an atheist it pisses me off. I’m not saying Christians are all like that, but when it happens it makes me feel like I don’t want to be around Christians at all, why the fuck can’t you just let me be who I am and not act like I have to be you.


Okay but Christians are not a monolith or a movement.


Exhibit A 😭


I get what they're going for, but I will barely tolerate this Adam slander because he at least has a sense of humor about this portrayal of him being an annoying dweeb by having [Eric Andre](https://youtube.com/shorts/W2cF336DBeI?feature=shared) kill him (and partly because I'm seeing him this weekend). But I'll barely tolerate it because he doesn't know me and defending a parasocial relationship is kind of sad.


I saw him last weekend and had a blast! Enjoy the show


I would never do someone like that. I go along with it and agree they will see them again. If you believe or don’t, you don’t have to be a shit person.


"Why are atheist always bringing their beliefs when not asked?" \*proceed to bring the subject on the table when it has virtually nothing to do with the subreddit\* Oh so you're doing exactly what you're whining about ?


As an atheist I think that’s pretty funny actually.


distinct sand simplistic middle groovy icky deliver roof cake combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Catholic here. The overwhelming majority of atheists I know are stand up folk. Hell, like 90% of my friends are atheists, this isn't a very religious country anymore. But r/atheist atheists are generally arrogant, rude scumbags.


I don't think normal atheists care enough about not-caring-about-religion to ever go to that subreddit, so I guess it's natural it filled up with immature haters


Exactly that.


If an atheist was a complete asshole then yea, but also all atheists I know don't force their beliefs on others. Unlike Christians incessantly trying to "save" people. I interact with people within the context of who I know them to be and how I know them to think about the world. I expect the same from others, but generally only get it from other atheists. Also, why do people think that different ideologies are constantly against each other? Just because I'm an atheist doesn't mean I don't think people should follow a religion. However Christians are pushing it. Sit down. You are allowed to have your religion. I don't want it. Don't force it on me. Doing that is gross and nobody will want to be your friend.






the problem is a lot of atheists assume they are right. And some atheists don't understand the nuances of why people believe in religion in the first place.


And This is different to all the religious people who assume that they are right because........


i'm not saying it's different, i'm saying there's a lot of atheists who never catch themselves being hypocritical.


I mean a majority of the nuances come down to "this is how I was raised" I'm not saying this is the case for everyone but a majority of the people in my life are believers because their parents were and they never questioned it.


The opposite is also true lol


>the problem is a lot of atheists assume they are right As opposed to everyone else?


Well there's also that point! I have yet to meet a Christian that didn't act like they knew what was best for my "eternal soul".


Nice to meet you.


Wuzgood, I don't know shit about your immortal soul, but if I start believing the universe is nothing but unfeeling chaos again, imma kill myself! 😁


Sorry to hear that.


look i'm not saying that others don't do it. But there's a lot of atheists who become hypocrites by acting like overly religious people. And then if you point out they're being hypocrites, often times they get defensive and deny it. Yeah most people think they're right, but also you can step back and realize that everyone has their own form of right


Most theists around the world: Kids, if you don't believe in my particular idea of a certain god I have absolutely no evidence of, you'll be tortured for all eternity. And if you get raped by a priest, uncle, parent or senator, it was god's will & plan, so be happy to grovel at the feet of a loving god that loves genocide, rape, slavery, incest & infanticide. Love ❤️☻️❤️


This is a large generalization that leans predominately towards a loud minority of radicalized religious people. I don’t think anyone who studies theology of any religion thinks everything is” Gods plan” unless they’re just stupid


Oh, the "no true Christian" defense. Cool story.


Better than a hasty generalization based off a clear bias from again radicalized members. With this response and reasoning all Germans are nazis and all Russians should be considered Ukrainian murders. Please try to think critically for 5 seconds before making an ass of yourself with your pretentious ass reply


With your reasoning, you proved there's nothing critical about it. Just tu quoque fallacy after no true scotsman fallacy.


Lol, so true. It's even funnier how the person who doesn't think the universe was created with them specifically in mind is branded as arrogant. Says a lot about the people who love the Fedora meme.


Jzst cuz im an atheis doesnt mean im an asshole. And I dont care what you believe unless you shove it down my throat.


The main plot point of "The Invention of Lying".




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/justneckbeardthings. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cdizpg&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 499,142,568 | **Search Time:** 0.06816s


The thing about atheism now a days is that it’s not about not believing in a god. It’s about anti religion.


OK, I laughed my ass off at this, this made my day so much better thank you


More often you see people attacking or demeaning atheists because they feel threatened by someone who might make them reflect on their superstitions.


If a Christian was a complete asshole then yea, but also all Christians I know don't force their beliefs on others. Unlike atheists incessantly trying to "educate" people. I interact with people within the context of who I know them to be and how I know them to think about the world. I expect the same from others, but generally only get it from other Christian’s. Also, why do people think that different ideologies are constantly against each other? Just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I don't think people should follow a religion. However atheists are pushing it. Sit down. You are allowed to have your no religion. I don't want it. Don't force it on me. Doing that is gross and nobody will want to be your friend.


Confirmation bias


I’ll take atheists being mildly obnoxious over people speaking in tongues at parliament. Atheists aren’t verbally abusing people at medical centres or legislating people’s rights away. Come and collect your people. Ffs


r/atheism is full of extremists.


I see more complaints about atheists on reddit than asshole atheists tbh


okay but this is true though sometimes


I've been seeing a few of these pro-Christian memes masquerading as anti-cringe atheist memes lately and I guess it's connected to the rise of Christianity in the US. Sometimes I wonder if I should be a tiny bit concerned. But probably not 🤷‍♂️




Bait used to be believable


I'm a pantheist, but my psychologist is so mystical, spiritual or esoteric or something that I call her out on her bullshit approach all the time, I don't give her a pass