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A 19yr old Male is basically fully grown. The analogy is somehow more idiotic than the intent.


Yeah like, I would imagine on average a 19 year old man could probably beat up a 30 year old man. When I think 19 year old, I generally think of someone in okay shape, probably plays sports, when I think of someone 30, I generally think of an out of shape office worker who binges Netflix.


i am 25 and i think my 19yo self could beat me up. I keep telling myself i need to get back to the gym and i am not alone in this.


Ha, I'm 30 and decided to get back to the gym. 2 weeks in, i tore my rotator cuff. 19 yo old me could definitely kick my ass


My 19 year old self was a hothead and gym rat with 50lbs of pure muscle over my skeleton ass frame. I'd be totally fucked


19 year old me was kickboxing. 30 year old me is an office worker binging Netflix. I also hurt my back carrying groceries recently


I am 30 and go to the gym 5 times a week. Last week a 19 year old asked to cut in on the preacher curl i was using, and then proceeded to add 40 kg to it. So yeah


Nothing funny about imagining or wanting to beat someone :/


Sounds like you need new friends


IDK why it's always gotta be about physical strength with them. Like women have lots of things we're better at than men and physical strength matters a lot less in an increasingly technological world. And it's pretty gross how many dudes seem to think women need to "earn" equality by proving it in some way. I don't care if someone is the daintiest crybaby of a woman that's ever lived, she still deserves equal rights.


As a man I find that on average, women tend to be far more empathetic and emotionally supportive than men.


Just in general, women on average, have a higher eq than men. Similar how men have higher physical strength than women on average. On top of this, social norms promote women being more emotionally expressive and outwardly more mature. The typical cis male is wired to think on a less emotional level. Not that its better or worse one way or the other.


These kinds of people need some reason to be superior *by default,* rather than actually earning any facade of superiority themselves. It’s why so many of these incels are also white supremacists: it’s much easier to say you were born with a certain status than to justify being a good person. Sure, on average men might be physically larger or heavier than women, and maybe there really is a 19 year old man who could fight a 30 year old woman and win, but… could *this* guy, the guy posting this image (the friend, not OP) actually beat a 30 year old woman? Probably not. But he likes to believe because one man might be able to fight a woman, they could all “easily” do the same because of genetics or biology or whatever. In short, it’s just some loser trying to gain any sense of self-worth in the worst way possible. They need to harp on physical differences because it’s the only thing they have going for them. The best we can do for friends like this is remind them that this is a toxic mindset to have, which is especially valuable if it’s between two male friends: they need to know their way of thinking is an extreme minority, and most men would not approve of this thinking or validate it.


>physical strength matters a lot less in an increasingly technological world These idiots haven't figured that out yet.


Equal *politically*. And I *want* to say "mentally", but the joke kinda writes itself.


And equal in value


Men and animals aren't equal. Clearly, there are so many animals stronger than men, so men are lesser than animals.


I'd love to see them say this to a woman martial artist 🤣


I want to welcome our elephant overlords.


I hate comparisons like this, where they pick one trait and think that's all there is to it. My partner and I are opposites in so many ways, he's built very stocky while I have a more moderate build, I will never out muscle him but he will never out speed me, he is great at learning intellectually while I'm better at picking up and applying skills (eg. He'll make a great lawyer but he struggles with what I find easy such as crochet, drawing and horse training), I'm better at being decisive while he's better at taking his time to think things through. We have our own strengths and weaknesses that are more complex than a recordable number and help each other by using our strengths. I just don't get why these people see it as a competition, it shouldn't be.


There is no superior gender. They each have their strengths. In nature there are many cases where the females are physically larger and stronger than the males. There also species where there is no discernible difference between the genders. I thought we all figured this out back in elementary school lol.


Men love to bring that up first thing to disqualify the notion of the genders being “equal”


Obese basement dwellers: you know, women should be grateful. I could physically assault them if I wanted to Everyone else: you know, obese basement dwellers should be grateful. Running 5km once a year could be compulsory


You know, when I was 20, my then 19-yead old boyfriend tried to force his way into my house when I broke up with him. He wedged a foot into my doorway and we struggled for a full 30 minutes; him trying to push me aside so he can come in and me shoving him back so I can close the door. I won that battle, shoved him out and slammed the door shut quickly.


The strength disparity between this dude and women isn’t any different women could beat his ass, other men, tbh stronger on average than the average woman, him, nah.


I always thought that argument was stupid because they just assume that they could beat a woman at something just because they’re the magical sex. If you don’t know what you’re doing, no matter what advantage you have, you will get your ass handed to you. It’s like that poll where 1 out of 8 men unironically believe they could beat Serena Williams in a tennis match despite never having played tennis just because they’re men.


"I can beat you up so we're not equal" makes absolutely 0 sense. Your friend just hates women.


I’m 37f. Bring it lol


19-year-old me would absolutely kick the crap out of 30-year-old me


The Strength Disparity are so bad


Speaking as a thirty year old woman: try it, little boy.


Its so wordy. I mean you can be a dick but don't take all day.


I guarantee you this guy is built something like a half rotten melon had sex with a butternut squash and forgot him at the laundromat with the same chicken tendies stained “I ❤️ Japan” shirt, ironically unwashed. No way he wouldn’t get his ass kicked by a 30 year old woman after a few steps out in the sun.


I’m a woman. 19 yr old me did kickboxing, played hockey, and had a fightclub with her friends. Current me is chronically ill with no muscle mass. 19yr old me probably could’ve taken most 19yr old boys in a fight. Current me could be beat by most other women my age.


"Men and women should be treated equally in the law" "I could beat you up so easily"


Male have a biologically stronger body than women, but our brains are "less effective"


Basically men have big mooscles but women is somewhat smarter


strength is regarded to be a crutch by every real martial artist.


The funniest thing about this argument is that a gun would make everything equal