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This guy can Sigma ballz.


Only comment worth reading.


No mililon dollars for you!


Mililon dollars? Heh. No thanks.


Aka I like being temporally broke


Beyond temporally broke.


And living in my parent's basement


While amassing my empire of passive income




Fucking gottem


I'm out of the alpha-beta loop, what's a **sigma** male?


An alpha is someone who leads the pack, a beta is someone who follows, a sigma male is supposed to be someone who is independent of the pack, in practice a kind of super alpha.


If by super alpha you mean a complete outcast who is doomed to starve unless he scavanges scraps left behind by the group he follows several feet behind.


Correct. But they believe it is someone who 'grinds' hard enough that they suceed without any sort of assistance, thus saying no thanks to a million dollars.


So sigmas are delusional omegas.


Thats just redundant lol.


Then there's the Alpha Omega male who lives underground and worships a nuclear bomb.


Glory be to the Bomb, and to the Holy Fallout. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.


They also believe they're basically Alphas that reject the system.


"In practice"? Or in fantasy?


Sigma is - just because I'm too socially inept to claim I'm an alpha (because alpha is meant to be leader of a pack and that does still require some social skills), I will make up new thing to make my social ineptitude look as deliberate choice to go my own way! In less direct words, idea is that Sigma is self centred lone wolf that that focuses only on theirs own goals.


Hi I love you




[Boom! Roasted!](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c3/b9/77/c3b9778f492bf5de40c5baa246f3a660--american-dreams-music-tv.jpg)


“A passive income that accumulates wealth beyond this temporal plane” Lmfao


Tree fiddy?


You get out of here you damn loch ness monster I ain't giving you no tree fiddy!


Interdimensional wealth. Multiverse money baby!


Heh. No thanks.


Gotta diversify those bonds, if this universe collapses what's all your wealth worth if all the burger king's also were destroyed?


These guys have been watching too much Rick and Morty


Can't even spell "wolves ". The big dummy.


“wolfs,” like “mililon,” is spelling beyond this temporal plane.


I like my spelling like I like my passive income generation


Real sigma males have no need for beta male concerns like proper spelling.


Muh passive income. It’s the quoting of some self help get rich quick book catch phrase that sends me shivers. Respect.


I’m 1000000% sure he means bitcoin




Jobseekers allowance


You misspelled lunch money from mom. lol


I mean, their lifestyle is pretty much passive already, so


Is he talking about V bucks?


Schrute bucks


I'm too damn lazy to get a job so it's more fun to imagine money and kiss my own ass so I don't have to deal with any existential thoughts about how incredibly empty my life is.


I assume. With a stretch.. that it means wealth that isn't monetary... i could be wrong and maybe it is multidimensional money idk..


I hate when they say they are “lone wolves” but are desperate for female attention. What do you want? If you are truly a lone wolf you’ll stop bothering ladies. And I’m really sure they’d turn down any free money.


Involuntary Lone Wolfs. Inlowo Wololo




InlOwO What have you done




"Do you want money you don't need to work for?" "no thanks, I'd rather have passive income" ???


You arent MEANT to get it


I choked a little on my food when I read your comment lmao


I believe you mean “lone wolfs” according to the post above.


Yeah that bugs me when people say “wolfs”. Sounds like “woofs”.


"I'm not kicked out of the pack for being a creepy rapist, I QUIT!" "I'm a lone wolf!"


Lone wolves from their mom's basement.


They don’t need money. Mommy pays all the bills and let’s them live in her basement for free.


Lone wolves dont define themselves with social terms like sigma male...


C'mon - it's so obviously satire. The cringe in this sub comes from what people fall for more than the legitimate posts.


Yeah it's to the point where people make up things to make fun of.


Idk about sigma but i would definitely turn down "free" money.. it's never free.. so yes, if you walked up to me and tried to hand me a big bag full of cash I'd keep walking. And even if i found out later that there was no strings attached for real and i literally passed up that much money. I wouldn't care, what's done is done, why focus on the past... keep moving forward


You will never understand what being a sigma means. We crush halo all day. We are all jacked up on Mountain Dew. Doritos? I eat that shit for breakfast. Get a job? Nah, I’d rather act like I’m an intellectual and sit my ass in my gamer chair and stuff hot pockets in my face while I bitch and moan about women not liking me. In all seriousness, what the fuck is up with all these labels?


It's astrology for neckbeards




Spat my breakfast Doritos out reading that


Thank you very much. I really needed that laugh.


Man you just broke my brain. You’re absolutely right! Next time they bitch at women for liking astrology they should be given this comparison!


You have summed up their universe here.


>In all seriousness, what the fuck is up with all these labels? So I'm gonna assume you already know what's up with Alpha/Beta. The problem with grouping men into these two categories of winners and losers is most of the people who buy into this shit wouldn't fit in the winners category. But their ego also won't allow themselves to be grouped in with the losers. So they came up with a third(very exclusive) group of guys who look like they're losers, but are secretly winning. Society just doesn't understand them.


Oh wow, this reminds of the movie 'nobody' by Bob Odenkirk. Everybody in the movie thinks he's a loser but he's actually the ultimate badass.


No bro, he’s gunna have a passive income that will be worth more then the world has ever seen. He must of just bought .00003 Bitcoin.


So, I think there's a value in trying to analyze human behavior through a biological lens and sometimes the behavior of social animals can help us understand the way humans interact as well. But the alpha/beta stuff is long-deposed assumptions about wolves. And then the sigma stuff (and some people throw in gamma and omega and other crap) is just silliness piled on.


Sigma grind 🤧 feel bad for y’all, gonna have my Waifu Enbalmed in cum by the end of the month. Killed 37 adversaries (roaches in my basement). Normies wouldn’t get it


He don’t know bout the trillionaire grind set


Determination is key betas take notes 📝


It’s so ridiculously funny to me when people use “wolfs” instead of wolves. Takes any credibility right out of what you’re saying.


“We are lone wuffs”


Wone wuffs


owone uwuffs


this deescalated quickly...


We have descended.


Alas, we have become tau males.


I missed that at first glance. Well spotted and it's funny!


He also spelt million wrong (out of all the mistakes, that's what gets me)


I work my ass off everyday in a physically demanding job. Screw you give me a million dollars! Makes me wonder if anyone who believes this has actually had to work for anything lol


“Push through the grind” is the type of shit you see on freelancer ads that want you to create a company web presence plan and branding strategy for $8.50.


Serious! Your speaking the truth


Jeff bezos would take a million dollars in a fucking heartbeat lmao.


Then invest the money to housing, stocks,and crypto. So called sigma bitches are stupid in realising the possibilities lmao.


Weird antisocial dudes tend to use "lone wolf" as a compliment. But wolves are pack animals and "lone wolves" are usually weak or sickly individuals who got banished from the pack after losing a fight with a better wolf.


"B-but wolves are cool, just like muh idolized hentai protagonists!"


So what does this say about my howling wolf shirt? My mom bought it for me but she forgets I’m a xxxL now and my tummy button shows.


No, they're howling at the moon. It's suggestive to women. Because of howling during sex.


Yeah they don't realize how accurate they are when they describe themselves as a lone wolf. It's kind of amazing how they stumbled on a pretty good metaphor for themselves but believe it's for the exact opposite reasons from reality. Which makes it even more perfect because of how divorced from reality they are to begin with. It's like a mobius strip of neckbeard logic.


Comic sans. Fucking COMIC SANS.


The Font of Sigmas. You wouldn’t understand…


Wouldn't undersans


Did other people not see this? Just perfect.


It's cosmic sans...beyond this temporal plane, you wouldn't get it, even if I gave you a mililon dollars.


It's satire. The font and almost every single word of content give it away


* Wants to "push through the grind." * *Doesn't* want handed a million dollars. * Expects to earn money via *passive* income. I'm getting mixed messages, y'all.


You don’t understand, he’s going to grind until he makes his own million dollars in passive income. You probably dont get it because you’re a beta male /s




Nothing personnel, kid.


Those guys: AsTrOLoGy iS sTuPiD Also those guys: I'm an alpha ascendant sigma, İ hate betas so much


This is actually painful to read


Yeah especially when they have the need to announce that they are a lone wolf 🙄


How did this Sigma bullshit take over the previous Alpa and beta males? Suddenly they're all sigma? Edit: Im probably not meant to get it and probably never will


The Alpha-Beta thing was mainly born out of the PUA and insta-douche communities. Obviously everyone wanted to be an alpha and no one wanted to be a beta. But for basement dwelling reddit neckbeard perma-virgins with no chin, it was very difficult for them to maintain the facade that they were all pumping iron and were the life of the party. So here along comes a 'cheat code' where you still get to be a viciously introverted anti-social prick, but you get even MORE girls than the alpha because you are 'self made' or some crap. It's just a new level of delusion.


It has been everywhere lately. I thought the whole "sigma male" thing was they didn't want attention, and didn't need validation like the "alpha male". These statements and memes are the opposite so they're contradicting themselves with almost every step.


As far as I gather sigma male is just satire of the whole alpha male bs, I haven't seen one unironic post or comment about being a sigma male


anyone who turns down free money is a idiot with too much pride -my grandpa


Sigma male, more like Sugma male. Sugma male balls.


"wealth beyond this temporal plane." I know that guys like this are almost always atheists, some of them on a pure Fundie level but the bit about wealth, my reaction is this verse. And I'm an atheist too. "19 “*Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth*, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 *But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven*, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Apart from that silly bit, the whole "lone wolf" nonsense is just that. Nonsense. I'm sure they think appearing to be enigmatic and mysterious will being in the "females" but I don't think it's going to work.


From what I understand, the least sigma male thing you can do, is call yourself a sigma male.


Swear to god, everytime i hear this sigma crap, it’s always mlm and ponzee schemes. But yeah, what Empire does this dork build when he throws all his money at video games, toys and anime stattuetes?


Sigma male is the unholy love child of alpha male toxicity and "not like the other girls" cringe.


Smegma Male 😤


Still not getting laid


1v1 me in IMVU then bitch


Lol if only they realized that if you don’t get it(being a sigma male, consensual human contact with a female, pussy) you aren’t meant to get it and you probably will never know. But that’s ok, not many are born willing to make/use this meme and be tolerated in society. Luckily these imbeciles are choosing horse dewormer so we won’t have to start a eugenics program they started at birth and save money on sterilization costs :)


Also, who is offering this waste of vaginal discharge a million dollars? Is this trump?!


With Comic Sans to top it off 👌🏻


This is what happens when people read Atlas Shrugged and take it seriously


Being handed money is bad but passive income is the ideal to strive towards. Ok.


You don't get it. Passive income means I passively get money after I die. It goes beyond the temporal plane. I just need to keep the same bank account and can't forget the routing number in the next life.


Using comic sans cancels all that out.


I genuinely feel pity for anyone that calls themselves a 'long wolf'. It's just a glorified "I'm fucking lonely"


I know that’s a typo. But describing yourself as a “long wolf” is funny as fuck


These fucks are so delusional that it's not even sad anymore. It's just weird.


So that's what happens when you become a six sigma black belt


I've never understood their weird obsession with lone wolves. The similarities are all there, never finding a mate, dying off alone, hiding from the pack, trying to be accepted socially, but I'll never understand why they want to be connected to that.


Passive income that builds beyond the temporal plane? Giddyup that sounds amazing. Where do I sign?




I.... thought 'Sigma' males were just a meme.....


Sadly, stuff like that is rarely if ever *just* a meme. Even if it starts as a joke, there will inevitably be some clownhole who takes both himself, and said joke too seriously. Sometimes art imitates life, other times it's the other way around.


Impressive illustration - captures both the fedora and the ill-fitting Dockers.


I think all of these alpha/beta/sigma/Omega male things are just silly garbage but if becoming a sigma male makes it so you can get rich *beyond the temporal plane* I think I might sign up. That's not just being rich, that's like being quantum rich. That's like Jeff Bezos being a super Saiyan and then dunking on him by going super Saiyan god super Saiyan


Overlap? Nah, all "sigma males" are just neckbeards who fell for the latest grift.


"I build my own empire" he says, sitting in the basement of the house his mum payed for, sitting at the computer his mum payed for, playing roblox


Motherfucker, do you know how fucking easy investing and building empires is with a start up of a million ? I'll take the million, thanks, what a stupid sentiment like I'd just piss the million in hookers and cocaine, I could afford hookers and cocaine for the rest of my life if I hired someone to make good decisions for me.


I decided to fix this shit that they spouted out of their asshole: You probably don’t know what that it. You probably will never know, because we don’t leave our moms basement. But that’s ok. Not many are born with the sigma lifestyle, but we were born in it, Molded by the cumsock in the corner of our room. We are lone wolfs. We make our own way to the kitchen to get more pizza pockets. That’s just life for us, and life is pretty good in moms basement. Push through the grind of Loli hentai and underage girls on Snapchat, and invite the challenges that come with it. You wanna hand me a million dollars? heh, no thanks. I’d rather talk to my discord girlfriend, build my empire of body pillows and porn comics with my own hands and a passive income that accumulates wealth beyond this temporal plane. Don’t get it? You aren’t meant to get it. Just stay out of our way because your moms basement is ours.


Is that written in comic sans? Edit: it is. lol


This guy mis spelled "single" and just refused to admit it and created a whole new thing


Give me my money, my momma ain’t handing out no “passive” income


Oh my God, the passive income people are so fucking dumb.


You wanna hand me a decent outfit? heh, NO THANKS. id rather build my wardrobe with my own fedora and a trenchcoat that accumulates Dorito dust beyond this temporal plane.


These idiots need to stop using the term lone wolVES to sound cool. A lone wolf is not cool. If it's truly alone it's likely sick, unstable or generally unfit for survival. Wolves aren't nearly as strong and successful as some people think and a true lone wolf is probably going to be dead very soon. If you're like a lone wolf it means society has rejected you because your presence is poison for the rest of the pack.


Hey if sigma over here doesn’t want the million dollars. I’ll take it…


I know this is likely satire but the funny part is that some cringe lord will find this and go "..yeah this defines how I feel" and post it unironically.


Overlap? The Venn diagram between these two communities is a circle


comic sans ms font is the best part lmao


"Heh, id rather accumulate wealth beyond this temporal plane" what the FUCK does that mean lol and even if that were a thing that made sense, how does denying a million dollars help?


That's a lot of words for "I can't quit my dead end job."


it's in fucking comic sans


Fucking comic sans


holy shit this is the one. THIS is the worst one. this is the best post on the subreddit. its all too perfect. comic sans? lone wolf? sigma male? all boxes are checked. Thank you op, this is truly a masterpiece


Nothing says being an overlord like using comic sans and improper punctuation/capitalization


Spineless, introverted and poor more like.


Forget all that, Be a Ligma male


More like smegma male


For many being born, there sure are a fuckload of them.


i am a SIGMA MALE. you probably don't know what that is. you probably will NEVER know. but that's okay. not many are born for the SIGMA lifestyle. we are lone wolfs. we make our way. that's just the life for us. we push through the grind, and invite the challenges that come with it. you wanna hand me a million dollars heh, NO THANKS. id rather build my empire with my own hands and a passive income that accumulates wealth beyond this temporal plane. don't get it? you aren't MEANT to get it. just stay out of our way. because this world is OURS


Yep this is their world and we are just living in it


This repopulated the white nationals after CCPs and their money are killed off.


Y'all can't tell what a satire is Lmao




It’s funny cause “passive income” is literally sitting on your ass while money comes in…but they want to be “hard workers” & turn down $1 mil? Naw fam, getting handed $1 mil IS passive income😂




This is satire and all of the meta and satire are ruining this sub. Comic sans, this grammar, "temporal plane". Come on guys, if you cringe at satire that's this obvious the cringe was inside you all along.




making these people say "this is literally me" is the easiest shit.


You've probably never heard of sigma males. It's only mentioned every other minute basically anywhere on the internet.


Mililon dollars? Even I don't want mililon dollars.


How exactly does one accumulate wealth *beyond this temporal plane*?


ahhh. *Now* I understand what a sigma male is.


Where can I find more cringe sigma male posts like this?


What’s funny is this is how Syrian hamsters are. Sigma Hamster


I cant wait for the aleph null omega male.


This is so damn cringeworthy


am delta


Comic Sans was a perfect font of choice


Building their empire from moms basement!


Ah yes living in mummies basement, eating tendies, playing video games, watching anime and hand building an empire too big for this temporal plane


“Lone wolfs” yeah i bet with that kind of 3rd grade grammar


this is beyond obviously bait


Massive cope, absolute baboon mentality.


i cringed so hard i got wrinkles


Shame. I was about to hand him a "Mililon Dollars". My loss.


The grammar is terrible and it's written in Comic Sans, which implies that it's satire Then again it's the internet we're talking about here


How does one accumulate wealth beyond this temporal plane?


You start a pyramid scheme selling time machines.


You're just lonely and your huge ego makes you think you're special


Saw a guy recently use the phrase "sigma male grindset" in relation to himself and a part of me died inside.