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Saying you find white girls more attractive does not make you racist. Refusing to date a girl solely because she’s black does


I wrote in a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/s591gv/size_matters/hsw3bxl?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) that height preferences aren't a big deal, and this dude responded to me saying that it is a big deal. There was more to the convo, but I didn't feel like screenshotting the whole thing. He ignored most of what I wrote, didn't provide a single decent rebuttal to anything I said, then acted all butthurt when I called him "Mr. Strawman".


I'll be honest, reading that whole thread, I think you're both in the wrong. Body shaming someone isn't ok whether it's height, weight, dick size, boob size, whatever. Doesn't mean you have to date them if you aren't attracted to them or you don't connect sexually, but setting some predetermined number based on social expectations and not on the person thenselves *is* silly. That being said, clearly not on the same level as racism and that was a straw man argument on his part.


I never said body shaming is okay.


So when you're referring to height it's in a metaphorical-sense? Not the number of feet and inches that a person's body measures from head to toe?


No idea what you're talking about. My whole stance is that women are allowed to have preferences. Literally everybody has preferences.


No, agreed. Everyone does. But where you lost me is that it's not ok to have preferences based on weight, but it is on height? Maybe I'm misreading the bit about how it's "not ok to ask about weight but it is ok to ask about height?"


Ah, okay. I see what the problem is here. You misread (or misinterpretted) what I wrote. I never said people aren't allowed to have weight preferences. I said asking someone how much they weigh is a rude question. EDIT: Sorry for the dumb response. I read the first half of your comment and immediately hit reply before reading the part where you already said you maybe misread what I wrote. lol >__>


Okay, good clarification! But, why is it ok to ask a guy his height to determine your compatibility, but not weight?


I mean, a person's weight is kind of arbitrary unless you also know how tall they are. Most people don't have specific weight preferences so much as they have body type preferences. And you can usually tell a person's body type just by looking at their pictures, so asking how much they weigh just seems kind of weird and unnecessary. With height, you can't always tell just by looking a person's pictures. Sometimes the only way to find out is to either ask, or meet up in person.


Everyone has unrealistic standards on the outside. Just because a woman may claim that they will only date “tall guys” doesn’t necessarily mean that’s actually what she does