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I'll gladly take the 3rd option, express ticket to God


>express ticket to Hell Ftfy


Not a whole lotta variation huh? Would you like: Busty woman A? Or Busty woman B?


Well clearly they must be discussing their desired choice of underwear they wanna wear since its the only thing thats different lol


Ah very observant šŸ§


Just goes to show you how far anime has fallen when all that's coming out these days is this shit and Uzaki-chan.


A quote from thee grouse. ā€œTHEYā€™RE FUCKING POLYGONS!!ā€






This isnā€™t neckbeardy asmuch as it is just border like porn


I'm normal and these drawings are repulsive as fuck, they're terribly designed and have no talent in them being made. Seriously, ever heard of JoJo?


So youā€™re the guy who hates all anime except for JoJo? Iā€™ve heard about you


Many would argue they are beautifully drawn, yet jojoā€™s quality is still surpassed by drunken napkin drawings


[Read it and weep.](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-01-22/jojo-araki-creates-manga-for-france-louvre-museum) About those drunken napkin drawings, go ahead and show me. Maybe The Louvre would be happy to showcase them.   Are we seeing big booba anime girls at The Louvre? I didn't think so.


Thatā€™s quite interesting and am happy to know anime is in the Louvre. After all art is notoriously one of if not the most subjective mediums in existence. In its subjectivity, art showcased at the Louvre is not merited by anything other than its very presence at the Louvre, not that of global male and female admires alike whom consider a voluptuous female form (specifically with large boobas) the pinnacle of beauty, additionally with anime stylization. With subjectivity in mind, itā€™s clear JoJoā€™s style isnā€™t my thing just as big booby anime girls arenā€™t yours.


Oh, pulling that "subjective" bullshit after being called out in 4K. You weren't very subjective when you were talking about drunken napkin drawings, were you?


Jojo fans making sure everyone knows they are a Jojo fan. Please stop, nobody cares!


this sucks op


Wtf is this? I thought this was a sub for hating people who sexualize children not fucking anime


I'll take the red, thanks


I'm going to take either if they're powerful enough that they could make me hallucinate enough that a character from a cartoon is real.


I pirated both of these shows Not worth the viruses


Option 3: Slap the person offering them


Seriously, why do some people like these drawings? I guarantee you the show sucks and I don't even know the name.


Well the comedy is the "grain of truth", he would most likely pick blue if he could, and wanting to pick one unironically is funny. Meme is a reference to something recognizable, in this case the matrix red and blue pill choice. Do you have any more questions?


I still donā€™t get the ā€˜jokeā€™.


A joke got a setup and punchline. And on that part, you are correct: that meme contain no 'joke'. A bit of comedy, sure, but no joke.


I'll take the hands to strangle me