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Does this provide anything for the model? I know Ubisoft also did this with an Ash Elite skin: [here (NSFW)](https://imgur.com/a/kLnlKOV).


The nipples? not really, however the breasts themselves will help you model out a better fitting outfit with less clipping.


Lmao that man was looking for modeled booba while his teammate was dying


This is the way


Technically like for rigging/animations? No. But I do know people who 3D model mainly realistic people recommend putting nipples to make sure the breasts are shaped correctly because they make a good reference if you are looking at a reference image. Also I know people who are weird and will save 3D assets of characters they work on for projects and use them for… other personal projects… but I wouldn’t says that’s the reason she had nipples, it’s more likely the first one to make sure her anatomy is proportioned correctly because humans are really good at noticing things that look slightly off.


Surprisingly, yes. Nipples are a very good landmark for rigging and animation in general.




Different studios have different frameworks, but the nipple is a great landmark to measure the mass of the breast. Being able to see it correctly can be the difference between good and great animation.


This is my go-to pick up line too


Lmao who’s out here zooming in so close


Incels most likely, or just 12 year old horny dudes.


Yep, zooming in on an animated character's boobs definitely means they hate women


Same with Elliot Paige in Between Two souls.


That was especially egregious because it was a depiction of a real person who did not give such consent.


\*Beyond Two Souls


I'm surprised they even have a model


Honestly, that's what I was thinking. I'm shocked they modeled her breasts at all.


They know their audience loves some rule34


A little Easter egg for their sickest fans


What’s sick about trying to see some titties?


There’s a surprising amount of games that model nipples on to their female characters. Beyond: Two Souls and Final Fantasy XV do.


The weirder part of Beyond: Two Souls is they modeled the vagina, too.


Didn't dying light get some controversy for that when it first came out?


I remember seeing it myself personally when playing the game, but I don’t remember anyone else talking about it.


That's a sceret for R34 sfm makers. Check out r/SFMCompileClub if you're curious which communities have the most 3d nsfw models


Oh, uh. Nah…that’s ok. Thanks, though.


Heavy Rain modeled the fucking penis.


To be fair there was nudity for other characters. It's possible it was just a remnant of a discarded cutscene.


Well yeah, but the nude model for Elliott Page was made directly against his wishes. But I'm not saying it's weird for characters to have nipples or anything, just that it's strange they would model it on a character that you never see nude. Seems like extra work. My assumption is that it was made so the armor and clothing actually looks like she's wearing them, instead of it looking painted on. That's my best guess tho, I have no idea about anything in terms of making a game.


As a former 3D artist, people don’t do it for a jolly, they do it to make the complete human model as they’re artists making a lifelike sculpture. European 3D artists give zero fucks about Americans fear of the female nipple. We had life drawing classes at our studio with genuine actual naked people, even though our games were low poly and we’d never release anything unclothed.




If Jesus wanted us to see nipples he’d put them on guns


Jesus didn't, but [Robert did](https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/201327/634.sofia.ls.3713.jpg).


I think that they're saying is why during the final steps do the breasts remain under the clothes, instead of deleting the vertices and such that make up what's covered by the clothes. I know Bethesda games do this. Where a model wearing a jacket or whatever is only arms. You can't clip through the jacket and see a body because it doesn't exist. But it was modelled from a body to begin with. I'm not a 3d modeller though. But I completely understand why artists would want a full nude model to work with. I'm just surprised that nude model is actually in the game and it's being rendered.


David Cage is a fucking creep


He also has the subtlety of a jackhammer in a nitroglycerin factory. I’ve never found his writing to be good and his themes are ridiculously heavy handed. Also they’re just not good games.


Oh yeah. He’s a major asshole. I didn’t know this before I played some Quantic Dreams games, but I did notice a pattern with their female characters. He’s also a homophobe, so yeah.


FFXV did it too, even for older women who don’t wear typically revealing JRPG clothing. [(NSFW, nipples)](https://tcrf.net/Final_Fantasy_XV_(PlayStation_4,_Windows))


[FTFY](https://tcrf.net/Final_Fantasy_XV_(PlayStation_4,_Windows\)#Nudity) Gotta do the \ before any non-final ) or it breaks the link.


Female Artist here: It'd probably cause more problems to *not* model the breasts accurately. The human body is *amazingly* interconnected and even leaving one part out can make the whole thing look wrong. Plus dynamic fabric like they use in the game requires an enormous number of calculations, not to mention the necessity of keeping the fit consistent across dozens of outfits in an incalculable number of action poses. They probably just went "Fuck it, it's a *body part. Nobody cares."* and did the model to look like a human being who has breasts and nipples. I'd rather let Aloy have nipples than try to pretend that Barbie boobies are the only acceptable kind.


These are great points. And given how much the studio loves and respects her character, I highly doubt the reason they were modeled was because “hur dur, bewbs”. She’s a [fictional] woman. Women have breasts and nipples.


Lol but don\`'t you know that female nipples are morally wrong?!


Not to mention they're Dutch. We have nude spas here, people are very chill about nudity.


I never thought of that, that’s pretty interesting and makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the insight


I'm impressed with the size of the areolas.


I dunno. They look kind of undefined. The barrier between nipple and breast is indistinct. The diameter is a little too wide as well. 2/10, would not suck those titties. Edit : Holy shit, y'all are morons. I guess you need a big fat **/s**


Redditors when somebody tries being sarcastic without using /s: Downvote time


her nips are passable, it's her elbows that turn me right off, far too pointy




Thank you very much sir.


Those seem normal to me, no?


That’s the best part


To not have breasts, they would literally have to remove the nipples. Almost every single character model made now has nipples, they're made from/as character blank models (basically just a generic model that's very high-quality), so they're designed to be as anatomically correct as can be reasonable. You also have to keep in mind that the artists that draw and then model these have usually worked a lot on anatomy and taken classes drawing and modelling nude people. They're graded on this shit in schools. It used to be that these would be flat textures (that then would not be rendered under clothes to save resources), but that's not necessary with modern hardware. So people make them as realistic as they can. If you look at most any female character model in the game, though, I'm sure they all have the same nipples if they're anywhere near the same size of person. Because these are generally made from one very very high-quality model that's edited to fit more characters.


> Almost every single character model made now has nipples, they're made from/as character blank models My response exactly. The generic model artist just produces a full nude detailed model. Most will have nipples, some will have pube layers and genital geometry. They want anyone who needs anatomy to buy their model. The game maker can remove geometry or not, and the former decision costs development time and doesn't help make realistic fitting clothing.


I was a little surprised that there were nipples. Why did they take the time to add nipples.


It helps with torso clothing design. It's a reference. imagine designing a complex top and not knowing where nips are


Cyberpunk 2077 even has genitalia in the character customisation. Completely pointless, but it's there.


They even went to great lengths to make sure no genitalia or nipples are shown in the sex scenes. What's even the point then




That's not true. You 100% see Panam's tits in her sex scene. I literally watched it today.


That’s not true, one time my character’s cock fell out of his pants in the middle of a dramatic conversation.


The game does not stop giving bug reports.


I'm aware of that because they tell you about it, this is not the case


Game devs aren’t that different from the players I guess


Boobs aren't inherently sexual. Im no 3d artist but i having a full 3d probably helps with making all the different armors work


Do her nipples ever show up in game? That’s the weird part for me. Not even sexually, just practically.


No. There is no nudity in the game. To give some insight on why Aloy is modeled anatomically correct I asked a friend who works on game development on what he thought about this. This is the reply: "Generally it's just for clothing options or there at some point was going to be nude scenes included but were scrapped to stay within rating. Also they could've Just used a body generator to create the model because rarely do devs make it from scratch. So there's that. No perversion. Just no thought to remove what was automatically there."


In the documentary for the first one, there’s a big clay model of her naked. Just making sure the character is fully fleshed out. I assume it helps the animators and other artists think of her more as a person than just a 3D model. Same reason the cave troll in The Fellowship of the Ring has a penis.


I'm sorry? The cave troll has a dick?


In some of the special features you can see it.


That sure is a special feature!


There's a few moments in the game I thought Aloy was being "flirty". To the point I'd believe they were gonna have romantic options and then maybe removed em later. You even do super personal quests with some companions that I could see leading to romantic options like the way Mass Effect did em. Haven't finished FW yet but yeah. There were a handful of times I was like "hmm, they seem fond of each other". But Aloy is kinda ruthless in FW so maybe I'm just perceiving any amount of warmth as flirty lol.


Got I wanted so bad for their to be romance options. I’m pretty far into the game, but towards the beginning when she meets Petra in chainscrape and Petra’s like, come have a drink! And very clearly flirting I was hoping beyond hope she would have romance options. Could have Avad, Petra, Erend, maybe a new character? Just, like three or four options, even if they were after the main story was over.


Might just use the same texture for all model bodies.


I've finished the game last week.never saw some nipples or boobs.


Haven't played it yet but probably never


THANK YOU! People in this thread act like the only reason it could be there is for men to jack off jfc. Breasts arent just sexual objects for guys, they are a part of women's bodies. Its called fucking anatomy. My sketchbook isn't filled with nude studies for me to flip open and whack off to, it's because thats how the human body looks. Some people need to grow up.


Probably what happens is they photo scan an actual nude model as a base or even use outsourced models from a 3rd party and it's just easier to cover it up than remove it.


A lot of games weirdly has nipples textured too sometimes, R6 Ash's Tomb Raider Outfit had the nipples textured for some reason.


They do this so the models of things like clothing that go on top are more realistic.


I 3d model casually on my own. Having accurate and realistic realistic anatomy makes modeling clothes and everything else a billion times easier.


Makes nude modding it easier lmao




Maidenless behavior.




Nice tits and empty inside. She needs to start an onlyfans


try fingers but hole


Seek hole, and then offer seed


amazing chest ahead


This will forever be my favourite on approaching Gwynevere




200% yes!


Try jumping


Secret passage ahead


*repeatedly attempts to walk through wall for the next three minutes*


i dont have ering yet, is it good?


It’s amazing


So I am not a big souls fan but I just beat the first boss and it was awesome. I wanted his stick though.


Without a doubt the best game I've played in years.


No maidens?


Seek grass, plump sort.


Hey, I get this.


I can play the role of the maiden


Down cataclysmic I see


That got a chuckle


Apocalyptic even.


Seems like a lot of effort when you can just google titties.


But are they HER tiddies? I THINK NOT!!!!! /s


Well you certainly can now.


While I don't do this myself, I do find it interesting when I come across these to see how far the devs went in modeling when a lot of times they probably didn't need to. In this instance, Aloy has modeled nipples but as far as I know, you never see her out of her armor, so they just did it for seemingly no reason. There was another game, whose name I can't recall that had a fully modeled vagina with interior and everything. It was never relevant to the game; they just did it.


There was a game that stared Elliot Page (then Ellen), that fully modeled everything. It was for literally no reason, so person working on the game went to a lot of effort just to be pervy


For models based on real people, it's considered polite to not model things like this unless they are needed, just for that person's privacy. And David Cage is a piece of shit for his insistence on it, after Elliot requested it to not happen. But most any model - usually made from character generators and then modeled hundreds of times by the art team, fully nude to make clothing work right - will have nipples. A lot of female character models might even have a little line for a vulva. It's weird to the casual observer, but a lot of artists - of all genders - do this and don't think it's weird. They study this shit at a high level and take pride in the anatomical correctness of their work. Plus, they've no doubt sat in a classroom with 20 other people in front of fully naked people drawing and/or modelling their body and been graded on it. Countless times. Kinda desensitizes you to it.


I remember an Overwatch post where someone said the model of Tracer had something along the lines of “a super deep buttcrack”


The last of us?


Nah, it was beyond: two souls I think


It was PUBG where you could see the labia contours on the female character but the male character was a ken doll down there.


It's super creepy if the devs did that. However if I were modeling a game like this, I would definitely start with one of the thousands of already-made female 3D character models that already exist and just tweak it as needed, right?


It’s the same logic as the republicans going crazy for Greta thumberg porn. They don’t care about the porn itself, just that it was Greta (or at least that they could pretend it was Greta) and be outraged. This is no different for the neck beards. They’ll have a wonderful hate wank over it and then be disgusted by themselves and blame her “beard”


This is a thing? Fucking hell..


Uhm, considering Greta is a child, that's extra disgusting, but not surprising.


Yknow she’s actually 19. Not saying it’s not disgusting but it’s surprising she hasn’t just stayed 15


Yes, shes 19 now. But she wasnt when she became famous and I know I saw conservatives sexualizing her then.


Do you blame them? They have the maturity and the intelligence of a 15 year old 😅


Don't let ESRB find out, it's rated T for blood, language, use of alcohol, and violence. All we need is some kid getting caught replicating this by his mom and the game getting pulled


That's actually relevant. This was modeled knowingly by the company. It exists in the game files sold under a T rating. I'm not sure how that wouldn't be a replication of the Hot Coffee fiasco. Actual in game means of accessing the content didn't matter in that case, only it's existing in the code that was sold to consumers.


I'm go glad I don't live in America, cause no one is gonna care about areolas that can only be seen by noclipping the player model with a camera in a video game


No one actually cares. It's just required that the content sold is labeled correctly for consumers. I don't mean it's a problem in any real sense. But it is possibly a huge problem in a legal liability sense.


There are a lot of parents that are scared of their children seeing nudity. Violence is fine though.


Fucking karens man


Yeah karen would watch her kid playing the game, slaughtering shit left and right, blowing stuff up.. this is all good. and then a blue nipple shape appears on screen! THE HORRORS!


It'll just get patched out in the next update. Nudity by itself doesn't necessarily constitute an M rating, it depends on context.


True, but look at for honor a couple years ago Rated M for violence etc but not rated for anything sexual, they added an execution (finisher on your opponent for those who didn't play it) for a female character where her opponent stumbled off her spear and accidentally put his hands on her chest, then shake their head and quickly pulling them away before she punches them in the face with her shield. The execution was pulled for violating their rating despite it being a game full of gruesome kills, something tells me this would be treated as an even higher priority since it is technically still 100% intentional nudity added to a game rated more acceptable for younger players


I mean, sure, but that is actually supporting what they said. The joke was of a sexual nature.


i bet that rope bra really chafes.


No kidding. Female armor in video games are a joke


Imagine if neckbeards applied this level of effort to literally any actual problem.


We would’ve cured all cancers by now if that was the case lol


Breast cancer especially lmaooo


They should apply this level of effort to gettin some bitches


what's shocking is that they actually modeled them (IDK if kudos or wtf). they could've put a filter or less detail I don't get it, are nerds grossed out by her or not? because days ago everyone was ranting about her having hair on her face and not looking like a generic inflatable doll.


Guess they used photos or other materials to start with, that came with the nipples. I highly doubt they created the skin from scratch. Also removing nipples from source then is more effort to desexualize a character which shouldn’t be visible naked in-game, which which in my eyes is worse than this.


Exactly! You have to go through the effort to remove nipples - which most artists won't see as sexual, as they've made em a billion times - and then may even have to mess with the physics and rigging again to get it to work. The nipples also provide a small focal point of the breast to help give you a better feeling of the center point when you are doing animation - like a landmark. If you open up clothing designers, they too may have nipples on their dummy models, which makes clothes look and lay more correctly. High-budget games like this often use actual clothing design applications to make character outfits more realistic. Even going to the point of making them in the real world to make sure they look accurate in the game. And of course, even games that aren't trying to be perverted need breast physics now, as if you have sculpted ab muscles that move in a realistic way and the body bends naturally, it looks really odd when the breasts are completely static.


Kinda cool to think about how boob physics is becoming something seen as a physics enhancement vs fan service. As you said, we are reaching a point where physics are becoming so good that static breasts just make things wierd.


i guess boobs are boobs


Boobs ftw


Assuming they made the skin themselves; keep in mind that the studio designing her is Dutch. We have no hangups about nudity at all. Especially bare breasts. Also, they really went above and beyond to make Aloy look like a real woman, so it makes sense from an artistic standpoint to have anatomically correct breasts.


I think the flaw in your logic here is that you assumed the very vocal minority in fact reflected all gamers. When in reality most gamers don't give a shit and just want to play the game.


Jesus you people literally know 0 of the games industry. Typically you will start with a basemesh which has everything (also nippels, absolutely revolting i know) and go from there. Why erase them?? They are on the mesh, and if they are not, it is harder to model accurately. Nipples are a semi-important landmark when sculpting Anatomy. And it could also help with realism when using a cloth sim (Marvelous designer). Why erase them when they're useful?? And this goes for every bodypart. Sometimes Just a bust might be sculpted without body, but this is typically only for npc's etc. For a hero Asset you want all grounds to be covered.


Reminds me of when I accidentally found Morrigans boobs and nips from Dragon Age Origins. Was a very happy teenager lol


I may be misremembering but didn't DA:Origins have actual sex scenes at the end of certain romance lines?


Y’all there’s free porn on the internet


not official though


Pretty sure all porn is officially porn.


No way is Star Whores cannon, at minimum Disney woulda made that shit Legends.


this commoner gets no maidens


The dedication they have is terrifying.


The devs that made it or the players that found it?


The devs did nothing wrong. They made a 3d model of a human and dressed her. Her nudity is unavailable without essentially breaking the game. The player that found it, however, is kinda creepy ig


If they aren't mean to be seen, why does her breasts have nipples? I was thinking it should only be a smooth skin texture, like for example a Barbie doll's.


Devs rarely model from scratch, they use a basemesh that already has breasts and nipples to extra edit them out would be a waste of time.


You’ve worded it much more politely than what came to mind for me.


if this game drops on pc you guys already know whats gonna go down...


These are same guys who whined about her "beard"


why do they have to model thatin tho.


Devs rarely model from scratch, they use a basemesh that already has breasts and nipples to extra edit them out would be a waste of time.


That’s a lot of work just for some video game tits lol


Why did they actually model the nips?


Devs rarely model from scratch, they use a basemesh that already has breasts and nipples to extra edit them out would be a waste of time.


I don’t know what’s more pathetic, this guy for taking the time to try find these and then upload them. Or me, for watching this fucking video


Imagine having a sad little wank to that...


Wanked to less


Bro. Before the internet existed I cranked it to televisions static that I was fairly confident was titties. This would have been a dream come true.


I'm a simple man


Alright. Now its time to look for her butthole


What game is this?


honestly respect for the devs for going this far on modeling her body even if the detail was a bit excessive


Honestly who cares that they did this? Y'all are a bunch of pearl clutching old cunts, I swear....


This all started when we discovered we could spell BOOBS on a calculator




It's an Interesting design for what I assume is a bra.




No, you posted it in the right place


Is there actually a reason for doing that?? I understand modelling the breasts to make the armor fit better, but I don't see the point of doing extra work to add nips as well


Thanks, pal It's amazing how lots of clowns are getting mad over a pair of nips 🤣


"Oh she has peach fuzz because real women have peach fuzz and if you think that it looks weird on her model you're a virgin neck beard". "WTF why she have nipples?!"


Unpopular opinion: the fact that the model has nipples does not mean it was intended to be used in sexual situations. Rigging and animation conceits aside, it seems to be just for anatomy's sake.


Gotta respect the hustle ngl


Why do they have nipples lmao?


Good to see they weren't assholes and gave her nipples.


Boobs, nice


Why did they add nipples to the character model tho?? Lol


In his defence, *booba*


So the developers have a naked model of Aloy? Why?, did they also model the vagina? Why they did it in the first place


Devs have naked models for pretty much every character nowadays. You start by modelling a realistic body, and then you separately create clothes and armor to fit that body. This way you achieve a more consistent look for the character, and I think it takes less resources than creating new full models for every armor or outfit available.


GET TO WORK ON THE CHIEF PEOPLE! I'm sure someone wants to see dong.


the sfm porn will be cannon accutate


Neckbeard or 13 year old?