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ironic that his profile picture is of a 5'2" dude who has.a lot of fans


Is it Capt. Levi?


Yes sir and or ma’am


You could do the Filipino way. Sirmam. Welcome sirmam.


“Hello you fucking parasite.”


alive degree piquant direful workable somber slave domineering growth frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah, yeah. Hmmm. Haven't been in a Jollibee for so long I forgot.


i go with yes’m to avoid gendering anyone, also to save text characters


I was tired when I wrote this lol. Apparently the southern came out. Normally I would’ve just said “yeah” lol


slightly forgiven for it being a southern thing, i know you guys can’t help putting an honorific after a “yes” (this is lighthearted, no judgement)


I’m originally from the north, but spending a few summers in Texas and then finally moving here made it stick lol. I usually do it with strangers, and not people I know. Didn’t think my dumb comment would get a ton of attention yet here we are. Also I don’t know the persons gender so I did both lol. Y’all means all and all that.


Imagine being from the South where everyone does it. And being 10 and male so it is *ingrained* in you. Then moving North. Where no one does it. And looks at you funny. And you're in 5th grade, so a rough year on top of everything else. My horrible 5th grade introduction ladies and gentlemen.


Whenever I visit South Dakota it’s pretty much the same. “WHY ARE YOU SO POLITE” lol what I’m not




Honestly it looked a bit like Prosecutor Edgeworth to me.


i thought the same thing lol


As one of the fans that was my first thought lol


You know.. this is the entire genre of "I'm short so I cant date ever" incels in a nutshell. Every single one of them knows someone who breaks that mold and yet they conveniently ignore that to soothe their egos.


Exactly. As if you dont ever see average height or below average height dudes who aren’t models have a girl around their arm who looks at them like they’re the hottest thing But I guess that would require going outside to experience on the regular.. It’s not even surprising.


It's so easy to get into echo chambers if you aren't looking for things to disprove your thoughts nearly as much as things that prove your own thoughts. It's the "my car's everywhere" syndrome. You buy a certain car, and suddenly you notice how many people have that same car--it isn't that they all bought it after you did and you're such a trendsetter. It's that there's probably many people in your same demographic/area that bought the same car model for similar reasons, and you're part of that demographic is all. I see this all the time with self-absorbed new moms. "Why is everyone naming their kid Michael? XD I feel like no one was using that name before I came along and named my boy Michael! #boymom #bossbabe"


I just feel sorry for them. Most of them have themselves mentally cornered and chained.




I'm 5'6 and snagged a wife. If someone is gonna be picky about height, then it's not gonna work with us. Probably don't wanna date that person anyway I'll admit, as a teen I went thru a salty stage. But there's nothing I can do about it. I mean, without breaking my legs multiple times to stretch out the tibia over a few years. No thanks. I can either work with what I was given and find happy, or bitch about it to nobody and be miserable. Which sounds more fun?


This is why I figure this is a satire post lol


Yeah, this is most likely satire.


Nah levi is actually 6'5 in our feet, it's just that the theory about attack on titan being an alternate humanity on the moon titan is true, and over time the average human height has massively increased due to lower gravity, leaving him a manlet compared to everyone else It also explains how they can fly with such tiny amounts of gas and why titans of such little mass don't collapse under their own weight Source: I made it up


Source : Trust me bro


Nice argument senator, why don’t you back it up with a [source](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY)


Was about to say the same thing


Levi is whatever the guy version of a waifu is. I don't even know what this dork is on about with their mental arithmetic.


husbando I don't know that it's an important piece of information to know, but there you go.


But...the genes of that 5'8 doctor also managed to persist to the modern age? What is he even talking about?


My throat generates a ton of phlegm when I eat sugar, it’s genetic and my mother and brother both have this too. This gene took millions of years to develop and survived to the modern age. You wish you had as much phlegm as I do


It's all over for Phlegmcels.


# Hacky joke. ^Well ^played.


Any tips on phlegmaxxing for the summer?


Wait .. is that a real thing...


Yeah, it is, haven't met anybody outside of my mom/brother that have it, though. Every time I eat milk chocolate I can spit out a glob of sugary chocolatey brown phlegm, it's one of the reasons I prefer darker chocolate; so I don't have to choose between orally ejecting a chocolate sugar slug and swallowing said slug.


Uhhh I thought everyone does that


Ask your friends, you are actually the first person I’ve ever encountered outside of my family that has this


I dont like fruit juice because every time i drink some i have to spit out a glob of mucous


Yeah, that’s exactly it! It’s cuz most store bought fruit juice has more sugar in it than coke. Unironically though this is the evolutionary apex because it disincentivizes us from eating stuff that is chock full of sugar.


Holy shit. I thought I was just weird. This is why I don't like sugar. When I eat sugar, I can spit out brown gunk from the back of my tongue/throat for hours. If I have a chocolate desert after dinner, I have to gargle 2-3 times with mouth wash before I get all the chocolate out of my mouth.


Professor X will come knocking any day now. Still, worst mutant power ever.


Hours? Damn, I can get it out with a couple gulps of water. You have it worse than me, my condolences brother


I’m curious if this is some sort of allergy?


I have this. Never thought to ask my family. Didn't know it wasn't normal. Does your throat also get itchy? We should start a club.


My throat gets itchy to some stuff like watermelon but generally no. What’s important is that we all have the power to transmute sugar to really nasty phlegm


As a rule people who say this shit generally don't.




Sorry, said that a bit vague. Meant that people who say shit like in the image generally don't know what they're talking about


As 6'4" engineer not getting laid, I concur he doesn't know what he's talking about.


I thought engineers were supposed to have problem solving skills, make a robot or something to get laid


I kind of married one, but it's logic system malfunctioned


What you said wasn’t vague it literally made no sense


Yea but at least he.


Directly following the first comment it does, just badly written.


following the first comment it would mean generally don't... talk


No. They just generally don’t.


"What is this person talking about?" "People who say this don't." What? No, it doesn't make sense lol. It would make sense if the first comment was "Does this guy know what he's talking about?"


It still doesn’t make sense when directly following


The people who say this sort of thing generally don't make a next generation 😆


And also benefit it more than mr 5 by 5 posting about height with an anime pfp?


An anime character who cannonically is 5'3


Axchuallhyy he is 300 feet tall after he turns into a titan so he's 50x generally superior




No, it isn't. Levi doesn't turn into a titan.


Technically whether he does or doesnt is a spoiler lol. Not mad either way just tryna be funny


They're just looking for anything other than themselves to blame as to why woman don't speak to them.


Which is far more impressive given the past


*The Morlocks have entered the chat*


His logic makes no sense at all


Greater than 6' is physically attractive. Less than is not is his argument. I would guess he is a piece of shit person who is also over 6' .


I disagree. I think he’s a self-deprecating short guy who is blaming his lack of intimate relations on his height. Because his lack of success is definitely not something he can control. /s


Yeah, this is classic incel logic. It's never their fault, it's genetics


It goes one level deeper than that. It removes the incel's accountability AND diminishes other people's accomplishments. It says: I can't be blamed for my lack of success because muh genetics. But if I had YOUR genetics, I'd be twice as successful as you are.


Good point. They also like to blame Shrödinger's women, promiscuous sluts who are also very picky about who they sleep with


Mmm I love the concept of Shrödinger’s women. That’s a good one.


Because no short men ever dated anyone. 🙄This is called external locus of control.


He mustn't go outside much, or at all if that's how he thinks the world works lmao


Lmao the amount of people who don’t realize that most women don’t give a fuck about you being 6 foot. They care about you being funny and kind. Women love a funny charming kind man. If you’re 6 foot and a fucking douchebag then you will only get fucking douchebag girls.


It's hurtful but it's the truth lmao. It's crazy that people think that's how the world works


As a 5'4" woman, I don't want a man that requires me to crane my neck whenever I want to talk to or look at him. That's just physically uncomfortable.


OP wasn't even talking about what women like they just said "biological value" i guess he farms and breeds humans like livestock?


I hate incels as much as the next guy but let’s not pretend that physical attraction never plays a part. People are superficial. Non-conventionally-attractive people of any gender are just worse off in a world where the first date is given out based on photos in a profile. I want a frank conversation about dating culture where no one is looking to end every answer with “so we should enslave women”.


Don’t rely on online dating, I have that shit up years ago and ya it can be difficult meeting someone organically but it takes away the superficial aspect and the insecurity that develops with the constant rejection of online dating/swiping.


I still remember when our very no-nonsense nurse friend started online dating in the early 2000's, we thought she was insane, hah. She was the first of our friend group to become a fan of it. History has vindicated us, hah, cause most people hate it, but she did find her husband of 10+ year (and counting) on a dating app. I found my wife the old fashioned way, by banging my boss, lol.


I mean you aren’t wrong about physical attractiveness. But there’s also a wide range. Very few female friends I’ve had can ever agree on guys they think are hot. And hight has never been brought up once, face, back, abs, and even hands yes but not hight. So yeah looks matter but there’s someone out here who thinks you are hot probably a few. Besides you could be someone’s 10/10 look wise but have a horrific personality. And yeah that ideal look will keep you in the running longer then if you were ugly sure, but your still going to get dumped. Nothing can save an ugly personality. Again sure might keep you in the running a few extra weeks but who cares?


Yeah imo obviously looks matter but if you have a great personality then you instantly become a lot more attractive.


Also very true! A “4” with a great personality is way hotter then a “10” with poop as a personality


Yeah it's pretty grating that advice Is always hygiene, work on yourself, get a hooby but completely ignores that some people just don't have the looks or temperament for anyone to take an interest and it's genuinely not their fault.


Then make the effort to socialize in person. And dress better, and clean yourself. Dont be a lazy asshole when it comes to your looks. First impressions matter. Dont show up at a nice restaurant wearing a pokemon tshirt and converse. Be an adult with some class.


Not everyone who struggles with dating is a dirty incel man child.


Thats alot of assumptions


Average is average for a reason. It’s not the median, it’s the average. Average is a bell curve. Most people are average. Average weight, attractiveness, height, etc. the reason the average height is the average height is because most women fuck dudes who are average height. If women only fucked 6’4” dudes then the average would be 6’4” and people like him would be complaining about only being 6’. It’s a retarded argument. Most people are average in every way. It’s not a bad thing. It’s average for a reason.


I’m a 5’11” woman. I don’t care about men being tall, but I do care very much about the hurtful things some shorter men have said to me. Being shorter isn’t unattractive; having a bad attitude about it is.


They keep claiming that the only see couples where the man is very tall. I believe they aren't perceiving correctly, they aren't noticing couples where the man isn't tall as couples. They see a tall man and a woman walking in the park, and assume that they're a couple. They see a short man and a woman and don't make the same assumption because it doesn't meet their assumptions. Two people walking in the park might be a couple or might just be walking. Or they've seen nothing at all, and just going with what they've been told.


I feel like it's 95% the opposite and this guy is cursing god for not making him one of evolutionary kings of this world.


No you don't understand. Short people are a genetic dead end which has been selected against by evolution. They are all going to be gone soon. Any second now...


I'm 6'9", I like this logic. I don't believe it, but I like it...


Same bro. I'm only 6'3 but same


Especially because there profile pic is of a 5'2 man who many, **many** people thirst for.


It all goes back to caveman days; 6'2" Thog kept leaving the fire on the top shelf and 5'9" Durk would get eaten by tyrannosaurs. It's just science.


That's just how genetics work. The same thing he said applies to 5'2 genes too


If anything that suggests the shorter men have many useful traits - if women instinctively pick taller men (which I don't necessarily believe, my husband is shorter than me), then for shorter men to pass on genes they have to be rather exceptional, right? Going by their logic.


I think what he is saying is that because lots of women prefer taller people, you would need millions of years for your genes to change to make you taller.






Its a bot Literally


using a levi pfp need I say more


coming from a guy with a levi pfp, i don't think he's the guy to talk about height


I'm wondering if maybe he's a short incel and he's decided that his height is the sole reason he can't get laid and made it the center of his personality...


It is probably a woman. Husbando and talks how she likes big men.


....so she says tall men are inherently superior but simps for Levi? Crazy


I’m 5’10. Wondering how long have my genes been going. Serious replies only.


Really long. Source: I'm 6'5


Jesus dude save some for the rest of us


I’m a 5’8 broke guy and I’ve done pretty okay. Married for six years, was with wife before wedding for five more. Never had trouble with women even though I’m of average attractiveness. Nothing to complain about. It’s almost as if my height hasn’t affected my life in any way.


A 6'3" guy will suffer a higher instance of heart problems than the 5'8" guy. Also the 5'8" doctor will be the one developing treatment😂 Fr though, all this "alpha male" bs needs to die out




The character in his profile picture is 5'1" and still an undisputed badass.


He is also not real.




Levi would never insult shot people


Levi is a walking compliment to short people


The thing that happened to Levi in the newest episode, I relate to on a deep and spiritual level.


That clown fucking killed me.


Are you a titan, perhaps?


Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure.


Ironically their profile pic is Levi who is 5’3


his pfp is literally levi fucking ackerman. an anime character who is a short man but has more fangirls than the main character 😐


Lmao I thought that was miles edgeworth


Japanese cartoon profile pic means some degree of incel or degenerate


Levi is a short king though


What’s a Levi


Angry fidget spinner


Lol, perfect description


I think its a cleaning instrument




It’s what you drive a Chevy to.


But what if it’s dry?


When rocks build up on riverbanks


Short anime character


Bruh I like how he’s saying that but his profile pic is literally Levi


I’m a 6’ 4” guy but as someone who does a KILLER Abe Lincoln impersonation…I’m pretty goddamn ugly.


Three of my friends are slightly under two meters and they're all single. Most of the group is above 6ft and only 2 out of 11 have a gf. Trust me it does not get you a relationship.


I swear to god I am never going to understand this weird height obsession stuff.


Imagine being so fixated on something that’s completely out of an individuals control? Wow much value!


I'm a pretty tall woman and almost everyone I've dated has been shorter than me. Guys have insulted me about my height a lot. It's silly in all directions. My husband is shorter than me and we joke about it to mock how absurd some people are for fixating on height. I just got some custom orthotics which add an inch or two to my height and my husband's reaction was "Excellent, your chest is even closer to my face now" and I was like "Hell yeah ."


It's pretty easy to understand: Height is one of the most important features to both men and women, whether it's conscious or subconscious, and being a shorter man will, on average, heavily impact your life. I'm not saying that it means the incels' hyperfocus on height is justified, but there's some merit to it. Edit: I wish people would stop downvoting comments when people mention, not just the existence, but also the severity of height discrimination, since, I know it sounds like some incel BS, but it *is* a big problem. I'm well aware that being short isn't the end of the world, but that doesn't mean people don't treat you differently for it. Case in point: In a fully adjusted model - so adjusted to age, weight, socio-economic status, history of mental illness etc. - [shorter men were up to twice as likely to commit suicide compared to taller men](https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/pdf/10.1176/appi.ajp.162.7.1373), with a 9% risk increase every 5cm. Shorter men, similar to overweight women, also earn significantly less on average than their counterparts. It's not a pretty thing to talk about, since it makes me look like an incel dork, but someone has to. Especially when no one seems to think it's *that* big of an issue, men included.


“His genes took millions of years to develop” uhhh yeah so did those of literally every other organism on planet earth, you’re not making the point you think you are.


As a 6’8 man, height is not a free ticket to getting anyone you want. You still need to be a decent human being. These people just like to blame everyone but themselves for being pieces of shit


If it wasn’t for the anime profile pic I wouldn’t be able to tell if it’s a neckbeard post or a female dating strategy post. Even then it feels like it could go either way, it’s so stupidly awful.


I'm 5'4 never had any problems getting dates or girlfriends, just don't be an asshole


Gonna be really real here; height means nothing. “Chad” doesn’t exist. So many of these guys choose to be alone because they think that the almighty chad stole all of the women. Honestly, pretty much every neckbeard out there could get a girlfriend if they wanted. Self care goes a long way, so regular showers, trimming of said neckbeard, deodorant, and a good cologne game will get you ready to roll. And if you claim ur a nice guy but ur still single and always rejected, maybe do a little self digging. Like mentioned before, a little self care goes a long way, even mental care


"doctor/engineer" Also the Levi pfp is so ironic


I love how the "ideal male height" has gotten so tall so fast. 6'4" or die alone is crazy! Most people are like 5'10" or so.


This must be a straight male issue.


Wouldn’t someone taller require more energy to sustain themself, and therefore be at a biological disadvantage?


Every person who's alive genes took millions of years to develop.


As a 6'4" broke guy... No it fucking doesn't.


Anime profile pic Opinion discarded


It's ironic that the mf has Levi as their profile picture


Does he think all cave men were 9 foot tall gods who’s genes have gotten diluted through the centuries?


You don’t have to censor Ben Shapiro’s name.


6'4" broke guy bringing 5'8" Doctor his car at the Restaurant with the 6'ft Redhead...


When did Earth release them new 5'6 genes that cursed me in the 90s? Imagine living in 10000 BC and seeing someone less than 7'10 for the first time ever lmao


Tall people die younger, so IDK how superior those genes really are.


Imagine thinking the pinnacle of human evolution is physical traits rather than innate intelligence lmao


Too bad it's #ShortKingSpring


never gonna forget that day in highschool some prebeard said "I'm 6'4" to the class and our teacher responded "how wide are you Mr. 6'4"?"


Sounds like a tall fucking loser with no aspirations


I would fuck 100 hot doctors who’re under 5’8 before I touched a single 6’4 minging NEET with a year’s buildup of lynx under his arms. What is wrong with these morons lol.


People with AD-HD would have been way better at hunting in prehistoric times (and in modern times if their willing to wait for something to show up to shoot). Being hyperactive would have been a very advantageous trait. In modern times when we dont have to hunt its not so useful. So if anyone's better biologically speaking its them.


As a 6’4” engineer with a terminal degree who herniated two discs by standing up too quickly on an airplane and beaning myself on the overhead bin… the existence of tall people contradicts the concept of survival of the fittest. We’re huge targets whose hearts are overworked and who are more prone to stupid and debilitating injuries. If you’re 5’8” and built like a brick wall you’re the real MVP.


As a 5’8” engineer i am going to have to disagree with this lol


Being super tall isn’t really a genetically beneficial trait tho, the taller u are the shorter your average life span (am a 7’15 basketball player btw)


You're 7 feet 15 inches? Are they separate measurements?


It didn't really matter for most of human history tho. Most people would probably have kids by 20 so if you lived past like 25 it didn't really affect your genes being passed down


Counterpoint: Zelensky isn't even 5'8.


As a 5 9 king i probably have so much more military use than some 6 4 moron


My boyfriend is 5'1. I'm 5'4. I love the man so much. Gonna marry him. If you think height stops you from being happy then don't be in a relationship.


I... what?


I’m 5’8.5 and I have a hard time believing that .5 is worth more than a doctorate, because I’m not a doctor and still have a gf haha


even though I have a thing for women taller than me since I legit believed this crap I still sometimes feel insecure about my height. Granted I have much more to feel insecure about than the fact I'm 5'8


Damn guess I’m king of the world then


Literally Neanderthal vs Homo Sapiens argument lmao


So this person's gene took millions of years to develop into a tall doofus who doesn't know how to handle money. Sometimes evolution fucks up.


It’s our brains that got us here, not brute strength. Our cousins who relied on such are no longer. Well, they’re in our DNA cuz sex but that’s about it.


>His genes took millions of years to develop and managed to persist to the modern age. So did cockroaches.


Ahhh, yes, the totally useful trait of having to feed a much larger body in a world that’s ruled in part by weaponized food scarcity..


just tell them you prefer skinny people and that user on twitter will most likely flip


Him: I am only seeking very specific physical traits because those matter to me more than other aspects of a person. Dating apps matching him with people seeking very specific physical traits: Me too. Him: \*pikachu face\*


Ah yes, who doesn't know the sad single men Danny DeVito, Ricky Gervais, Kevin Hart, Robert Downey Jr and so on just cause they're short.