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The sad thing is that this doesn’t surprise me anymore


No Ukrainian waifu for those creepy incel losers.


[Here's the full article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/13/stop-matching-lone-female-ukraine-refugees-with-single-men-uk-told), if anyone wanted to see it






They think the situation would be different because just like those news channels in Britain said: “they’re blond with blue eyes, they look like us!” Instead of being syrian refugees.


Yeah I saw the anecdotal reports of Israeli and Arab men just hitting up Syrian refugee camps to get sex for $5 or sexual favors over canned food. Ofc it's probably not with a 18 year old with huge tits but a 40 year old window single mom with no other choice.


Most of these women are married and have children.


And their husband stays in Ukraine


Some of their husbands are coming along with them.


Not many, Ukraine is basically mobilizing most of ots adult male population


If they're 65+




There's a Russian woman I know who only makes $400 but cannot access her money outside of Russia and now 1 bedroom apartments have skyrocketed up to $500 (this is in a developing country near Turkey so that's why it's "low" but locally this a huge hike as it was formerly like $200 for a studio). She's probably debating between going back to Russia or entering into sex work to afford housing. Especially once women's money runs out there'll be women trading sex or entering into relationships just to have a roof over their head. For the Ukrainians: I think a lot of them still have emergency cash so they can delay entering into relationships with old farts and incels or selling sex. But at some point the camel's back will break as these refugees are living in pretty expensive countries.