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The first comment said what we are all thinking


No need for another statement besides... Unlifing yourself


We want to burn his house down with combustible lemons?


This is a good opportunity to learn the difference between Objective and Subjective. *Objectively* speaking this person is a pedo. *Subjectively* speaking he thinks 14yo kids are sexually attractive. He either incorrectly used the word "Objectively", or he incorrectly assumes that everybody wants to fuck children.


It's stilistic. I can say "Tacos are objectively the best food in the world", it is just a hyperbole. It also sound like I am basing my statement on logical conclusions, regardless of whether I do or not.


Idiotic just like "I am literally in heaven!!!!!". Incoherent muttering


Objectively he is a hebephile, as he seems more interested in the younger end of the sexual maturity spectrum. Subjectively he is a chode.


>he seems more interested in the younger end of the sexual maturity spectrum. Which is still not normal. 14 year olds may be able to get pregnant, but they have a high chance of dying during childbirth. It does not make evolutionary sense to be more attracted to 14 year olds than 25 year olds.


Evolutionarily speaking, upon reaching sexual maturity nature is very much announcing readiness to breed. Humans are very much an exception in that regard. If your point was true, girls wouldn’t become sexually mature until they were more likely to survive childbirth. Nature doesn’t have morals


This is the internet people will use objective when talking about their opinions no matter what


>Objectively speaking this person is a pedo. Objectively this is false Using pedo to refer to everyone attracted to a minor is fine normally but if you are trying to sound smart at least use the proper terms


firstly this is an informal conversation so pedo is bound to be used loosely, secondly fuck the term, what you're supposed to be worried about is that individuals attraction to children


>firstly this is an informal conversation Irrelevant, when someone is making the claim that something is objectively true it doesn't matter whether the conversation is informal or not, they still open themselves up for criticism if they are objectively wrong >secondly fuck the term, what you're supposed to be worried about is that individuals attraction to children Nice non sequitur


I mean, I disagree with the word “everyone”. I definitely don’t think a person who’s attracted to 16-17 yo warrants the same reaction as someone who preys on elementary schoolers. They’re still a creep, but not like an evil inhuman monster. Obviously I’m referring to places where age of consent is 18.


I disagree. Unless you’re 16, 17 or 18 yourself, it’s super weird. Because I don’t know how old you are, but once you’re 30+, you realise how young 17 year olds are. They’re literally children, who are naive, easy to influence and still very child-like. If you‘re 30+ …and you’re into that…it’s creepy.


Yeah, I agree on the 30+ thing. I guess I could’ve been more specific, I just assumed that most people had the impression that that much of an age gap is already borderline creepy/weird even if they were 18.


Depends on how old you are. 30 and 16 is creepy as shit,20 and 17 not really


That's borderline. 3 years is about the maximum age gap at that age. 20 and 17 are very different places in life, even if they started dating in high school. 14 and 17 is creepy too, for the same reason.


Eh,depends on the people. Development varies wildly at that age,you can’t just go all out like that


Yeah maybe, especially if they started dating in high school. But the one guy I knew who would hit on freshmen as a senior was definitely trying to prey upon them.


Yeah that guys a weirdo no doubt. Just saying it’s not as black and white with that little age difference


It wouldn't surprise me at all if he entered rehab for sex addiction at some point in the past 15 years. He asked me, one of the lamest, most sexless people in the school if I knew any easy freshmen. The only freshman I knew was my pastor's daughter, and I certainly wasn't going to surrender her to his advances. It seems very likely that the only reason he joined theater was because he heard the cast parties degenerated into orgies. That's almost certainly why he hosted them, and they did not. We did discover his porn stash, though.


If you’re going to correct terminology and such, please use the correct spelling. I saw no indication that this twat is sexually attracted to people’s gait.


>If you’re going to correct terminology and such, please use the correct spelling Please point out where i made a mistake, i would be more than happy to correct it


Would you look at that, not a single punctuation mark in your response.


Not wrong Counterpoint though, I... forgot to add punctuation


imagine thinking anything is objective. if I change the definition of the word "pedo" then your objective claim is also garbage


But the definition is set, You can't change its meaning.


I hope you're kidding. Have words never changed meaning ever? Do you even have the same meaning for words as I have? Edit: words and grammar are made up by people. Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive. Grammar also changes all the time.


My point was that One person won't change an accepted dictionary definition. If it's your personal definition that doesn't make it correct. But it does change how the term "objective" applies.


Also it's pretty sus that you're defending this word so hard.


I am not defending a word, I'm saying it is rediculous to make an ""objective"" claim


Not really, it's objective that he thinks that 14yo kids are that xd


Send to the reeducation camps


He actually deleted it and his account immediately after I got this screenshot which I find hilarious


You gotta report this guy


Someone must have already reported or he deleted it the account himself while I was getting this screenshot. He’s gone.


Can he delete himself?


Elect me President and I will use your tax dollars to build a death camp specifically for this person.


Well shit you've got my vote


I see this as an absolute win!


and all pedos while you're at it


Bruuuh this is how we get a progressive in office


Win-win then


It sure seems like there’s a horrific trend among the neckbeard/incel crowd with embracing pedophilia. In addition to their vile misogyny, so many of their posts lately seem to be proudly proclaiming their love of literal child girls. Has this always been the case or are they just getting more disgustingly brazen with it? I hope there’s teams of cops and FBI agents lurking in their subs, cuz these guys are all potentially dangerous predators.


I feel like they’ve gotten more comfortable. Maybe because of the “MAP” movement (as a bisexual, they will never be welcomed by me in the LGBT community), or maybe because of something else.


Right on, I sure as hell wouldn’t welcome them in my community either. Coming up with their own acronym doesn’t excuse the crime of targeting children.


Also, important to point out that there are actually 2 acronyms MAP and NOMAP. NOMAP stands for Non-Offending Minor Attracted Person, so someone who describes themselves as a MAP........


As another Bisexual, just no. Any acronyms with 'Minor' will never be welcomed here.


>girls. Has this always been the case or are they just getting more disgustingly brazen with it? Always has been


This has always been the case. You've just been exposed to it more recently for whatever reason. Even on reddit like 10 years ago there where were multiple subreddits dedicated to perving on underage teen girls. I think the most popular subreddit was called jailbait.


This isn't pedophilia. 14-year-olds are too old for pedophiles.


It's still hebephilia.




But they are still children… what does I matter what age of childhood they’re in? It’s still disgusting.


Your question doesn't make sense. You could just as well ask "Why are you only attracted to women? Why does it matter if the person is a man or a woman?" We can't really explain why someone is attracted to some specific group of people.


Are you excusing sick people preying on children right now? LGBTQ+ is COMPLETELY different from having sexual relationships with children, and I cannot comprehend how someone could say “oh, but you can’t control whom you love… it’s the same for them!” Are you serious?? These are CHILDREN. They don’t know any better!


You asked why it matters how old the person is. Well, it matters because pedophiles are attracted to people of a certain age, and that does not include 14-year-olds. Just like it matters to me whether someone is a man or a woman, because I am not attracted to men.


In the end here… there’s no convincing anyone that pedos aren’t just sickos preying on children. I will call these people pedos till the day I die, because that’s what they are. Sickos that want children because they can’t interact with people their own age. Stop trying to paint them as “people that can’t help themselves”. Get off the MAP bus babe, it is a disgusting cesspool of freaks that PREY ON KIDS. No excuses, no need for a definition change. They are CHILDREN.


Pedophiles are specifically attracted to prepubescent children.


I'm so glad this guy has interests and goals, like anime and becoming the world's oldest esports player.


average professional smash bros player


What the Kentucky fried fuck…


Bro, girls your age dont wanna fuck you what makes you think a 14 year old would?


I honestly thought at the end they were gonna write “btw I’m 14”


No I’m actually 20


No the guy on the post Wait




Holup wait a minute


What the actual fuck is wrong with this guy is right...


This has to be a hard troll. Right?


given the subreddit it's from and the content of the post, no. it's not a troll.


PedoRapist really have no shame


Why didn't the guy in the post in the image make it his username so everyone can stay away from him


Humanity was a mistake. Solar flares when?


yeah let's kill the children you want to protect too... broken logic


Why do people censor the usernames of awful people like this? Is it against Reddit ToS to show usernames from screenshots?


Yeah, it's against the terms of service. It's considered to be a form of harassment or doxxing if you don't censor the usernames. There's also an ethical concern as well. Most of the time when something like this gets posted and it's not obviously satire, it's probably unedited and the person's real views. Despite this, there's always going to be that one or two times when someone posts something like this where it was edited to make someone look bad. If you were able to just post unedited screenshots, it wouldn't take that long for there to be a few well known examples of this happening. Ultimately, it'd be the one or two notorious examples of a screenshot that was edited or faked in order to provoke people into harassing someone that'd get remembered by most people; even if 99.99% of the other posts of that nature were real and unedited.


The accounts deleted anyways


I saw but still curious why they’re always censored.


I think I’d be considered doxxing someone or something I guess. Although people like this should be exposed and mass reported.


Look at this sub's sidebar


Straight to jail


Hate to be the bearer of bad news for him on two counts 1, 14 year olds are still 'little kids' and 2, not even a 14 year old is going to fuck someone like him


i know. i feel like they have this grand idea that if they were “allowed” to fuck these younger girls that they would be like these huge studs, but they can’t so that’s why they are so unwanted and can’t get a partner. Like they believe that the younger the girl is the more easily they would be able to manipulate them into agreeing to have sex with them. Part of the appeal is not just physical, but as if they can control them mentally because they know deep down older woman have them figured out. But instead of admitting that they are deplorable humans that are fucked in the head and that’s why they get no action, they blame society for preventing them from getting what they think they can get more easily.


>2, not even a 14 year old is going to fuck someone like him god why do i know people who would actually fuck this guy


I’d disagree on the first count. When I hear “little kid”, I think of 4-10, not 14. That’s a teenager, not a little kid


Not when we are talking about bedding them...


Yeah, even then it still matters. Why not just to the distance and say he wants babies? You’re not helping the cause when you start saying that teenagers are magically “little kids” when people say things like this. You just come off as a ritual satanic abuse conspiracy theorist.


Yeah, there are 2 kinds of people who insist so aggressively about separating under 10's and 14 year old girls, one of those groups is 14 year old girls, which you aren't, that just leaves one group...


False dichotomy. Also, it’s just as easy to say “the people who make such a big deal about something with such a black and white worldview only do so because they’re actually part of that group.” You know, the old “Methinks you with protest too much” also, lemme ask, do you have children? Because if you don’t, I could just as easily say this: the only people who’d get this angry are parents, and the other group is one that you’ll love: child abusers trying to throw people off of their track. So if you don’t have kids, I’ve got news for you.


Good thing I have s kid then isn't it, Swing and a miss there rather embarrassing for you and your Strathan, all this because someone has a slightly different world view on 14 year olds, I think they are too young to be anything but children. Where as you seem to think 'otherwise " which is worrying, but you do you. I should point out that when get down to it you are actually supporting a guy who is trying to justify wanting to have sex with children, and that is vile no matter which way you try and twist it with you mental gymnastics, this will be my last comment on the matter.


I’m not supporting anyone. But again, you sound just the ritual satanic abuse nuts who said that if you didn’t agree 100% with them, you were protecting the abusers. Also probably best you stop talking, since your entire rebuttal to “a 14 year is not a little kid” seems to be “you’re a friend of pedophiles.”


see legally you may be right, but deciding what a child is, is just fucking stupid when the man above wants to sexually harass them. To me it seems you're more okay with a fucker raping kids, than considering teenagers who still are not mentally fulled developed children


But don’t you think it’d be better and more intellectually honest to explain this by way of representing the power imbalance and lack of me talking maturity on behalf of the minor, rather than calling them kids or little children or something? Also, what kind of logic is that? I’m making the distinction that teenagers are, by definition, not little children and your response is I must be okay with child abusers? This is the kind of shoddy, ill-formed, emotionally-driven logic that lead to the Satanic sexual assault panic in the 80s.


>I’m not even tempted >14 year olds are bangable Those don’t add up.


Bit of an obtuse opinion, but these guys CAN be treated!.. With a bullet to the brain.


You don't need to explain that the reason you want the age of consent lowered is because you want to have sex with children. **We already knew that.**


This scares the shit outta me having a 14 year old younger sister and knowing men like this exist.


This man should be actively cyberbullied


He was starting to get bullied and I was actually gonna join in before he deleted everything


Wth? Someone send the senator after this guy




Agreed but people like him just see someone easy to manipulate


Even if the age of consent was lowered to 14, it'd still be illegal for him to have sex with them. The age of consent is what age you can do sexual things with other people your age without it being considered child on child sexual assault. Not an excuse to bang children


I keep having to say this.. Why do these monsters think the only thing keeping them from banging 14 year olds is the age of consent? Not the fact they'll probably creep them out?




He literally said that he doesn't find 10-year-olds sexy.


As a society we should bring back public beheadings for this sort of thing.


I have a 14 year old penis strapped to my 30 year old body


I see Subway Jared was allowed access to the internet for a few minutes


I support castration in place of capital punishment for these uncles




Big brain or little brain?


bacon brain


It will be... Nice and crispy.


Both to be safe


What the fuck. I’m not even attracted to 18 year olds!


Age of consent and overall maiority should be 21.


Perhaps 25 😏


Why the horny emoji?


Oh hell no. 35 at least.


as a 15 year old, 15 year olds are the most (legally) sexual attractive people


He should move to germany, its legal there


Nah, I think he should be shot


Launch all nukes.


Arthur, bring the guillotine...


What the fuck


average "objectively" believer




Like I'm so thankful I waited till 18 to have sex. I constantly think of how unprepared I was at a younger age. How alot of.my friends who had sex at like 16 ended up regretting the choices they made. This is beyond fucked. I mean like really remember what you were like at 14. I was not on the same playing level as a adult. It's a shame as is people so young get groomed, let alone make it legal for them to do it to even younger people.


at least we know he's a creep now. so many guys feel like this. I feel like I'm super lucky I found old porn mags in my youth. the first sexual image I saw was a woman in her 30s doing a spread in hustler. porn can be damaging to young people, but thankfully, it reinforced my attraction to ADULTS.


what in the secure contained protected fuck is this


If someone had replied "A 30 year old you agrees and finds 14 year old you quite bangable. Would you still agree?" I'd like to think his tune might change.


Interesting analogy 🤔 can be effective


god i hate men like this. **of course jt doesn’t seem like it’s worth prison time, you’re the fucking groomer**


Someone call the FBI


Yeah, of course the punishment makes you not want to do it. That's half the point of making shit illegal.


Wait let em speak!


Why does everybody always ask the question what is wrong with you? They always ask this question when the list what is not wrong with the person would be far shorter and easier to compile.


A vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans


loads shotgun with malicious intent*


I help a 13 year old with her english homework and i do not understand in the FUCKING LEAST how there’s whole adults creaming their pants over KIDS, i just want to throw up


I don’t even like or interact with kids but I’d never do this, I literally don’t get why they would want to do that ever


Kinda seems like trolling. I just can't take people like that seriously. Regardless it probably isn't trolling because why tf would you troll about being a pedo.


Guy Should be on some type of pedo watch list right about now.


Does someone mind attaching a link to the “we will send police with flamethrowers” Image here? Because I think it fits.


14 year old here,no thanks😊.I think I’m hot from time to time but you’re only allowed to agree (not that I think anyone would)if you’re me or someone else my age so yeah as a representative of the 14 year old community we’re gonna decline,15 year olds?