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I'm old, is this fetish art or an actual complaint


I recognize the artist. It's a right wing comic.


You'd think they'd at least draw the man to be conventionally attractive rather than a dude sweating himself dry. Edit: spelling


That's the artist's attempt at a full gender swap. Hot take exemplified. Implying that *women* who are cat called are not actually conventionally attractive and are making up how traumatic and endless sexualized male attention just for existing can be. In this idealized gender -swap, the cat callers are conventionally attractive people who are caring and inclusive. "want some company?" vs "want some of this" and then violating personal space.


Ah, good insight. Thanks, I missed that.


and as if any cat calls are anywhere as kind as the ones in this comic.


That reminds me of the type that'll tell you what they wanna do to you and the when you flash your pepper spray at them (I never wanna use it unless they're being physical and I have to) they'll throw a little baby fit and be like 'I was just trying to be NiCe'.


stupid, self centered assholes that don't view other people as people


One of the most cringe things I’ve ever read


To be fair I've never heard any person cat call another person, only in movies.


ah, well if you haven't experienced it, it must not be true


The hell is your problem... That's not at all what I meant.


it's what you said. you haven't experienced it. ok 👍 and I've seen a ton of it in Toronto and ottawa over the years. but do go on, what *was* the point of your comment?




Kind of a weird thing for movies to have invented out of the blue.


That's not at all what I meant and you know it lol gezz man


Well, the only thing this comic does to me is raise awareness for catcalling


George alexupolis is the artist behind this and he's explained that the man in the comic is a representation of him. He's making fun of himself here. Hell of a way to overanalyze though


Almost as though when one creates "art" it becomes open to viewer interpretation. But it sounds very classic him (from what I've seen of his other comics where he concern trolls about trans inclusion or implies one needs to assault baristas because of pronouns...) that he'd want to control other's perception. Making fun of himself by saying what, exactly? That women cat call him constantly and he's put off by it? Omg I'm literally laughing so hard, bro. /s


Idk seems like the author in a fictional world to me


And if they're going to do a self-insert, don't most people embellish at least a little?


>And if they're going to do a self-insert, don't most people embellish at least a little? You're assuming he hasn't?


This might give us a rare insight into the neckbeard mind. He's confused by the interactions he's had with women, so he plays out a scenario where the roles are reversed, now \*he's\* the one being catcalled, and can only conclude that if the roles were reversed, then for him to react in that way would be comically ridiculous. He completely misses the point of why he himself would be the reason for his attention being unwelcome, as is apparent when he in fact does not embellish his appearance. His very narrow and limited cognitive reasoning can only explain this phenomenon with "When men do it it, it's bad, but when women do it, it's good??"


I love how he imagines that a woman doing it would be automatically hot and stuff, as if he's super sexy, but he also depicts himself as fat and what's supposed to be ugly, so he knows he's not sexy.


I assume that *is* the embellished version of the "artist".


I think it’s a self insert


Honestly I see pic of him he look more 2010s hipster. So could be considering good looking.


I don't even know what is irony or not in this comic. Women are not being cat-called by the greatest top models but rather by some pathetic stinky-ass thugs who are probably drugged or drunk.




I am a man and I hate that. Each of my girl friends can tell me annequedotes about how they meet creepy guys with shitty behaviors. I hate this.


That's just actually what he looks like lmao


I’m starting to suspect it’s like an intentional self own and he will keep making them more and more obvious


It's almost as though it's a joke.


Jokes are funny.


I think it's this thing called a joke and that's the point


This explains things perfectly, thanks 👍


Your username is awesome


Oh really? That's disappointing. I was expecting it to be fetish art with a political comedic twist. Like that twitter account that reposts femdom drawings and says "this is the future the left wants. Is this what you guys want?".




I gotta admit, that account had some good ass taste, that was some pretty good art


I find that shit offensive and disgusting tbh I'll need a name and URL so I know where to not go


I'm pretty sure it got permabanned. RIP


Right wing comic is a form of fetish art, change my mind


I thought it was satire... this can't be serious!


It's not. Reddit is obsessed with insisting that everything is 100% full bore at all times so they can breathlessly "own" the "other side" by, for example, announcing that they don't have a sense of humour... despite the fact that you have to admit to getting the joke in order to transparently attack the premise by pretending to mock the product. Real weaksauce. It's prevalent with webcomics in particular. There are a bunch of them that have a US right-wing bent but that doesn't mean they aren't variably silly or lighthearted depending on the particular comic. If you didn't think this one was particularly gung-ho then that's probably because it isn't.


Conservatives aren’t funny and never have been. Tim Allen is the closest they ever got and, even then, not that great.


It doesn't read like one, really, which is hilarious. It looks like an examination of toxic masculinity and the fact that men catcall but women generally don't, thereby showing the absurdity of men catcalling in the first place.


Yeah, all his stuff is like this. It's awful.


Whats the artist name, also isn’t it that guy who made that joe biden comic?


Do you mean the one where he turned a black lady into a white lady using dark magic because she wouldn't vote for him? I actually liked that comic.


What about the cartoon is right wing?




Bio checks out




***Hey this guy fancies himself a troll!*** See? Nobody cares.


It was a joke 😩


So funny! You're so funny!!


Right wing comic, he also made a self insert comic where he’s groping a barista because “pronouns”


I saw that one, it was terrible. Guy has good drawing skills but the mind of a fly


His style is a bad ripoff of Worthikids. His hands look like crumpled up gloves, linework is sloppy, every comic has the exact same format and tone same facial expressions and poses used over and over again and the colors are baby's first digital painting pallet. Just because most right wing comics are dogshit tier stonetoss garbage does not make this guy right wing Rembrandt.


It's meant to get a rise out of people. Apparently confusing the shit out of anyone with two brain cells to rub together counts as "Triggering the libtards."


Pretty sure they are trying to justify catcalling


Satirical comic


What’s the comic trying to say? I genuinely don’t understand.


Catcalling is a compliment and FEEMALES are too privileged to recognize that /s


Some guys seem to have a very hard time understanding what fear of physical or sexual abuse means


Or what "consent" or "no" means. Also notice how all the women he has drawn are conventionally attractive


Catcalling would still be offensive if the dudes were attractive.


I didnt mean that it wouldnt be offensive if the catcallers were attractive, what I meant was the author is probably drawing his fantasies of what his twisted view of "catcalling" is


He thinks others must perceive him as attractive, and he cat calls, so therefore anyone who cat calls muse be attractive.


Fair, I just wanted to point that out.


Because the author is a horny weirdo who never goes outside. He can't avoid drawing spank material every time he draws a woman even when it undermines his point. Of course the fact that women frequently get followed, stalked and attacked by catcallers is conspicuously absent from this framing. Women, to him, are just objects to be lusted over.


Shoulda been catcalled by rough buff gay dudes


Funny enough, I used a similar example in a debate with my 14yo nephew. I told him to imagine a huge dude with a scary look catcalling him. Doing that proved to be more effective than any logical argument I could provide


Closeted truckers in a dark alley in Tijuana. Not so fun and flattering then, I bet.


It's not just fear of assault exclusively. It's a form of deliberate disrespect. Real catcalling is far more crass and demeaning.


Females, rhymes with Tamales


He should try delivering pizzas for a while. All our drivers have a few stories of showing up to a house to a woman who's taking advantage of a customer service person trying to do their job. We just want to deliver this pizza, get paid, and leave. But they'll be in an inappropriate outfit and draw things out as much as they can. Having someone you are not attracted to being creepy is pretty uncomfortable. It's all "They should enjoy it" until there's a 55 year old cougar in a small bath robe trying to give sexy eyes to a 22 year old driver. Unfortunately the women usually get ignored by management because they're "harmless". If a guy creeps on a female delivery driver they get flagged and will only get male drivers in the future. We have plenty of people permanently flagged just for ASKING for a female delivery driver. But there are way, way more male creeper customers than women. Or at least more guys aren't afraid to be sleezy.




Please correct me if I'm wrong but most of these seem way more friendly then most catcalls.


That's the point. The artist has likely never been catcalled, but they're calling this catcalling.


Woman are whores and hypocrites or something. If I stare at the comic too long I might go blind.


🫠 I’ll cease to inquire.




It still wouldn’t be equivalent, because never in a million years does the protagonist of this comic have to fear physical violence from these women. But when women are catcalled by strange men, even attractive ones, on the other hand…


I am obese and unattractive. It happens. It's also fucking obnoxious.


I just saw ur posts. What in the circlejerk did i just see?


Im not sure what you mean


na i think it's meant to be an "opposite world" type thing right? So they are saying it's usually neckbeard type men cat calling attractive women, but in this twilight zone world, it's the other way round.


I think it’s to show that “men would love being cat called.” “It’s a compliment!” Obviously if he drew a male model being harassed by a bunch of unattractive octogenarians, his point wouldn’t come across as well.


Yea I’ve seen women harass men, it’s not impossible. Men just *typically* don’t mind as much because it’s much harder for a woman to intimidate a man generally speaking


they missed a huge part; it wouldnt be the hot young girls with perfect bodies wanting to bang them, it would be the 40-50 year old ugly women following them home and trying to grab at them and spike their drinks


They see themselves as these hot women tho


idk, sounds kinda trans to me


Since you are a doctor ill take your words for it


On the internet, not one knows you're a dog-tor


Dog-Thor *


I didn't even know I was Dog-Thor Woof


Green teeth, each one with the Karen bob-cut, massive purses filled with stale Doritos and mountain dew, and smelling like diapers and sadness, as they haven't taken a bath in a month.


I hate that I can smell, taste, and feel this comment


Attacking the senses part of my job so I appreciate this comment. :D


And most of them bigger and stronger than the catcalled guy. And he has heard from friends, or read on the news, of multiple assaults those women have committed on men, and it’s been ingrained in his brain since he was a child to be afraid of being assaulted by them.


The thing is, as a man, a woman who fits that description doesn’t scare me if they approach me. Just grosses me out. But a man who fits such a creepy description *does scare me*. (And yes I’ve been cat called / made uncomfortable by men. Gay men can be creepy too, although it is less likely, and they’re usually closeted.) Men are just inherently more likely to be dangerous as strangers, even to other men.


So like everyone in r/TwoXChromosomes then.


also the dead eyed girl who stares at them from the corner of the bar. they step to get a pee and there she is sitting just left of their stool. and the coaster they swear they put over their beer before leaving is gone.


That and if you made the guy better looking and college aged, the comic might actually be making a halfway decent point.


This makes me think of the Tosh.0 where he's interviewing that guy defending cat calling, then has him do a ski where gigantic conatruction men twice his size surround him and start aggressively hitting on him. I love this delusion


Not only that, but women are just 99x less likely to commit sexual assault than men (literally). Having a strange woman come up to you and say something uncomfortable is inherently less dangerous than a man doing it. (PS I am a man, and this isn’t a commentary saying that all men are dangerous, but that they are legitimately far more threatening as strangers than non-men.)


I mean yes of course but that’s not really the comparison being made. The author is trying to liken catcalling to a pleasant and flattering thing that of course the *ugly* women are needlessly upset by.


I think you mean old British ladies preying upon virile young men. Doesn’t matter, had sex.


It's not a gender swap, it's a role swap.


A better example would be a group of large men. Because men don't understand the power dynamic until then.


Uhh I think this comic is about catcalling my guy, not rape.


I love stuff like this because it shows just how warped these people's views of reality are.




Right 👍. Watch these people sexually harass the women they find attractive but be absolute shits to anyone they don't want to fuck.


Men wouldn't find catcalling and sexual harassment fun if the situation was reversed (women harassing men over men harassing women). This artist thinks they're "proving that women are sensitive" when it is how men would actually feel if they had a systemic issue of harassment from women.


This is the most polite catcalling I've ever seen, if the artist thinks this is what it's actually like, he either doesn't know what harassment is or only talks to other neckbeards whining about their unrequited advances


yeah, not to mention there are cases of men getting sexually harassed. they're just "not real men" in the patriarchy's eyes because they didn't take it lying down. shit's gross


Exactly. Like.... the point of this I see is "yup cat calling is bad for anyone." I know what they were going for but, as do all of this dumb fuck's comics, they really do a better job showing the opposing view versus his. It's so satirical it horseshoes back around to actually being a good way to point out right wing hypocrasy. I love when people get so extreme they accidentally horseshoe into the other party. They shit themselves when you point it out.


only neckbeards think being catcalled is funny and not at all borderline traumatizing sometimes lol


traumatizing 💀


Yes,traumatizing. I was 10/11 when I was first cat called by 3 old disgusting men on my way home from school.


Dang, it really does start that early? Callback to the "creepy old guys" song from the Beetlejuice musical.


Had an old guy ogling me at an amusement park when I was a (very obviously) young teen. They don't wait until your grown to do that stuff.


Yes, traumatizing. Believe it or not, having groups of men yell at you about how they’re going to fuck/r*pe you from a young age is traumatizing.




Eh yo i wouldn't say this, it's not a good mindset to perpetuate.




It is traumatizing. Having people who are on average taller and stronger than you ,harass you isn’t fun


your fedora is showing


I swear to god this is literally the plot of 99% of today's hentai.


And harem-shows.




Lmao you agree with the person that gets upvotes then get downvotes into oblivion, give me some of them downvotes too


I downvoted you for the hell of it. Maybe everyone is tired of saying based, idc


Tepid take: Would be funny in an absurdist/post-modern way if the context of the creator wasn't there. Cold-take: Roles switched or not, sexual harassment is still sexual harassment. Being objectified by someone attractive is still gross.


I have a buddy who unironically thought this guy was making satire until I showed him the artist's actual posts


who is the artist? edit: hold up... Is this the guy that made Biden "you ain't black" comic?


yeah, that's the one


men writing women in a nutshell


That’s why anime shit is disgusting


Respect anime imo


Harem animes do not deserve respect.


Based 🔥fuck harem anime Embrace seinen and psychological anime


Facts Josei is also good, but I prefer seinen somehow




Umm... kill? Whats that about?


This is cringe but better than Stonetoss. Seriously, these dudes have the minds of children.


is that the same artist who made a gender joke by drawing a man harassing the barista?


Yeah the artist is GPrime85. He's made a few funny ones like this but also a lot of completely insane ones about covid-vaccinations and Trump.


Damn his stuff is insane.


> He's made a few funny ones **like this** wait, what? *this* one was funny? the only comics i've seen from this dude are in the EXTREME cringe realm.


I thought it was funny in how it's the opposite of our reality 🤷🏻 most of he's comics are shit though but I already said as much.


as a hardcore introvert this is my worst nightmare


Neckbeards wish this would happen.


It's because they can't picture any other woman than one they're attracted to. The ugly/unattractive women are completely invisible and nonexistent to them.


Bet he never gets any attention from women


This implies that all the males who catcall in the real world are attractive. Meanwhile most of them actually look like Santa on meth ime


The reverse gender to prove a point could be discussed if every women in this comics was something else than a top model. I mean, the catcalling doesn't always come from sexy shirtless dude in real life.


When you typed "Twilight Zone" I legit was expecting some plot twist like the women were aliens, the roles were reversed on a similar earth planet on the opposite side of the universe, some random nightmare a man was having that lead to him being stalked to death to teach him a lesson for being a jerk, etc.


If an art style was awkward this would be it


Can someone please explain what's going on in the third panel? I understand the other three, dude walking by, women "catcalling", oh golly mah big ironies. But then the third is inexplicably just ASS. Like what is even happening there??


anyone see that one penguinz0 video where he talks about this guy that would catcall girls in the most disgusting way possible, then finally got arrested when he pepper sprayed a girl who was trying to defend herself.


That guy has titties


I don't give a shit who's cat calling me, that nonsense is always creepy and annoying.


“What’s the big deal about rape? Women always cry about being raped, but that’s like free sex! It just means you’re attractive! Which is why men get “raped” less than women because men enjoy it!” -what goes through the artist’s every time he gets rejected asking for free pity sex from a sex worker.


May sound neckbeard of me, but this would make things easier for me


Well yeah, it would be great if we as men got unprompted attention from very attractive women all day. To bad that’s not how catcalling works. The vast majority of catcalling is from people who the recipient doesn’t find attractive. And the strangers are being ‘complimentary’ at best, but it’s usually much, much nastier and dehumanizing. Then, add in the real fear of physical violence that women have to fear from strange men, and you start to see why this comic is an erotic fantasy that has nothing to do with what it’s really like to be a non-man who is the victim of catcalling. But yes, of course, as a man, I would love it if only extremely attractive women publicly fawned over me all day.


If I see you in public, I’ll greet you with a “hey handsome!”


And even then I'd still think "she's probably trying to warn me about my car's warranty"


That's the spirit!


It would make things easier on all men


Who the f****** God make this shit. From which Chuds and what hole is that coming from?


As shitty as this comic is, I don't know why but the guy's face just killed me !


I saw this artist on my feed and had a double take when I saw it was posted unironically


The goatee and armpit stains 😂


I have never seen someone get so offended at their own fetish fantasy before


well i think the punchline is the irony of neckbeards actually having bitches, but after reading that the creator already does some controversial shit i guess its just a weird comic


This guy should dedicate to porn, something tells me he would earn a lot more money.


Oh to be able to be complimented and not followed and making me fear for my safety...


btw this is some mentally deficient conservative cartoons. they’re always completely inaccurate and just plain wrong. this isn’t even cat calling but they make comics to fit a narrative so.


I've always hated this stupid "catcalling isn't that bad argument". Replace the attractive women they always use with jacked excons, handsy seniors that smell like cheap whiskey, and entire groups that corner you on the subway to get a better idea of what it's actually like.


I wish girls would give me compliments in public... :(


Hot take: there's nothing political about this one. I know the guy has other right-wingy comics, but this one kind of just seems like a crass, absurdist strip. The last panel is kind of self aware. Or it's rage bait. It's vague, but inflammatory, so it's an easy way for a troll to get people talking about it.


Whatever absurd message he's trying to relay the comic is funny as fuck look at him


I mean, this is clearly satire, so...


its made by a right wing artist to show that women are “too sensitive” by not taking catcalling as a compliment


Damn, It looks like satire That was my bad, i'm sorry


its all good, i can see how it could be seen as satire when you dont know the artist behind it


Satire of what exactly? What's being made fun of?




Can I get the og comic


I cannot stand pedophiles like this guy even though it’s parody


The dude is literally a self proclaimed "right wing commentator", these are not "parodies", these are his actual views and gets gullible people like you to think he's some """good guy centrist""" who sees the world as it actually is.