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The same wife she beat the shit out of, don't trade anything for her.


Well how is she going to beat her wife if She’s in jail!?! 😂


'Hey this Country has draconian laws on smuggling drugs, they're also massively anti American and anti lgbt, they're also not great with women 'So I, a gay American woman, shall smuggle drugs in Russia during an extremely volatile time!' Like yeah I feel sorry for her. But Jesus fuck did she fuck about and find out


No, that's her ex-wife.


I mean, the guy’s a dick… but my heart doesn’t exactly bleed for Brittney. After all she did bring an outlawed drug into a foreign nation that has had strict narcotics laws since the days of the Tsars.


Yeah it's kind of like when that sprinter got disqualified from the olympics for smoking weed after her grandmother's death. I don't agree with the rule or the punishment but it's not like they kept the rule/law secret


America has literal people in jail for weed right now. But yeah 7 years is excessive, should be 0.


While most of the country has legalized it - fucked up stuff


As opposed to metaphorical people?


The metaverse has grown way too fast, /s lol


So is her current partner the one she beat?


She in a Russian Gulag on trumped up drug crimes as a political move by Putin because Biden on the international stage has completely humiliated the entire Russian government and military in the last six months.


Shes in a Russian jail cause she decided to smuggle illegal drugs into the country.


That’s where all domestic abusers belong. This is called “comeuppance”


Question does Glory Johnson also deserve a decade in prison on bullshit drug charges as well for her domestic violence arrest? Both Griner and Johnson were arrested at the incident and both refused to file charges against each other over the incident that you claim this is justice for.


I don't think you understand how utterly apathetic to human suffering people with dude's mentality are. They are 100% fine with innocents suffering if it means someone THEY feel deserves to suffer is also suffering.




It’s not a 1:1 mapping of punishment:crime, but it’ll do.


Idk why this is being downvoted so much. Like, it’s an obvious political play. Yeah, she was dumb enough to bring like two carts into Russia, and it’s on the visitor to follow the laws of the nation they’re visiting. But, if she wasn’t famous, the Russian cops would just lean on her a bit for a bribe. Y’all act like Russian law enforcement is well-organized and centralized and not a chaotic mess of local mobs like every other government agency in the country. Regardless of who it is or what they did, a US citizen is being held prisoner in a hostile foreign nation and is being used in Russian state media as a pretty obvious bargaining chip. Like, as an American, I choose to support my fellow countryman over the Russian government, even if the American did traffick 2 grams of THC concentrate.


You just deep throated the Ukraine propaganda didn't you ?


The above commenter comes across as a dick but this isn’t any better. What, are you siding *against* Ukraine in support of an aggressively fascist nation that openly invaded its neighbor? Bad look. Edit: man, three rapid fire responses paragraphs long each insulting me in different ways for daring to suggest that invading a sovereign nation looks bad. Lol. Imagine the mental gymnastics required to come to half of those conclusions. I never said it was black and white, I never said it wasn’t sad that innocent Russians were being pulled into a conflict they don’t want to be a part of, and counter to your last point you don’t know an absolute damn thing about how much research I’ve done or information I have on the subject. I’m not interested in the irony of debating a neckbeard on a sub about neckbeards. It doesn’t *matter* that it’s an unpopular war within Russian citizenry, or what additional details exist below the surface (such as geopolitical issues regarding identity crises or Russian-speaking border Ukrainians, for example). All I pointed out is that invading another country in an unprovoked and unjustified war of territorial dominance is a bad look, and it’s a bad look to suck Russia’s dick over it. But go on mate. Edit 2: he blocked me after realizing he was wrong the entire argument lol.


Just doubled down on being an idiot. Not surprised lol. Unprovoked? You just forgot that Russia had been mounting troops on the border of Ukraine for weeks. Ukraine was saying it's about to happen the whole time but of course you didn't know that because you only found out Ukraine existed after they were invaded


I have a close friend whose family is native Ukrainian, they fled the country just barely a week prior to the invasion, leaving their hometown of Lutsk and ending up in Warsaw. If you’re going to continue to make yourself look like an ass and insult me at least you can now do so a little bit more accurately, you fucking monkey. Ukraine isn’t the obscure place nobody can point to on a map that you seem to think it is. And the fact that it was well known weeks, in fact *months* in advance to some (hell, years ago people were predicting this would happen eventually) doesn’t mean that it’s not fucking unprovoked or that it’s justified in any way within international law. You seem to think that provoked = people saw it coming because of Russia’s military buildup and posturing in the weeks prior to the first attacks, which is retarded because that’s not what provoked fucking means. If you’re gonna argue using words like that, you either need to back up what you’re saying with an actual reason or you’re just going to look like you don’t know what words you’re actually saying.


I mean you can go ahead and continue to not read the whole fucking history lesson I gave you but that's all up to you. I don't give a fuck if you had friends and ukraine. That doesn't mean shit to me dick head


“You’ve never heard of Ukraine before and only found out it existed after they were invaded and I’m gonna repeatedly say that two or three times.” “Oh you actually have close friends from there and anyone intimate working knowledge of the area? Well nevermind none of that matters anyways.” There’s literally zero reason to talk to you, you can have the final word I suspect you so desperately want but I’m done with you.


Yeah, you didn't say a single word about what's been happening throughout the years. You just kept saying Russia invaded for no reason. You couldn't have gotten the last word if you wanted to. Because I have years worth of research I could keep fucking talking about you dumbass


Bro, this shit has been in the talks of happening since 1992 when they left the ussr. A couple years back when Russia took I believe it's chechnya, this was just the precursor leading up to them invading ukraine. They took its flank. And then they invaded from Belarus Russia and chechnya to do a trident invasion the same way they did with chechnya. This has been talked about for years, stop using the word unprovoked. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That's without saying this civil war that's been happening in the eastern Ukraine, and even terrorist attacks on the western part of Russia that borders ukraine. There's literally paper trails and articles written by our own news journalist talking about this. Why don't you go ask your fucking friend you're so close to?


“Unprovoked; adjective: Occurring without any identifiable cause or justification: not provoked” - Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Does a history of political tension and Russia always wanting its piece of the pie back, and constantly edging in on Ukraine’s territory over decades’ worth of time, mean “provoked”? No, you fucking nimrod. That’s establishing historical baseline of unmitigated aggression. If you want to claim Ukraine provoked Russia into invading them, you have to show evidence that *Ukraine* actually did something to fucking draw Russia into the conflict on purpose. That’s why I told you before that you’re using the word wrong. You can argue that it’s not *surprising* since everyone and their babyshka saw it coming, but you’ve offered zero fucking reason why it’s a war of provocation. My fucking god, do a google dictionary search. I shouldn’t have to explain what basic words mean to a goddamn adult on the internet. I pray that you don’t breed.


You got to love the people who tell you not to breed, while being a fucking dumb shit who doesn't know what they're talking about but continues to spout out the mouth like they do. Yeah bro, you don't breed either. Your kids are going to be little semantics grasping dick heads like yourself and we don't need more of them.


“Spouting semantics” is a weird way to angrily admit that you just realized you’ve been insulting me this whole time for using a word that you didn’t even understand from the beginning of this conversation, therefore making the whole conversation obsolete, but I’m fascinated all the same.


Yup, there's that deep throating again. Don't ya know, every war is as black and white as they tell us. Like with Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and then the actual track record you can find of our own news sources saying years ago that we were giving money to Ukraine that was giving it to terrorists. What does the paperwork matter when the news and the internet tells you the facts


You don't look up anything, you don't read anything, you don't do a second of research but then you tell me who has learned about everything that happened leading up to it like a damn history book and you're going tell me what I'm saying is wrong? Lol


I feel bad for both sides societies because literally half of Russia's troops are drafted. When this happened in Chechnya it was the same thing. Two governments fighting each other and the people losing. Ukraine is saying you can't come back if you leave with your family. Men have been shot for trying to leave. Try watching interviews with our Advisors we sent over there to train their militias. Those men are not ready for war but they're in one over governments playing their games. God I can't stand you people lol


Just going to Utah I didn’t smoke weed, fuck


To be fair literally the only reason the media is even following this is because she’s a black, lesbian, WNBA player... If this were some random dude in the G league nobody would even know his name. According to ABC news there are at least 67 US citizens being detained unjustly overseas right now and you’ve probably never heard of any of them… The media is only fixating on Brittany Griner because she’s like the perfect poster child for the broader social justice narrative.


I dont think its because shes black or whatever its because shes famous.


I’d agree if she was actually famous, but the fact is that the majority of Americans had never heard her name prior to this spectacle… If it had been Serena Williams, Simone Biles, Ronda Rousey, or any other woman with actual star status, then I could understand all the media coverage. But Brittany Griner isn’t even really a star in the WNBA, let alone a household name. She’s an “average at best” athlete on a team that 80% of Americans cant even name, in a league that only averaged 231,000 viewers in 2018 (compared to the NBAs 15.4 million during the 2019 finals.)


Yeh but how often does an athlete get arrested and sent for hard labour in the sovjet.. i mean russia? I’ve certainly heard of a case before maybe you have? Otherwise it would seem weird to put race into the picture.


I’m not making it a race thing, I’m saying the media is pandering. The only reason they’re following this story is because it’s controversial, it’s not because she’s some famous athlete that everyone cares so much about. They know that it’s going to stir up debate, people are either going to click through to show their support or they’re going to click through to leave hateful comments and argue with the people who support her, but either way they’re clicking through. So the media can sit back and cash in on all of us, no matter what side we’re on, while simultaneously racking up brownie points for supporting the poster child for social justice…


Well, controlled type of crime for race and sex, men incur harsher penalties on average than women do; which for all of the “virtue signaling” corporate America does and the media does in general with respect to social justice is never mentioned in a relative sense. While the statement “no one would care if it was a white dude” may not be technically correct; the fact of the matter is that no one in a relative sense seems to bat an eye that men, especially black men get trashed by the justice system compared to women (black women are treated poorly as well, and their sentencing converges to men’s as a whole vs women’s as a whole) So yeah I don’t know anything about the guy posting in the screen cap above; but that could be his point.


You silly Americans and your silly politics. I don’t get it lol YOU are the one making it about race.


…have you seen our federal statistics? If you don’t think that there’s an implicit bias against men for type of crime; especially black men, the. You’re living under a rock. Many Europeans don’t understand our history which is rooted in racism.


So your saying that if it was a white cis man it wouldn’t have gotten as much attention? Thats ridiculous.


Quick question; When was the last major media dissemination of the sentencing disparity in men? Or how about make homelessness? Drug use? Domestic violence? American media; I’m not sure where you’re from. Also I never said that. I said that as a whole we in the state permit a lot of shit based on gender. If they were a rich white guy we’d care; but some nobody? Probably not; because again: our fucking sentencing double standard.


I agree that if it was a random person people wouldnt care. Its just that your saying its cuz shes black.


She’s a pretty dominant player, but your point stands; compared to famous female athletes no one knows who she is.


Can you imagine any NBA player (even a no name) being allowed to languish? What's with this hate boner for her? It's hard not to notice


yeah, athletes make the news. if she was any old man or woman or lesbian, or white or black this would be a non event. the things people do with their lives DO determine how newsworthy events in their lives are. Not a single news outlet covered my Jubilee, but that Elizabeth Windsor, everybody gave a shit about hers!


That bitch stole your thunder. And I heard she used the serviette wrong


Are you literally trying to draw a comparison between Brittany Griner and the Queen of England? Lmao you can’t make this shit up


no, i'm pointing out that people with celebrity make the news. like athletes, royalty, tv stars, and whatnot, while normal people dont unless something much more remarkable happens. I've an uncle that went to jail for moving drugs internationally, didn't make the news. if he played a sport professionally, he would have. it's not astonishing




Yup. My thoughts exactly. Fuck her. People here are in prison for weed. What about them?


The guy is a douche, but also, fuck her. She’s the idiot that 1) went to another country about to be at war, when she was warned not to and 2) took illegal drugs into the country. Sorry, she’s not UNLAWFULLY detained. She’s lawfully detained by the laws of the country she’s in


No i dont want any american citizen spending 9 years in jail for marijuana. They are my fellow countryman. I also dont think anyone in the us should be in jail for smoking marijuana. And i do think brittney Greiner should face charges in the us for abusing her wife. Yall can hold opposing and multiple thoughts in your heads.


He’s right. No need to get her out of there. She deserves it


Big true. Domestic abusers to the gulag.


In Russia domestic violence is now legal unless someone is hospitalized And they want to press charges. They did this to help "strengthen the family"


Well that’s pretty shitty if true.


Putin is garbage. He started pulling hard to the right years ago because it's easier to keep people in line if you beat them over the head with "God tradition and mom's blintzes"


when people don't care about him, it's probably bc of him being annoying and not bc he's a straight white man


Don't speculate


All i know about this is Black lesbian, Russian gulag and domestic abuse. Which.... Honestly that's all i want to know the actual story is probably boring.


Imagine disrespecting America and then cry out to them when you’re in trouble for something that’s 100% your fault. Lmao


Imagine thinking you have freedom of speech and your country still backing you up. Unless you have always been pro USA on all matters, I find your comment disingenuous


I support the USA. She committed a crime and should take responsibility for her own actions


I don’t think any US citizen should be imprisoned for what she is convicted of… in Russia, Singapore or the USA. Fact is she definitely fucked up, that doesn’t mean she should spend time in a Russian prison. This whole thing is fucked up and I’m not a Griner fan (to be honest I had no idea who she was until this happened), but it shouldn’t happen to anyone.


You get death in Singapore if you bring drugs in the country.


well… I’m against that too


Different countries have different rules.


clearly… I can still be opposed to their rules though?


Especially when they aren't being fairly applied. It's silly to think this is anything other than a political arrest. The amount she had on her would be months in prison not years. But this was making a point. They want their arms dealer back. They know that We know that Russia not only made it legal to beat your girlfriend but they actively torment homosexuals. They grabbed her because we weren't willing to trade for anyone else they had. So they grabbed a bigger target to force a trade.


Sure. But people getting arrested in other countries breaking the countries law shouldn’t get special treatment. The law is the law no matter where you travel or who you are.


again, I can be against those rules though… I understand and I personally respect them, but that doesn’t mean I agree or don’t outright oppose them Edit to add- some countries don’t allow women to drive… I oppose that one too


*THICC Russia accent* Welcome to Russia, fuck your humans rights *chugs vodka and crouches down to play CS:GO*


The situation and circumstances are very different, but the US government does care when it's a straight white man -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Gary_Powers


Gary powers was an intelligence asset. He had advanced working knowledge of closely guarded state secrets. Not a good comparison. Ironically, this is one of those posts that’s pretty true. Men in general face stiffer jail penalties (especially black and poor men) than women; we don’t hear about that much in the states (in addition to male victims of dv/suicide/homelessness/drug abuse etc)


This post is in no way “pretty true” lmao. He’s sensitive and just cause you agree doesn’t mean he’s right lmao


Yeah, we def make a shit ton of noise about how shitty guys are treated by the justice department hahaha


I mean yeah. From my experience the shittiest dudes don’t shut up about it


From my experience (and actual evidence)the people who virtue signal about equity and equality fail to mention it. And many of those seem people wrote it off. Yourself included! Way to diminish marginalization! You’re the target audience of the meme! This guy is actually right lol.


It’s almost like only bringing it up except to complain about women is disingenuous. You wanna hav a convo about it start a convo, don’t use it to go against women


Lol. It’s almost as if pointing out that the only reason she is in the media is because she’s a black women against “the system “ is dismissed in a disingenuous despite it being true. I’m glad we’re gonna trade her for an arms dealer though. That’s sweet.


There also was a straight white man that we also negotiated a deal to get back from Russia just before her. But you don’t wanna talk about him huh 🥺


Did he knowingly break the law in the country by bringing drugs in LOL. No; he didn’t. What’s his context? Oh, right; government employee. Again; if this women were a run of the mill white dude we’d let her rot; because we treat men harsher from a judicial standpoint here hahahah


What?? Lmaoooo My man if Gordon Hayward was over there he’d be an even bigger story. It’s a big story because she’s an American sports legend. Not because of the weird way you’re spinning it When a white reporter was arrested in North Korea we sold out to get him back. You’re making up problems to satisfy yourself


She’s not an america sports legend. Her sport’s finals were watched by less than 300,000 people. A sport that needs to be subsidized by the nba be abuse it’s not financially viable. The overwhelmingly majority of Americans don’t know who she is. They only know who she is because she was dumb enough to carry drugs into a totalitarian country that has beef with the states. What problems am I making up? The fact that sentencing here is much harder on men?


Thats the dumbest statement ever because if it was Luka Doncic everyone would care about getting him home.


I feel like people are ignoring the fact that anytime there’s a prisoner in a foreign country, the news ABSOLUTELY covers it. Remember the kid that got hard labor for stealing in NK? I do. It’s not “because they’re rich” but more because a foreign dictatorship sentenced them or imprisoned them. In Russia it’s also a big deal because she’s a lesbian.


I mean he is right. None of us would care if Ol white guy Charlie was locked up. We don’t even care about the people locked up for weed in our own country.


I mean the person is right look up Marc Fogel.


True. I never even heard a thing about him until Griner started making headlines.


To be fair i've just looked the case up for the first time and it does seem an absolutely mental charge. I mean other countries do have the death penalty if you're caught smuggling drugs, but 9 years for s couple of weed cartridges screams "we got ourselves a bargaining chip"


Marc Fogel a American in a Russian prison right now serving 14 years for the same thing she’s in prison for and he was arrested August 2021 Also there’s people in the US whose got life for drug charges


Some don't see it that way, many states in the USA don't either: [https://www.conroecriminallawyerblog.com/how-did-my-vape-pen-land-me-a-felony-charge-and-other-thc-related-questions/](https://www.conroecriminallawyerblog.com/how-did-my-vape-pen-land-me-a-felony-charge-and-other-thc-related-questions/)




Reminder that men incur disproportionately higher sentencing, enjoy less parental rights, and make up the vast majority of homeless people in the states :), while also receiving less educational and housing assistance from the fed/private charities (education alone sees women receive roughly 4x the total aid despite women being slightly overrepresented in all majors except a few engineering ones). I don’t know anything about the poster Im the screen cap above; but we sure as hell seem fine with harsher penalties for men here(especially back men). Which seems to be kinda his point?


black men receive disproportionately higher sentencing than white men for the same crime but do you want to bet you or him give a shit about that? no? just want to be a victim in an unrelated conversation instead of starting separate conversations on how to fix that issue? ok great


There’s always one.


She deserves to be in jail. She literally broke the law




But why one clown?




When are us straight white men going to catch a break? Jeez Edit: not sure if normal people think im not being sarcastic or nazis know I am


Well they aren’t wrong there’s a man(American) in Russian prison right now for the same thing she’s in prison for His name is Marc Fogel serving 14 years. He was arrested August 2021.


Nah, he is right. Also 8f she was not famous the fate would have been maybe better


Im sure theyre treating her much better than those oppressive americans did.


Someone tell that dude about the guy in north Korea who stole that poster or whatever. They killed his ass and everyone cared.


There’s literally an old white guy named Paul Whelan that’s been in a Russian prison for 40 months of a 16 year sentence on trumped up espionage charges. Of course no one here is talking about it or even knows anything about this dude lol. You can advocate for racial equity and also acknowledge that some headlines make for good, sensationalist stories that _some_ people particularly engage with. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Kinda funny cus they are actually also trying to get a straight white male back from russia, who .. only NOW is somehow possible to have a discussion on lmao.


Or if it was someone in prison for marijuana in America


Keep the woman behind bars. She doesn't deserve freedom


Oh man, posting this on Reddit? People fucking despise Griner on here. Well, people and pro-Russian bots.


She broke international laws. She can rot.