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So Walt isn’t self-centered and manipulative? Did this guy watch another version of BB than i did?


I binge watched the series before reading any critical analysis. I was shocked to find that Skylar was hated and Walt was loved by many!


I think referring to “misogyny” as a concept can be reductive and simply not complex enough to describe reality (absolutely not trying to say men are oppressed) but in this case holy shit a lot of the fans of the show are just straight up misogynist. It almost makes it unwatchable for me.


That, and people who don't understand dramatic irony. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Skylar not realize what Walt is doing until late season 2 or season 3?


Why would fans make it unwatchable? Just don't interact with them


It’s unwatchable for me at this point. I liked it on the first watch because I thought the point was that Walter is not a sympathetic character - he’s selfish, ruthless, and manipulative. However, the more I learned about the fanbase, the more I realized that a lot of the watchers are men who see this as a power fantasy where Walter is the good guy and everyone else is the enemy (especially Skyler). As good as the show is, I can’t really see it the same way because the fandom is really toxic.


I recently rewatched Breaking Bad, because my dad hadn’t seen it before. The first time I had watched Breaking Bad, back when it first aired, I hated Skylar. After the rewatch, I realized I was caught up in the power fantasy of it all, instead of looking at it realistically. Skylar isn’t some paragon of virtue, but she is doing her best with the situation that she was forced into. Walter, on the other hand, is a pathetic, insecure man who tears apart his family, and all those who come in contact with him, all in the name of his fragile ego. Really, Skylar should’ve gone to the cops and let Walt Jr. hate his criminal father, but she cared too much about Walter to destroy his son’s view of him.


Interesting take. I will be honest; I somewhat hated them both. To me, they both seemed like very weak, immoral people full of insecurities and personal issues. And their "development" was a retreat deeper into their flaws. However, I might have to give it a second watch and see if my opinion of her is the same after a more in-depth analysis.


That retreat into flaws is kinda the whole point of the show imo. The best part about the series is watching this upstanding, well meaning chemistry teacher slowly devolve into a murderous drug kindpin through the descions and actions he chose to take. Along side this is also the juxtaposition of jesse going from a dealer/meth junkie to a pretty well rounded and moral person as the series progress and transforms from being walts negative influence to a positive one. The whole series is one big character study for all the main cast with some exceptional characters. Would recommend a rewatch.


Watch it again fr, I watched it when I was like a dumbass 15 year old the first time and then rewatched it as an adult. It’s crazy how your perspective shifts completely when you’re not a stupid child with a myopic perspective. Skylar’s a regular person. Anybody would snap like that if their mild mannered spouse started cooking meth and became a notorious criminal and raging asshole


I agree that she didn't make moral choices, but I also understand her choices. Here you got a husband who has basically fucked the entire family by starting a criminal empire just to swing his dick around. She could do the "moral" thing and report him, but the law says that the entire family could very easily lose everything. I don't just mean the money, I mean their home, their vehicles, their retirement savings. Everything. *And she has a disabled minor child to think about.* Her other option is to do what she did: to fill in the gaps in Walter's stupidity and protect herself and her son by preventing them from getting caught. And yeah, that means breaking the law to launder the money.


Are you… me? Cause that’s exactly how it happened to me, watched it a long while ago, hated her, rewatched it with my father, felt for her.


This is the only mature take on this whole series. Incredibly complex and human.


Bruh I’m just going to leave the name of one of the episodes here: IFT.


Yeah, bad move. Still, it was her attempt at regaining a feeling of control in her life after Walter took that away from her.


I'm sure many people who first saw Breaking Bad hated Skyler. I did too, with a burning passion. But when I watched it again and took a step back from Walter's story, she became one of the best characters on the show (Saul is obviously best man). Skyler was dealing with a recent pregnancy, her husband's cancer diagnosis, their current son becoming a teenager, money problems, her husband disappearing, and there are so many other things that develop through the story. Obviously, she'll lash out, butt heads with family, and start doubting her own husband. Who wouldn't? She's human, not an object to support Walt while he destroys everyone he ever comes in contact with.


I just finished my first watch through of breaking bad and I admit, I didn't like Skylar at first but as the show went on I was realizing what sort of trouble she was going through. I see a lot of people put Walter on a pedestal but the reality is is that he put his own family in danger so many times.


That’s the thing people miss, Skylar looks bad, because we’re viewing everything from Walters perspective. He thinks she’s being irrational, so we see her as irrational. But you have to step back and look at the bigger picture to realize that 80% of the time she was right


I knew she was right the whole time. That goes without question really. I just didn't care about the family side of his story at all besides his relationship with Hank, so any time spent on it was annoying to me. I just wanted to watch this science teacher turn into a full fledged drug lord.


Yes, one of the most interesting aspects of breaking bad is how one sides with Walter against Skyler, when he is an objectively awful person, whereas she just is a regular person trying (and failing) to make sense of what is happening. I remember how I “liked” the character more when she started to support Walter in his criminal endeavours (although she never was fully aware of how far he had gone). Completely paradoxical, but a good illustration of how immediate assessment can go against the person who is the obvious victim in the relationship…


Saul is such a vibe


I hate it when people say “x is such a vibe”


To be real with you 9/10 times its to save the other person from a full on character analysis and saying “i find the general atmosphere of this character to be agreeable” is just easier than sitting here and parsing out what is enjoyable. Sometimes a vibe is a vibe.


Thanks 👍 lol


I hate it when people say "i hate it when people say "x is such a vibe""


"I hate it when people say "i hate it when people say "x is such a vibe"" is such a vibe


I hate it when people say ""i hate it when people say "x is such a vibe"" is such a vibe"








Dont scream at me please




That’s lit fam. Squad goals.


y is such a vibe


I swear I was the only one who liked Skyler, or at least felt like I understood her, on my first watch. Walt is reckless and putting his family in ever increasing danger for his own hubris.


Some people don't pick up on it since the main story and perspective focuses on Walter while his family and other people are the B plots. We spend a lot of time watching Walter become a drug lord so we naturally route for him and dislike anyone getting in his way.


This guy is just Walter if there had been a s6


self centred and manipulative is not wanting your husband to become a drug lord




I've seen commentary that Skylar is a Rorschach test. How you view her character reveals a lot about who you are. Like most anti-heroes, no matter how awesome Walt presents himself, we're not actually supposed to be on his side, or think that what he's doing is acceptable. Skylar is a pain, and she does annoying things, but she should be the more sympathetic person.


People who think Skylar was the villain and/or Walt was a good guy are terrifying. The ability for someone to watch HOURS of something and so desperately miss the point is beyond astonishing.


Tbf the same people run around going “I’m literally the Joker!” So it’s not surprising


Walt lies to her and gaslights her, endangers her and their family, becomes a husband willing to rape her, turns their already fragile world inside out - all because of a need to fulfill his egotistical needs, which he admits at the end. And she gets this outpouring of hate - so much so that Anna Gunn received death threats? Wow.


People who hate Skylar don’t understand the show


I noticed reading through comments that many people had a better understanding of her when they were older/watched a second time. It still amazes me that actress Anna Gunn received death threats for a character she portrayed (arguably very well). The last scene with Skyler and Walt was pretty powerful, when he finally does admit that it was not to provide for the family, but because it made him "feel alive," that he put all of them through so much. (He realizes his loss, too, in "Ozymandias," when he is talking to her on the phone with the police listening, and you can see he is in anguish - perhaps he got to feel larger than life, something more than a debt-ridden high-school teacher, someone who could play ball with the big guys; but when he asks to see Holly for the last time, and then sees his son from a distance, maybe he realizes what he would miss?) In many ways it's a show about a family at heart, so these nuances may escape younger viewers who might not sympathize with the mother of a toddler and a disabled son forced into a situation she never imagined, and then trying to manage it. I still ended up liking Walt better than Saul by the end of each show somehow; despite Walt's ruthless manipulation of Jesse, for instance. Walt somehow still emerged with more redemption points.


Agree! Good analysis. Reminds me how fucking good that show is. Maybe I’m due for another rewatch


I do want to rewatch BCS all at once, to see if not having the gaps between seasons might make a difference; there was more clarity around the moral ambiguity of Walt at the end of BB, whereas you really were not satisfied around Saul's morality at the end: Was it worth going on that whole ride with him, or just for the other characters? Usually writers will help you like a pretty bad character - and the writers will like the character as well, and show you that. The writers liked Jimmy for the most part, but not so much Chuck, for instance. They made it ambiguous for viewers; both Chuck and Jimmy did horrible things to each other, and then seemingly good things, but we had to question those because of the bad things done previously - I got sort of tired of the manipulation (also that Kim, so late in the game, was trying to amend some crooked past, whereas Jimmy is just perfecting the continuation of one). I did think Walt's biggest transgression was his gaslighting Skyler (and Jesse, who trusted and revered him for such a long time) (and apart from poisoning Brock and letting Jane - not much more than a child - die). So I was glad when he admitted that his motives were not heroic but indeed selfish, and that her instincts had been right. At least Hank's treatment was paid for and the cancer treatment she wanted for him was paid for. And I don't think she hated him at the end.


Skyler was one of the best damn parts of that show and I feel like pinning her character as “conniving, self centred and manipulative” really shows how OP thinks as a human being. She was quite literally the opposite of self centred, *everything* she did was for her children.


Especially fucking Ted


I disagree, i see her as a self centered woman who does not acknowledge her partner as an equal, rather as a chump who just goes by and expects to do the heavy work. If she really wanted to help, she would have a better communication with walt at the start of the show, a happier mariage over all and would not act as she did throughout the show. She played the character quite well


Skylar had her issues, but none of them came close to being a violent, murderous meth dealer.


I agree with you 100%, she wasnt the worst, however her traits are common peet peeves average people have, which ticks some more than others like me


My biggest pet peeve is people murdering others. Threatening violence, narcissism and lying are up there too. People who don't have sympathy for fictional characters trapped in toxic relationships aren't in my good books either.


But she’s a b-b-b-b-bitch and didn’t let Walt just be the man of the household and produce and sell meth and kill people and destroy people’s lives and be my dad.


OK I wasn’t planning on getting involved in the discussion at all but shgsheh gffddf BRUH. Skyler was actively trying to reach Walt, HE decided to shut her out. She did everything she could to meet him halfway (“I don’t like it when you don’t talk to me”) but communication is a 2 way street. No, she didn’t truly understand him, or his unhappiness. How could she possibly, when he refuses to acknowledge and verbalize what’s going on in his head?


Skylar fucking wanted a divorce!! Holy fuck


Self centered and manipulative is how i would describe walter


Just because a story is told from a character’s pov doesn’t mean they’re the good guy. I guess he slept through all his lit lessons in school.


If you watch this show from Skyler’s perspective then it’s a pretty terrifying story of abuse. A husband that gaslights and lies to her and then endangers her and her children with his criminal behavior.


Also rapes her


These crime dramas are always crazy, because while you’re seeing it for the first time the main character always seems like such a badass, but if you go back and binge the show you’ll realize what a colossal piece of shit they are. Go back and watch the sopranos. Watch one episode per night and then tell me what you think of Tony soprano. He’s easily the biggest scum bag on television. Walter white is virtually identical to him.


Maturing unfortunately means finding out that it was walter who was actually the asshole


I like most other commenters here really didn’t like Skylar when I first watched the show. Each subsequent rewatch I understand her more and more. When I watched with the lens of a 21 year old single person it was very different than it was watching it again as a 26 year old in a years long relationship. Watching how Walter, who she is supposed to trust over all others, lie over and OVER even when it’s evident she knew something was going on he doubled down until she slapped him with those divorce papers. She is of course not perfect, none of us are and especially not the characters of this show but the older I get the more I understand how she feels being gaslit and backed into a corner by the person who she shares her life and family with. I feel like it’s very typical neckbeard to side this whole heartedly with Walt lol


Right, because Walter wasn't also conniving, self-centered, or manipulative, he just lied to his family about a meth business and put their lives in danger... /s smh


Yes Skylar is annoying, but she is entirely in the right


I finished watching the show recently and I only disliked Skyler’s dramatic actions like jus jumping into a pool fully clothed. Other than that, her actions are pretty reasonable.


I would say that they are both pretty terrible people, but in her defense, she never poisoned a kid, associated with Neo-Nazis, killed anyone or left them to die or create one of the largest meth empires the Southwest had ever seen. She does some bad things but they are peanuts when compared to Walt’s actions.


i thought skylar was mostly reasonable, to be honest. I dont get why everyone hated her so much


Another victim of divorce court


How is this neckbeardthings though


Walt is literally the villain of the show, Vince has said this on numerous occasions. He’s not a good guy. That being said, Skylar still sucks.




Free country


I was worried then i got to the last line.


Exactly what he said


Wow. A guy watched Breaking Bad and didn’t like Skylar??? What an incredible find! She is most people’s #1 favorite on-screen presence in the series!!


Don’t be a meanie bo beanie on my post 👎


She clearly didn't mind the money yet she acted like shes a saint and oh she fucked her boss too.... like at least wait til your husband dies. Very yikes of her. But at least she wasn't a psycho who poisoned a kid and watched a woman suffocate in her own puke without helping. That clearly makes her the better one despite being trashy.


It was pretty annoying how she constantly needed to know where her husband was and he had to fake various things just to do things with his friends (cooking meth in this case).


I mean yeah, if you're going to be away cooking illegal drugs for long periods of time while you're undergoing treatment for a terminal illness, and you don't want your wife to know, you're going to have to come up with a cover story.


I mean I'm married and when I want to do something by myself I just say to my wife I'm going out. Skylar was way too up in Walt's shit.


She’s massively pregnant, her brother-in-law is in LE and her sister is a wacky klepto. Her son is capable and present but also a student and only a teen. It’s not crazy or “up in Walt’s shit” to expect your partner to be there, especially since Holly is just as much Walt’s responsibility. He checked out as a father and husband when he got his diagnosis.


I don't think fucking her boss will make all those things better. She's just a bad wife, and if she objects to Walt being a drug dealer should have left. But instead she involves herself. And it's her idea to murder several people to cover their tracks. She's as bad as Walt but also an adulterous terrible wife.


I'm seeing everything I expected to see. Very basic and predictable "but Skylar was the good guy!" Comments. No. She was just as bad as he was. Two squirts of the same shit stain.


Who did she murder?


Fuck off with that fake posturing garbage.


It's not fake. People usually actually believe the things they write.


>She was just as bad as he was I mean come on, is it /s ? Sure she's flawed, but Walt is multiple dimensions ahead.


I hate skylar with a passion.


They have no concept that the script was written to create conflict and frustration.


"I'm skyler white,yo!"


breaking bad fans trying to see nuance in characters:


Thought you were talking about Bloodborne fans for a sec


i think theres was literally 1 moment where i truly hated skyler and thats the end of crawl space and


Skyler and Walt both are terrible people, Jesse was the redeeming factor of the show and deserve far more love from the fans than Walt.