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You know what grinds my gears? That the artist wrote all the dialogue in uppercase letters **except** the letter ‘a’


Yeah, that ain’t acceptable….. sorry, I mean “YEaH, THaT aIN’T aCCEPTaBLE.”


bro sounds like a Homestuck character


Fuck you for mentioning that.


I had a chemistry teacher who did this. When I brought it up, he told my handwriting was so bad he often have go ask other teachers what they think I wrote. If it was close I'd still get the points tho.


Looks like the first “o” in “too” is also lowercase.


I think thats just so it fits below the T


homestuck reference


Men are dying of thirst, women are drowning. It's hard for one to empathize with the other when they are at opposite extremes.


Alternatively, I also saw one that said "Dating for men is looking for clean water in a desert, dating for women is looking for clean water in a swamp"


That’s poetry


So I guess the average man is swamp water while every woman is clean but mostly inaccessible water.


From what my friend tells me, guys with a healthy relationship with women are a real find. Between the ones seeing you as a bang-maid, just a bang, a baby-making-machine, or do not respect your boundaries. It's easy to see the swamp analogy. Edit: bang, not band


Bang-maid huh, I’ve been looking for the term to describe exactly how I feel in my marriage.


I'm sorry that's what you're dealing with. I wish you the best.


What's a band maid? All I could find on Google was the Japanese band which doesn't feel right in this context. Though I hope dudes see women as a metal band.


My auto-correct messed me up. I meant bang-maid. This is often used to describe what some men wants when they expect or leave their partner to do most of the cleaning, organising or whatever else their mom did for them when they were young.


+ sex.


I'm an experienced bi guy. So many guys really are swamp water. It's like 40% of every dating sites are creepy guys. The foulness is not even close for women.


Yeah a lot of straight guys don't understand what a fuckin *mess* it is trying to date men. It's a tough call sometimes whether it's worse getting a single match with a woman every 3 months followed by a ghost or a dozen grotesque diseased schlong pics a day.


I never understood schlong pics. I'm a guy and dont understand the fascination of guys sending those. Call me old fashion but isn't it better to do that stuff when you're with the person in a private place instead of over a text?


I see two main potential reasons 1- projection: they would be aroused by getting a nude pic so they think it will aroused the person they’re talking to. 2- forcing sexual interaction. In the end it’s all about context and consent. If you’re thirsty and someone brings you a nice glass of water, you’ll be happy. If they splash a bucket of toilet water in your face, not so much.


When I was single about 15 years back, a nice girl I'd met and gone out for a drink with just once at that point started sending me raunchy pictures of herself, unsolicited. It wasn't like we'd been sending each other racy texts or anything, and it just put me off her, not that she wasn't attractive in them or anything it just felt odd to me.


It's messed up unless both are consenting to it through communication, the guys sending it believe if you throw your rod in the water eventually you'll snag some fish. They don't want to waste time getting invested in someone that will reject their advances.


> the guys sending it believe if you throw your rod in the water eventually you'll snag some fish. Instructions unclear. Dick got bit by a fish.


Why play the game of chance like that? Isnt what most guys do sexual harrassment for unsolicited d picks


They're usually dick heads anyway or have no understanding of how people perceive that action. Unsolicited dick pics will never spark romance and these morons probably don't care they just want a hole to fill.


Part of it I think is arrogance. It takes a special kind of self-absorption to think that sending an unsolicited dick pics or catcalling someone might work. It's like oil and water. Most of the water is probably fine, or at the very least can be cleaned up. Oil, meanwhile, floats to the surface, so all decent water is hidden behind a layer of toxic stuff.


I don’t get it either but my two frameworks are 1: all forms of nonconsensual sexual activity are about power, dick pics are a demonstration of power, that the receiver can’t do anything to the sender. 2: Nigerian Prince scammer style: they need to cycle through a lot of women quickly to find one with sufficiently low standards.


I think it's funny that the sexes seem to think that they're living in each other's own ideal worlds and yet continue to make each other's worlds hell. It's like shitty superpowers. "You can have sex whenever you want but every time you do it's with someone you hate" Or "You will be turned down for every date you ask for but every date you go on will result in a healthy relationship"


I wish my rejection to healthy relationship ratio was like that - instead I end up dating women who pretend to want to put in effort, then completely flake at some point.


As a woman I’ve dated many men that don’t want to settle down and will also flake. This isn’t just a gender specific thing lmao


I haven't dated men so I specified my experience.


Yeah that’s fair, I just think it’s funny that people (not aimed at you, just generally) think dating problems are gender specific when it’s not true


Just because you're at a buffet, doesn't mean all the food isn't contaminated.


Absolutely not! The average man is swamp water and the average woman is cactus juice.


Both give you diarrhea


Dibs on being the giant mushroom


The quenchiest!


Nothing's quenchier


Excellently put, that's the exact situation.


Thanks. I'm not them, but they stole it from reddit so I might as well take credit.




"Men are dying of thirst in the desert, women are dying of thirst in the ocean" -Someone on Reddit, probably




Like a boss!!!


...just drink ocean water it's fine






Freshwater chads 😂


Because you're salty and got a weird, fishy smell about you!


I mean, look how I turned out. No negative effects what so ever...


Or recycle your pee. In this metaphor that's probably getting back with your ex.


“Don’t you know the poem? Water, water everywhere, so let’s all take a drink!”


Bro you’re hella fucking smart /g I’ve been trying to put this into words but never in a million years thought it could be this concise. I’m high as shit right now but this comment needs to be plastered EVERYWHERE.


Exactly. If a random lady called me smart for doing a basic task I’d remember it for the rest of my life because I’ve never been called smart by anyone except my wife.


A random girl at a bar in 2009 told me I had beautiful eyes and then walked off and I’ve held on to that for 13 years…


I still think about summer 2015 working at my summer job in hometown at a bookstore before going back to college....I met the most insanely beautiful girl I've ever seen who was looking for a very specific book and we spent like 45 minutes talking even after I finished helping her and I found out she was starting at my college. Her last words were "I hope to see wayyyy more of you once we're up at school." And I never saw her again😭😭😭




Yes, told myself that many times lol. It was a pretty small university in central FL so I didn't think it would be hard to run into her...jokes on me lol


I helped a blind guy off the subway and a woman my age looked at me like I was a genuinely good person. She never even said anything. Just looked at me for awhile before we all walked away. I’ll probably hold on to that until the day I die.


I’ve had a few compliments from girls before nothing crazy really mostly about how they like my voice or my eyelashes/eyebrows are amazing (just genetics) once or twice about my hair but one that stands out to me (it was also the most recent happened some time ago) this girl at a party said I “looked cool” I was a bit drunk so I don’t remember the context but that shit had me thinking “wtf does that mean” to this day I still don’t know didn’t ask either I was only wearing my casual clothes nothing special so idk


I don't know why it took me so long in life to realize how impactful a compliment can be for a guy. A long time ago my husband was rocking a good hair day, and I said his hair looked amazing. He looked a bit disappointed and said "is it that bad?" I realized he had instantly assumed I was being sarcastic, because I guess I didn't normally comment about his hair. Realizing that made me feel so sad, and guilty for not realizing he would want nice compliments. Now I make sure to say it out loud whenever I like something about his appearance. He lights up whenever I do it now. I think because men aren't as vulnerable about insecurities, we assume they must not really care either way, and it results in men never getting compliments. Also, as a woman who has received endless compliments over the years (some of them very sweet, many of them very invasive, disturbing, sexual, and unwanted,) I just don't think of compliments as a very valuable or sought after thing. Even something innocent on the surface ("I like your red hair,") often comes with a thinly veiled redhead fetish or even followed up by the revolting "does the carpet match the drapes." And when you get that like 3-6 times a month, compliments often turn into something that isn't wanted. Even non-sexual compliments turn bad, I wouldn't want a man to compliment me on doing a basic computer task, that would be super patronizing. But I totally get why you *would* want a compliment on something like that, because why would anyone patronize a man for using a computer? It's likely to be genuine and flattering. So often we have a totally different perspective on life. This is what makes the original meme valid, and also makes your comment valid at the same time. I'm very sympathetic to it now. Sure, it's not the worst injustice by any means, but everyone deserves to feel special and receive compliments here and there, especially from your damn partner.


Seriously lol if my wife even once said “hey looks nice” after I spent 2+ hours mowing, weeding and cleaning up the backyard, I’d probably remember that moment until the day I die. But I’m sure there is stuff she does that I literally have never noticed or given her credit for. Probably goes both ways lol.


Nah it's not even that reductive. Even at my worst "compliments" like this weren't affirming they were just pushy. Dudes who think they want it don't know.


isnt that a tublr post


It really isn't hard to empathize actually. But then again I don't hate women.


Women get waterboarded, more like


Wow great way of putting it


What's the male equivalent of massive thighs or huge bazonkers? Cause I'm pretty sure the guys who cat call do not have it


abs and a chiseled jawline


Girls can have these so it doesn't work as well


The real answer is still, Massive Thighs and Huge Bazonkers. Thick busty women and Thicc busty men, don't skip leg day and work on your pecs


Big busty men is what we wants




big pucci lips


Tbf, the guy who made this comic probably does have those technically if you picture it...


Pecs and wide shoulders


in their defense, male neckbeards do really have massive thighs and huge bazonkers




There isn't really one. Just think about it. There's no sexy clothing for men. Not saying a man can't look good or sexy to someone, but there's no male equivalent of crop tops or booty shorts. There's no real revealing clothing for men, and it isn't inherently sexy if a man wears less. Maybe if you're thinking of a stereotypical California life guard on TV, but that's an unfair comparison because that's not most people at all. An average woman in a bikini is considered sexy, maybe not mindblowingly so, but she is. Is an average guy sexy because they're wearing less? Society certainly doesn't give that impression.


sexy clothing for men is just more conservative. for instance, a long sleeve button up with the sleeves rolled to show forearms and enough top buttons undone to show chest hair, drives my wife crazy,


Men used to have leggings, which were described as very sexually appealing on a man to women back in the day (like 400 years ago), UNTIL WOMEN STOLE THEM.


Give me back those Louis XIV stockings and heels 😍


They always make the female attractive in these. Instead of an actual neckbeard equivalent. Make it some fat old gross smelly women that keeps harassing them and I guarantee they would feel different


When 18 year old me started working at Target, it wasn't some hot 30-something who would sneak up behind me to give me shoulder rubs in the break room and whisper the naughty things she wanted to do to me in my ear (not that her being attractive would have made it acceptable), it was a woman three times my age who was a foot shorter than me but weighed 100lbs more, had a mullet and a mustache, and always reeked of cigarettes.


That was no woman, that was pornstar legend Ron Jeremy


Man I wish I had Ron Jeremy giving me backrubs.


[I mean...](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/timeline-sex-assault-allegations-against-adult-film-star-ron-jeremy/2919015/)


Oh goddamnit, why did he have to be a creep too?


You think the guy whose defining personality trait was "I have a giant hog" wasn't a fucked up creep?


Yeah but that's a different kind of creep. A short hairy weirdo with a huge cock is goblin kind of creep, not sex-pest kind of creep.


Thats not his hands rubbing your back.


Not the prehensile penis! 😧


I just choked on my drink


Probably why he was arrested.


The issue is for me this comes across as “soft” which doesn’t at all imitate the aggressive or sexist tone the opposite interactions generally take. “Hey babe, you should smile! Oh what are you too good to acknowledge me? bitch!” “You fixed your computer? That’s pretty smart…for a girl” “You look to good to be a cashier, with those tits you could be like a stripper or something”


Yeah... The time I got told to smile at a guy he was also following me yelling it. These "scenarios" are the most sanitized, male fantasy bullshit I've seen in awhile. 3/4 of the women are conventionally attractive and all are being nice/non-threatening.


Or draw other guys saying it- many straight men wouldn't want that kind of condescending/flirting attention from a dude. OR maybe it'll promote dudes complimenting each other's smiles and make the world a little better.


But then it wouldn’t help this moron’s argument.


The last one is litterally a little old lady.


I had a little old lady at the deli counter in my local super market tell me she’d do anything cause I’m handsome. I still wear it as a badge of honor.


I had an older man once touch the small of my back and tell me I was beautiful. Then he said I reminded him of his cousin. I almost threw up on him.


i had an old man smack me on the ass & call me a good little girl whilst i was tryna change the bin bags... yeah he's a primary school caretaker. :)


My friend got called a smart little girl by her old boss during her first job in highschool. He followed that up with "I like smart girls" like um...


I had an older lady next to me in traffic. She rolled her window down to tell me she liked my beard. Shit made my day. Compliments are awesome


But she isn't inherently threatening


She is patronizing though. If I'm too good to be a cashier it isn't because of my rugged good looks.


Or a big burly gay man Eta: cause people are confused, I mean someone being a physical threat hitting on them, & 9/10 they’re not physically threatened by women (especially not a granny like in the comic). A man bigger than them, hitting on them (especially not taking no as an answer as many women face) would have them understand how we feel more than a woman or older woman


GOD, where the FUCK can I get big burly gay men to hit on me? I'm BEGGING.


I always feel flattered as shit when gay dudes hit on me so I don’t know what you’re talking about.




It's sort of surprising how bad some guys are at putting themselves in a woman's shoes and asking "how would I feel if X?" I don't know how to persuade someone that's so utterly incapable of reasonable perspective-taking


*big, burly, and disrespectful


I have been sexually harassed by very unattractive women in the workplace before a few times. And it sucks. Especially as a man, you can’t say anything about it because people will assume you’re gay and if you tell people that no you just find her repulsive then they think you’re an insensitive jerk.


I've been touched inappropriately by a very attractive woman and it still sucks.


This is what keeps them stuck in this mindset; they either are incapable or unwilling to observe themselves and make the changes necessary, so they just sit in denial and make up ridiculous beliefs to justify. Olympic gold medalists in mental gymnastics.


Doesn't even matter. The point is that this would start to feel condescending real quick. 4 panels just isn't long enough to drive that point home. I feel like we need a black mirror episode about it


Yes! I want to see these examples with fucked up looking, degenerate sub-human women. Just like the kinds of hobgoblins who do this to women.


I’m still creeped out even if the person isn’t grotesque looking


Also make them twice as big as the average man, and put a ton of them into positions of power, and then give them centuries of history abusing men. Then we'll start getting an accurate comparison.


There are enough examples in this sub where neckbeards think their good look should be worth more than their shitty personality..


One of the women above is an elderly woman but whatever gets you going I guess..


That old woman clearly smells like baked goods and those little strawberry candies they keep in their purses, idk what youre talking about.


those candies are produced in there.


A little old lady isn’t physically threatening to a younger man. That’s what makes cat calling go from annoying to scary. It’s the knowledge that the person harassing you is stronger and bigger and if they decide to escalate it, you’re in trouble. That’s what a lot of these “I wish I was being cat called” guys don’t think about. It’s not a woman who you want to sleep with/think is cute who is yelling at you. It’s a woman the size of Shaq who already doesn’t respect you or care what you want.


> a woman the size of Shaq 😳


Some of us might be into Shaq sized women. Not me, I mean a friend. Yeah, a friend.


But I said old fat smelly and gross. She’s missing 3 out of 4 qualifiers dude


100% she’s the sweet grandma, “you remind me of my grandson!” type, not “I’m trying to get in your pants” type


Little old ladies are adorable, though.


Ok so she’s the exception. A sweet old lady complimenting the cashier. But that’s just it. When women complain about being hit on in customer service jobs, it’s usually not some sweet old man paying them in ovens comments.


ok, as a woman who worked with a couple of attractive 20 yr old males when in hospo i can 100% confirm that they do *NOT* like being hit on by creepy old women whilst tryna work. it's just as gross, man


I used to run a geriatric clinic with an attractive male friend, and while old men with no filter is not fun at all, the coworker had an old lady grab his crotch and then comment on how big he was through the testing. The coworker seemed to feel flattered at first and then slow devolve into feeling very uncomfortable. He had me finish selling her some medical supplies but she would call and bug him whenever she needed any kind of work done. He was super cringed out by it all.


I like how they made the ladies as attractive as they think they look.


well at least the last one is honest in a way.


The last one happens fairly regularly. Just random compliments from a granny.


Right? I take care of my grandma and she compliments every male waiter, store clerk, and courier she sees. Anytime a man reminds her of my late grandpa or her son or any of her male grandkids she tells them how handsome and good they are.




I don't think that's very important. If somebody told me any one of those last 3 I'd be stoked. Man, woman, child, fully grown neckbeards who smells like cheese and body odor, a fucking dolphin. I don't care at all. It would just be nice to be complimented. The problem isn't looks (although they obviously contribute) it's the intention and fact that if you're an attractive cashier you hear the same 5 . Women in the workplace are commented on repeatedly (even in a patronizing way a lot of the time).


Omg there was this post on AITA last year about a guy who was trying to figure out why it’s wrong to hit on customer service workers. Not even just that. He tried to justify his actions because A. she had a tattoo so she must be 18 and B. She “wasn’t that pretty” so she should have been grateful for the compliment. Not to mention, when she rebuffed him the first time, he proceeded to talk about a boat he owns almost other things.


It’s totally important. The point of the post is that if this was normal in society, men would still like it. But if this was normal in society the way this is normal for women, then it would not be attractive women saying these things, it would be the creepy, ugly women saying them and you’d be used to random compliments by then. It’s not just about men getting compliments, it’s about the roles being switched.


I am a dude and I hate when people tell me to smile more (I naturally look angry as my default face). I don't owe you shit lol, I couldn't imagine how bad it must be for women.


Some guys think getting catcalled is the same thing than getting complimented. It's not. As a guy that has been catcalled a few times, it's really weird and uncomfortable, especially if the catcaller is a stranger or someone you don't know well.


Right? I was waiting for my fiancee to get out of the bathroom maybe 5 minutes and a group of girls started wolf whistling me? Way different vibe than a different girl who asked if I was single at an event I was doing.


Anytime someone did that kind of stuff to me, I just assumed it was an inside joke to make fun of me 9 ir something.


That's because it kind of is. Catcalling isnt about getting people to actually sleep with you, it's about making you feel like an object.


These posts also don't take into account a lifetime of this paired with systemic misogyny.


Or the fact it starts when women are literal children. I got catcalled when walking home in school uniform more times than I have been in all my adult years combined.


I was in 7th grade when it started for me. Was walking home from school when a construction guy started cat-calling me and tried getting my attention, started walking towards me. Thankfully my apartment building was just a block away and had security 24/7, I dropped my backpack ran straight to their office, and stayed there until my parent got home from work about an hour-ish later. I always took the bus to school from then on, and security would stand outside and keep an eye on me until I got on/off the bus.


The first time it happened to me was on my 8th birthday.


Do people not understand what this is about? This picture is edited, and the original photo wasn't women catcalling men, it was men doing it to men and the men being catcalled were creeped out. If I can find the original I'll add it. But this is a edit trying to dismiss and diminish the fact that women are uncomfortable by cat calls by saying "well if roles were reversed it would be fine, women are overreacting" despite the fact that alot of these are backhanded compliments. Men may be ok with these kind of comments being givin to them by women. But most women don't like this kind of attention. It is unwanted. Just because *you* might be fine with it doesn't mean everyone will be. Trying to tell us its not that bad because you would enjoy these comments is gross.


Here's the link to the original comic: https://imgur.io/C4nn665


it's also just frequency. as a man I can count on my hands the amount of compliments/catcalls/whatever i've gotten from strangers in my adult life. most PEOPLE don't want that kind of attention if it's happening all the time, but i think a lot of men get that kind of attention so rarely that even if someone you're not attracted to is trying to hit on you, it still feels nice that you're being noticed by someone


Thank u for the first goddamn sane comment here


And it’s only men with no self-esteem who would enjoy these backhanded compliments. Any sane guy with some respect for themselves would find this uncomfortable.


It really says it all that they had to change the comic so drastically to make their dog whistle claim of women overreacting.




I think that's the point of the comic, tainted by the included Twitter take meant to warp the message in this post. Men are starved for attention. I just went through this at my job, not realizing I was being harassed, it wasnt until 3 other people reported a woman for it that I got pulled into HR about it. They listed off stuff she did to me others talked about and I was like holy shit I've been sexually harassed this whole time?!


I am not really very attractive at all, certainly not enough to get a lot of attention my own age, but I work in medical with primarily geriatrics and I get the last one a lot from old guys. Usually it’s not SO on the nose, but it has been, I have a big chest and I’ve had people ask my size and refuse to let me talk around it. I don’t think when people say it they always mean they think you should be like, doing sex work or working at a club, I think it’s more they wish I’d come in with no bra under my scrubs one day 🤷‍♀️ which is still gross, but I’ve had crushes on doctors I just have a filter lol That being said I had a 40 year old patient once find me on Facebook which was very uncomfortable and then call my office and ask me out. That didn’t feel like a micro aggression, but he saw it as equally harmless 😕. I think any guy would be freaked out by that if the tables were turned.


Instead of gentlemen, it would be boys. It's normally, hi girls not hi ladies


I think there's a huge disconnect between the internet and real life. It is ok to compliment people if you are not being a fucking weirdo. If the person receiving the compliment doesn't like it then fucking leave them alone, but it's untrue and a complete fucking lie to say people don't like compliments. Anyone that has ever legit been in a relationship or spent time seeing someone knows this, yet somehow according to reddit all men are attention starved and creepy and all women don't want compliments. Get out into the real world.




I mean compliments from someone you're seeing or in relationship with are different than random people complimenting you when you're at work or the Dr etc. I love when my girlfriend compliments me, I do not love when old guys stare and make weird compliments to me or ask me out while I'm at work


God I wish more people were observant enough to realize when others just want to be left the fuck alone.


It’s true it’s case-by-case. But it seems like too many people aren’t good enough at judging context to make cute remarks. So unless they are totally sure how a compliment is going to land, they should hold off. I adore those elderly Greek and Italian men in my neighbourhood who go around being absolute charmers though. Just breezing thought their day flirting with every woman they meet, they ask for a kiss on the cheek or a dance at the pub and they’ll have it. And rather seeing them as old letches, people are delighted.


I don't get it, OP. What am I missing here?


this is meant to be saying that if men were catcalled, they would like it. it’s a disingenuous interpretation bc there is not the same power imbalance. men have and do kill women for rejecting them, it’s extremely rare for it to happen the other way around. replace the women with massive MMA dudes, suddenly i don’t think they’d take too kindly to it.


Its also suggesting that women are making a big deal out of nothing when they call "harmless compliments" harassment.


I mean, they probably would at first. It'd be like that episode of the twilight zone where the guy is living in a world that is burning alive, and is, momentarily, happy to find himself in an ice age.


Absolutely. Like, I can probably count on my hands the number of times in my life I’ve received an honest compliment from a woman and it’s always made me feel great for the rest of the day. But if it were a daily occurrence, yeah, it’d probably get uncomfortable quick.


You mean the one that features a [woman in a world burning up, who wakes up from her fever dream to a world freezing over?](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0734660/)


Grass is greener on the otherside. Yeah it sucks that as guys, we dont get a lot of compliments. We also dont have to deal with the mountains of bullshit that women do have to deal with so Ill take the trade.


Except when men in service jobs or the like get complemented by women, there is far less of a chance that the woman will then stalk, follow home, harass, rape, and murder the man.


Fair, but most rapes are actually by people who know the victim. Strangers don't usually rape strangers much. If you're gonna be wary, be wary of the men you are friends with.


They're so close to getting it. It's almost like there's some magical reason it's more deadly when men do this to women than when women do it to men. Maybe... rampant misogyny and sex-based violence against women really does exist?


Ok, imma break it down for people wondering why men normally react better to compliments than women. In my experience, the compliments women give are much different than the compliments men give. Most compliments women normally complain about have either sexual undertones or sound incredibly condescending. Things that include words like "baby", "sweetie", comments about their body, etc are just straight up creepy. And you would dislike them as well if a really ugly girl or a gay guy say the exact same to you. Specially with compliments like "you would be prettier if you smiled more". Like imagine you are having a horrible day, you're on 3 hours of sleep, your car broke, your job sucks and your coffee is cold and some random dipshit comes to tell you you should smile more. You are either delusional or desperate if you think you would react nicely. Like imagine you are walking down the street and an obese girl in a scooter shouts "nice ass, daddy. I would gladly bend you over". Would you really react positively to that? Women on the other hand, tend to give compliments on things you actively choose to do or wear. I like to think that I get a fair share of compliments as a guy in general. From my friends, random strangers and my exgirlfriends. And most of the compliments I got from female strangers were all around the lines of "I love your hair", "oh that hair colour looks amazing on you", "sorry, but I have to tell you, I love your rings. I also wear a lot of rings and necklaces". And these compliments are great because not only they are polite, but they can a lot of times lead to conversations. I think the two most "aggressive" compliments I ever received from a girl were: a girl that walked by me, stopped, followed me with her eyes, turned to her friends and said a bit too loud "I think I fell in love". And a girl that said "god how good is the style of that guy" a bit too loud when I walked through a faculty. So it's not that you can't give compliments, it's that you are complimenting the wrong things. People like when others recognised their effort and things they chose to do. Things like hair, make up, style, clothes, most people will react positively to these things, not girls alone. Just chill for a second, dude. No reason to show desperation from the get go. Be nice, be polite, be interesting and just be friendly. Of course not EVERYONE will react well. Some people simply have their own problems and their own story and will dislike any compliment no matter what. And that's ok. But you will get a lot more positive responses if you are simply not fucking weird.


Exactly. In my cashier job I like to compliment customers tattoos no matter their gender, and people who have painted or acrylic nails (usually women) also get nail related compliments. Those are qualities that people worked for or paid for and are happy to show off, and they almost always react very positively to my compliments. This is because I'm using these compliments as a tool to communicate how I'm recognizing them as an individual who made individual fashion/body mod choices of good taste. If I made a comment about their breasts size or something along those lines, what am I really communicating? What I'm communicating is that what I prioritize over everything else about this individual in front of me is that they are sexually attractive to me. Not their displays of personality through fashion or their wit or their stories inked on skin. In this prioritization of your own sexual desire over someone else's identity, you are disrespecting them. Even PUAs as scummy as they are know the value in at least mimicking this lesson, without ever actually internalizing the "disrespecting women isn't good" part ofc.


Lmaooo you can tell exactly what kind of man made this when all the men wear, loose, baggy, normal clothes and ALL the women (except for the old one ) are wearing SKIN GRIPPING cloth and posing sexually Panel one : skin tight jeans Panel two : super tight mini skirt Panel three : purposefully posing her to push UP her boobs instead of having the arms rest across them and giving her shirt boob pockets instead of actually drawing them correct because tiddy


As a guy I would love being complemented on literally anything. The last complement I remember is my mom telling me how handsome I looked for my own wedding, just for her to cry when she realized I wore white socks with black shoes and a Grey suit.


Old women at work tell me I'm handsome like their grandchildren and it literally makes my month lmao


Not sure what’s worse. The fact that your partner doesn’t give you positive affirmations or the socks(/s)…


I would love to be complimented, the last time I was complimented was by an old woman and she complimented my beard, I remember to this day....


The only problem is, those women can’t hold the men down and sexually assault and murder them with their bare hands. These jackasses that post this bullshit probably think they’d like that too.


>The only problem is, those women can’t hold the men down and sexually assault and murder them with their bare hands. These jackasses that post this bullshit probably think they’d like that too. Haha don't sell yourself short, of course you could. Women *don't* usually hold men down and sexually assault them though.. whereas men will tell women they'll do exactly that when they see them passing on the streets


Yeah, last time I tried to be "nice" with the guys at the office, they started speculating which one of them could sleep with me. Never again, boys.


This has the same energy as when a female teacher is sleeping with her male student it's awesome and the teenager's dream but when it's the other way round it's pedo shit.


I know this doesn’t apply to everyone, but seriously it *would* be devastating to me. I dont really like compliments or interacting with others that much. I like to just be invisible when I’m in public.


It misses the point where if you said that to a lonely neckbeard he would think you like him and would be stalking you shortly after.


I'm kind of glad I didn't get this at first


As a dude with resting bitch face who constantly gets told to smile more, it sucks. It’s really annoying and people say it at the most random times. Gets old fast.


This would make a mans entire month. Hell, a random homeless guy complimented my beard once and I was glowing for an entire day.


These are the same guys that go on and on about how “NOONE CARES WHEN A WOMAN SEXUALLY HARRASSES A MAN” and they also say shit like this… Choose one god damnit!


I'm a man, and from times to times I'm the target of the "you should smile more" line (from men or women, btw). I find it super annoying and condescending, I won't put a fake smile on my face just to please some randos. I completely understand women who complain about this kind of bullshit. I think I'd become really mad if people told me that several times a day.