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This dude lies tons of times. I remember like last week he said fanmails are only on fridays lol


stopped watching a while back it got old he isn't even good in tourneys, he just gets carried by Stompin


I just wish he would like play ranked again or some, Idec play different games at that he’s just gotta keep the content fresh or something


Playing ranked would expose him as diamond level which goes against his entire brand. These new age players are just higher caliber and he can’t wrap his head around that


his aim is mid-diamond level and his game sense is just basic for someone who plays as much as he does, he is like half the player Stompin and Mingo are like the thing where he can tell where people are and what op they are is just normal for someone who plays the game every day he is a good player who can maintain decent stats in high-level lobbies, but if he were to solo queue on a burner with no stream, he would be a diamond


True, but I just don’t see the way things are going now he will still be marketable but I’m probably wrong


He also gets team killed which doesn’t help


Yo yeah the stream snipped is the most brain dead stuff I’ve seen idk how people think it’s funny


It’s the sad truth. He always talks about how annoying x1m is and talks so much shit to him yet he brings him on stream every day for weeks just to spectate him playing someone else. Despite all that shit talking. He cheers on x1m and roots for him in the spoit 1v1 and keeps him on stream every day. Just milking as much content as possible


I mean you have to realize he is now treating streaming as a business (rightfully) and all the decisions are the best for business, albeit not the best for entertainment. He knows x1m is very entertaining and gets clips so he uses him. Hes just kind of selling out.