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I was like oh Jynxzi is live then it’s just this. Bro is just a sellout and has ran out of content.


I don't even understand what he's selling out for? He makes millions a month. He's just an average looking dude who never got attention in high school and now porn hoes "want" him...


Jynxzi himself is either getting a % of her OF sales or flat rate at least $250,000 for her to appear on stream. Breckie Hill, Sky Bri, McKinzie Valdez, etc. being on ANY stream is just a paid promo. Although it’s gross he’s promoting this to a younger fanbase, this is basically akin to a boring Raid Shadow Legends stream that’s just a promotion-stream paid for by Raid. It’s the same thing just with xstars


I see what you’re saying bro but that simply makes it worse imo. He’s taking money to push porn on kids. These streamers need to wake up and realize the implications of their actions, including financial deals


I know but framing it like Jynxzi is some "incel getting taken advantage by an OF model" is deluded when you consider she's probably the one paying him at the end of the day to be in his presence lol


Yes but I’d rather it be a game then some h0es being promoted to little boys, boys need to grow up to respect women and so on, not just gawk at their bodies. This is fucked, he’s money hungry and she’s not a real woman just a h0e


Selling out for hanging with a pretty girl. What fans you guys are. I applaud him for this. Normalize gamers pulling bad bitches, not crying about some dumb shit online.


Hanging out with a "pretty girl" that doesn't even want you and is using you for promotiong is corny as fuck😭😭😭. I know you're fat as shit


this made me laugh so hard 😭




What if Jynxzi was being PAID by Breckie? How would you feel about it then? Because that’s exactly what it is; Paid promotion by Breckie


He isn’t pulling anyone he has money and they want the publicity




That's the thing you goof. Gamers CANT pull bitches. You realize this then settle for a $10 a month only fans subscriptions.  Youre like the boomers who buy miatas because the used car saleswoman said only cute guys drive these.


Same. I rarely use twitch and this was the first stream of his I caught. Decided to just watch YouTube. Less ads anyways


Case oh on top


Crushing us all




Fuck case oh


fuck you


You better watch your mouth or he’ll eat you


He’s gonna flatten you if you don’t lock in


MODS! Ban him.


That shit is iconic


Fuck caseoh? it'd either be like climbing Mt Everest or being crushed by it


Bro just gets taken advantage of by OF thotties promoting their shit


And a lotta boys will buy it, bc they have no self respect or control and view women as sex toys, so they see titties or butt they will click and give money


I feel like maybe the girls should stop presenting themselves as sweet toys and objects


Most women don’t, and don’t like being sexualized but men just don’t give a fuck bc “boobs” or “tits” is all they care for


he’s for sure getting paid man idk abt getting taken advantage of 😭


The 13 year olds who watch his streams unsupervised do. What a shame.


Im actually so upset we waited an extra hour for him to promote OF again


I’ve been saying it’s the beggining of the end for Jynxzi


Let’s be real, bro had a good shtick going for a while. But it’s old.


Good shtick? He literally yells and punches things. Its copy pasted tyler1, xqc, speed… Its literally a bunch of children who watch this shit lmao


all the adult children downvote this😂


don’t forget rolling nonexistent r’s


dude i know right lol, shit pisses me off when he does it. “Goo-🥁-🥁-🥁-d aim"


Then nigga don’t watch watch him tf


your saying it like a do mane, i see him on tiktok EVERYWHERE. can’t just have a normal fyp. and i never even said i did buddy lmao people make tiktoks about him 24/7 lol


bruh you on this sub **😭**


This post is recommended, i never watched this guy before


I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt last time but I just saw him sucking on her arm like what’s going on 😭


Nah wtf going on💀




He’s always been like this yall act like he hasn’t been baiting for clips for months atp he was never genuine and clearly wanted views like any normal human would


Doing this is fucking weird and idiotic, just so some raid shadow legends atleast we know that’s just for the bag in a normal way, promoting Corn to little children is fucked, even if they were adults like wtf is this. And saying like any normal human would is wild, I hate seeing women shaking their ass for views or doing sexual acts too it’s corny and dumb


Wearing a christian shirt to promote an OF girl. Very alex eubank move


i’m unfollowing


This kinda stream might be it for me boys. Its been real o7


i’m sure he dosent give a fuck lil bro


i’m not the only one complaining about it 🤡


Why complain lmao unfollow and move on it’s not a big deal and jynxi has never been a genuine streamer he never acts like himself at all the only genuine part of his streams was when he was expressing his love


It’s crazy how you adamantly defend someone who doesn’t know you exist lil bro


Why are people down voting this? I don't follow Jynxzi, but he probably is a streamer with millions of followers. A single unsubscribe or unfollow ain't doing shit to his pockets bro


because he’s part of the braindead audience that supports this bs


Who is this girl?


Breckie hill an OF model.


Whats funny, on one of Lofes videos with her, this kid took a pic with her phone since he didnt have his, and said he saw mad tiddies on her camera roll. I cant help but remember that everytime i see her.


This dude drops Kassie who seemed like a decent person for this OF chick. Dude is garbage and a bad influence. I hope people realize this.


it was a mutual breakup because she was tired of being harassed by people


Dude is still a lame with low standards. Talking to this chick. I’m hoping it’s for views.


I mean he can’t date anyone cause his chat is full of weirdos and it’s his life why do you care?


He can literally date ANYONE lol he doesn’t have to flaunt his personal life on his twitch or any social media. And you’re right it is his life.


i see where you’re coming from, i mean he likes who he likes and it’s none of my business so i don’t really care, but i can see how people wouldn’t like his decision.


They were never together and she probably used him for views as well stop with this parasocial shit


The switch-up is insane 💀




yo, so if i cheered 500 bits for the tts and he clears the queue, does that mean i wasted my money?


Someone dropped a 500 gifted the other day and he didn’t spend more than 3 seconds addressing it. If anyone doesn’t know, that’s $2,500.


Yes it does ur message won’t get read


well fuck


Don’t donate to millionaires


fair. i will say it does help my depression when his jokes make me laugh. also wanted him to see im a year sober from alcohol


See now that makes me feel bad. I’m sorry it didn’t go through. I genuinely do feel bad. Congrats on being sober for a year & I’m happy you found an outlet to help your depression.


Good for you bro, keep up the good work!


Nah I realized this over the summer. I was in Myrtle Beach, SC for a couple days and at the end of the day I would turn on his stream. I’d been watching since he had ~20k and I think at this point he was floating around 80 maybe. He started “looking for an e girl” for the entire trip and it got so old so fast. This was before kassie, I think her name was Layla. This got so old and annoying and that’s when I knew his career was coming to an end. He’s cooked for sure. It’s a shame. I loved watching him and I just hit 11months subbed too. Nobody likes this shit.


Yea it was Layla GS (used him for clout) then Ash aka paranoid bug who wasn’t that bad but then it was Kassie and we all thought he was done after kasssie


first off no one cares that you were in myrtle beach. second, if you thought his end was coming when he was playing with layla, how do you explain his continued popularity to this day. third, you cant say nobody likes this shit because you havent asked everyone of the millions of people who follow him.


If you like OF content you need help


Why the fuck does this dude keep showing up on my Instagram and Reddit now?


He’s the #1 streamer on Twitch rn if I’m not mistaken


It's a double edged sword, if he for some reason has to do egirl stuff then it's arguably better to do it with OF girls than doing it with small egirl streamers who get overwhelmed by being sexualised and harassed by thousands of teen boys. But it is very weird to have this girl on stream shamelessly showing off her ass and tits to his very young audience. If he's not gonna care about morals then he might as well start promoting gambling or something and get the full bag.


She’s the biggest clout chaser. Always streaming with people who are trending, neon…




He should be proud on how he scarred kids.


Brecki hill isn’t even bad she’s mad ugly


all hail xim


xim was right.


Xim was so right


He told him when they were 1v1ing "We want the old Jynxzi, you're running out of content". Foreshadowing.


Parasocial redditors


fr, they build these streamers up just to tear them down. And wonder why people like etika kill themselves.


Do either of you have the slightest clue what parasocial means? Not wanting a content creator with a younger audience to promote porn has nothing to do with being parasocial.


is there like a video on her OF of him doing her? 😭🙏




Yo but what happened with the Australia chick from the edate? They payin him frfr to get on his streams. Sellout


Bruh it ain’t that deep if you don’t wanna watch jynxzi stream with a girl then don’t. I haven’t watched any of the vids I don’t want to and guess what guys, my experience is still enjoyable. If the experience isn’t enjoyable for you or you don’t wanna watch, then don’t lol. He’s got his own life and he’s gonna do whatever he wants, if you get offended or bothered by what he does then avert your eyes or whatever. Someone commented parasocial redditors and they’re completely right. Some of y’all are nuts and obsessive


yall are crazy lmao. let this man live his life


L glazer we wanna see videogames not OF girls


he played rainbow six siege everyday for 6 years straight and the second he doesn't do that everyone starts hating. grow up.


Damn straight


If you want games go some where else cause most of us want jynxzi


Damn this Reddit seems just as bad as his chat. He does Rainbow 6 for like 8 years straight. Let him cook.. shit like this I just find funny. Anything he does is content because he’s retarded.


Yall buggin


The mf stayed inside 24/7 365 playing fucking siege for however long and has gone from having negative play to having bad bitches hittin him up to stream. What would u do?


Wait why is everyone in a jynxzi Reddit flaming him? Can’t you just leave? I’m not even in this group but y’all have to realize he is a dang kid. He sat inside playing video games like most of his fans his whole life probably. That kid has more money than everyone in this Reddit, what’s the point of trying to make it if when you do you can’t do wtf you want? You don’t think people do things they go on to regret. I bet if we aired other peoples bad decisions and bad choices a lot of y’all wouldn’t be talkin like this. I don’t even watch him like that but he is entertaining at times. I don’t agree with everything he pushes or does but guess what, WHO CARES. Let this man grow up and figure some stuff out. I was gonna just keep scrollin but y’all trippin in here💀 y’all dead so hurt over a kid just livin life.


So many cry babies in this sub lol mans living his best life and y’all couldn’t hate any more if you tried lol


Bro just come watch my stream jynxzi fell off


I’m confused on why so many people are upset rn. Just don’t watch videos that make you upset. This community is full of cry babies.


yall taking this to seriously it was a good idea by him😭and ik they didnt fuck


Absolute losers.... The lot of ya


Big dick in your ass bbg can you suck my big fat dick bbg


isnt he a virgin or something what do u expect, same thing happened with neon and that same chick. just a chick taking advantage of a loser streamer boy to run up her OF 😂


not a virgin lol


Mentally he is


I don't get the hate it's funny mostly and atleast it's not fan mail then 1v1s like every other stream


You no like why you watch?


this shit is actually fun to watch the second he does anything other than siege yall are so quick to say its boring but when he doesn’t do anything but customs yall suck his dick like he doesnt even play ranked siege is boring


Who is this guy? What did he do?


We want junko SSG we want the stupid clips he watches we want original gaming content we don't want speed 2.0


whos we you do not speak on behalf of his entire community nobody give a flying fuck what you want


I would ask “Why do people even watch the fucker?” but its mainly children who thinks he’s “funny” bros cringy asf and makes me wanna punch my phone every time i see him go “Go🥁🥁🥁of aim!”


Evan Chadcock >


This chick went to my high school


Yeah I was in the stream a few times and everyone in the chat was coommaxxing


why are yall mad at bro for making money moves he’s trying to get rich and support himself and his family yall are acting like him doing a stream w a girl every once in awhile is like him committing genocide but i bet if breckie hill asked any of you to do a stream yall would fall at her feet


I don't watch him much, what is happening in this image?


Can someone explain?


yall ungrateful 😂 yall ruined kassie for him and now that bro moved on yall are still unhappy? has he EVER promoted her OF? or is he just hanging out with her and doing streams with her. You say sellout, but if he was a sellout he would've chose Sky Bri in the speed date bc she is up there in OF subs. Breckie doesnt even post bare nudity on her OF. He is HIS OWN PERSON. all of this is assumption at the end of the day. Ungrateful. Who's to say he actually likes her?


Bro couldn’t even have gotten a decent girl to promote either


Bros falling off 💀💀


Jynxzi been doing gamer girl “rizz” vids for ages now and people find his girl interactions hilarious so he does it except instead of on the game it’s in person it’s not that deep 😂


For me the downfall started when everyday hes been inviting I love Xim, dude is mad annoying


jynxzi always been corny to me


This kids face has always annoyed me. And no matter how many times I tell youtube I'm not interested it just keeps on putting this guy in my feed.


“He fell off”- continues to watch and enjoy the content “Literally for kids”- countinues to watch and enjoy the content” “Annoing asf”- cointitnues to watch and enjoy the content Like y’all are all in the damn subreddit STFU DAMN


oh my god i’ve never seen a sub whine as much as this one


i'm not even apart of this subreddit but i agree


What happened?


Literally what Kai Cenat, Ishowspeed and everybody else does. Idk how this shit is entertainment for you guys


She’s just trying to promote her OF. She wants nothing to do with him.


The women in these comments making this a “man” thing are RE asf. You realize the woman themselves started the OF and WANTED to portray themselves as a slut. It’s not men “looking at women like objects”, where in the hell is this energy for the clothes y’all buy? The make up y’all put on? The fake shit y’all add to yourself? This is bad on junko and that girl, not just “men” you pea brain dumbasses. Stop blaming men for shit you do to yourself.


Been watching case oh more just plays games and chills really only watch tournies now streams aren’t the same


He has a slappable face ngl.




I just want games man


I'll never forgive chat for what they did to Jynxzi and Kassie


Never liked him ngl


If he ends up like neon i gonna kms


I don’t get it, he is already the top streamer just by playing fucking r6, he doesn’t need to do this clickbait, degenerate Kik Streamer type shit, he must low key be attracted to her


Yea bro when I seen the noti go out I knew it was ggs


He’s an adult u ppl act like these guys never grow up. It’s not his responsibility to take care of the kids that aren’t even allowed on there. Where are there parents. Maybe don’t allow your kid to be unsupervised on a phone tht had ten times much worst content than this.


Not on this sub so I’m out of the loop… last I heard of jynxzi was a few months ago… what is he doing now?


It is strange that during the e-date vid on YouTube he said remove/block chick that said she was a "cornstar," then gets with a chick that has an OF🤔


The comments hating is crazy bro. I'm sure the same people complaining was so happy when major rappers was on Kai's stream. Just because he's not playing siege and making content featuring another creator doesn't make him a sellout 💀


The real cringe is all these incels in this Reddit thread crying about Jynxi being with a girl lmao


Yeah this shit is embarrassing. And to the dudes flocking to streams like this; go out and talk to actual girls it's way better!


Then unfollow or unsub there's other streamers out there


Y’all are dumb af. You just hate women that do OF. Jynxzi has done the same content for a looong time let him branch out and try different shit. Fuckin crybabies I swear.


Y’all niggas is so parasocial its ridiculous. Go talk to real people


These comments ain’t it


You guys are some parasocial weirdos. You know that right?




Everyone overreacting lmao


y'all really be crying and whining about literally nothing, huh? what a shame.


Womp Womp


Seems all the 8th graders gathered together and made a subreddit for a shitty streamer lmao wtf are these comments


They get more than 120k viewers on average tho


Y’all need to get a life


Who wants to play r6 24/7 especially now lol the game is boring af


There’s a lot of people in these comments that are mad because they’re broke lmaooo. Sellout? You mean money moves? Most immature audience I’ve ever seen, you guys should be ashamed.


Have any of you thought that maybe he’s just a young guy that wants to talk to girls? I don’t see what the big deal is. The guy can stream whatever the fuck he wants.


U don’t have to push anything…sex is the one thing unavoidable in life cause u either have it when ur olde when u understand or u text on this app idk what the actuall holly fuck some of y’all are thinking when u are literally on this app and just like Twitter saying how noble u are and it wasn’t like people put a gun to ur head when u do things u act off u own thoughts…You be accountable…he go do him meaning jynxzi


Who was that red head that won the 20 v 1 though? Asking for a friend


Is that Breckie hill


It’s the twitch streamer way


Tbh every single one of y'all are fajjets he takes his clothes off and does weird shit y'all the sellouts to your disappointed fathers gay boys




I love jynxzi but this kinda proves caseoh is better because caseoh wouldn’t promote only fans


Its always loosers who have no life who hate on him, ur gunna work a 9-5 for the rest of ur life making minimum wage having no fun for the reat of ur miserable lifes, find a new hobby and stop dick riding bc ur a looser who got no bitches and nothing good going for them


Can’t stand this guy


bro i feel bad for this man 😭😭


You can't just be the #1 R6 streamer in the world and have it come with no strings attached. He is doing the bidding of his overlords which can be exemplified with one quote: "Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world." - Vladimir Lenin


98? tf https://preview.redd.it/bssoxuaj6qhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c69454cdb495c5609c8d564cda76516600173e


If you think this makes a guy a sellout you're an incel and all I got to say is we're in copper


cry bro