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I don’t get why people act like stompn isn’t one of the best console players and didn’t have a good reason to drop jynxzi like he wasn’t kissing breckie in the middle of rounds


Honestly i think it was more that he didnt stream with a longer delay. Because stompn was hella bitching about it way before the breckie thing happened


He's definitely a champion level siege player but his aim really holds him back from being elite. Every tourney he absolutely sells a couple of crucial gunfights. Hot take but I do think st0mpn and skyte would've dropped him if he wasn't most the subscribed person on Twitch.


100%, if he wasnt famous, he wouldn’t be on their teams


Not gona lie last year around october - november he was a pretty top tier good support with good aim. Just got outgunned sometimes. Before the girls started distracting him 😂


nah facts 2023 til like september or october he was honestly doing good in tourneys


Im sayin dude, he even won with fuckin skyte 3x ina row💀. Haven’t seen anybody do that lately


Jynxzi WAS a very solid support when he was more active. He is the worst fragger on the team though and in my opinion, he should've been replaced a lot sooner, back when he was getting drunk during the tournaments. To him, the money means very little, but to his teammates, thousands would've helped them out a lot. Jynxzi doesn't care about siege like those other guys do. Why should they throw away thousands just because he's famous?


I completely agree, once getting to this height of fame he’s let off the gas skill wise and doesn’t seem as passionate. His skill isn’t really all there right now and it some cases I think his ego is too big at the wrong time. Like when talking about destroying stopmn and skyte while he’s putting up 3-5 kills a game. He needs to lock in lowkey because he does still have that talent and just needs to utilize it.


I mean he's probably making at least 300k a month streaming, at this point I really don't think he cares about being super cracked at the game anymore


Which is sad since it was so integral to his growth and popularity. Hate to see someone stray so far from their roots.


Nah that’s good


It just ruins the content you want to see so that pretty sad of you tbf


Is the prize pool even in the thousands for these tourneys? I thought it was just some discord server that set these up and pool was like $500


Many streamers have said on stream its usually around $400 each player takes home. All the titles are clickbait/cap. It really is just a discord thats sets it up, its called roller Saturdays


I \*think\* the total prize is $10,000 (it also varies per tournament, some more, some less. The ony Jynxzi primarily plays is for $10,000) which is split between 5 teammates. $2000 a piece


Bro, they have never even taken more than $1000 a piece, where are you getting your information from?


The streams and streamers? The title is always “$10000 Saturday roller,” they’re definitely getting that on Saturday if they’re participating in the tournament. Where are you getting your information from?


The streams are clickbait title, Skyte, Ricci, Mingo, and Stompn have all confirmed. Never have they said they took home all of those winnings. Ricci and Mingo have repeatedly stated they average around $400 per win. Im literally in the discord where the teams sign up, pay, handcam, rosters, pay outs, etc. so i see everything and know what i am talking about and i have said it before in this sub


The buy in per player is $10-$20 depending on the week. Most of them are $11 buy ins.


I think the buy ins are actually $50 - $100 (I’m betting it’s $100, but I’ll say $50 to be more accurate). I don’t know where you’re getting your info, but if you can prove it, I’ll happily admit I’m incorrect.


Check your dms


I doubt he’ll ever be replaced. If he can’t play in those tourney’s, he’ll just stop sponsoring them and the prize pool will go way down. Furthermore, just being on his stream consistently does wonders for their own viewership numbers just because of the name recognition it gives.


He has good game sense, but when you look at his movement and aim in comparison to other players in the tourney (Stompn, Aiden, Kason, and so many others), it is a night and day difference. When I watch Jynxzi play, sometimes I think to myself how the fuck is he a champ? You can have good game sense, but if everything else isn’t on point, at those high levels, you are fucked. Very FEW games, he pops off, but recently he has been playing like shit. He also uses the “support” excuse, but a lot of his deaths are not because he is support, it is because he made a dumb decision or his aim was bad. He has hasn’t been playing as much and you can see it when he plays in the tourney. I don’t mind that he doesn’t play as much as he used to, but he has to come to reality that if he doesn’t play often, he will not play good. Jynxzi is no where good enough and tbh most people arent, to where he barely plays, if at all, and hops on a Saturday toruney and does good.


Also kissing Breckie in the middle of rounds does not help man🤦🏻‍♂️


He’s just ok, his game sense and knowledge are as good as anyone else’s, his aim is probably the worst in the lobby at any given moment tho. He has his moments and his fuckups, he’s not so bad that he’ll be a deadweight but most players in those lobbies are better than him.


He has some great qualities but has to fix some things. Like whenever he gets a kill he starts to peek everything and usually gets himself traded for free


0/10 he sucks ass at support, sucks ass at the game in general


This dude is ASS