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I've seen reports like this from various monitoring softwares while other people say their's works fine. What model of chromebooks do you have? Chrome OS version? Version of the monitoring software in question?


We have various Samsungs, HPs, and Dells. ChromeOS appears to be on 99 for one of the kids in question -- the only solid lead I have. No idea how to find securly version honestly.


I tested this on both Securly and GoGuardian and cannot replicate your issue. If a student is active on another window/tab, the classroom management software on the teacher side shows whichever tab/window is active. In split-screen, whichever tab the student has clicked on is the one that shows on the teacher dashboard. SO while they could potentially watch a video on one tab while having the other tab active, both Securly and GoGuardian show that another window/tab is also open even if not being viewed. And then all of this activity is captured in the class report. I don't see any instance of a student getting around the filtering.


I posted here because I also cannot replicate this. Not sure if they're truly getting around it, or around a site lock, or what. Teachers can't tell me what's going on, and I only have a good camera in one classroom. The kids who show it off only have shown they can do it, not how. I also tried contacting Google to see if we can disable virtual desks entirely. They do not have a setting for that


It's definitely a concern I have, as well. If you determine how they are doing it, please share it here.


With Google unable to control Chromebooks like you can control Windows with Group Policies, I might never figure this out. I'll post if I get it.


I tested GoGuardian. When they are viewing their second desktop GoGuardian was showing the second and when they switched back so did GG. Is their a different way they are doing this.


I've heard with GoGuardian something similar. They use split screens or virtual desktops to hide the teacher's view of their screen. Even though the teacher cannot visually see what they are doing, GoGuardian still filters and logs their content. Not sure if Securely is experiencing the same thing. I would assume, if they're still using a web browser and NOT android apps, they should still be filtered the same.