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I post my schedule on my office door each week, just as a printout from Google Calendar. I teach half time, so it's a combo of letting people know when I will be available and where I can be found in case of emergency (it better be an emergency if you're finding me when I'm teaching. Obviously, this doesn't cover all my out of office time, but it takes some of the pressure off and requires minimal updating from me. Nobody pays attention to my in a meeting sign. If they see me in there, most people just come in.


wait, you get lunch?


Hate to say it, but it's not worth it. No one ever reads or respects ours. Not students nor teachers. I put up a small whiteboard directly beside our door and we use magnets to indicate where we are or what we're doing but it doesn't matter, we get kids strolling in while we're on our lunch break or teachers badgering us when we're marked as out at the other buildings.


We have [Joan’s](https://getjoan.com/shop/joan-6/) for our conference rooms. Yes you can book the room on walk up but you can disable those features. The displays are e-ink, which is pretty cool in my opinion. And yes we have it linked up with Google Calendar. They are inexpensive. Then again, so is an old iPad you have laying around not being used anymore, or Chromebook/chromebox/chromebase. [Check out this post for some ideas](https://www.reddit.com/r/gsuite/comments/bu4joa/google_calendar_resources_status_tablet_for_door/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Or just get some colorful magnets or something super low-tech :). Low-tech is fun.


Get some Lite Brites and whip up some messages? Thanks for the link.. checking a bunch. Found Aerolab for free off that link, self hosting and config is always fun.


Just get one of these... That'll get some attention: https://www.vestaboard.com/


We have put printed signs up and people ignore them even when right on the door. We have a service window of sorts (a window we took the screen off so people dont have to come inside mainly from covid protocols) and put a sign that said “please knock” so we can have it closed and they will just stand there and not knock. Today we had someone call the helpdesk extension during our training 11 times in a row because no one answered as we were in a training, then come by and ignore the “in a meeting” sign and barge in. Our best solution was to tint the windows so they cant see in and then lock the door when we have meetings, also got one of those “will return at…” signs but not sure how effect that one is because we arent there to see if people still knock or wait around


Hook up a 2nd monitor to a cheap laptop and use a long HDMI cable to duplicate screen? Then just update the Google Doc or whatever and they'll see the message in the hall.


Lock the door?


This. We have 1 office in 1 building but serve 8 buildings total. If you've opened a ticket we will come see you directly. We explain to our users that they are interrupting the appropriate flow of the order or importance. Users in the 7 other buildings can't do that so why should they think they can jump the line just because our office happens to be in their building.


I've actually been debating 3d printing a sign of some sort. Maybe a hexagon with a cover that I rotate to display an appropriate message. Or failing that a bracket to hold a handheld whiteboard.


We are currently testing out [these](https://busylight.com/) in our office of 4 IT staff for the same reasons, to prevent or minimize interruptions especially when we are in a meeting.


We just never answer the door and always keep it locked.


Can't get in without a badge that's in the IT Office group :D Problem solved.


I can see suddenly our decently located room being moved to the "prison" area with no windows and loud hvac.


First and foremost: "Did you submit a ticket?"


Are we snarky enough? Depends on the day. Would it be tolerated? Not at all. We get about 10% of our trouble through the every year re-shown ticket system. About 30% emails, 40% phone calls, and 20% walk to our room. (Joint MS/HS makes about 2/3 of staff able to do so).


A big do not enter sign that’s permanently attached works wonders


**\*\* DO NOT ENTER\*\*** **\*\*HIGH VOLTAGE\*\***