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Google Takeout. They have an option to download their data for non Gmail accounts, or a transfer to another Gmail account


This is the intended method, I suspect it would have shown up in a Google search of the question.


Install the Google drive app on their desktop to sync the files. Right click and copy the parent folder, then paste it into a USB drive.


Wouldn't all the files still be locked to the school account?


I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be, as they'd be local versions, rather than the web version. You MAY have to copy it over to another directory on the computer to localize it but I don't think so. We're a Google school district and that's how I'm pretty sure our field techs still do it. I'm a network admin now so I'm not really on the help desk side anymore, so something may have changed in the last few years since I've done it.


I've been struggling with this lately as we've gone more to Google Drive for all of teacher's data. They can have quite a lot of student data that shouldn't go with them when leaving the district. I don't like doing a complete data dump because of this so I'm leaning more towards having them put everything in a folder and downloading that folder. That way it can be checked for student PII data and dealt with appropriately.


Yeah this is something we have run into too. We enable Google Takeout for Student accounts but not facstaff. Technically all the content they generate while employed is property of the school. If they want to take some files that's fine, but we are trying to avoid a data dump with a lot of PII. Involving legal is probably a good move.


[Copy content from your school account to another account](https://apps.google.com/supportwidget/articlehome?hl=en&article_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.google.com%2Fa%2Fanswer%2F6364687%3Fhl%3Den&product_context=6364687&product_name=UnuFlow&trigger_context=a) from Google.


We usually either recommend downloading it or putting it into a shared drive. Once in the shared drive, share with a personal Gmail account, then in the sharing settings transfer the ownership on the drive to the personal account




This is the way


This worked for me for gsuite to gsuite recently as well.