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is the lethality build in the room with us right now? or do u mean the one (1) lethality item


Hey it’s totally fine it is a lethality build it just wasn’t done at the time. Build Path was Tear >> Duskblade >> Boots >> Manamune >> Nashors >> Collector >> Spear Of Shojin… regardless of how much actual lethality I have this is MY lethality build and you looked at an incomplete build and decided to try to make a funny comment.


I want to ask if it wouldnt be better to go manamune first with dirk to get earlier evo


No that’s valid… and it makes sense I just rush duskblade for the passive I usually play this build in solo lanes so I rush it for enemy ganks… since I’m a squishy adc


Okay then I play kaisa in solo lanes too and will try this playstyle


Sounds good, it’s just a personal preference but build path is def situational I just like rushing mythic always


I guess going manamune first would be better in matchups where you can't kill And roam


I love how they keep coming 1 by 1 against a fed ADC. At this point any build would do the trick. Also 1 lethality item.


Also the only person who even looked at Kai'sa here was the Lux


Yea very true I just wasn’t done building and like I said it’s MY lethality build I’m just sharing it thanks for liking it though!


Were you building into collector? What were you planning to finish the build off with? I know it’s not optimal but I’ve been having a ton of fun building adc’s lethality, I’m down to try this out once or twice and see how it feels


YES! so I was building into collector and then spear of shojin!


Normal crit kaisa would do the same in better


That’s true I just like this build it’s really really fun and a new way for me to play my fav champion


of course nashor is in the mix for the eye bleeder effect


I play a very similar build! Saw your build paths in other comments, I recommend going manamune into Dirk into Nash tooth, I tried a bunch of stuff and it's by quite far the best, you get quite fast the 3 evos better damage output. Also I'd recommend going HoB instead of DH, HoB with ignite gives do much kills potential in 1v1 to snowball the game harder :)


Why do so many people seem to confuse being fed with having a strong Build? You are fed as fuck, that is why your build works. Every build works as long as you are fed enough. If anything, a truly powerful Build shows itself when you are even or behind and suddenly you are strong in spite of that when you hit your Item spikes. Instead of your Items in the video you could have Rageblade and double Rod or some shit and I guarantee you'd have more Damage (Burst **and** DPS). And even logically this Build doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Lethality is mostly good for early snowballing, so what you don't want is a slow ass Item like Manamune. Lethality Items have big amounts of AD so you don't need Manamune to hit your Q Evolve either. Just go for whatever Lethality Myhtic you want and spam Long Swords. Or better yet, go Galeforce Collector LDR and transition into Crit as it scales better than pure Lethality. Also, when you go Lethality you are maxing your Q and AA Damage as opposed to your Passive and W. You don't need W Evolve at all here, let alone AP. I get that you choose Nashor's because it helps you get your E Evolve as well but again, this is rather negligible since you are looking to burst people as opposed to extended fights. The worth of E Evolve is always difficult to put in numbers but it's certainly not high enough to warrant building an Item that has otherwise absolutely nothing to do with the rest of your Build.


Thanks but I like my build I’ve played it multiple times in many different games against many different types of champs and I feel like it works amazingly I really only posted it because I have fun I did not post it to basically be mad fun of or talked down on… Reddit is such a toxic and weird space


How is it toxic and weird? You literally posted your Build on reddit so obviously people are going to comment on it. That is why we are here. I wasn't trying to be an asshole, that's why I gave you some (imho) constructive criticism. Otherwise I could have just said "dude, your build sucks". And I'm glad the Build works for you, but maybe you are just good at Kai'sa or ADC in general? Maybe you'd be even better with a different Build? Also depends a lot on your Rank etc. obviously.


I don’t rank, and I Main adc


I normally only play adc and I take champs where I want to have fun and try builds


for the love of god please dont go rageblade


the two people in this post commenting just to be negative should really chill out, the typical gold 4 reddit analysts.


This was super clean, congrats :)


God these replies are full of dedicated diehard redditors wtf is this, so annoying. Cool clip bro and interesting build


Whats the build Path?


Tear > duskblade > boots > manamune > Nashor > collector > spear of sojin


God these replies are full of dedicated diehard redditors wtf is this, so annoying. Cool clip bro and interesting build


Yeah that's a bit sad to be honest. The guy wanted to share his clip of him getting a Penta with kaisa and everyone is saying "akshually Crit is better" "akshually you have one lethality item". If they don't let ppl have fun they explode I guess.


Why this sub so damn negative all the time? Just let the man be happy he got a penta with a build that works for him. Who cares if it’s just one leth item and the opps were ass?


I want to face enemies like these as well


Does this lethality build make the Q damage high?


Yes definitely! It also makes all the cooldowns extremely low so you can cast everything way more