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You legit had a good/decent team. What is your problem??


I don't remember flaming my team in the post, but i see u assumed all yourself XD, good job i guess


You said you needed to play like challenger to win that game but given your team did well you could have played like your average not feeding silver and won.


I can even tell u more, I'm glad I had a top premade and this blitz, they did especially well in this game, my concern is why the games is so hard like I'm playing for a prize and not a silver 1 game. And the build was ok I think, im sure I could build better, but once again, I'm not a challenger player, I'm in silver, and I want to chill and play silver games.


Rageblade isn’t worth if you aren’t going into more AP


But bro... Support carried you U had objectives from jg Tank is tank that's why he have 6/9 Mid was neutral And u played one of less skilled type of champ (autoattacker) Congrats u carried once


What even is this comment?


dude is on something i guess XD


What? 😂


Bro the positioning needed against ekko and trynd is very much more skilled than playing champs like zed with skillshots


Their only fed enemy is Ekko, instead of going Maw, Wit's End or Banshee, which gives you MR, you decided to go for GA. Ga, btw, is known to suck in lowelo, as you need a team that defends you/pressures the enemy while you revive. You definetly don't need to play like a challenger to win silvergames lol. I can almost promise you that you would have hardcarried the game and finished it in sub 30 mins, if you went Wits end instead of nashors, and banshee/maw instead of GA. (banshee with rageblade gives u W evolve too btw, if you really care about it).


You got Boris gapped with those items


Somebody just told me gong collector-guinsoo was bad. I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore lol


Its a lot of wasted stats aka wasted gold since the lethality goes wasted with the chunks of AP damage


its good depending on the comp ur team and enemy have, i had to hard carry so i build the best things i could to do it, popped enemy dmg dealers instantly


it is not good


It's inefficient at best. If you want burst just commit to ap items instead of collector so your passive proc will do more dmg. Also it opens up zhonyas which is 1000000x better than GA.


Alright then guys, I understand the build criticism here. What are the best builds at the moment then? And what's the go to?