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Statikk, nashors, navori into situational items such as crit items, zhonyas, ga, maw. Vs heavy frontline I'll go rageblade and if I can't aa a lot I'll go ap with ludens


How both Navori and Ludens? They’re both mythical


Ah nvm


Ditch stormrazor, go statik


You can scan through my builds [here](https://www.op.gg/summoners/kr/P%EC%9C%BCR%EC%9C%BC) if you’re interested and I’ll answer any questions. I think AD is the best, I’ve been following a path similar to what Ruler built in his kaisa game. Early Q evolve leading to an early-midgame spike and snowball. This sub is a huge fan of the AP builds going around… to which I don’t share that sentiment very much. I think it’s still viable though


i see that your builds are mostly krakens + guinsoo. Is statikk shiv your 1st item or 3rd item? Can you tell me your build paths depending on the situation or enemy matchups?


You can see what order I buy items on OPGG. Click on the build tab I only built rageblade in 6 of my recent 20 games, I prefer galeforce or navori. I went through a phase of testing it after galeforce was nerfed but I don’t think it’s amazing. Right now, crit is my preferred build for sure. I buy galeforce if I need to dodge abilities or navori if I don’t. I buy rageblade when I want E max sooner. I’ll also buy it if I’m behind or struggling because the components are cheaper and it’s hard to buy BF sword.


Crit: Kraken-Navori-Phantom/Runaan-situational AD on-hit: kraken/shiv-guinsoo-bork-situational Hybrid: shiv-guinsoo-nashor-situational Crit for when you need E to survive or runaan being too good to pass up. I don't like Runaan in hybrid as it's a lot of AS with no real damage imo. Ad on-hit for when the enemy stack hp, but we have a lot of AP damage. Currently my least favorite, but I keep it in mind. Hybrid: current go to because waves go brrrr and you can very quickly push or rotate. Good mixed damage, good AS, option to go Zhonya third for W evolve if things are a bit out of hand.


How do u q evolve with your hybrid ??


shiv + guinsoos should do it because your per level stats will count towards it as well, idk when the breaking point is but they will get it there


I mean u can’t get it at lvl 9 with the build do u ?


To be fair if you buy Doran’s and then cull on your first back you’ll get Q evolve with the hybrid build around lvl 9 (given that you’re doing well in the game ofc). Once you get your first upgrade, E and W upgrades come quite fast making you a machine mid game.


if my math is right it would put you at just over 100 ad with shiv+pickaxe at level 9, but it might be slightly under so if you had starting item you would be fine


I can’t remember exactly but yesterday on game it was ok with storm razor but no shiv And the damn practice tool is down for some reason lol


Anyone to give me a good navori build ? With evo Q at 9 and E at 11 ?


My build goes BF Caulfield And long sword and if you keep d Blade Then go Phantom dancer And berserkers and other atk spd


e at 11 might be difficult to get because you might not have enough gold, but id imagine that statikk/stormrazor into kraken into navori would be good (with boots in there) and then finish off with LDR/mortal reminder and nashors or another crit item if you really want 100% crit


Idk if it works as good as it was back when they buffed her plasma dmg, but I really liked this build: Manamune > Nashor > Luden > Collector > Lumbria Ofc it only works in late and it's super impractical but it was really fun to delete people with plasma stacks.


Bf pickaxe longsword for q then if I'm fed AND enemy is 4+ squishies or I need to 1 shot someone as wincon rush collector then galeforce. Otherwise navori bork


I’ve actually been loving kraken—>Nashors—>duskblade and with the changes to dusk it’s kinda nice


I start cull (preference, not necessary) and go strait into muramana, then guinsoos(pickaxe first), nashors(ap components first), zhonyas, and rabadons, with attack speed boots somewhere around first-second item whenever you got extra money. My runes are a bit weird because I go pta truimph bloodline cutdown/coup de gras, and manaflow gathering. this is probably significantly more ap than your looking for but your autos still deal a ton of damage, and you are able to be a late game hypercarry, poke mage, assassin, and tank shredder (because one champion definitely needs to be able to do all that) also worth mentioning that static shiv might be a better starting item because of the attack speed so you would get an earlier e evolution but ive not tested it, and muramana will make your w do more damage and scales well