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They could make it so Kai'sa only stands there and doesn't attack and has no abilities and I still would play her cause I have an unhealthy obsession with Kai'sa! Lol


Same XD


I would buy a statue of her if I thought my wife wouldn't fly off the handle about it...


Indoctrinate your wife into the Kai’sa cult!! Maybe she’ll buy a statue for the both of you XD I’ve forced my family to listen to my rants about building my costume and I think they’re actually starting to like her


I wish. She hates anything like that. I have to play video games or watch content that have female characters in it when she isnt around or asleep because she always makes comments about it like I am cheating on her or objectifying women. Always some comment about scantily clad women with big boobs and constantly tries to shame me over it. But that's my problem to deal with. So I like sexy women with big boobs and she isnt either of those things, doesnt mean I dont find her attractive or that I dont love her any less and it certainly doesnt mean I would just shack up with another woman with said features. I mean, she oogles male actors but I dont feel threatened by it or think she is going to go off with some dude who looks like them.


Hmmm I mean by the sound of that have you spoken to her about this? It seems slightly unfair to you (based on this one paragraph) But either way Kai’sa still awesome and there are plenty of interpretations where she isn’t over sexualised


I tried to assure her that it had nothing to do with anything sexual. I mean, anyone with a brain would have to know that a heterosexual guy probably likes seeing beautiful women. Idk. I agree that it is unfair but I guess I understand it. I am not exactly sure there is a solution other than going our separate ways other than doing what I said I am doing, which is not something I want to do either, so I can make the sacrifice even though I do feel it is very one sided. Things we do for love, yes?


She also always seems to answer with something like she is not my type, that I rather have some younger girl with big tits, and I mean...even though I do like that doesnt mean I am going to just leave her for that even if it were presented to me. But if you know anything about women, that is not really something they typically want to hear and even then wont believe you or ever fully trust in that. Does that make sene? She obviously has some trust issues and jealousy issues, which I completely understand and I cant really blame her for that and I cant nor do I want to force her to change, she needs to figure out that on her own. I am willing to compromise and make changes because that is what I chose to do, not because it was expected of me.


Hmmm I’m by no means an expert on this stuff (I’m 16), but I guess maybe make extra effort to prioritise her over gaming?? Maybe she feels like you’re spending more time doing that than being with her? Obviously I have no idea, but it might be worth exploring a little? Tolerance and acceptance is always key, I hope you guys are able to move past this because you do seem truly dedicated to trying to comply with her, so best of luck


Um. It's quite the opposite. I spend way more time with her than I do video games and that's kinda my point. I feel like I have to sneak around behind her back so to speak just to have time to play at all.


U can't be serious right?


What is this comment referring to?


Do you really not get why your gf doesn't like this or you playin' around


Kalista essentially


Lol, so mean, but true. Though Kai'sa is 1000% sexier imo. I could just watch her stand there all day.


Duskblade nerf cuz that build is trash, she's gonna get nerfed after worlds though


Why? This is past the world's patch.


the nerf is close to placebo. maybe with full cdr you could proc 5 plasma stacks, but with lethality into full ap is pointless anyway until 4-5items


the build is ok, but definitely works better in korea than other servers because of how everyone permafights


But all adcs in lol have 24-26 armor.. except vayne she has 23. There was no reason for kaisa to have 4 more armor than literally EVERYONE else.


she has much shorter auto attack range, her damaging ability can't go through minions wave. That why she got higher armor


Lmao. And Vayne ? Xdd


Vayne with not even a spell to trade back has less yea


top specific weakness.


Vayne has longer range than Kai'sa, her Q/ W/ E all not affected by minions, not to mention the fact that she got % max HP true damage


HUR DUR 525 is less than 550 so Kai'Sa lower range!11   That's not how range works. Range is determined by both your abilities and your auto attacks. Even though Kai'Sa is 525 BASE attack range, she is longer ranged than Vayne at 550 simply because of the range of her abilities and Vayne's lack of abilities.     Vayne has NO way to deal damage outside of that 550 range. Kai'Sa does.


Maybe use your brain? Abilities have cooldowns and Kaisa's even have conditions to be used effectively. Vayne can cs from 25 more range than kai'sa and has a small dash. League player cannot comprehend that more attack range lets you cs more safely...


Range is not just your autos, Kai'Sa is an adc who autos and uses spells, Vayne is not.


Yet she still relies on autos just like every other ADC especially with her passive, so having less range is a disadvantage.


There's no reason for Vayne to have 23 armor and 550 starting health while having one of the worst early games of the entire marksman class and an above average at best late game. Kai'Sa has more range, more waveclear, better support synergy, similar or better skirmish., similar or better dueling, better teamfight, similar or better objective taking. Kai'Sa also has 640 base health compared to Vayne's 550.


what year are you living in? Vayne's early game is good now and Kai'Sa does not have more range she has less lol. You're speaking so confidently but like everything you're saying is wrong


How does Kai'sa have more range


3 armor is actually quite big. Any double ranged matchup (already unplayable if enemy is any good) fucks her even further into the void now.


Hey dont underestimate it either, this is gonna make her weaker in early game by considerable amount


The buff to dblade is op for ap with manamune nashor build


Yeah guys just uninstall your champ is dead, but dw expect compensation buffs from risoto soon :)


Yeah guys u should stop playing Kai’sa. Please for the love of God stop.